Quote: DnalorailedWhere I live, the casinos have heavy security at all entrances No one under 21 allowed anywhere on the casino floor. How would a young or young looking AP fly under the radar if they are always being carded for I.D.?
How would they not fly under the radar? Do you think the guard at the door remembers your name? I doubt he even looks at the name...
I won't mention his name, Ill leave that up to him if he wishes to respond, however there is a very intelligent young looking AP who must run into this situation. Ill forward this to him.Quote: DnalorailedWhere I live, the casinos have heavy security at all entrances No one under 21 allowed anywhere on the casino floor. How would a young or young looking AP fly under the radar if they are always being carded for I.D.?
When I started I was the youngest AP that I knew of, however I didn't start with BJ.
Quote: DnalorailedAt some casinos, they will even swipe your ID to make sure it's valid
The casinos I've seen that do that only check that the ID is valid (that the barcode or magstripe data matches what's printed on the face of the ID); they don't integrate it with surveillance or player tracking in any way that I've been able to determine.
Obviously, your mileage may vary.
Quote: DnalorailedWell I've read that some AP's don't like to carry ID. At some casinos, they will even swipe your ID to make sure it's valid I guess. To me, that puts you in their system whether an individual guard remembers you or not.
That's a shit idea.
Not carrying ID means if something happens and police get involved, you'll be sitting in jail until they can verify who you say you are.
If the casino wants to hassle you, they can call the police on you saying they suspect you're an underage gambler. Normally, the police show up, you show them ID, they leave. If you don't have ID you might get taken down to the station until they can verify who you are (and your age)
Keep it in the car. Or hide it in your shoe.Quote: sc15That's a shit idea.
Not carrying ID means if something happens and police get involved, you'll be sitting in jail until they can verify who you say you are.
If the casino wants to hassle you, they can call the police on you saying they suspect you're an underage gambler. Normally, the police show up, you show them ID, they leave. If you don't have ID you might get taken down to the station until they can verify who you are (and your age)
Quote: AxelWolfKeep it in the car. Or hide it in your shoe.
Or keep in your wallet, and if someone asks you for ID, you say "no" (or lie and say you don't have it)
No you have to open your wallet and pretend to look for it.Quote: sc15Or keep in your wallet, and if someone asks you for ID, you say "no" (or lie and say you don't have it)
Quote: sc15That's a shit idea.
What a pleasant sentiment, I hope you
have lots more of these.
Quote: DnalorailedWhere I live, the casinos have heavy security at all entrances No one under 21 allowed anywhere on the casino floor. How would a young or young looking AP fly under the radar if they are always being carded for I.D.?
I had the same concern, being that I am a young AP as well. It seems that ~95% of casinos are using card swipers, there's no way around it. I get carded every time.
On the plus side, i don't believe you have to worry too much. As others have said, the card swipers are (probably) not linked to surveillance. I've done a hit and run on a few places and got a lot of heat. I haven't been back to those places, but I've played other places in the same chain without a problem. So this says 1 of 2 things: either the casinos didn't share my info or the casinos aren't using the info obtained from the card swiper (thus, they didn't know my name).
With that being said, I would advise playing conservatively rather than aggressively just in case, and for other various reasons as well..
If they began carding everyone, that might be a different story.
An AP friend of mine, let's call him SWIM, is young looking and tends to get ID'd often. Fortunately for SWIM, he doesn't play in stores where they hound everyone for ID. But if requested for ID, he gives it to them. Generally, this will happen at the beginning of a session. However, he doesn't always get ID'd at the beginning of a session. Being aware of his surroundings, SWIM can figure out if he's getting ID'd for proof of age or if they want to figure out who he is because they're onto him (think he's an AP). So, if he's getting heat or feels like he might be getting heat and someone asks for his ID, he'll refuse to show ID. In some stores, heat won't come from the pit, but from the EITS. This can be a little more difficult to deal with, but, if you're aware of what the suites are doing, it ain't too hard. If you get on a winning streak, you hear the phone in the pit ringing, when talking on the phone the boss looks towards you (or maybe doesn't even look toward you), then comes over and asks for ID.......you probably don't want to show ID. Rather, get up and leave without cashing out your chips.
If you're forced to show ID upon entry, your best bet is probably to play with camoflauge and rat-hole appropriate amounts, don't play excessively long sessions, stay within casino thresholds, etc. and hope for the best.
Yes 90% of the time you realize what's going and why.Quote: RSSWIM can figure out if he's getting ID'd for proof of age or if they want to figure out who he is because they're onto him.
Quote: RSUnfortunately, being young / young-looking is not a plus for APs,.
I've read the the demo they look for in
AP's is the 21-35 age group. It's a
young guys thing. Even Kewlj, who's
30, says he'll only do it for a few more
years. If you're 45 and older you're
not even on their radar.
Then they tightned things up by putting in a Kiosk that "validated" you card .. you put card and your drivers license on the kiosk, lights flash and beautiful girl says thank you.. your card is now "validated"... ie, linked with who you really are.
Non card play strongly discouraged by Seminoles. My meaningless platinum card is linked with license but I never gave them any false information in the first place so big deal.
For an AP, whats the problem? If they start looking at either you or at your play they better not see anything that interests them.
I occasionally have breakfast at the same time the poker mavens break for some food and catch-up chat. The Seminoles don't seem any too concerned about the chat and I doubt they are concerned that Fleastiff from time to time joins in. APs should realize its the casino's job to be alert to threats and some pair of eyeglasses and a wig ain't gonna help you much. Thorp grew a beard by sheer whim and when he walked into a casino someone called out "here's the guy who wrote that book".