Crazy night tonight started vulturing and hit max bet by accident and got dealt 4 sixes on triple hand and then just rolled from there on ten time point night

Quote: RSFirst time playing UTX, not vulturing. Somehow ended up on DDB (or w/e version it is?), and hit this puppy:
NICE! Woohoo!
Quote: strictlyAP
Wow! Only held 2 to the Royal and got it on a 2x. Nice. Too bad it wasn't on the 12x. I've vowed to stay out of the Casino until G2E but seeing that is giving me the itch!!! :)
Quote: strictlyAP
Crazy night tonight started vulturing and hit max bet by accident and got dealt 4 sixes on triple hand and then just rolled from there on ten time point night
After going thru a couple of hundred $ in weekly free slot play, I'm still down on Ultimate X even tho the only time I play is when I see a free multiplier. (frequently, it's just a sinlge 2x multiplier on a triple play machine.)

Other than that, I got absolutely clobbered. Was severely under-4OAK'd which kills you on BPD (pays 80 for 4OAK and 1 on 2pair). You really depend on those 4OAKs in BPD and also depend on getting some decent dealt hands in a row. Seemed like any dealt flush/straight/3oak hand was followed by a hand where I'd dump all 5, hold a low pair, go for 3 to a flush, or 4 to inside straight. Think my best run was a dealt flush followed by a dealt straight followed by a dealt 2 pair.
Quote: djatcDamn you're running great. The best thing I've had was dealt 3oak then a 4OAK with the multiplier on DDB.
Yeah, I'm still waiting on a dealt quad myself in ultimate X. Best hit so far this year is 4X quad at bonus deluxe quarters.
This was my g/f's new casino win record set in KC on the 4th of July.

I was watching her and she asked me if I wanted to hit the draw button. I was running like garbage, so I said "hell no!" When I heard the "ding" I said "Yes, yes, yes!" And my g/f couldn't figure out how much she actually won. She first thought it was $24, not $

Great hit, but doesn't fit your screenname at all... :-\ And yes, I am very jealous.
Quote: tringlomane
Great hit, but doesn't fit your screenname at all... :-\ And yes, I am very jealous.
Some UTX games actually have very high returns.
Quote: RSSome UTX games actually have very high returns.
Not that
I assume he's on another PA play if this game is the best he can find at the $25 per round level. And I hope the promo/mailers (assuming 600 hands/hr) are worth ~$500/hr!
But I'd rather play 5 play $1 8/5 JoB for $25 a round which may also exist there. Easier (and completely known) strategy, lower total variance (i think), and higher optimal return (97.3% vs. 97.25%). Heck 8/5 DDB with UX is even better (97.35% optimal) and at least you could use JB's strategies to help roughly guide you. Most (all?) casinos I've been to offer 8/5 DDB with ultimate x when they offer "Colorado Deuces" with UX.
Quote: strictlyAPThey don't have job in ultimate xits very slim pickings here for certain plays
But they don't have 8/5 DDB for ultimate x? One of your pics on page 1 shows you playing one. Any casino that doesn't offer DDB on as a game variant is an idiot. CET Tunica is a good example of that. They didn't put DDB on STP/Double STP on their new all star ii machines. They hardly get any play because of it.
But DDB UX obviously has more variance than DW ultimate x. May not be worth the extra 0.1% return. But I would think it might be because you might play ddb more accurately than deuces. I should nag JB to add a deuces strategy. But he would add the "full pay" game I'm sure.
And I was just suggesting regular 8/5 JoB. Was trying to suggest staying away from UX period. Tons of variance. If you're running hot though, just keep with it.
Quote: strictlyAPThere is a play on it
u mean someone left a multiplier(s)?
if not, explain?
Quote: 100xOddsu mean someone left a multiplier(s)?
if not, explain?
Supposedly there is some promo that makes this game profitable after the promo. Must be one hell of a promo because the paytables there are standard ult x garbage.
Are you f---in kidding me?!?Quote: strictlyAPFirst ever dealt royal on a ten line machine.
I would kill for one of those.Quote: strictlyAPWhat's wrong teddy?
Quote: teddysAre you f---in kidding me?!?
Exactly my thoughts. I need a golden horseshoe like that. But I would probably use it to get a real job in my field. FYI, the biggest live casino win I have EVER had in 13 years in a shade over $400. Not even a nickel royal
Because even though you win, betting 5 doesn't bring 12x X 10 hands on the next hand.
Them's the breaks?
Quote: IbeatyouracesWe don't want to pay for future multipliers. We only want to play them off.
They should make a version that kicks out 100x for full house every couple thousand hands. Just to torture 5 coin vultures. Not sure what the paytable would have to change to accommodate that multiplier..
I doubt few if any players would leave that multiplier behind. So it would just rain on the ap parade.
I'm all about fun.