Quote: Tom PohlmanIf you are an opportunitist looking for 3 months of a free ride, we will identify you, downgrade you, and pass you off to another property!!!!
You can see it all for yourself if you visit the Golden Nugget AC page under photos. I tried manually subscribing the link, but it would take over 30 minutes after which I probably would have made a mistake.Quote: strictlyAPHey nickel - little more detail please
Quote: Mission146Is it this post a little way down on the right?
You mean the one that said this, and I quote cut/paste (or a different one):
Good morning Facebook Friends - its that time....#TomTuesdays
I am hoping to get as much interaction as we did two weeks ago - I will be here all day to answer questions.
I wanted to start the discussion by addressing a scenario that we are currently facing on a daily basis. I believe 99.9% of you will understand this. The other 0.1%, well, I think we all know why they don't understand...
We recently launched a very aggressive trade up program for any casino customer that was left without a home (ACH) and for those who were looking for a new home. This program allowed you to bring in your highest level card from any casino and we would upgrade you 1 tier above that and give you 3 months to earn X points to maintain that status.
Unfortunately, with a program like this, you do have some customers that upgrade, don't play, but will come in and eat 5 times a day in the Chairman's Club and use all the other benefits. This is not the intent of the program. Our number one priority is to protect the integrity of our Chairman's Club and our loyal customer's who truly earn the right to enjoy the benefits.
Shortly after the trade up program began we started evaluating activity daily. Customers who would regularly access the club but had little or no play were notified that they had been downgraded back to regular 24K status. As always, I encouraged these customers to contact me if they felt that we had incorrect information.
As with any promotion, and any property, Management always retains the right to revoke offers. It is in our best interest to protect our higher tiers and continue to provide them with outstanding benefits. We are not looking for you to earn all of your points in two weeks time, but it is very easy to evaluate a customer and determine their intent.
You will notice dedicated security within the Chairman's Club as well. You should always be prepared to show your card along with photo ID - this is for your protection and to allow us to maintain the integrity of the club.
For those of you who are taking the journey with us, hopefully you have received some recent communications from me that address various areas and how we are continuing to try to protect you as loyal customers.
Tom Pohlman
Golden Nugget Atlantic City
February 12.
Facebook friends-
I know it is not Tuesday, but I felt the need to share. I received a private message from a customer who was downgraded from the trade up program.
For our customers who were existing before the trade up program, please know how seriously I take this issue.
For our new members who benefited from the trade up program, please understand this - we want you to be a loyal Golden Nugget customer. I will do anything, and everything, to assist you and make sure you have the knowledge in order to be able to maintain your status.
Remember this - the Golden Nugget is a 4 Diamond Resort that protects the integrity of its Loyal Customers, and the quality if the benefits offered.
If you are truly a customer looking for the premium benefits you were offered at another property, we are the place for you.
If you are an opportunist, looking for 3 months of a free ride, we will identify you, downgrade you, and pass you off to another property!!!!
Please contact me at TPohlman@gnacm if there is any question whether or not the Golden Nugget is the right fit for you.
Thank You. See post below
Tom Pohlman
I would think most of them accept the sentiment if not actually agree with it.
Its become a defacto three tier card system. Tier climbing is based on points earned but awards a variety of "perks" culminating in rose petals being thrown at your feet as trumpets sound and dealers prostrate themselves at your feet.
But as an honest memo would read " you know we are a sweat the money joint that will nickle and dime you to death over everything that we can, so don't be surprised when we do so." We recycle those rose petals...and they are fake rose petals to boot. Every perk we grant, we grant grudgingly. And we yank it back soon as we can. Its all an illusion. The half naked girls don't show up in your room if you drop your entire bankroll at the tables. We just encourage you to think so.
Every perk we award is more hype than substance, but every attempt by you to subvert the system by seeking substance instead of hype will be met with resistance. You want to have the retirement home bus driver scan your card each day, that is fine with us, but we will eventually find you out and deny you your points.
Its the same as the days of the free lunch. Eat all you want, even of the top shelf items, but if you don't buy a beer first you are a bum and you get the bum's rush.
We gave you an illusory tier upgrade as part of our shake out campaign against you. If you didn't show us sufficient action to merit it, we yanked it back because we ourselves are the cheapest bums in the whole place.
you may want to think about creating a thread on here for limited q and a.
but either way thanks again for visiting
And again, thank you for joining the forum to respond!
Quote: TomGNACI was shocked when a customer told me she tried the Nugget when she saw a post on Wizard of Odds condemning me.... I was curious so I had to check it out. I always appreciate everyone's opinion and feedback. If anyone knew me on this site, you would know that I am far from being arrogant. I run a business, just like many if you here, and my primary concern is protecting our customers. You can see further detail on our Facebook, but I wanted to offer a simple explanation. Our Chairman's Club has limited capacity like any other club in AC. To add over 6,000 trade-ups into the mix over a matter of 2 weeks simply was not fair to our customers who had earned their status over the course of a year. They were being run out if the club by customers who had no intent of being a customer, not just gaming, but were more interested in loading up bags and pockets without any regard or respect for the property, or other people in the Club. Imagine yourself in whatever business you are involved in, and a similar situation occurs where a very small group is having a negative impact on the rest of your guests. To react immediately, we did identify people who had multiple visits to the Chairman's Club with very limited, and in most cases, no activity. Am immediate action to protect existing customers was to downgrade level so they could no longer use the Club. The rules listed at our Club, and any other Club anywhere, clearly states that we reserve all rights to remove or revoke offers for any reason what so ever. This is not how I like to operate my business - it was an immediate action to show customers I was not taking their concerns lightly. We have since implemented a procedure for customers who might have a lower level of play so that they can still use the club. First, nobody will be downgraded. Those that were in the interim have all been reinstated to their original trade up tier. Some customers may be required to earn 25 tier points and print a voucher from the kiosk prior to entering the club. They will still receive the higher amount of comps and cash back with their higher tier, and they will still be able to use the club. The play requirement for a certain level simply protects the integrity of the club and our customers who have earned the right to use it. Every customer is important to us whether they gamble or not - that is not what this is about. For anyone who would like to discuss further, or maybe provide additional feedback, I can always be contacted at TPohlman@gnacm.com. Thank You. Tom Pohlman
Very cool that you came on here to discuss this, Tom. Thanks.
Quote: beachbumbabsVery cool that you came on here to discuss this, Tom. Thanks.
Absolutely !
It never hurts to hear another perspective, in particular from someone in the middle of it. I am afraid I am more used to constructive suggestions or observations falling on deaf ears AND without even the courtesy of a response. So thanks and welcome to the site.
If I ever make it up to AC, and I hope to some day, I'll check-out the GN based on Mr. Pohlman's participation on this forum. No club worries with me, though, I am a low roller.
Quote: TomGNACNot poorly thought out but rushed due to the short notice we had about Atlantic Club closing. In addition, I made the decision to offer it to any customer, not just customers of Atlantic Club. That is on me, and not my team, and I believe we are now at a place where the volumes can be dealt with.
As a manager, it takes a great deal of courage to admit to a mistake like that and put all of the blame squarely on your own shoulders. I can't speak for the Forum, but you certainly have my respect.
I'm not the original poster in regards to any dealing with Golden Nugget and have had no problems personally playing there or with their promotions. Really I did like the place.Quote: strictlyAPyes I completely agree and with all due respect to the original poster I think he was just going and taking free money which clearly they were not ok with, maybe it could have been handled better but all in all owning up is great and much appreciated that he came into the forum
You've already made progress admitting fault for the promotion and making reasonable changes without blaming customers. When you speak of customers with disdain, it's creating unnecessary doubt the company feels the same about their patrons.Quote: TomGNACI am sorry that you think I am arrogant - that is the furthest from the truth. I do believe in telling it how I see it - which I have learned customers respect. The only thing I ever promise to anyone is an honest explanation and answer to any question. As far as disclosing personal information regarding posts - that is simply untrue. If you look at the post I shared, it didn't have the persons name - I kept that out if it and used the post to start a dialog. As for you saying I personally insulted you a few times, I am not sure who you are, but that is never my intent. If my responses insulted you, for that I apologize. If you have time, you could email me at TPohlman@gnacm.com so that You can share the circumstances and I can provide a true apology if I did infant insult you. Thank You. Tom Pohlman
Think about what you're saying about people stealing trinkets of food and the assumption they are bad customers. Obviously they produced thousands for another company and can't be labeled nuisances. They are the people whom can teach you more than your most guaranteed losers. Treat them like gold and see what you can learn from them. They know more about casinos than you might think. Find out why they're spending somewhere else, but not with you. Perhaps do focus groups with them in other words. I just had the impression you were throwing out the baby with the bath water.
As far as communicating on Facebook, you probably need some training on diplomacy and it's probably just a weakness you've not had to sharpen staring at people from a monitor. The thing I would guess is the people saying they like the brash manner won't actually be influenced to play, but the people who don't like it will-negative expectation.
Edited: conciseness, clarity.
Quote: onenickelmiracleYou've already made progress admitting fault for the promotion and making reasonable changes without blaming customers. When you speak of customers with disdain, it's creating unnecessary doubt the company feels the same about their patrons.
Think about what you're saying about people stealing trinkets of food and the assumption they are bad customers. Obviously they produced thousands for another company and can't be labeled nuisances. They are the people whom can teach you more than your most guaranteed losers. Treat them like gold and see what you can learn from them. They know more about casinos than you might think. Find out why they're spending somewhere else, but not with you. Perhaps do focus groups with them in other words. I just had the impression you were throwing out the baby with the bath water.
As far as communicating on Facebook, you probably need some training on diplomacy and it's probably just a weakness you've not had to sharpen staring at people from a monitor. The thing I would guess is the people saying they like the brash manner won't actually be influenced to play, but the people who don't like it will-negative expectation.
Edited: conciseness, clarity.
I agree with this. For someone to be able to tier match, they would have had to obtain status from somewhere else, therefore you know they are potential customers who can fade the action. How do you get their gambling dollars to the Nugget, better yet how do you transplant their home casino to yours? While I can't say about GN AC since I've never been, but the one in downtown is pretty damn big, and is the benchmark for all downtown properties. It's got lots of tables, bac (only the D has it as well but people have complained about the noise level), and high limit slots unseen anywhere else in downtown. If I were a casual gambler I would love to stay and play at GN downtown just because it seems more "refined" to me then other properties around the area.
Quote: onenickelmiracleHe says they've pulled cards from people who tier matched who are opportunitists. From disclosing personal messages to insulting me two or three times, he's one arrogant SOB.
The comments are hilarious. I've never seen such an unprofessional display from someone in top management. Tom is the VP/GM of the Golden Nugget AC. One commenter said it perfectly:
"Get out of town Tom. You must be drunk as a skunk to be so ridiculous. Revel is irrelevant in our conversation. Opportunists don't exist without opportunity and the person creating the opportunity is solely to blame for creating the opportunist. "
another said
"Tom, why should I come to your property? Reposting a concern from what could have been a loyal customer is nothing but low class. How does this help? Your posts make someone feel like they will be held hostage to play at your property or get out. While I am a premium label from your competitor across the road, I've never felt like that, even on days when I'd play very little. I'd be scared you would kick me out! And to take someone's card away? What are we in kindergarten? I suggest you get your marketing manager to revoke your Facebook administrator privilege before you make your situation worse. Good luck on getting people to come and lose the house!"