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May 10th, 2014 at 3:16:03 AM permalink
This month is the worst month for me for gambling. I would say I am somewhere in the $6,000 range in terms of losses. Here's a recap of what happened:

I found a great double deck game with surrender with really deep penetration, too bad I didn't get a chance to take advantage of it. Dealer could not bust even though I won the hand. I doubled 10 or 11 and pulled an ace or 2. I split defensively only (88 vs 10, 88 vs A, etc) and of course expected to lose so I did. Dealer showing a ten so I bust trying to reach 17+ and she pulls a 5 or 6 underneath. Had sweeps of 4 9's which all ended up at least 17 but lost to the dealer 20. I never get angry at the dealer ever in my life (seeing as they don't do anything but deal and stand on hard 17) but I was a very sarcastic asshole to them. She even said this was the worst run of cards ever and she was giving out tons of money before I showed up. I get the explanation of "you should have stuck around!" but seeing as it was getting to be 4 players I didn't want to play with that many players. I went to walk around a bit (I never play slots/vp in Washington state) and came back for the slaughter. The most I had above my buy-in was $300, but after that I've never got back to even. I think the dealer genuinely felt sorry for me, even told me to try another table with another dealer, but since I couldn't move due to other tables being full and I wanted to plant myself there since it was heads up.

Back to Las Vegas.....

Video poker was the devil..... I played DB and got no 4oak, as well as running very bad on every other paying hands. I switched over to jacks, and received 4 aces twice. 3 deuces about 100 times of course with no convert. End up with a decent hand on STP after the multiplier, every time. I ran so bad at DB I estimate a 75% return over 10k or so. I also played about 7-8k on deuces with no wild royal/no 4 deuces. Did I mention I was getting at least a 1% advantage on each game?

Since I don't play table games unless I have an advantage, and I got destroyed in blackjack, the only other game I can think of is poker. Luckily I didn't bleed a lot. Bad news is that every decent hand that could be raised pre-flop I would brick the flop and have to cbet/check/fold. The only time I had something good was a flopped full house that of course got no action. Other then that I didn't even get anything above top pair. Every attempt to bluff was picked off, and I rarely bluff, I play ABC poker which is sufficient for the stakes I play. The table was full of tourists and they just kept hitting every hand. The only pocket pair I had were 55 which of course the flop came AJK or something like that and I got shoved by 2 players which one had 2 pair and the other the nut straight. Same as blackjack, I never ran my chips up to my original buy in ever. I felt like a fish in a game where I know I can beat, and I'm not even that good. My last hand was 22 on the button which I of course raised preflop, and got called by pretty much everyone since they know I won't have anything, and of course the board runs out to where only one combination of cards can make a straight, and the guy that busts me has it. This happened to me in another hand when I bet but the donkey made her straight with 57 or some nonsense hand.

I just got back from this slaughter-fest and am in shock. I can't believe you can run this bad on games with an advantage. I won't be going bankrupt anytime soon, but feel like I just got violated in the worst way, in financial form. You can do everything the right way and still run extremely bad. To be honest I've never lost this much money in such a short time, maybe except when I bought a car. I'm extremely frugal with my bankroll and rarely buy anything outside of essentials. Mike Tyson once said that losing a fight was indescribable, maybe if , "You let me kick your kids in the balls and that's what it might feel like." and this is the feeling I have at this time.

On top of that I got a speeding ticket. I wasn't even driving that fast, and the worst part was I wasn't even in a hurry to get to work. That and I forgot to fill out some forms so I ended up paying for lodging instead of having it paid for. Also since I am trying to transfer out of the unit I feel my supervisors checked out my progress mentally. That and I have to pay for a ton of money to have some medical work done to stay current.

Because of all these things, and because of the way I am with people, I am starting to get very snippy with servers at restaurants, bartenders, etc. They must receive some training on dealing with gamblers or it's totally oblivious to them people lose money at casinos. I am angry at people who block the narrow walkways of casinos because of the slot machines. I am angry at people who ask me for money, like it's easy to make some and give away. How people stay sane during a downswing is news to me. I can't even stand to look people in the eye when they are having fun on vacation here. I'm in a dark place right now where I prefer to see everyone miserable or broke.

So if you want to be a professional gambler, remember that you can get extremely lucky, and come down just as fast. Even with bankroll requirements, can you psychologically handle losing at EVERY game in the casino for weeks and weeks?
"Man Babes" #AxelFabulous
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May 10th, 2014 at 4:06:53 AM permalink
Someone always has it worse than you and having a bad attitude displaying it to innocent people does you no good. I would play it safe for a while until you're feeling better and over the emotions of losing.
I am a robot.
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May 10th, 2014 at 4:11:30 AM permalink
Having met you, djatc, I find it hard to believe you were rude to anyone, or snippy, etc....
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May 10th, 2014 at 4:25:15 AM permalink

Having met you, djatc, I find it hard to believe you were rude to anyone, or snippy, etc....

That was my exact reaction to your post, dj; you are incredibly polite and thoughtful of those around you. Everything you're describing is similar to ATC stress, and I think it's really good that you're aware of the deterioration in your demeanor. Perhaps it would help to scale everything down one notch while you wait for your fortunes to turn, (and you know they will) so that you have just a little less skin in the game while you ride out the trough. I don't think it will take all that much to return you to equanimity; just hang in there, bay-bee. Hope the rant and self-eval helped in itself; it does help me in those circumstances, so it may well move you past it as well. Sending good card/VP vibes your way!
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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May 10th, 2014 at 4:51:22 AM permalink
I give Evenbob credit for finding this article, have you seen it? you might find it even more depressing but for me, personally, it helps me through downswings:

You Won't Win Rag

Quote: djatc

I split defensively only (88 vs 10, 88 vs A, etc) and of course expected to lose so I did. Dealer showing a ten so I bust trying to reach 17+ and she pulls a 5 or 6 underneath. Had sweeps of 4 9's which all ended up at least 17 but lost to the dealer 20

questions here though:

*don't you always split 88? what's up with that, I guess I don't get it. It's 16.
* so I bust trying to reach 17 and she ...." ; if you bust, doesn't matter what dealer hits, so?
* "at least 17" ; well, 17 blows, and 18 is not quite good enough.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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May 10th, 2014 at 6:06:07 AM permalink
Quote: odiousgambit

I give Evenbob credit for finding this article, have you seen it? you might find it even more depressing but for me, personally, it helps me through downswings:

You Won't Win Rag

questions here though:

*don't you always split 88? what's up with that, I guess I don't get it. It's 16.
* so I bust trying to reach 17 and she ...." ; if you bust, doesn't matter what dealer hits, so?
* "at least 17" ; well, 17 blows, and 18 is not quite good enough.

On a surrender game I surrender 88 vs 10 and A. Not sure what the math says but I just don't like those hands and it is probably pretty close.

DJ it sounds like you need a little break away from everything. Maybe take a weekend trip somewhere and just relax.
Expect the worst and you will never be disappointed. I AM NOT PART OF GWAE RADIO SHOW
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May 10th, 2014 at 6:59:41 AM permalink
Sometimes you just got to say it out loud. I myself am going through the roughest patch of my gambling career. I think KewlJ said he's having a rough year too. It's tough. Stinky times. I think it's been said by AxelWolf here that the losing times are the times to really fine tune your game. I think he said that.
$1700, 18, 19, 1920, 40, 60,... :/ Thx 'Do it again'. I'll try
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May 10th, 2014 at 8:40:48 AM permalink
Quote: djatc

... But feel like I just got violated in the worst way, in financial form..

Lmao. This is funny, but I strongly believe if Bubba was 8 inches inside you, you would feel different.
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May 10th, 2014 at 8:45:02 AM permalink
I enjoyed reading your post. Not that I get enjoyment out of your misery, but I can empathize. I just got a vicious spanking last night where I had an advantage.
It's clear your emotions are having an effect on you. I would also suggest lowering your session bankroll / until you feel back to 'normal', whatever normal is for you.
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May 10th, 2014 at 9:46:11 AM permalink
The thing to try to remember is that blackjack card counting is about a very, slim edge, with lots of variance and really wild swings to get there. It isn't for the faint of heart. You can do everything right, scout out and play good games, count and play well, be disciplined in your play and exit points an just get clobbered and not just for a few hours or a day, but for weeks and even months at a time.

My worse period was the beginning of last year. I lost for 3 and a half months...literally. Lost nearly every day. Lost what seemed like every double down, every max bet, and almost assuredly every max bet double down. It got to the point that I dreaded seeing the count rise as I knew as soon as I started throwing out my bigger bets, I would get clobbered. 3 and a half months into the year and I am 32 thousand in the red. The biggest backwards slide of my career and because it started from day one of the new year, my records, which I reset at the start of each year, showed nothing but red. I was frustrated. I got cranky. I definitely wasn't enjoying the game or what I do for a living at that particular point. I would runs sims, which would tell me that the likelihood of my results for amount of play were a fraction of 1%, or 1 in several thousand. That didn't make me feel better! lol.

But I believed in the math and I plugged on. That was one of the few times in my career that what I do for a living felt like a job. I had to force myself to get up in the morning and head to the casino, when that is the last place that I wanted to be. And then one day, I started hitting some of those double downs, some of those max bets. It was like someone threw a light switch. I strung together a couple winning days and then a week. A couple big winning days and all of the sudden I was in the black. Order was restored. Blackjack and my life became fun again. Over a five week period, I won over six figures, which was an astronomical amount for my level of play over such a period and this period propelled me to my best year ever. I don't think I ran sims, but I am sure I would have been amazed at the likelihood of that run too.

The moral of story is that these massive swings are part of this game. If you are playing correctly and employing a fairly large spread, you ARE going to experience these large swings. This is the part of the game that no book, no reading on an internet site, can prepare you for. You kind of have to experience them to begin to understand.

Each time you go through one of these negative periods and emerge on the other side, you grow stronger and begin to understand. And in the end, these negative swings are our friend. They are the part of the game, which keeps our numbers (AP's) low. If it was just a matter of learning and applying a count and winning on a nice even keel (which also happens at times), everyone and their brother would be counting cards and the industry would not be able to offer any beatable games.

So, hang in there djatc. The ship WILL right itself and all will be right again. Trust me. And when that happens you look back and can appreciate the magical journey that you now are cursing.
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May 10th, 2014 at 10:20:59 AM permalink
One thing I meant to discuss is the possibility of cheating. During such a negative run, with unlikely negative results, we are wonder about cheating. Basically in most places cheating is a thing of the past. In this corporate environment, there is too much too lose for there to be casino sponsored cheating. The exception being small out of the way places and possible Indian casinos, who can pretty much make their own rules. There is also the possibility of a rouge type dealer taking this on his own, rather being sponsored by the casino. In any cases, I still think it pretty rare, but it is something you want to consider and rule out, especially in hand held games.
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May 10th, 2014 at 8:30:56 PM permalink
Thanks guys for the kind words. I am very frustrated since this is not just one game in one casino, but many games throughout many places. I worry about cheating but since the house beat me up as well as other players in poker I feel that it cannot be possible.

Quote: odiousgambit

questions here though:

*don't you always split 88? what's up with that, I guess I don't get it. It's 16.
* so I bust trying to reach 17 and she ...." ; if you bust, doesn't matter what dealer hits, so?
* "at least 17" ; well, 17 blows, and 18 is not quite good enough.

I might have not thought about surrendering since I don't play double deck surrender. Also the Wizard's basic strategy calculator just says to split 88 vs any upcard. Of course it doesn't matter what the dealer had when I bust, but just the fact that every time I could have stayed on 15 or 16 and let her bust made me mad. It's like why couldn't the 5 or 6 be showing?

I just hate splitting hands, because that's more money I'll lose. The only comforting fact about my game was that I didn't go nuts with the bet spread, and played as perfectly as I could. Luckily my tilt doesn't extend to making bad plays, just a bad mood.

Quote: GWAE

DJ it sounds like you need a little break away from everything. Maybe take a weekend trip somewhere and just relax.

I actually hate taking vacations lol. I'm a rare breed of liking familiar places, such as Las Vegas, and sticking to a routine. If anyone ever wanted to whack me I'm not too hard to find. Maybe I'll take a couple nights at a hotel and not gamble at all, just watch some movies. At least this won't cost me any money.

"Man Babes" #AxelFabulous
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May 10th, 2014 at 8:38:31 PM permalink
So, how good is this double deck game? How deep is "really deep" penetration? S or H 17? DOA, DAS...?
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May 10th, 2014 at 8:56:34 PM permalink
Quote: djatc

This month is the worst month for me for gambling. I would say I am somewhere in the $6,000 range in terms of losses.

you are crying over just that?
I know gambling teams (Asians) that lose a million$ in one month.
They do not even care.
Next month they win $10 million.
They do not even care.
They are pro gamblers.

Quote: djatc

I just got back from this slaughter-fest and am in shock.
I can't believe you can run this bad on games with an advantage.

what do you believe in how bad it can be?
and how do you arrive at that belief?
just an opinion is fine as we all have them :)

I, Sally, am thrilled beyond words that you are losing and hope you lose all your bankroll sooner than later.
there is a lesson in that.
Someone has to be in the tails of the normal curve and better you than me in the one on the far left side.

do not take this personally.
I wish this on everyone except myself (a lifetime winner at gambling)
and a few pro gambling teams I know.
Quote: djatc

You can do everything the right way and still run extremely bad.

In a random walk, I would hope so in this universe.
the drift can be up or down but it is still a drift, not a personal atm.
Quote: djatc

So if you want to be a professional gambler, remember that you can get extremely lucky, and come down just as fast.

Your opinion is so far off from the truth it is funny!

there are NO professional gamblers that get lucky.
No luck is involved.
Just sharp minds and access to any size bankroll and a place to play.

Quote: djatc

Even with bankroll requirements, can you psychologically handle losing at EVERY game in the casino for weeks and weeks?

How about months and months?
Sounds like, and you have other threads about your awful losses and great winnings, you should look for a past time that you would have more fun at, IMO
do not expect to be invited to join a pro gambling team

Oh, Good Luck to you
I Heart Vi Hart
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May 10th, 2014 at 9:45:15 PM permalink
Quote: djatc

This month is the worst month for me for gambling. I would say I am somewhere in the $6,000 range in terms of losses. Here's a recap of what happened:

take it easy, buddy. downswing is doomed to happen.
I know your feeling. You just lose on everything, everywhere.

On the other hand, $6000 isn't that much.
Believe me, the upswing will come soon, not necessarily tomorrow or next week, but soon.
winning streaks come and go, losing streak never ends.
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May 10th, 2014 at 9:51:26 PM permalink
At least you have your health!
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May 10th, 2014 at 9:58:07 PM permalink
Quote: djatc

Video poker was the devil.....

This I completely agree.
It was. It has been. It is. It will be. the devil.
winning streaks come and go, losing streak never ends.
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May 10th, 2014 at 10:22:23 PM permalink
Quote: mustangsally

you are crying over just that?
I know gambling teams (Asians) that lose a million$ in one month.
They do not even care.
Next month they win $10 million.
They do not even care.
They are pro gamblers.

I never said anywhere in my post that I was crying, so I dunno where you're getting this information from. As far as professional gamblers goes, I've seen and witnessed guys with enormous bankrolls get pissed off at losing thousands on a play. These are very sharp pros with many years of experience. Also I've heard of the MIT team celebrating a great win with champagne, comped suites, and comped meals so you're probably right, no gambler ever celebrates a great win, as well as get very upset over a great loss, such as when they went on a losing streak after the initial spike of bankroll. Why does it matter if they are Asian or not? I'm Asian and I get upset over losing streaks, no matter how much the money is.

Quote: mustangsally

How about months and months?
Sounds like, and you have other threads about your awful losses and great winnings, you should look for a past time that you would have more fun at, IMO
do not expect to be invited to join a pro gambling team

Sure I've ran into pros who had extremely long losing streaks, equivalent to many royal cycles. They tell me of their great runs of royals and good hands when they have a good session, as well as tell me their extreme losses over a certain amount of coin-in. So they are all bad gamblers because they tell me about their success and failures? I enjoy writing about my gambling experiences, good or bad, because it gives me an outlet to express myself in a matter that I'm able to get across decently in (I'm a horrible face to face person to talk to since I am pretty shy). It's not a brag or bad beat, it's just me chronicling my life to others who might enjoy listening to a gambling anecdote here and there. Several members on the forum have told me that they wish they could gamble professionally for a living, and they probably want to re-live that through myself, axel, kewlj, and other pros.

Even with the extreme downswings I still enjoy gambling. I know the mathematics of my play will even out over time, with an average of whatever % advantage I have over time. Until the "long run", of course things can go either way. Why am I not allowed to rant about losing? Does it make you mad that people get upset? I'm already working with many smart professional gamblers, so I don't need to be invited to a gambling team. I actually lucked out and ended up partnering with sharp individuals when I moved here. Oh and we have fun when we go on plays and win, by celebrating with a comped meal. We bitch and moan when we lose. Even then we still manage to make money.
"Man Babes" #AxelFabulous
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May 10th, 2014 at 10:26:55 PM permalink
Quote: Boz

At least you have your health!

thats true, but every day we live we get closer to death. how's that for inspiration, lol.
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May 10th, 2014 at 11:21:50 PM permalink
Quote: pokerface

This I completely agree.
It was. It has been. It is. It will be. the devil.

No, craps is the devil.

Video poker is just Beelzebub.
"Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe." -Rig Veda 10.34.4
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May 11th, 2014 at 12:20:31 AM permalink
Quote: teddys

No, craps is the devil.

Video poker is just Beelzebub.

In Craps you can just follow a DI and win tons of money without doing anything.
In Video Poker you are on your own.
winning streaks come and go, losing streak never ends.
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May 11th, 2014 at 12:39:26 AM permalink
Quote: djatc

I never said anywhere in my post that I was crying, so I dunno where you're getting this information from. .

Lol, no disrespect, your post sounds like something a 16 year old girl would write in her diary when she first got her period.
I've read many of your posts, I enjoy them, as this one. But common, your whole post was one long cry ;)
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May 11th, 2014 at 12:40:23 AM permalink
Quote: JoePloppy

Lol, no disrespect, your post sounds like something a 16 year old girl would write in her diary when she first got her period.
I've read many of your posts, I enjoy them, as this one. But common, your whole post was one long cry ;)

It was bloody I admit :)
"Man Babes" #AxelFabulous
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May 11th, 2014 at 1:23:31 AM permalink
Quote: mustangsally

you are crying over just that?
I know gambling teams (Asians) that lose a million$ in one month.
They do not even care.
Next month they win $10 million.
They do not even care.
They are pro gamblers.

what do you believe in how bad it can be?
and how do you arrive at that belief?
just an opinion is fine as we all have them :)

I, Sally, am thrilled beyond words that you are losing and hope you lose all your bankroll sooner than later.
there is a lesson in that.
Someone has to be in the tails of the normal curve and better you than me in the one on the far left side.

do not take this personally.
I wish this on everyone except myself (a lifetime winner at gambling)
and a few pro gambling teams I know.
In a random walk, I would hope so in this universe.
the drift can be up or down but it is still a drift, not a personal atm.
Your opinion is so far off from the truth it is funny!

there are NO professional gamblers that get lucky.
No luck is involved.
Just sharp minds and access to any size bankroll and a place to play.

How about months and months?
Sounds like, and you have other threads about your awful losses and great winnings, you should look for a past time that you would have more fun at, IMO
do not expect to be invited to join a pro gambling team

Oh, Good Luck to you

Sally im not sure what point you were tying to make or what you were trying to say. It almost sounded mean. Dj is young and just started doing this. I don't think its even been 1 year so 6k is a lot to a kid of his age who has just started.

We should be dam proud of DJ at least hes not living in his mom basement asking her for spending money. He is in the military and serves his country. I know he also gives some to charity. He is in Vegas doing this on his own(with the help of a few friends of course). He is usually very polite, helpful and a good friend to his friends. He will go out of his way to help others and he does more then his fair share. He is not selfish or greedy. I know he works hard at what he does and he is not lazy.

Over all he has ran very good especially on royals. On top of that some of the things he plays is a complete lock with guaranteed income. Normally he ends up making losses back fast. He is not use to losing streaks lasting this long. So losing 6k can be a upsetting with the limits he plays since he's not out playing huge limits.

Since he is new and this is his biggest losing streak I can understand his aggravation. He does not get to talk about everything he plays, so we don't get to hear about some of his nice wins and good runs. The poor kid just wanted to vent. At least he was being honest, unlike some people who only claim to win.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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May 11th, 2014 at 1:47:16 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

Sally im not sure what point you were tying to make or what you were trying to say. It almost sounded mean. Dj is young and just started doing this. I don't think its even been 1 year so 6k is a lot to a kid of his age who has just started.

We should be dam proud of DJ at least hes not living in his mom basement asking her for spending money. He is in the military and serves his country. I know he also gives some to charity. He is in Vegas doing this on his own(with the help of a few friends of course). He is usually very polite, helpful and a good friend to his friends. He will go out of his way to help others and he does more then his fair share. He is not selfish or greedy. I know he works hard at what he does and he is not lazy.

Over all he has ran very good especially on royals. On top of that some of the things he plays is a complete lock with guaranteed income. Normally he ends up making losses back fast. He is not use to losing streaks lasting this long. So losing 6k can be a upsetting with the limits he plays since he's not out playing huge limits.

Since he is new and this is his biggest losing streak I can understand his aggravation. He does not get to talk about everything he plays, so we don't get to hear about some of his nice wins and good runs. The poor kid just wanted to vent. At least he was being honest, unlike some people who only claim to win.

I love you bro, but come on, you can be one of the meanest sob's on here lol
But I commend you for sticking up for a guy you think deserves it. From what you say he sounds like a terrific person. I really did get a lot from this thread. It helped me cope with my shalaking I received at roughly the same time. I feel your pain bro. Don't let it get to you. Eyes on the prize.
I'm Canadian but I think I can still thank you for your service as we suck on the teet of USA.
What do you think about this Ukraine? Are you still I the military? Does anyone else see this exact how ww1 started?
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May 11th, 2014 at 3:57:00 AM permalink
I wish this on everyone except myself (a lifetime winner at gambling)
and a few pro gambling teams I know
Your opinion is so far off from the truth it is funny!

Oh, Good Luck to you

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May 11th, 2014 at 4:10:23 AM permalink
If you don't mind me asking, I know it's personal..but I would really like to know how much you've won over what period of time at what game/s.
The reason is because of the wizard's comments, with which I respectfully disagree, that ,( and I'm paraphrasing) "all betting strategies are equally worthless".. and " no one wins in the long run" in my recent thread post WHAT IS THE LONG RUN. You make my point by contradicting his statements with your lifetime winning record ... Your thoughts??
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May 11th, 2014 at 5:55:35 AM permalink
Quote: mustangsally

I, Sally, am thrilled beyond words that you are losing and hope you lose all your bankroll sooner than later.
there is a lesson in that.
Someone has to be in the tails of the normal curve and better you than me in the one on the far left side.

I only hope this was just a bad day for you and your tongue slipped out of wariness. You have not accustomed us to such meanness and, for the quoted sentence, outright nonsense.

To recap:
The game has no memory. It doesn't know someone else was in the tail when it puts you in the same. Eat it!
Reperiet qui quaesiverit
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May 11th, 2014 at 7:21:05 AM permalink
Quote: cwwbjr

If you don't mind me asking, I know it's personal..but I would really like to know how much you've won over what period of time at what game/s.
The reason is because of the wizard's comments, with which I respectfully disagree, that ,( and I'm paraphrasing) "all betting strategies are equally worthless".. and " no one wins in the long run" in my recent thread post WHAT IS THE LONG RUN. You make my point by contradicting his statements with your lifetime winning record ... Your thoughts??

I think I have explained this to you before. He is talking about betting systems used on -EV games. Systems that use things like funny math, bet selection, money management, streaks, dueness theories and voodoo to win.

It's commonly known that some Video poker games are over 100% pay back. Add cash back from the players club and a casino promotion, IE a loss rebate. Now you have a situation that there is a good chance you will make money. This is not a SYSTEM. The Math will show you have an advantage(thus the name AP.) There are plenty of people who have made a very nice living for years and years "gambling" for a living(millions.) Under the right condition you can almost guarantee you will win in both the short(minutes even) and long run (sometimes years.)
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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May 11th, 2014 at 7:26:54 AM permalink
Quote: kubikulann

I only hope this was just a bad day for you and your tongue slipped out of wariness. You have not accustomed us to such meanness and, for the quoted sentence, outright nonsense.

To recap:
The game has no memory. It doesn't know someone else was in the tail when it puts you in the same. Eat it!

Yea I was thinking the same thing. I was going to ask what other peoples losses have to do with her winning(this was strange to me.) Possibly if all other AP's lose the casino will offer better conditions and promotions.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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May 11th, 2014 at 7:36:30 AM permalink
Yes. I always encourage punters to stick to their silly "strategies", because the more they lose at my favoite games, the more chance I have that the casino continues proposing them.
But that in no way affects my probability of winning...
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May 11th, 2014 at 7:43:33 AM permalink
Quote: djatc

When in doubt GO SCOUT. You don't deserve a few days off watching movies, time off is for celebrating after a good play. Go find something good and you will get it back in short order. Don't chase, you know you can dig deeper and deeper.This is probably in the top 3 for failing AP's. Murphy's law tends to kick in right about now.

The ticket is probably the worst part of this(Asian drivers.;) Will you get in trouble for this from your superiors when they find out?

Doubtful because its discrimination, but just out of curiosity, does anyone know if they are they allowed to charge higher insurance premiums for diffidence races? What about for medical?
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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May 11th, 2014 at 7:48:31 AM permalink
Quote: kubikulann

Yes. I always encourage punters to stick to their silly "strategies", because the more they lose at my favoite games, the more chance I have that the casino continues proposing them.
But that in no way affects my probability of winning...

obviously. I was just saying that others winning can and will affect your INCOME.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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May 11th, 2014 at 11:17:06 AM permalink
Quote: cwwbjr

If you don't mind me asking, I know it's personal..but I would really like to know how much you've won over what period of time at what game/s.
The reason is because of the wizard's comments, with which I respectfully disagree, that ,( and I'm paraphrasing) "all betting strategies are equally worthless".. and " no one wins in the long run" in my recent thread post WHAT IS THE LONG RUN. You make my point by contradicting his statements with your lifetime winning record ... Your thoughts??

Actually you are misquoting, not paraphrasing. He says that all betting systems are equally worthless.

Playing games where you have an edge is not a betting system.
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May 11th, 2014 at 12:46:00 PM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

Sally im not sure what point you were tying to make or what you were trying to say. It almost sounded mean. Dj is young and just started doing this. I don't think its even been 1 year so 6k is a lot to a kid of his age who has just started.

There are multiple points I was making.
OP did not answer any one of them.
"I can't believe you can run this bad on games with an advantage."
what do you believe in how bad it can be?
and how do you arrive at that belief?

OP refused to answer these questions.

OP says
"So if you want to be a professional gambler, remember that you can get extremely lucky"

no way is this even close to being a correct statement or thought.

But the OP believes it 100%

do casinos get "extremely lucky" when they win?
They offer games where they have the edge. A proven edge.
So a professional gambler (AP) wins never because of luck, only because of the math.

Remember too, OP thinks that because the math says so, he will win in the end.
he forgets about the journey to that end.

and over 10 million APs, after X number of bets made
someone(s) has to be still showing a net lifetime loss and will be in a good downswing.
This is math.

It ain't Kentucky Fried Chicken!

now if he has played over 5 years and is still crying about his losses (IMO, that is exactly what he is doing here, read his blog)
I still see no reason for this.
The pro gamblers I know, do not celebrate or bitch and moan on wins or losses.
They use the winnings for a better cause. Not just to say "Hey, look how great things have been!"
as a matter of fact, that bothered me until I understood why.
They are professional gamblers and the OP is not, IMO

That is why I truly hope he losses all of his bankroll
There is a lesson to learn from it.

Some BJ experts had to learn the hard way, did not Daniel Negreanu have to start over at first after losing his bankroll?
and we all know the type of poker player he is.
he is always telling everyone how much he wins and how good things are and how bad things were and ...

what does he care? IMO

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May 11th, 2014 at 12:55:57 PM permalink
Quote: kubikulann

I only hope this was just a bad day for you and your tongue slipped out of wariness. You have not accustomed us to such meanness and, for the quoted sentence, outright nonsense.

I was not at all being mean.
you are expressing an opinion here.
Thank you for that.

I always have great days.
So I find out my Dad is not my real Dad, and my Uncle is my real Dad.
Bobby Darin comes to mind. I love his singing voice, but I understand not all do.
It is Mom's Day here in the USA

Quote: kubikulann

To recap:
The game has no memory. It doesn't know someone else was in the tail when it puts you in the same.

again. I want the OP to lose ALL of his bankroll.
there is a lesson to be learned that he will never learn if he does not go broke.

what is your fear here?
Quote: kubikulann

Eat it!

Eat what? is this an opinion of yours?
and from what language was that translated from?

Hmmm, are to trying to say my opinions do not matter to you?

what about your opinions?
do they matter more than mine?

and of all people, you should know that NOT 100% of all APs after X number of games played will ALL show a net profit.
OP, IMHO, is not a pro gambler, but his opinion he is.

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May 11th, 2014 at 1:03:04 PM permalink
Quote: djatc

Quote: mustangsally

you are crying over just that?
I know gambling teams (Asians) that lose a million$ in one month.
They do not even care.
Next month they win $10 million.
They do not even care.
They are pro gamblers.

I never said anywhere in my post that I was crying, so I dunno where you're getting this information from.

I said you are crying.
"you are crying over just that?"
maybe this is better
"you are crying over just that"

I wanted to point put again, IMO, you have not shown anything to point to you being a professional gambler
but you are allowed here to voice your opinions and thank you so very very much for sharing your many opinions here.

I voiced a few of mine too and some did not like that
too bad (my opinion)

really sorry about the personal insult (opinion possibly) I made saying "Good luck to you"
APs (professional gamblers) do not need good luck
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May 11th, 2014 at 1:03:33 PM permalink
Quote: AxiomOfChoice

Actually you are misquoting, not paraphrasing. He says that all betting systems are equally worthless.

Playing games where you have an edge is not a betting system.

I didn't quote his comment, I paraphrased it... so that I wouldn't misquote it.!. You misquoted my paraphrase... As far as playing games with an edge, a betting system/ strategy applied correctly can increase your winnings!
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May 11th, 2014 at 1:06:34 PM permalink
Quote: mustangsally

and over 10 million APs, after X number of bets made
someone(s) has to be still showing a net lifetime loss and will be in a good downswing.
This is math.

Quote: mustangsally

APs (professional gamblers) do not need good luck

You are contradicting yourself.
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May 11th, 2014 at 1:07:24 PM permalink
Quote: cwwbjr

a betting system/ strategy applied correctly can increase your winnings!

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May 11th, 2014 at 1:25:32 PM permalink
Quote: AxiomOfChoice


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May 11th, 2014 at 1:39:46 PM permalink
Quote: cwwbjr


You obviously know nothing about gambling. You win money by placing bets with an edge. Betting systems are for people who are never hit 16s or split 8s.

You should go play baccarat. You would probably lose less and you would fit right in.
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May 11th, 2014 at 1:57:53 PM permalink
Never nice to kick a man when he is down. But sometimes very necessary. If ever a whiner needed a kick in the ass, this one does.
SOOPOO says he's a nice guy. Always easy to be nice when you are winning.
Gee Where to start
" I never get angry at the dealer ever in my life (seeing as they don't do anything but deal and stand on hard 17) but I was a very sarcastic asshole to them. " All the decision are made on your side of the table DUH !!!! I am sure dealer was ecstatic at the prospects of getting no tips.
Forget all them stories of her rolling out to 20 or 21 with a stiff up SHIT happens. You push, win or lose . THATS IT.
1% edge is beyond me mostly. Not a math guy. But it's like a big jar with 101 white balls and 99 black balls . And you just had a bad run of black balls. Bad luck when it happens, so whiners say. When it goes the other way They say " See how smart I am ".

Dont know shit about VP but after reading poker blog I am wondering about the 1% edge on BJ................
" I felt like a fish in a game where I know I can beat, and I'm not even that good. " You sure are not that good.
" The table was full of tourists and they just kept hitting every hand. " That what calling stations do. And what a smart play on your last hand. Raise before the flop with 22. Welcome To Fruita. You should be calling and trying to hit the flop in that game. Why raise a hand you will fold 7 out of 8 hands about ? You need a 2 on the flop PERIOD. If you catch a flush, can you call with a 2? If you catch a straight, you probably have the sucker end of it ? You preflop raise might have given flush and straight draws the right odds.
If you do not hit a 2, what are odds none of the callers has a bigger pair ? DUH.

" , but feel like I just got violated in the worst way " How the hell will you handle a real trouble ?

" I am starting to get very snippy with servers at restaurants " Yeah, blame it on that single mom on her feet all day bringing food to unhappy whiners who stiff her on the tip too.

" On top of that I got a speeding ticket. " AND " I forgot to fill out some forms so I ended up paying for lodging instead of having it paid for. " Guess that was the waitress's fault too !

" can you psychologically handle losing at EVERY game in the casino for weeks and weeks? " Ken Uston was the Big Guerilla in Ac and over a 2 week period , only playing in positive shoes, max bet for 2k, he lost $150,000 for his team.

Difference between Ken and You , Ken was a pro, you are a wannabe whiner.

Of course you do have some valid points ,but they sorta get lost knowing you have it better than 99.99% of the people on this planet.
Quit whining !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shed not for her the bitter tear Nor give the heart to vain regret Tis but the casket that lies here, The gem that filled it Sparkles yet
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May 11th, 2014 at 2:15:04 PM permalink
Well, so far, so good. Will stop back later and see if my name is in red. SIGH
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May 11th, 2014 at 2:20:37 PM permalink
Quote: Buzzard

Well, so far, so good. Will stop back later and see if my name is in red. SIGH

Lol. I was going to say "and the ref takes a point away!" But I didn't want to draw unwanted attention.
My favorite part was unhappy whiners who stiff on the tip.
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May 11th, 2014 at 2:24:33 PM permalink
I would say most of the detractors in this thread haven't met DJ, he's the man, 'nuff said.

He'll bounce back, dude's just looking for a place to vent. Let he who has never complained about his/her job cast the first stone!
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May 11th, 2014 at 2:26:51 PM permalink
Big difference between venting and being nasty to defenseless people like waitress. Like I said earlier, easy to be nice when winning !
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May 11th, 2014 at 2:30:33 PM permalink
dj will be fine, I think, he's just venting to his friends and giving himself a little wake-up call about being the man he wants to be despite the downturn. Buzz, that looked more like dad's tough love to me than anything I'd worry about as a mod.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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May 11th, 2014 at 2:34:21 PM permalink
Well, you never know nowadays. If DJ really wants to know why he lost 6k , he should ask the man in the mirror. Hopefully he will see a man looking back, not a crybaby. At least I hope so.
Shed not for her the bitter tear Nor give the heart to vain regret Tis but the casket that lies here, The gem that filled it Sparkles yet
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May 11th, 2014 at 2:35:01 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

I would say most of the detractors in this thread haven't met DJ, he's the man, 'nuff said.

He'll bounce back, dude's just looking for a place to vent.
Let he who has never complained about his/her job cast the first stone!

Thank you for sharing your opinion.
Why does one have to meet him to have an opinion about things he posts here?

No one has questioned if he is a nice guy or not.

Is he or is he not a professional gambler?
I say he is not a professional gambler. He is a gambler.
That IS my opinion.

I went to see my professional doctor yesterday
I went to see my doctor yesterday
I went to see my professional auto mechanic yesterday
I went to see my auto mechanic yesterday

I am a professional gambler
I am a gambler

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