We are not guilty of anything but our cash are. About couple years ago, my brother had a road trip driving from California to New York.
And he got pull over in Philly when he was driving within the freeway speed limit. The cops asked about the cash and he luckily did not carry much.
Then the cop asked for permission to search the car. My brother was thinking that he had nothing to hide. So that, he allowed it. It is very easy to get robbed on the highway. The cops are working very hard to protect us from the criminals (Our own cash).
Some people avoid certain states but its happening all over the place. Some people now try to avoid freeways entirely. Most of the cases that make "the news" are from people who can afford a lawyer or whose story in some how entertaining enough to merit some local coverage. Thousands of people can't afford lawyers or have waived the right to appeal the forfeiture to stay out of jail or to keep their kids from being seized until the parent's "criminal charges" are settled.
Are Americans cool with the police being able to just take their stuff?
If yes, wtf? I woud generally expect the police to pull me over and take my money in China or Vietnam or North Korea, but not the US.
Maybe you guys are saying "It *mostly* affects actual criminals so I am down with maybe losing a few thousand for a good cause."
If no, why aren't people using the democratic process (e.g. mid-terms) to get rid of it?
Quote: Canyonero
Are Americans cool with the police being able to just take their stuff?
People are cool with the cops taking *someone else's* stuff. It all started in the 1980s and having the cops supposedly take the toys the high-level dope dealers had. With not enough of that group to go around, more and more people get robbed.
You will still get many people agree that "if you get pulled over for DUI you should lose your car on the spot!"
It is no longer the USA is now just considered "mostly free" and behind Estonia in freedom rankings.
Only thing I have never been pulled over for is DWB. But old habits die hard. Cop car coming from behind me, right turn ASAP.. Never a left, can get hung up too long.
Wait till states get a real green light on scanning plates into a data base ! Let's check where Buzzard's car had driven the last 2 weeks.
Any burglaries in that neighborhood ?
Because when you come right down to it, Americans pretty much don't care about anything anymore and few bother to vote anyway.Quote: CanyoneroIf no, why aren't people using the democratic process (e.g. mid-terms) to get rid of it?
Quote: CanyoneroQuote:I have another stupid foreigner question:
Where do you live that the cops don't take your stuff? That sounds pretty cool, cops not taking your stuff hehe,hehehe [Beavis]. I can't imagine how much loot has gone missing from evidence lockers in just coke and cash alone. They have been taking our stuff since at least the roaring twenties, many just consider it the "vig".It's just that they are becoming greedier and more blatant about it.
No, but busy watching "Honey BooBoo" re-runs and eating government cheese.Quote:Are Americans cool with the police being able to just take their stuff?
Over 50% are too heavily invested in the status quo to complain loud enough for anyone to hear. That is democracy.Quote:If no, why aren't people using the democratic process
A few years later when I was of age I got to join their parties and got most of my lost booze back a drink or two at a time. The town was small and remote enough that it was a first posting for the RCMP so the majority of the cops were quite young.
Fourty thousand laws enacted in 2012, we are each bound to be breaking at least one of them. We can't even find out what some of the laws are with the freedom of information act requests.
Quote:Feds will fight to keep $167,000 taken from driver in Northern Nevada
Quote:According to court documents, a Nevada Highway Patrol trooper first stopped Gorman for driving too slow in the fast lane, but after Gorman refused to let him search the motor home, he was allowed to go on his way.
The trooper then arranged for an Elko County sheriff's deputy with a drug-sniffing dog to stop Gorman again, and the dog alerted the deputy to something suspicious in the motor home, documents show.
The search turned up no drugs, but the $167,000 was found hidden in various places.
I don't blame dogs for being dogs, but sure seems like they can be used to unscrupulously cross any fuzzy lines needed to get someone they want to get. You know, if you just had some marijuana in there at one time or even someone smoked in the trailer maybe.
Quote: rxwineI don't blame dogs for being dogs, but sure seems like they can be used to unscrupulously cross any fuzzy lines needed to get someone they want to get. You know, if you just had some marijuana in there at one time or even someone smoked in the trailer maybe.
I hear you can train a dog to find the scent of money, just like the scent of marijuana, cocaine, or explosives.
Yes, you can but it much easier to train a cop to merely say his dog alerted. faster. More efficient.Quote: DieterI hear you can train a dog to find the scent of money, just like the scent of marijuana, cocaine, or explosives.
ain't no way the defense lawyer can ever cross examine the poor mutt, you know.
Wide established fact that cops can get dogs to false positive on demand.
I always carry my cash on my person when I go to the casino for this reason.
Also I don't speed anyway, so I never ran into this issue.
Just don't speed.
They will pull you over for going too slow.Quote: Neutrino
Also I don't speed anyway, so I never ran into this issue.
Just don't speed.
You can't win.