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April 5th, 2015 at 11:23:57 PM permalink
Somebody told me that the guy went up to the hostess and shot himself while being right next to other customers. I thought suicide was supposed to be a private matter. With the airline pilot in Europe and people jumping off bridges into traffic, why are these people suddenly involving others more often?
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April 5th, 2015 at 11:30:14 PM permalink
Quote: MaxPen

Somebody told me that the guy went up to the hostess and shot himself while being right next to other customers. I thought suicide was supposed to be a private matter. With the airline pilot in Europe and people jumping off bridges into traffic, why are these people suddenly involving others more often?

Not going to read it, it sounds horrible, I feel sorry for the hostess.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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April 5th, 2015 at 11:56:26 PM permalink
Quote: MaxPen

Somebody told me that the guy went up to the hostess and shot himself while being right next to other customers. I thought suicide was supposed to be a private matter. With the airline pilot in Europe and people jumping off bridges into traffic, why are these people suddenly involving others more often?

Suicide is a sad and lonely thing. I'm sure some people feel ashamed, humiliated, angry, without hope, without someone to talk to.

When the act finally comes it might be a compulsion. I don't think people that jump off buildings are thinking about the people below. They are irrational, scared, alone.

Some people want to die at a certain place. Some people walk around near death until that moment or that place allows them to make the irreversible decision.

Some people die alone, after much planning and care.

Some people think life and people are worthless, but in a twisted way don't want to die alone. They may think this way: We will all reach our end someday. I am miserable, so why wait for the inevitable. I'll make the decision for all of us today. Our worthless lives, going here, doing this or that. No, you will join me and we'll all drop every meaningless thing and contemplate our eternity together in these few moments as the plane is hurtling to earth.

In the case of the shooting at the M, I could see this man walking up to a pretty hostess, her carrying out her day, him in grief. He looks at her and their eyes meet. Two souls, one in her duties, the other masking his pain. He chose looking into her eyes and she looking back as his last comfort and human connection before he stood before the portal of dark uncertainty. It is not pleasant that she has to live with this memory. But if it happened as I related here, the profoundness is that he sought her hand to hold, her eyes and beauty to fill his consciousness to help him step forever from this life.

Does he think it fair that she has to live with this memory? He was probably hurting for a long time, looking at people that were unable or unwilling to see his pain. She bears the burden of a humanity that didn't bring balm to his sorrow.
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April 6th, 2015 at 1:13:20 PM permalink
There's an article in the rj today, too lazy to link it. Apparently he blamed it on M buffet employees. He won free buffet for life there back in 2010, then got 86'd 2-3 years later for making female employees there uncomfortable with unwanted advances. It's a pretty good buffet, but obviously some mental issues going on, sad. Fortunately he didn't choose to take any of the employees with him.
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April 6th, 2015 at 1:36:18 PM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

There's an article in the rj today, too lazy to link it. Apparently he blamed it on M buffet employees. He won free buffet for life there back in 2010, then got 86'd 2-3 years later for making female employees there uncomfortable with unwanted advances. It's a pretty good buffet, but obviously some mental issues going on, sad. Fortunately he didn't choose to take any of the employees with him.

I'm torn between 2 sides to the story. The guy could just have been very horrible with dealing with women, but the casino has every right to 86 someone if they are making employees and customers uncomfortable. Sometimes people just have no idea about their surroundings and impact they have on others. I'm pretty insensitive to a lot of stuff so sometimes I might make people mad or upset but that's just the way I was raised, what can you do?
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April 6th, 2015 at 2:10:46 PM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

He won free buffet for life there back in 2010, then got 86'd 2-3 years later for making female employees there uncomfortable with unwanted advances..

I've heard stories like this before. People
win lifetime supplies of something, you
name it, and a couple years later the company
finds some cheezy way to wiggle out of it.
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April 6th, 2015 at 3:21:26 PM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

He won free buffet for life there back in 2010, then got 86'd 2-3 years later for making female employees there uncomfortable with unwanted advances.

Maybe they were flirting with him to increase their tips - which is perfectly acceptable for them to do but, once he decides to flirt back, he is a marked man. (See flirting)
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April 6th, 2015 at 3:31:32 PM permalink
That 86 staff must stop immediately. Fair hearing is a fundamental right of every American. You should be given a chance to have your case being heard.
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April 6th, 2015 at 3:36:19 PM permalink
Quote: aceofspades

Maybe they were flirting with him to increase their tips - which is perfectly acceptable for them to do but, once he decides to flirt back, he is a marked man. (See flirting)

I've never eaten at that buffet at M. I heard it used to be the best in town. Then I heard its quality dropped. Then again, I've heard its still very good.

I am sorry for those who had to witness his tragedy, and I'm sure that more information regarding this loss will come to light.
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April 6th, 2015 at 4:16:11 PM permalink
It's in today's Las Vegas Review Journal.
Quote: LV RJ, first paragraph

The day before he put a gun to his head and killed himself at an M Resort buffet on Easter Sunday, a Las Vegas man filled a box with his complaints against the resort and its employees and mailed it to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Full story:
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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April 6th, 2015 at 4:36:50 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

It's in today's Las Vegas Review Journal.

Full story:

I just read the story. From what I've seen I don't think that M is to blame. You don't take your life because you can't eat somewhere for free anymore. That just proves how little it took for him to break. He was an unhappy, unstable man. It didn't take much to find a cause or reason to court oblivion.
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April 6th, 2015 at 4:47:45 PM permalink
Quote: DJTeddyBear

It's in today's Las Vegas Review Journal.

Full story:

wow... since he was angry at the buffet waitresses, I'm surprised he didn't kill them b4 killing himself.
(assuming they still worked there.)
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April 6th, 2015 at 6:10:18 PM permalink
The link in the above quotes don't work - because of the quote box.
Here's the link.

Note that the article changed since I first linked it. It is now longer, and includes excerpts from the DVD he sent to the LVRJ
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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April 6th, 2015 at 6:37:11 PM permalink
Suicide over free buffet
Brawl over daiquiris

What next? The third shoe needs to drop.
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April 6th, 2015 at 7:23:35 PM permalink
It is sad that something he experienced in life pushed him to that point, or may have had prior mental health issues that were not recognized, but obviously he was hurting so bad and felt so alone that he wanted everyone to take notice that he was a person. We may never know the backstory as to how he got this point but we do know he wanted everybody to know how bad he was hurting and was unable/blind to see help was/is available to people to prevent this loss of life and the tragedy his friends and family will have to deal with forever......... Not to slight the event, but I hope he was not a veteran, if he was, that is an even greater tragedy..........
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April 6th, 2015 at 8:40:11 PM permalink
Unfortunately, I have too much experience with mental illness in immediate families members and a few veterans. I always tell myself. "There but for the grace of God, goes I. "
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April 6th, 2015 at 8:44:48 PM permalink
He won the right to have free buffet for life for him and one guest: my bet is he had no guests, nobody to share with.

Bullied, picked on, beaten as a kid, he finally won the jackpot: free buffet for life!

Then it is yanked away from him, without right of appeal.

He killed himself to make a point: M is a bully.

Were I the attorney for his estate I'd look into making a claim against M for, inter alia, tortious interference with an economic expectancy and / or breach of implied contract: in 86ing him they made it impossible for him to eat at the buffet.

The M may well owe his estate the value of daily buffet for his actuarial life expectancy.

Sue the bastards, and let a jury sort it out.

Winners shouldn't have to be losers.

I had planned on visiting M this May, but changed my mind after reading the news article.

Sad, at many levels.
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April 6th, 2015 at 9:07:58 PM permalink
Quote: MrV

He won the right to have free buffet for life for him and one guest: my bet is he had no guests, nobody to share with.

Bullied, picked on, beaten as a kid, he finally won the jackpot: free buffet for life!

Then it is yanked away from him, without right of appeal.

He killed himself to make a point: M is a bully.

Were I the attorney for his estate I'd look into making a claim against M for, inter alia, tortious interference with an economic expectancy and / or breach of implied contract: in 86ing him they made it impossible for him to eat at the buffet.

The M may well owe his estate the value of daily buffet for his actuarial life expectancy.

Sue the bastards, and let a jury sort it out.

Winners shouldn't have to be losers.

I think I've liked a lot of what you post, but I can't remember anything specific at the moment. But I don't agree with you here. You're making assumptions that the M yanked his privilege without cause. How can you suggest this without knowing the facts? And even if they did they are not responsible for his desperate and hopeless actions. If he felt he was wronged he should have sought a legal remedy. The M isn't liable because he didn't go through legal channels. They're not to blame because he killed himself and put patrons in fear instead.

The M has lost thousands in refunds, cancellations and the business slow down that the shooter instigated. If anything, the shooter's estate owes the M.
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April 6th, 2015 at 9:27:04 PM permalink
You are correct, I do not know what he did, but I doubt it really matters.

Unless there was something in the contest rules that conditioned his ability to use the buffet on not being 86'd, his estate COULD have an actionable claim.

I said the attorney should "look into making a claim" (yeah, I also said "sue the bastards" but that was just gratuitous).

My point: the guy clearly won something of substantial value, and it was taken away from him without due process (that I know of).

He suffered substantial financial loss: he was a hefty boy, and no doubt it would cost him many thousands of dollars to buy the equivalent amount of buffet food elsewhere.

Even if he was hitting on the staff and acting boorish, the casino owes him compensation for summarily taking his "prize" away.

Think of it this way: pretend you won a $200K prize at a casino, say a progressive jackpot.

They pay you, you leave, and a few years later you act up and are 86'd: assume for cause.

Does the casino have the right under that scenario to demand you refund a portion of the prize?

Of course not.

Let the courts sort it out, is what I'm saying.
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April 6th, 2015 at 9:28:01 PM permalink
Wow. It was hard to watch the (edited) video he sent in to LVRJ. He clearly had problems and needed help. The report stated he won his prize (free buffets) in Sep. 2010. The M Resort was sold to Penn National Gaming in Oct. 2010. He probably received many free meals over the years before he was banned. Interesting stuff in the article, but a really, really, sad story.
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April 6th, 2015 at 9:39:41 PM permalink
I hear what you're saying. But winning a $200,000 prize is not really the same as a lifetime pass at a buffet. There is no exact value on the latter, and it's of no value to someone who lives far away and will never use it. The 200K is a fixed amount that even a person 86ed could redeem through a representative, or a check could just be mailed out. The lifetime free buffet has from no value to an undetermined value and it requires access to the premises--something the patron lost due to his objectionable actions (apparently).

The M wouldn't owe the man's estate anything if he died of natural causes. They sure don't owe his estate anything if he kills himself.

But more important is this: If the M was somehow held accountable for driving him over the edge, they'll be owing the estate more than free buffets, I assure you. (Not that I think that's going to happen.)
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April 6th, 2015 at 10:51:56 PM permalink
They should've offered him carryout.
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April 6th, 2015 at 10:52:28 PM permalink
Quote: honestjohn

Unfortunately, I have too much experience with mental illness in immediate families members and a few veterans. I always tell myself. "There but for the grace of God, goes I. "

Thanks for the thoughtful comment, buzz. Good to see you, if only for a short visit.
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April 7th, 2015 at 12:12:51 AM permalink

The M wouldn't owe the man's estate anything if he died of natural causes. They sure don't owe his estate anything if he kills himself.

Correct, I don't believe the estate could bring a successful claim for wrongful death, at least not directly, but a creative attorney might successfully argue that his estate should be compensated for the reasonable value of a daily buffet computed over his life expectancy.

Heck, the estate could hire the Wiz as an actuarlal expert to testify both as to anticipated life expectancy (but for the suicide) and the present value of the denied buffets.

Sure, it's a stretch: he did kill himself, after all; but lawyers do what lawyers do.

If M is determined to have breached the contract at the moment they 86'd him, then the estate MIGHT be able to side-step the suicide and argue for compensation based on his statistical life expectancy, but I concede that would be a bit of a stretch.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, eh?

Case probably has $20K - $30K settlement value: more than nuisance, less than clanging the brass ring.
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April 7th, 2015 at 4:58:24 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

He won the right to have free buffet for life for him and one guest: my bet is he had no guests, nobody to share with.

The article says his mother passed away about a month before he got 86'd. Perhaps his mother was his regular guest and she kept him well behaved. Once she was gone, he had nobody to stop him from bothering the female staff...
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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April 7th, 2015 at 5:19:05 AM permalink
Quote: honestjohn

Unfortunately, I have too much experience with mental illness in immediate families members and a few veterans. I always tell myself. "There but for the grace of God, goes I. "

Is that you, Buzz? Hope you had a Happy Easter!
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April 7th, 2015 at 6:08:14 AM permalink
A lot of men propose marriage to a waitress or call her honey. I don't know what happened. Or what misinterpretations may have taken place. Most waitresses know its just friendly banter, perhaps annoying to them but not unexpected given skimpy costumes and free flowing alcohol. The M has free booze at its lunch and dinner buffets, but usually not at its breakfast buffets.

Whatever happened, the M regrets the event and the publicity. So much better to talk to the guy a few times but maybe they did that. I don't know.

He obviously was disturbed.
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April 7th, 2015 at 6:26:27 AM permalink
A letter John Noble wrote....

"John Noble
July 21, 2013 ·
The reason why I attempted Suicide on Easter Sunday March 31, 2013 was due in part to Penn Gaming and its company the M Resort Spa Casino,CEO Anthony Marnell III, Many M Resort employees especially Julieta Mecharska & Lori Nyman.
Back in September 2010 at the M Resort Casino they had a drawing called The Biggest Winner from Aug2 – Sept. 29, 2010 where each Monday, Wednesday, Friday there would be winners for a buffet for 6 months, 1 year & FOR LIFE. I was one of them that Won The BUFFET FOR LIFE, which entitled you and a guest, could eat there daily with a VIP line pass for LIFE (a total of 26 winners for this prize, a few didn’t collect the prize in time & a few have passed away since). I was also allowed to go to the head of the line, and I did use it daily taking my 82-year-old Mother until her death on February 21, 2013 and believe it or not I was actually losing weight. Then on March 4, 2013 I was told to leave escorted out and if I return will be arrested on sight. If I live another 30+ years at today’s current Buffet prices Weekday, Weekend, Holiday for dinner Me & my guest would be over $600 Thousand. Also at the M Resort Casino players with a players card inserted into slot machine received points which are worth Dollars $$ which could be used for restaurants etc, used for play, Or Cashed out and given the cash. I had little over $51 when they kicked me out. Also I had a slot machine cash out ticket I never got to cash out either, I think that the $51 plus & the slot machine ticket I couldn’t cash out should be considered Theft by the M Resort Casino. In addition I had a M Resort Gift Card that Lori had given to me for Christmas.
For those of you whom may not be familiar with the M Resorts Studio B Buffet it’s the only Buffet I have ever been to that instead of Seating your party one at a time like other buffets, the Hostesses gather a bunch of groups and herd them thru the buffet to their tables as though they were a bunch of Cattle.
Before we start at the beginning lets start with two weeks prior to me being kicked out of the M Resort. I always brought my Mother in as my Buffet guest whom was in a wheelchair and The Hostesses Lori Nyman, Izeta Sejdinovic among others would give us hugs. Sometime ago Lori & I became good friends and would call one another (NO WE WERE NOT FOOLING AROUND) Well her daughter Shayna last year was dating a guy Cesar Perez whom according to Lori, Hit Shayna, got Shayna hooked on Heroin, and wrecked her car which Lori owned. So in February 2013 according to Lori they finally got him busted for Battery & he was in jail for a week.
In the meantime my Mother died on February 21, 2013 in California, it would be at least a week or two before they could complete the death certificate so that we may have her cremated and then buried with my dad. I had thought about this ordeal Lori was going thru with Shayna with the battery & thought that perhaps a week or so after Mom’s burial that since I was allowed one guest see if there was perhaps a woman’s battered shelter or something along that line where each night perhaps one of them might like to join me for a meal to get out and I would not be eating alone (Good thought but now will never happen).
Lori was so afraid that when Cesar got out of jail he would go after her or Shayna and she was very afraid as she would call me and tell me this, She also said she wanted to kill Cesar. Lori also mentioned this at work in the Buffet so I came up to her & told her she shouldn’t being saying that as if something happened she could perhaps be a suspect. She told me it’s to late I already told everyone here at the buffet that I wanted to kill him and was afraid, and then she told me how she always feels comfortable around me.
My Mother had some Lego Bricks I had as a kid stashed away and one of the other Hostesses Jade Mosqueda child liked Lego Bricks so I thought I would give them to her. Well usually her & Lori work together on Thursday nights, so when I came in to eat on Thursday February 28, 2013 Lori wasn’t working (which worries me with all that she said) I told Jade if I could meet her outside when she got off Ok she said. So I had a few hours to kill so drove down & played at Goldstrike in Jean, NV. Didn’t know what traffic would be like so left & arrived back at the M Resort about 8:30pm had about half hour to kill, so floated around casino finally went downstairs & sat. (By the way if a child can drown in a matter of seconds in inches of water then why does The M Resort leave the doors that go out to the unattended Swimming Pool at night unlocked where anyone can go out there? They should be Liable for Child Endangerment).
I was in the employee parking lot when Jade was coming out with co-worker/ hostess Aldina Sejdinovic I asked Jade where she was parked & met her over there. It was a little chilly so I let Jade wear my jacket while we talked & I gave her the big box of Lego’s and a case of Wine (The M Resort is always giving away booze on Gift Days for customer appreciation but I don’t drink wine so you either take it or feel cheated as they don’t appreciate their non drinking customers) Jade who also is a friend of Lori’s we talked a while about Lori situation and I was worried about Lori, Jade said “John, Lori loves you” and Jade has said those words before and she does not say it in terms like she loves you as a friend or anything, just that Lori, Loves You” After talking Jade gave me a hug and we both left.
I use to be able to call Lori anytime but something about her husband (or lets say alleged husband) she is afraid, she doesn’t want to talk when “He’s Home” so on Friday March 1, 2013 when I ate at the buffet I gave Jade a note with my number on it & told her I was worried about Lori & should she talk to her let me know. So whether Jade dropped the note I had gave her or what? Later that evening Lori called me and said she cleaned an old co-workers house earlier for extra cash and he drove her home?? Then proceeded to tell me how afraid she was of Cesar getting out of jail and she wanted to get a restraining order against him and that she had a knife by her bed now. Lori was so afraid he was going to go after them and afraid for their safety.
On Saturday March 2nd Jade was behind the dessert counter talking to Natalie Sposata I told her I was worried as Lori called & said she has a knife by her bed (So did Natalie hear that & think me perhaps?). The next day Sunday March 3rd when I came in to eat Lori was working the hostess counter & all she did was say what waiter I wanted today and that was it. Usually she would hug me & chat. Lori & I can usually tell when something is wrong with one another & I felt something’s wrong. Izeta comes up and gives me a hug an as Izeta was seating me I asked her if Lori was OK yes she said then she sat me at table with Danny as waiter. When getting food Danny approached me and said they want to see your receipt up front so he took it from me. Later when he refilled my drink I asked who wanted to see it & why. He said DS (Don’t know exact name DS, Diaz, tall African American Male was a supervisor and then became Manager a few weeks prior, Lori has always been afraid he would become Manager & fire her) Danny didn’t know why and no one ever brought the receipt back or explanation.
On Monday March 4, 2013 When I came in to eat Lori wasn’t there as she usually is & it felt weird Izeta hugged me sat me along wall third table from the Studio (use to film a Tina Martini cooking show there) had Elkin as server. Three Security Guards come up to me Ronnie, Sean, Julie ask if I was John Noble, yes I said then they told me they needed to talk to me and had me go into the studio. They said I had been writing notes and they have them all, I’ve been waiting outside for employees and they feel threatened. They wouldn’t hear my side of anything I was escorted out of the buffet thru the casino where God only knows how many people seen me being escorted out to my car. In the parking garage their Security Vehicle was waiting I was told to leave the property and if I ever stepped foot on the M Resort I would be arrested on site.
When I got home I called Lori who was in a meeting (Supposedly on Mondays & Fridays goes to counseling about her daughters drugs problem) I left message jumping her case as I thought she was responsible and later that night on Jade Mosquedas facebook page Lovefor baby Tiana Mosqueda (In honor of her baby that passed last year) her an Lori are talking about a cookie when I was booted out earlier that day?).
I tried calling the next day left message I was sorry, as I should hear her side of the story and for her to call me. (She didn’t so it makes her sound guilty) I’m wondering with her telling everyone at work that she was afraid of Cesar & wanted to kill him did the M Resort think that was me? As they said employees felt threatened?
On I believe Wednesday March 6th I called Mo one of the waiters in the Buffet, he was at the dentist waiting to be seen he asked what happened as he seen me being escorted out so I started to tell him he said Lori & Jade are players. I was about to tell him how perhaps they mistakenly thought I was the person Lori was afraid of when he was called to the dentist, he said he would call back. Mo didn’t call back so left him message of what I thought the reason could be and left my number in case he lost it. He didn’t call back and the following week I left message along with my number to get together for lunch and again never called back. On Friday March 8th buried Mom @ Westminster Memorial Park, CA.
One day I went into the Cosmopolitan Casino to a restaurant called Henry’s there working was former Studio B Buffet waiter Chuck Klein who quit the M a few weeks before he asked where my Mother was and how was everyone at the M Resort. I told him about my Mothers death & how I was kicked out, Chuck said to give him my phone number and he would check it out so I did & he never has called me, another M employee.
On March 19th Lori called and said she couldn’t talk to me anymore or they will fire her and hung up on me. So if she’s telling the truth did they tell Mo the same thing and that’s why he’s not calling back? Others same thing won’t get back to me. And the M Resort has threatened Me & employees before (later on that) So how can they legally tell an employee whom they can talk to on their own time especially if I’m not a customer there anymore?
I came across an address for Izeta on a tee pee st. so I mailed her a letter for her to please contact me and let me know what happened and I also left message on her husbands face book messages neither one has contacted me. As well as Danny & also Mirjana who says were like family if you need anything let her know.
Two times that week I left message for Lori asking her if our friendship is over tell me in person and if it’s really her ideal or the M Resorts threatening her but let me know from her heart how she truly feels. She never called back. So you see all within a week and a halve my Mother died, I was kicked out of the Buffet for life that I had Won, and the people who were supposedly friends wont talk to me especially Lori the one person I considered a dear friend. That 1,2,3 punch hurt so bad I became so depressed after all loosing the Buffet, the people whom claimed to be friends and the two women in my life that meant so much to me Mom & Lori So on Easter Sunday I attempted Suicide I called and left farewell message to Lori while she was at work apparently she got message and called 911. By the way last year twice Lori talked about Suicide herself one time she said she told her Manager Melissa Herber she wanted to end her life (So did Miss Herber as a Company Manager for the M Resort do anything ??? What is an employer’s responsibility when an employee tells them they want to end their life?) More on Lori later.
The next thing I knew there were cops, fire trucks, paramedics, ambulances; the Cops placed me under a Legal 2000 they said I would be under Suicide watch for three days. The ambulance while driving off said the hospital was full and they were going to take me to another hospital so we arrived at Centennial Hills Hospital where they took everything from me I was allowed to take out a piece of paper from my wallet with my Sisters phone number on it and asked them if they would call it and tell her where I was, yes they said and that’s the last I seen of that paper for days. They made me sign papers even though I told them I couldn’t read the papers with out reading glasses. In the ER they had someone a few feet away watching you (suicide watch) but then again sometimes they would be gone for five minutes $8,000 per hour observation? The next morning I was moved to room 702 for a few hours where you are on camera and someone outside watching you.
A nurse comes in to question me among other things ask when’s the last time I had a tetanus shot? I told her I didn’t know and that every time I’ve ever seen a doctor in the past they say the same thing, so why don’t they just give me one I told her. She wrote it down on board but NEVER received one. Apparently the county or someone went to court for me & I was considered a ward of the court, Then I was moved to room 735 and I went 18 hours before they gave me anything to eat. I developed diarrhea, 3 times the one day I asked for something for it they said wait till tomorrow see if it was still acting up (Now if you were at your home you would take a couple doses of Pepto Bismo or something and it would be gone but the hospital wants you to wait) The next day it got worse but they couldn’t give me anything as they would need 3 days of stool samples (So why didn’t they start the day before? ) When I had a stool sample I would page the nurse station oh they will come get it or you tell someone that comes in room but the sample sometimes would sit 2-5 hrs before being picked up.
Now days everyone has phone numbers down on your cell phone etc. if you don’t have any memorized do it now or if you get in a hospital like this your screwed. They allowed me to use the phone and the only number I knew by heart is Lori as we call one another a lot. So I figured I call her left message for her to please come visit me at Centennial Hills Hospital room 735. I thought perhaps she could get my keys from hospital and feed the cats and get sisters phone number. I called Lori twice but she didn’t visit, So did she call 911 because she cared or was she feeling guilty & wanted her conscience to feel better?. Well four days later they found my sisters number claiming they called but let me call and my family DID NOT receive a call from Centennial Hills Hospital & didn’t not no where I was.
I was being seen by a Doctor Jang S. Mun who would only come in for a few minutes and that was it. Any other doctor usually checks you out with a stethoscope etc. not Mun. I told him why can’t I have anything for the diarrhea he said I didn’t know you had diarrhea (Shouldn’t a Doctor be looking at your chart and seen this?) Anyways while I had the runs they had signs up that everyone was suppose to wear a gown, gloves, cap not Doctor Mun he never did? Some would come in gloves only. They don’t stick by their own rules (just like M Resort).
Three days later Doctor Mun says there’s nothing wrong with the diarrhea, I told him I had so much water loss aren’t you suppose to replace with electrolytes? So they hooked me up to IV bags. But instead of waiting for bag to be completely empty before switching it they would change it when it still had a Quarter of a bag left in it (And their charging for it). As I said the Cops said 3 days this Doctor Mun says oh that’s for the Rawson Neal Mental Hospital you got to wait here until there’s a bed ready there. In the meantime Centennial Hills Hospital DOES NOT have therapist or counselors or anything to talk to. Since your considered Suicidal you cant have eating utensils yet they give you stuff like oatmeal an the likes eating with your hands.
Eight days later they told me I was going to be moved to Rawson Neal that afternoon then it was going to be Midnight then they said 2am next morning. Finally on the Ninth day around 6pm ambulance takes me to Rawson Neal (For you that haven’t heard of that name it’s the mental hospital that’s made headlines across the country for dumping patients in other states) upon arriving Steel gates open and Ambulance backs in Steel Gates close. Your then disrobed and a new gown given to you and they take your mug shot, then you wait to be called and paperwork filled out. Your given a room the size of a bathroom Vinyl bed & Pillow, no toilet if you have to go you have to find an employee to unlock it, The food is horrible makes some of the fast food joints enjoyable now. There are only 30 Beds in that detention area and they do a head count every 10-15 minutes. One employee said there are 150 people in regular hospitals waiting to get into Rawson Neal (So why don’t they have counselors at the hospitals & speed things up?) This employee also said that the employees are required to work one day a month for free due to budgets.
The only thing they have to do is watch TV which 20 feet up in the air, along the bottom are two telephones in which you can dial out to make a 3 minute local call. As for me you couldn’t make a long distance call to California, you had to go to nurses station and they called it for you and then you had to run over to one of the two phones when it rang, providing someone didn’t start using in on your way for your call. Unlike most places where you might receive a call and the nurses would page you, this place it rings to one of the two phones patients use and patients answer it so you better hope someone calls your name. There were some on the phone making Imaginary phone calls. I was finally seen by the doctor who asked me why I wanted to kill myself I told him it was that 1,2,3 punch losing Mom, Lori and what the M Resort did to me. They had me tell my story to a couple others about the M Resort and they were shocked and said I should get a lawyer (Trouble is I don’t have the $$$$ for lawyer and cant find one on a contingency) Since I went to Buffet Daily If I was to live another 30+ years into my 80s and since I’m allowed to bring a guest at today’s current prices the buffet would be over $600 Thousand for 30+ years. After what they did to me I wouldn’t want to go back as you don’t know what they would do to your drink etc.
Upon being released I had to go to the Southern Nevada Health District on Sahara for Medicines for depression Trazodone, Lexapro where side effects weight gain (Believe it or not when I was eating at the M Resort Buffet I actually lost 40lbs now its back and more since I haven’t been able to eat healthy. Also a rare side effect I have Tremblers my hand’s shake constantly. In the Meantime even though the police put me under a Legal2000 I’m getting Hospital and doctors bill etc in the Thousands $$$ so what they want to depress a person more and have them go bankrupt I didn’t ask to be there it was against my will. I wrote to the different ones and am getting phone calls from bill collectors, Medic West sent the following message “Our crew was authorized by the police department to transport you to Centennial Hills Hospital as they felt you required medical attention” So why doesn’t the Police Department pay the bills? Better yet the M Resort since they’re the ones that had put me in this depression. I did have Lori mentioned in will but have torn it up as the financial mess has ruined me & I no longer own a house because of this mess. They financially, emotionally, physically ruined me.
Since then on the Linkedin sight someone it just said M Resort Manager snooping on me and most recently it said Ronnie Escalante Security Manager M Resort. So I did a little snooping myself it turns out this Ronnie Escalante is married to Alicia Lessenger who up until April 2012 was a hostess at the M Resort Buffet when she was laid off. Now I considered Alicia a friend like a sister we would joke around when I went into the buffet & I knew she was married to someone from security. Sometimes I would give her a note with a joke & once she was suffering from Kidney stones so I gave her some of the Alcohol the M gives away on gift days. And put goofy labels above the name and wrote her a note like a hillbilly on how to get rid of kidney stones. She told me her & her husband when they read it laughed their Asses off. So he knows I wouldn’t harm anyone and it turns out almost a year later he’s the one kicking me out.
Now back to the M Resort & the beginning & More on Lori Nymans Possible involvement. My Mother & I would eat at the M Resorts Studio B Buffet a couple times a week since she was in a wheelchair your allowed to go thru VIP line, well we got to know the cashiers, Hostesses, Waiters. Lori & Izeta would always give me a hug and I became friends with Lori and we would call one another. When I won the Biggest Winner Contest in September 2010 I was given my Biggest Winner card which you just walk up to Buffet Counter they swipe it & have you sign then you walk thru exit to front of line. I was also given a box the size of a hat box with the biggest winner logo on top, inside was a t-shirt and baseball cap saying Biggest Winner Eat Free for life along with an employee apron never opened that package, an a congratulations format letter. The only thing you signed was a press release for them to use your name, photo, likeness etc. (But as you know the only advertising the M does is on a few bill boards and that’s it, so why they want you to sign a release for advertising purpose is beyond me) There was NEVER anything given on having to pay taxes on the win, and nothing given since then regarding any taxes. Nor was there ever given anything saying what was expected of you or them, just as my card and few others have faded nothing was ever said they replace card every year or anything.
Well one day while waiting to be seated I was talking to Lori, Izeta and believe Roxana when this lovely lady walked by and I made a comment Wow to the girls they laughed as it was their supervisor Julieta Mecharska. I developed perhaps a crush on her but the one that really was nicer was Lori but she had a ring, so I imagined married. The girls especially Izeta would tease me when Julieta walked by finally Izeta was telling Julieta that John wants a hug an Julieta would give me one. Izeta would say this to Julieta a lot when I was close by to them.
Christmas of that year I gave Julieta a designer purse by Dooney & Bourke, I was unique instead of wrapping it in gift-wrap I found some Christmassy fabric and wrapped in that. She couldn’t wait and opened it a few days before Christmas. Now she didn’t complain about the purse she thanked me and gave me hugs. Valentines day was fast approaching and I told Lori that I was thinking about giving Julieta flowers and I thought Julieta had said she was from Bavaria (German) only to find out later Bulgaria, both start with B & end in a A. I asked Lori if she knew anyone who new German as I thought it would be nice to write something in Julietas native language. Lori tried but couldn’t find anyone, so I bought German dictionary and wrote something like here are some lovely flowers for a very lovely lady on Valentines Day.
I had also wrote Julieta a note saying I would like to get to know her better etc. and put it in a bottle labeled NOTE in a bottle. Since Julieta was usually off on the day Valentines Day fell on, so on the day before Valentines Day I brought in a quite large bouquet of flowers along with chocolates and the note. Someone in the elevator asked who were they for I just said a special lady and then she followed me all the way to the buffet to see who they were for (turns out she works at the casino) While walking thru lots of people were looking. At the Buffet I had the cashiers call Julieta up she was very surprised. She gave me hug after hug said her first Valentine (I was thinking this year since Valentines day is the next day or first Valentine ever?).
The next day on Valentines Day when Mom & I came in for dinner it turns out Julieta had to work and boy did she give me even more hugs that day. (Sounds encouraging doesn’t?) I had found a package of flower preservative that fell out in my car but Julieta was off for next couple days, when I finally seen her I gave the preservative to her along with a miniature plastic bouquet of roses about 2 inches tall. She said how sweet (Once again sounds encouraging). She Thanked me again, One of the employees comes running up to me you were the one that gave Julieta flowers and said they were beautiful and said they were on face book. Well since I didn’t have Internet at the time I did not know whether she had a good comment or bad. In the mean time I heard rumors from customers that seen me with the flowers as well as employees oh Julieta seeing someone not interested in you, she’s single available etc and Julieta never commented on note I gave her. Since a lot of the time the place is busy and you cant talk I would give a note and that’s how it was with Lori also. I wrote Julieta a note saying I heard the flowers were on face book and if the rumors were true about her not available I wouldn’t pursue it any further, I gave that note along with a silk rose How sweet she says (More encouragement), a few days later while my Mom & I were eating she comes up to the table kneels down and said she put the flowers on face book as they were so beautiful and she never did answer the question whether or not she would like to get to know each other better (I would just like to talk to her in person in private and find out what’s going on). Then she stood up and said to me “give me a hug” so we hugged in the middle of the buffet (More encouragement). So why if she’s not interested can’t she just say something like thank you but I’m not interested or can’t because of business policy etc?? But she would never say anything ever like that, so your thinking could it be something from her homeland Bulgaria? Perhaps some kind of custom from her native land or where they play hard to get or what?.
In the meantime I would give her Silk Roses and she would do the hugs and say how sweet. One day she was the one checking me into buffet swiping my card at register (Bye the way on the receipts it shows the cashiers name along with employee #, When a manager or supervisor uses the cash register they are not using their own # but one of the cashiers #. So if Julieta for instance was swiping my card at register receipt says someone else as Julieta & other management using cashiers #, So I wonder how many times a cashiers receipts, drawer etc may have been messed up and they didn’t have anything to do with it since a Manager or Supervisor was using their employee #?). I asked her how about next week going to lunch and having a heart to heart talk she replied she couldn’t next week as she had company coming perhaps some other time. (Again why encourage it with some other time?) Turns out she went on Vacation.
I wrote her a final note saying I give up don’t give me no more hugs, how sweet etc. or that cute smile, a simple Hello will do. Apparently that wasn’t good enough for her as a few days later after eating I was playing a slot machine when a woman comes up to me and says are you John Noble I said yes, she claimed she was from Security but she wasn’t dressed like regular security nor a regular name tag had a pouch dangling from her neck (I think their called Neck Pouches) much like you see conventioneers wearing and a hand held radio (As M Security usually have theirs attached to their belt with the ear piece) She said to leave Julieta alone as I was bothering her and besides they have a strict dating policy anyhow. (Yet they have Mirjana & Manny married from the buffet working same shifts at times Danny waiter dating Stefani cashier plus Ronnie Security & Alicia Hostess Also its been rumored Buffet Supervisor Kyle Erickson has been dating Hostess Erika Ramirez. A lot of companies wouldn’t want married couples or family working in the same department or same shifts Hostess Izeta Sejdinovic & daughter Aldina both hostesses at buffet working same shifts also, And are Managers allowed to pal around with the people under them? As there’s a photo of Cashier Jeannine Buxton with Manager Melissa Herber & Supervisor Kyle Erickson out partying together) I told the woman Julieta encourages it by saying how sweet , hugs etc. Then the woman tells me we appreciate it if you do not tell any of the employees about this conversation (kinda sounds like a threat to me) Whatever happened to chain of command in companies shouldn’t Julietas Manager Melissa Herber said something to me first? Well NOTHING WAS EVER SAID about this is a warning don’t do it again or these will be the consequences etc.
At the same time the M Resort was going to lay off employees and apparently told them not to tell anyone (ANOTHER THREAT?) Hostess Alicia who is married to someone from M Resort Security was one of them to be getting laid off in two weeks beginning in April she told Mom & I as she said what the heck I’m getting laid off what can they do. Mo the waiter told me different ones that were getting laid off also, he said don’t tell anyone I told you or I can get fired. From what I hear one waitress Choy spoke up and they cut her hours. Wouldn’t been nice if they were allowed to tell the customers their getting laid off? That way customer could at least say good-bye to their favorites instead of walking in after the fact finding their favorite employee is gone.
One person I wrote a letter to was CEO Anthony Marnell III, I wrote to him once no reply so six months or so I wrote him again at the M Resort & Also at his family business wanting to meet with him to tell him about stuff that may cause injuries in the casino, lawsuits, theft etc. Some examples did you ever see the billboard they had up for a while advertising the buffet showing a cook tossing a plate thru the air? That just encourages someone to try something dangerous like that. There’s one customer that frequently comes into the buffet named Warren who pays at the VIP register although I don’t think he’s VIP then walks past everyone to the hostess counter and ask for Danny or MO and getting seated before anybody that was in front of him, also he has some kind of scam going on with the cooks where they cook him a thick Rib Eye Steak which they do not serve in the buffet and he comes up & gets it or sometimes the cook will bring it to his table and Warren slips the cook a few bucks, Employee theft is my thinking & this is going on while Manager Melisa Herber is working along with new manager DS. Also Warren leaves goes on the casino floor for a smoke then comes back anywhere from 15 minutes up to an hour later and he has the waiter hold his table while people are waiting in a long line. Also they have a free shuttle for M Hotel guest only that goes to and from the fashion show mall. Since they won a few times Las Vegas Review Journal Best Buffet why don’t they take adds out on those moving truck billboards that drive down the strip and say take Our FREE shuttle to the M Resort?. I’ve always been sort of an Ideal person & even though I never went to college I have street smarts that know what people want in a casino. Just like the gifts these casinos give away the stuff is made in China, If a casino would give away American Made merchandise and then Advertise that fact Our gifts are made in the USA I think they would increase business. As the M Resort one year gave away an American Flag made in China (What a Disgrace to Americans).
On Lori Nyman the big question was she responsible for getting me kicked out as only her and Jade Mosqueda are the only two others whom I ever written notes to. Three to Jade Mosqueda once when she found out Lori & I where pals I wrote telling her to please don’t tell anyone as I didn’t want rumors to ruin my friendship with Lori. The Second one was when my Mother died, When I was coming back to Nevada I stopped & gave Jade a note to tell Lori my Mom had died as Lori was calling about Moms condition earlier in the week as I couldn’t call Lori (More on that) and finally the note I gave Jade on March 1, 2013 saying I was worried about Lori & for Jade to call me if she should here from her. (So if the M Resort has all my notes, How come they don’t know my Mother died??)
As I have said Lori & I were friends & would call one another even though she Supposevily married. There were times she would call me crying about her daughter Shayna being on the drugs etc, we would confide in each other and we could always tell when one another was down. Then she told me she didn’t know when she could call as her husband was home was laid off, she never called him by name always He or Him. (We use to call one another anytime) So since then she would call while shopping at Wal Mart or on way from work, her meetings on Mondays & Fridays etc. I kept my cell phone number from when I use to live in Orange County, CA about 8 years ago as my Mothers friends had it and some doctors she only seen every few years so I just kept that number and I also had my local 702 home number. Lori for whatever reason would only call the cell phone out of state number only about 4 times did she ever call the local number, Once she got all panicky which number did I call? I told her my cell phone oh thank god. So what’s she hiding from, or afraid of????.
Izeta once with her thick accent sounded like she said to me you need your self a Lori, and then one time while the hostesses were giving me a hug Lori says I Love You John and has said it many times since. (Its not like John you’re a good friend & I love you for that) and numerous times Jade even has said to me John Lori Loves you! I wrote Lori once saying I don’t know how to react as I had known married lady friends but none said I love you to me, she never responded to that. There have been numerous times when she said John I need to talk to you but he’s home I’ll call you soon, then a week goes by she calls and she just talks about something two days prior so as what she originally needed to talk to me before has always been a big?
The reason I given Lori notes as I said sometimes you couldn’t talk when she’s working then on the home front she acts like she’s afraid to call anymore as He’s home. So I given her notes on web sites to check out about her daughters drug problem, Notes with words of encouragement and sometimes when the Lottery was up there I would give her a ticket as she had a tough life with her daughters problem and also Lori has said she was molested by her stepfather when she was little. That her real dad left them and to this day he wont talk to her (Perhaps that’s why she’s not talking to, me comes from the fathers side of family?) I met her stepbrother Earl & his wife Chris about a year & half ago,
Her mother passed from cancer when she was 12 (Makes worry about her developing it) So she has a small Butterfly Tattoo on her leg in honor of her Mother, Which now everytime I see something with a Butterfly on it I think of Lori. And if you ever been to Vegas there’s a lot of stuff with Butterfly’s the décor at Encore Casino, the Butterfly exhibit they had in the conservatory at Belagio, The Butterfly bench at Nathan Adelson Hospice (Which I think she would like) among plenty of others scattered thru the city. Once I told her I had a dream she won the lottery and she was moving to Huntington Beach, when I told her this she said to me “if I moved you would be moving there too!”
Lori a few times at the Buffet has mentioned her EX mother in law so one time when she mentioned it I said I thought you were married? She got upset and said she’s been married twice never again, never again. Since she was upset I didn’t want to further it by asking her what’s her definition of never again is she separated or divorce never again wanting to get married or she’s got the guy of her dreams and never to marry again???? Then once she said Her Husband he won’t move in with his Mother as she is a hoarder/ packrat???(It seems like their separated or something as why then didn’t she say something like he doesn’t want Us to move in with his mother?) As I said last year she was really depressed over her daughter drugs etc. and said she wanted to end her life twice and she once said she told it to her Manager Melisa Herber so what did she do as manager about this? I talked to Lori I told her you still have a husband to live for she finally calmed down and said she wouldn’t do anything. She said about ending it again a few months later, But there again what is going on in her marriage as wanting to end it? As she’s having this trouble with her daughter but at least she has a husband to live for supposedly as where I do not have anyone. Funny she talks ending it I see if she’s Ok an talk to her, Me she calls authorities.
Lori once said her and a girlfriend whose fiancé just broke up with her were both crying when Lori’s husband walks by and just says you two crying. So I don’t know if she just see’s me as someone who gives her comfort that she doesn’t get at home or what. Plenty of times she has said she’s been up all night crying doesn’t this guy give her comfort? I’ve told her in the past she can call me anytime even early, early am if she needs to talk and then when she tells me she’s been up all night crying I wonder why is she afraid to call me in the wee morning hours and talk? I always worry about her getting abused at home. One time Lori, Mom & I went to Lunch at Planet Hollywood she got a phone call from her dentist as she was to have appointment the next day for a root canal, she had some done the previous week and then even though she was still under it a little she called and just wanted to talk even though she was slurring her words from the meds. Anyways when she answered the phone she said yes this is Lori Slate (I always thought Nyman). Walking her back to her car she was parked at Bally’s/Paris parking garage eating her cotton candy on the way, when we got to her car we just had a good cry together & hugged for the longest time, As we departed we both kept looking back to see one another as she often does even in the buffet. Many a time in the buffet she would be alone at the hostess counter and look over at me at the table and wave her hand motioning for me to come up and see her. The time’s Lori has come into the Buffet to eat she been by herself you wonder why the husband isn’t ever with this terrific lady. When she does eat in the buffet it’s hard for her, as a lot of customers want to talk to her as she’s got that great personality. Finally in late October when Mom & I were leaving Lori was at the register with a guy I pretended to not notice and was going to walk by her but she seen me and called me over introduced him as her husband William (Oh my God he has a name) and the woman Barbara as her mother in law.
The last name got my curiously up so I did some checking on the internet on Face book Typed in William Slate but what popped up was a William Slater with a photo of him & Lori. Now Lori always claims she was married June 28, 2008 on this face book page of William Slater it says Got Married August 20, 2011. Under friends he has listed C.W. Slate (No R on the end of the name) so you go on C.W. Slate face book page it Shows a couple pictures of him and Lori and says Relationship Lori Nyman married since June 28, 2008 then scroll down further it says married Lori Nyman November 4, 2010?? So he doesn’t say anything like renewed vowels just three different Month, Day, Years and what is her name? Nyman, Slate, Slater his Mother is listed as Barbara Slater. So there again with the different names what are they hiding from?? I notice on his facebook page he didn’t even mention his anniversary this past June 28th its sad he has this terrific lady and it seems he doesn’t appreciate her. I’m just a rookie when it comes to the computer but It’s amazing what you can find out public information on someone. Example go to county assessor find info, also found a photo of headstone for Lori’s Ex. (Beloved Son & Brother , Paul David Nyman July 5, 1953- March 30, 2010 Father of Shayna Nicole) So people watch what you put on the Internet as I said I’m a rookie what can a hacker find out on you???
Bye the way speaking of the Ex husband Lori once mentioned that he was living in the house that her & William live in until he died??? So did they divorce and still live together even though she remarried? Property records show that Paul & Lori originally bought the house & now under Lori’s name. Lori’s nametag say’s Nevada. Other employees have the country they use to live in on their name tags so whether it’s a policy or not to have where your born on name tag or what? As Lori on one of her comments on facebook she says she lived in Tampa, also she once said about Pennsylvania, there was a Lori in Bensalem, PA mother Sheila?? So what is the truth as to where she’s from??
With all these mysterious things she’s doing is she in an abusive relationship or what? What is she afraid of & or hiding? Now her co –worker Izeta said to me once that Lori had an affair with a bus person at work (which I didn’t believe as I always believed in Lori being honest & faithful). So could the husband think it’s me & got me kicked out of the M Resort? Now Lori has always been a dear friend to me first but I told her a couple of times I wish she were single she never said anything to that and I said that I must remember only a friend. My Mother always thought of her like a daughter and I sometimes wish she could be more as we clicked well. But I keep asking myself is she safe or abused as part of what I dug up on internet was there was a Lori Michelle Skelton (adopted father name) that married a Blakey in northern Nevada a month before she married Paul David Nyman but she never admitted to it or denied it so if that part is true then this would be 3rd marriage.
Also her daughter Shayna listed on a web site under Pet Sitting & Baby Sitting saying she took care of pets & Babysat one her Moms friend’s children. Lori said she didn’t look yet at rest of my note in Jan but said she looked at this print out and said Shayna a liar as her and Paul took care of the pets and as far as baby sitting Shayna never baby sat any of Lori friends kids.
What worries me is that once Lori told me Shayna says Lori is the drug addict and not her? With the stuff going on makes one wonder. Also Lori said Shaynas a drug addict like her father (Which would have been Paul) I’ve seen a lot of these talk shows where the husband is a drug addict and sometimes the wife is also? Just like if he did drugs was he abusive as sometimes they finally divorce only to wine up with another abusive relationship. So with her afraid to call when he’s around etc makes you wonder is Lori in an abusive relationship.
Oh another thing on Manager Melissa Herber why? As Biggest Winner you’re allowed yourself and one guest. Then why did they permit Biggest Winner Terri Spartichino go to Massachusetts and let her husband John Spartichino use her card between May 15, 2012 thru May 22, 2013? Now on Penn Gaming web site it says something to the effect employees must claim gifts worth a few hundred dollars. Julieta expensive purse, Mo the waiter liked Santa Clauses so gave him Professional Santa Claus Suit, & Lori has gotten a lot.
As for waiting outside Jade once, Lori & Izeta after eating I would say lets meet outside no one said no and I would sometimes give them that booze the M Resort Gives out on gift days and sometimes to talk and they always hugged goodbye. Sometimes Lori & I would sit on the parking garage steps & talk, one time her husband called while we were sitting there and she told him she was driving home?? Each time I was outside the M Resort Security vehicle drove by How come then security NEVER STOPPED TO QUESTION ME? So they their selves are jeopardizing employee’s safety by not doing so. So was Lori involved in getting me kicked out question??? As she knows something, did her remarks about Cesar get me kicked out mistakenly and she’s afraid to tell the truth for it might get her fired? And can the M Resort really threaten to fire employees for talking to someone on their own time who is no longer welcomed there?
A little about myself I have been my Mothers Caregiver for 13 years also my Fathers before that so I never had time to have much friends so you see how important my friendship with Lori was to me. Believe it or not eating at the Buffet I actually lost 40 lbs as I was eating more vegetables etc. I’m an Ideal person meaning I’m always coming up with creative Ideas but can never find the right people to talk to for instance: 20 years ago I read that the comic strip is what 90% of the people always read in Newspapers across the country. So I had the idea since most newspaper comics consist of a few pages take an have one page Comics the opposite side Missing Children then flip the page and have another page of comics with wanted people on the opposite side. I made copies of my idea by photocopying the comics as well as some missing children photos and sent my ideal to different newspapers but not one of them replied. I tried to make the Las Vegas Strip a better place for the Handicap Google John Noble Las Vegas Strip there should be a couple news stories from last year on ABC & NBC, I challenged County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani and pushed her down the strip in a wheelchair from Fashion Show Mall to Luxor & back In September 25th last year to show the obstacles for the handicap on the strip she took lots of notes & pictures, How many government employees would do what she did? We need more like her, So you see I'm just a guy that’s a little lonely for friendship and just wish people would be honest to how they feel and not play games as the M Employees done with me. Technically since these ladies at the M Resort Initiated these hugs etc. wouldn't that be committing Sexual Harassment on me?
As for Julieta if your not interested in someone be honest and say so don’t play games like how sweet, & hugs etc. as your just encouraging it by doing so.
As for the M Resort if a person is a problem it should be the employee tells their Manager and that Manager talks to the person. And should there be a warning put it in writing have them sign where both parties get a copy. Remember there are two sides to a story. The little advertising you do on bill boards is misleading One says “Slot Players get a free Buffet” so technically they should according to your billboard as you DO NOT have anything on the billboard saying see club booth etc for details. Another example California residents receive 30% off your stay and one of my relatives in California receives a mailer from you saying 25% off. One time a slot tournament you had they were issuing at the promotions counter vouchers for your tournament time, so you waited for your time only to find out they were having people wait in line instead. I told Special Events Coordinator Casino Marketing Donald A. Mitchell calmly why are you printing out a session time on the slips only to have people wait in line instead? Also why weren’t we told at the sign up area to wait in line instead? His reply was “If you don’t like it then you can leave” some Marketing department they have, such customer friendly service.
As for Lori, numerous times you have said to me that “Your Glad God Brought Me Into Your Life” you have never told me that you have had a problem with me, In fact I told you if I was ever out of line let me know. As I have said a few days before getting kicked out Lori said to me she always felt comfortable around me. If I did or said anything to hurt her feelings in any way I’m sorry. She told me that she could get fired for talking to me?? Lori has said in the past she would like to quit, Even though today’s job market is tough her personality is one I think will get her a job fast. Sometimes someone will come into your life that makes a big difference in a positive way, Lori you were that person in my life until you kicked me out of your life, I will forever Miss You.
The reason I’m posting this is one I’ve tried to contact people weather by phone or Internet, etc. No one returns a call or anything, also People try clicking on the message button on face-book time to time. I felt I did nothing wrong to be kicked out of the M as I’m just a lonely nice guy and that the M Resort and Its employees that acted as friends but betrayed me by not talking to me anymore when I was escorted out is at least 2/3 responsible for my depression that caused the Easter Sunday Incident. Another reason I’m posting this is because even though she hurt me I am truly worried about Lori if she is in an abusive relationship, and what is she hiding from with her secrets, Her not wanting to call my local number but the out of state number instead etc. She’s a big mystery but I still worry for her safety so to her friends & family should you see this find out what is truly bothering her. Lori & all the rest I’m not trying to be hurtful, but with all of your not talking I want the truth be know, so if I have offended anyone I’m Sorry.
So people if someone is close by lay down your phones, texting etc.. Give them a visit and see the true expression on their face. As a phone or other communications devices will not give you that true emotion of happiness or sadness that is going on within them.
What we need is people actually communicating with each other. A simple hello, how are you could brighten up anyone's day and might have even saved their lives."
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April 7th, 2015 at 6:44:24 AM permalink
Can we get a tl:dr?
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April 7th, 2015 at 6:53:55 AM permalink
Personally I don't think you should be able to hold M Resort liable in this suicide. From the article it looks like they pulled this 2 years ago, and they are trying to use this as causation for his suicide IMO is laughable at best.
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April 7th, 2015 at 8:09:13 AM permalink
I didn't realize after reading the original article that he was banned a couple years ago; I assumed it was very recent.

His letter seems to have "the ring of truth," and depicts a lost soul bereft and adrift due to perceived betrayal by M / M emloyees.

I'd be pissed too if M yanked that huge prize from me and I reasonably felt, as he obviously did, that their actions in doing so were unjustified.

It was not inappropriate for him to "go public" after the fact, although he arguably crossed the line a little bit in posting personal info / pics about his erst-while buddies at M.

Curious, I googled his name and note the national media has many articles about the suicide, all seeming to paint him as a threatening, stalking individual.

His letter of explanation, posted above, implies that his actions leading to the 2013 banning were not ill-intended, and arguably not stalking, as it seems that nobody made it perfectly clear to him his actions and attentions were unwanted.

I suspect that M has their PR people working overtime on damage control, trying to spin him as a disturbed monster.

For me anyway, based on the limited info I have at hand, that dog won't hunt: John Noble appears to have gotten royally screwed, IF most of what he claims in his long screed is correct.

Regardless, R.I.P. Mr. Noble.
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April 7th, 2015 at 8:21:33 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

His letter of explanation, posted above, implies that his actions leading to the 2013 banning were not ill-intended, and arguably not stalking, as it seems that nobody made it perfectly clear to him his actions and attentions were unwanted.

According to him. I would consider him an unreliable narrator. I feel sad that it happened, but I really think that this was the end of a long, drawn out train wreck that started many years ago. There was never a chance that an intervention would have been effective; there was never a time line in this man's life that wasn't going to end badly for him.
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April 7th, 2015 at 8:27:27 AM permalink
I'll try to get to the articles later but without knowing anything more it stinks like s*** that a regular customer suddenly gets banned for "making people uncomfortable" shortly after winning free buffets for life. Sounds off the top that what made the M "uncomfortable" was the free buffets. I wonder if they ever gave anyone else this prize and whether they too suddenly "made people uncomfortable" after being regular paying customers for years?
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April 7th, 2015 at 8:41:18 AM permalink
If I understand it correctly, the prize was offered by "the old M" and a new owner took over shortly after it was awarded.

Could be the new owner was looking for a way to get out of honoring the award, as it certainly would affect the bottom line over time, at least a little bit, and the bean counters were certainly seeking ways to become profitable / more profitable.

I suspect we'll never know, as Noble tried to hire a lawyer and nobody would touch it; his closest heir seems to be his sister, and I doubt she'll risk the publicity / possible expense of a lawsuit.

A lawsuit, properly pursued with depositions and discovery would likely ferret out "the truth," a commodity in rare supply these days.
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April 7th, 2015 at 8:41:51 AM permalink
The letter seems to imply the director of security may have made a personal rather than professional decision in the barring due to his wife being one of the employees he had been friendly with
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April 7th, 2015 at 9:00:42 AM permalink
Quote: bobsims

... a regular customer suddenly gets banned for "making people uncomfortable" shortly after winning free buffets for life.

He won it in 2010.
He was banned in 2013 - shortly after his mother passed away. She was his regular guest.

Frankly, I suspect he was a mama's boy who couldn't cope or act properly around other women when she was gone.
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, irrational, childish rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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April 7th, 2015 at 9:20:43 AM permalink
Quote: zippyboy

Can we get a tl:dr?

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April 7th, 2015 at 9:35:55 AM permalink

Frankly, I suspect he was a mama's boy who couldn't cope or act properly around other women when she was gone.

He seems to have been incredibly naive as to people and the games that people play.
"What, me worry?"
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April 7th, 2015 at 9:51:46 AM permalink
Quote: MrV

I didn't realize after reading the original article that he was banned a couple years ago; I assumed it was very recent.

His letter seems to have "the ring of truth," and depicts a lost soul bereft and adrift due to perceived betrayal by M / M emloyees.

I'd be pissed too if M yanked that huge prize from me and I reasonably felt, as he obviously did, that their actions in doing so were unjustified.

It was not inappropriate for him to "go public" after the fact, although he arguably crossed the line a little bit in posting personal info / pics about his erst-while buddies at M.

Curious, I googled his name and note the national media has many articles about the suicide, all seeming to paint him as a threatening, stalking individual.

His letter of explanation, posted above, implies that his actions leading to the 2013 banning were not ill-intended, and arguably not stalking, as it seems that nobody made it perfectly clear to him his actions and attentions were unwanted.

I suspect that M has their PR people working overtime on damage control, trying to spin him as a disturbed monster.

For me anyway, based on the limited info I have at hand, that dog won't hunt: John Noble appears to have gotten royally screwed, IF most of what he claims in his long screed is correct.

Regardless, R.I.P. Mr. Noble.

Even if you believe Mr. Noble's story, you don't shot yourself in the head in front of innocent people and children.

Given his mental state, why give him the benefit of the doubt over the Ms.
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April 7th, 2015 at 10:04:39 AM permalink
Obviously he felt powerless to change his situation, he felt that his situation was intolerable, and he wanted to draw attention to the perceived cause of his pain.

Sure, he should have sued M, but no attorney would take the case: probably because they didn't think a big enough payday would be in it for them.

I "give him the benefit of the doubt" because his lengthy post as I said has "the ring of truth" to it, at least to me.

My knowledge is cursory, and I could easily be wrong in my assessment, but I don't think so.

He suffered from severe depression: that often drives people to kill themselves.

Might it have been more appropriate had he taken his life privately?

Sure, but at least he did NOT turn his gun on others before blowing his brains out.

Yes, people who were there were understandably disturbed and affected, even to the level of contracting PTSD, but he succeeded in doing what he was otherwise powerless to do: ending his pain and drawing national attention to the situation, in the hope that some good might come of it.

Yeah, I know: crazy thinking.
"What, me worry?"
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April 7th, 2015 at 12:00:04 PM permalink
15 years ago when my wife had the antique
mall, we ate at the same buffet 5 nights a
week for 2 years. It's very easy to get
into a relationship with people you see that
often. We knew everything about the people
who worked there, some would often sit
and talk with us.

So that part of the guys story is very believable,
the place was his social life as well.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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April 7th, 2015 at 12:11:27 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

15 years ago when my wife had the antique
mall, we ate at the same buffet 5 nights a
week for 2 years. It's very easy to get
into a relationship with people you see that
often. We knew everything about the people
who worked there, some would often sit
and talk with us.

So that part of the guys story is very believable,
the place was his social life as well.


So that was YOU! I want my money back. Or where's my watch????? Did you actually send it? This is welching on a bet x 1000 to the Nth power!

Back to topic. There were some major issues with that fellow. I heard from the regulars who visit the M that he is overly friendly with some of the female staff. When they didn't reciprocate he took the rejection very seriously where he was causing a scene for some. He was just some lonely guy who went on the extreme. Apparently there are many like him when stepping into a casino yet not as severe.
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April 7th, 2015 at 12:26:27 PM permalink
Quote: MrV

Obviously he felt powerless to change his situation, he felt that his situation was intolerable, and he wanted to draw attention to the perceived cause of his pain.

Sure, he should have sued M, but no attorney would take the case: probably because they didn't think a big enough payday would be in it for them.

I "give him the benefit of the doubt" because his lengthy post as I said has "the ring of truth" to it, at least to me.

My knowledge is cursory, and I could easily be wrong in my assessment, but I don't think so.

He suffered from severe depression: that often drives people to kill themselves.

Might it have been more appropriate had he taken his life privately?

Sure, but at least he did NOT turn his gun on others before blowing his brains out.

Yes, people who were there were understandably disturbed and affected, even to the level of contracting PTSD, but he succeeded in doing what he was otherwise powerless to do: ending his pain and drawing national attention to the situation, in the hope that some good might come of it.

Yeah, I know: crazy thinking.

Well, at least you're civil when you express your opinions. That's a breath of fresh air.

Maybe I'll read the whole article. I only read the first few paragraphs
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April 7th, 2015 at 1:09:08 PM permalink
Quote: Associated Press/Ch8

The package contained nearly 300 pages...

So, time to call the roll to see which prolific WoV member has 'checked-out' since about Sunday afternoon?
Suck dope, watch TV, make up stuff, be somebody on the internet.
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April 7th, 2015 at 1:21:46 PM permalink
Quote: DrawingDead

So, time to call the roll to see which prolific WoV member has 'checked-out' since about Sunday afternoon?

LOL. Johno/jauno/egalite!
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April 7th, 2015 at 1:24:37 PM permalink
Free Buffet For Life

Disclamer: "The Bla Bla Bla organization can withdraw this lifetime offer at their sole discretion without cause."

What's interesting about this whole story is that it would be extremely rare that the M would ever have to revoke the offer for cause.

(The disclaimer does not belong to the M. I'm only bringing it up as a possible tool that would hold the Property harmless.)
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April 7th, 2015 at 2:17:56 PM permalink
Does the big long letter describe the harassment issues?

It must of been something outside the casino. I'm thinking of my own experiences in a buffet. It's often busy. Even if you were to make excessive creepy eye contact and talk while ordering your drinks, the hostess could make excuses to leave. How long is she forced to stay?

I guess you could hang out at the register, where it's usually busy too. In other words, yes, I guess you could be really inappropriate but it seems like it would be escapable in the buffet itself.
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April 7th, 2015 at 2:26:44 PM permalink
I would bet the M will never ever offer a free buffet for life prize again.
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April 7th, 2015 at 2:37:45 PM permalink
I would really like to see some interviews with the women named in that big, long letter he wrote, and see what their take was on the situation,
but I guess that will never happen.
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April 7th, 2015 at 4:06:07 PM permalink
Quote: Blonde4ever

I would really like to see some interviews with the women named in that big, long letter he wrote, and see what their take was on the situation,
but I guess that will never happen.

I read that big long letter. After I got a page into it I felt compelled to finish it. My opinion is, is that he is telling the truth.

But the thing is this, it is absolutely and incredibly wrong of him to talk about employees using first and last names, private and very personal details of their lives and family secrets, marriages, divorces, accusations of child molestation at the hands of a stepfather. My God.

He had many, many familiar relationships with the M employees. You're on thin ice when you entangle yourself so closely in the lives of employees when you're essentially a buffet customer.

He also had a lot of dirt on irregular procedures, improper relationships, possible scams and the like on the M organization. (No business is immune to this.)

He had no right and exercised extremely poor judgment in making so many peoples' private lives public in this letter. This flaw alone hints at the instability that probably made one or more of the M employees uncomfortable. He talked about so many personal details about many employees' lives with other employees.

A combination of these events, even though the letter may have come later, made his presence undesirable. One accusation of discomfort on the part of any employee could have led to his being told to not come on the premises. If an employee voiced discomfort, and the M did not take action, they could leave themselves open to a huge financial exposure.
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