Got the car from a new place called SixT, been there a month.
Really cheap really nice new cars. Got a Honda Accord with
200 miles on it, nicest car I ever rented. Gorgeous women
working there with sexy accents and short skirts. It's right
next to the other places on Gillespie. Nicest car people I've
ever dealt with, they even have a beautiful waiting area
with couches and bring you coffee or Coke, it's quite unreal
for a car place.
Visited the trash can Pierce heaved into at McD's. It'a a
paying homage thing. Showed the wife how to play roulette,
finally. Told her to stay in the $5 joints and bet five different
corners every time. You can make $50 last for hours sometimes
doing this. She had a problem with that prick Paul at Binions.
He's been there 30 years, he should know better. My wife was
playing alone and she'd start to bet and he'd immediately
spin the ball before she was even half way done. He did this
three times and she finally left the table. I went and told him
what I thought, that he was just plain rude. I've seen him in there
for years, he hates his job.
Saw three girls in nuns habits on Fremont in front of 4 Queens.
They had fake pink breasts sticking out the front of the habits.
I was offended by this and told them so. I'm not Catholic, but
a billion people are, and it's just not funny to mock their religion
like that. I told them to wear Muslim burqa's and see the reaction
they'd get. Have your fake boobs sticking out from a burqa and
somebody will call the cops.
Screw all the expensive buffets on the Strip and their long lines.
I like the Paradise Buffet in the Fremont. $13.99 and a great
atmosphere. They had excellent prime rib, crab legs and even
smoked salmon. For a third what you pay on the Strip and the
lines are rarely long, go after 7 30 and there's no line at all.
I was glad to see Binions basement cafe from the 50's is open
again temporarily. The dark oak in there is wonderful and
the waitresses have been there decades and are the friendliest
in Vegas. Food is good too.
Was playing at the single zero wheel at MGM and was surrounded
by high rollers. A guy bought in for $5K, lost all of it by never
winning once, got another $5K in chips and put his last $500
on number 11 and won, you figure out how much. I was a low
roller at $50 a spin and didn't bet every time. The suit in the
pit was so upset at the number 11 win, he stuck his face right
in my face, I mean 2" away and and snarled 'if you aren't going
to bet every spin, give your seat to somebody else.' Of course
there is no rule about this, so I waved my hand across my nose
and said 'geez, lay off the garlic at lunch, Luigi.' And colored up.
I hate rude suits.
The $20 trick for an upgrade failed this time, even though it had
worked in May at the same hotel. Depends on who you get.
Saw a guy from high school on the plane on the way out who
was going to Vegas for the first time and was pretty excited.
On the way back he was in a very foul mood and would barely
be civil. Gee, what could have happened to make him that way.
He was jerk when I knew him anyway, so I had to rub it in.
Took one cab ride after we took the car back. Got a veteran
lady driver who's been doing it for 24 years and says it's awful
now in Vegas for drivers. You have to work 12 hours a day just
to eek out a living. She'd been out 10 hours and we were her 7th
fare of the day. That's pitiful, she showed me her time sheet.
And man, does she hate the Muslim cab drivers. I can't even
repeat what she said about them, she hates them so much.
We were a $40 dollar fare and it made her day, she could go
home with a profit.
Took the shuttle to the airport at 5am. Never take a cab, call
the shuttle company and they will pick you up and it's $8.50
a person. Better than a cab and a fraction of the cost.
I'm not religious and the naughty nuns don't particularly offend me although some would deem them inappropriate. They're on Freemont Street, not in front of a church on a Sunday morning. It's not like they're ridiculing or mocking someone's beliefs just for sport, like on a gambling forum, for instance, where it's always open season.
Quote: EvenBobSaw three girls in nuns habits on Fremont in front of 4 Queens.
They had fake pink breasts sticking out the front of the habits.
I was offended by this and told them so. I'm not Catholic, but
a billion people are, and it's just not funny to mock their religion
like that. I told them to wear Muslim burqa's and see the reaction
they'd get. Have your fake boobs sticking out from a burqa and
somebody will call the cops.
Took one cab ride after we took the car back. Got a veteran
lady driver who's been doing it for 24 years and says it's awful
now in Vegas for drivers. You have to work 12 hours a day just
to eek out a living. She'd been out 10 hours and we were her 7th
fare of the day. That's pitiful, she showed me her time sheet.
And man, does she hate the Muslim cab drivers. I can't even
repeat what she said about them, she hates them so much.
We were a $40 dollar fare and it made her day, she could go
home with a profit.
I agree Bob - although I am a non-believer…I think people pick on the easy christian targets as they know there will no reprisals…as you said, do it in a burqa or on a muslim prayer rug and see what happens
Perhaps your muslim hating cab driver can be the test case…?
Quote: aceofspadesI agree Bob - although I am a non-believer…I think people pick on the easy christian targets as they know there will no reprisals…as you said, do it in a burqa or on a muslim prayer rug and see what happens
Perhaps your muslim hating cab driver can be the test case…?
Another Salman Rushdie type incident is what would happen.
Now, if someone was dressed as a priest, walking around with his arm around a 12 year old boy....that would be in bad taste. Creative, but in bad taste.
Quote: EvenBobGot the car from a new place called SixT, been there a month.
Really cheap really nice new cars. Got a Honda Accord with
200 miles on it, nicest car I ever rented. Gorgeous women
working there with sexy accents and short skirts. It's right
next to the other places on Gillespie. Nicest car people I've
ever dealt with, they even have a beautiful waiting area
with couches and bring you coffee or Coke, it's quite unreal
for a car place.
I have been curious about SixT. You say they are next to the main rental car center. How do they pick you up? Do you use the regular shuttle, or do they run their own?
Quote: kewljI think you guys are being too sensitive. I was raised catholic and have seen the 'nuns' and found it humorous. I see no difference in that and the two ladies dressed as police officers, with a very small vest, exposing most of their breasts that reads Las Vegas Police Dept, a badge, handcuffs, police hat, (very short) shorts and high heels. It's just Vegas fun. Lighten and loosen up.
Now, if someone was dressed as a priest, walking around with his arm around a 12 year old boy....that would be in bad taste. Creative, but in bad taste.
You mean like this Halloween Costume????
Quote: JimRockfordI have been curious about SixT. You say they are next to the main rental car center. How do they pick you up? Do you use the regular shuttle, or do they run their own?
Take the regular shuttle from the airport
and a SixT van will take you down the
block to their facility. No waiting time yet,
not enough business. All brand new cars,
many of them Honda's. They're bending
over backwards in customer service, they
were super nice to us. The Accord was almost
too nice to be a rental.

Quote: AxelWolfYou will get the upgrade or you wont, the $20 has no factor in this.
Baloney. The $20 is incentive for them to go
out of their way for you. I've done this and
not done it, using the $20 gets far better
results than not using it. Money talks..
Quote: EvenBobBaloney. The $20 is incentive for them to go
out of their way for you. I've done this and
not done it, using the $20 gets far better
results than not using it. Money talks..
The 20 trick still works for me including 3 weeks ago. They have options.
Quote: 1BBMuch has been written on the $20 trick or "sandwich". What you don't hear a lot about are the policies of the different hotels on this. They all have to know about. I imagine it could run the gamut from strictly forbidden to turning a blind eye.
I agree with 1BB that the $20 probably doesn't make a lot of difference. I always ask for an upgrade of some kind and get it 75% of the time with no $20 sandwich.
Asked for a high room at Caesars this past week. We were booked in the Palace Tower and we were offered an upgrade to the Octavious Tower. Turned that down because my wife likes the room we had booked with the His&Hers bathroom. Ended up on the top floor just below the high rollers suites.
I have gotten some excellent results from a $20 tip at shows in the past. Haven't been to a show for years but assume it still works.
Quote: EvenBob
Took the shuttle to the airport at 5am. Never take a cab, call
the shuttle company and they will pick you up and it's $8.50
a person. Better than a cab and a fraction of the cost.
Downtown to McCarran would be more but cab prices were fine this weekend. McCarran to CP for $18.50 Downtown to CP for $9.60 CP to McCarran for $14.60. Those prices are all before tip but I tip shuttle drivers too including the 'free' shuttles.
place to live, the more I know I'd hate living
there. The traffic is atrocious. Fremont St
is now such a 3 ring circus I find it classless
and irritating. Nuns with their fake boobs
hanging out. Bums with cardboard signs
everywhere you turn. Some guy operating
an Indian string puppet, next to two fat guys
with cheesy Elvis outfits on, who look absolutely
nothing like Elvis.
It didn't used to be like that. The bums were
kept from under the canopy, and there weren't
people running around in dirty Smurf outfits.
It's depressing and embarrassing, like a 2nd rate
carnival midway in the Midwest during the
You never see crap like this at Indian casinos.
Vegas is so low class now, compared to the way
it used to be. Yuk.
Quote: kenarmanDowntown to McCarran would be more .
DT to the airport averages $30 without the tip.
The shuttle was $17. During heavy traffic, it
can be $38 to the airport in a cab. $9.60
from DT to CP? I've done that and it's more
like $15. TaxiFareFinder lists that ride as $18
in light traffic.
Quote: EvenBobDT to the airport averages $30 without the tip.
The shuttle was $17. During heavy traffic, it
can be $38 to the airport in a cab. $9.60
from DT to CP? I've done that and it's more
like $15. TaxiFareFinder lists that ride as $18
in light traffic.
Believe me or don't EB but it was what is was. Caught the cab beside the GN onto the freeway and into CP via Flamingo exit. About 10:00 PM.
Quote: kenarmanBelieve me or don't EB but it was what is was. Caught the cab beside the GN onto the freeway and into CP via Flamingo exit. About 10:00 PM.
It's logistically impossible, especially taking
the long way, the freeway.
It's 6.2 miles from GN to CP on the freeway.
The drop (amount the meter starts at) is
$3.30 and it's $2.40 for each mile. That's
$17.70 and it doesn't include the stops for
waiting time. It averages around $20. The
amount you paid would get you to the Strat.
How do you know it worked? Did you ask they said," no".Quote: beachbumbabsThe 20 trick still works for me including 3 weeks ago. They have options.
Then you gave them $20 and suddenly it was available? I would love to SEE this.
Try just asking. They are are allowed to give you upgrades anyways, depending on availability. It's a way to make people feel special.
I get upgrades all the time without asking, the desk clerk will say, I upgraded you to xxx. This has even backfired on me a few times. Sometimes I refuse the upgrade. When they have give me a suite and I only wanted a regular room, it affects my comps. Since I'm now in a suite, the hosts became less generous with food comps or show tickets. I have been told this directly from a few hosts. A nice room is just fine with me no real need for a suite, especially if taking a suite is going to cost me 300 in food cops or show tickets.
I have even be given upgrades using My Vegas rooms and they seem to be stingy with My Vegas rooms and comps.
They do the same free upgrades with with car rentals they often upgrade you for no extra cost, especially if they have a ton of extra cars available.
Quote: kenarmanBelieve me or don't EB but it was what is was. Caught the cab beside the GN onto the freeway and into CP via Flamingo exit. About 10:00 PM.
Its possible he forgot to turn on the meter. I find, if you tell the cab driver you are a local, they seem to get you there quickly (dangerously) and it's always less then that taxifarefinder estimate.
Quote: AxelWolfHow do you know it worked? Did you ask they said," no".
Then you gave them $20 and suddenly it was available? I would love to SEE this.
You don't get it. It depends on who you're
dealing with. Doing the $20 will get you
more yes's than no's. Doing it your way
works sometimes, sometimes not. Do
you really think they give an upgrade to
everybody who asks, if they can? They
don't, far from it. The $20 incentivise's
them. And there are different levels of
upgrades. A room with a better view is
an upgrade. The $20 will often get you
a better view AND a suite.
Quote: EvenBobThe more I go to Vegas and look at it as a
place to live, the more I know I'd hate living
there. The traffic is atrocious. Fremont St
is now such a 3 ring circus I find it classless
and irritating.
It's depressing and embarrassing, like a 2nd rate
carnival midway in the Midwest during the
You never see crap like this at Indian casinos.
Vegas is so low class now, compared to the way
it used to be. Yuk.
Thanks for the trip report. I like living in Vegas. Traffic is a problem along the Strip, and within about a mile on either side. But if you can avoid that corridor, I think Vegas compares favorably to other big cities. It does suck though for tourists, which is a problem for a city that relies on attracting them.
I'm surprised that you've had good experiences at Indian casinos because I don't consider Vegas casinos to have a monopoly on "low class." It's characteristic of the entire casino industry, IMO. As a Vegas resident, there are drawbacks to living among employees and enthusiasts of casinos, but choosing a good neighborhood is helpful.
Quote: gpac1377
I'm surprised that you've had good experiences at Indian casinos because I don't consider Vegas casinos to have a monopoly on "low class." .
Most Indian casinos have dealers who were
born in the area, and the players are 90%
locals also. It's a totally different feeling
than in Vegas. The pit is much nicer, as a
rule, in an Indian casino. Vegas pits deal
with so many total strangers on a daily
basis, that it shows in their friendliness
factor. Vegas casinos aren't friendly anymore,
not like 30 years ago. Playing table games
in an Indian joint, it's not unusual for the dealer
to know the names of half the people playing,
and the pit also. This goes a long way to getting
people to come back again and again.
Quote: EvenBobVegas casinos aren't friendly anymore,
not like 30 years ago.
Good point. I wasn't in Vegas quite that far back, but I'm pretty sure the friendliness hasn't improved.
Quote: gpac1377Good point. I wasn't in Vegas quite that far back, but I'm pretty sure the friendliness hasn't improved.
I used to go only to Vegas, that's all there was.
Now I go to Indian joints far more often and
Vegas is the exception. My first feeling is, what's
wrong with me, when I'm playing. So many dealers
in Vegas are ready to jump down your throat
over nothing. That goes double for the pit. Then
I realize it's not me, it's them. They're jaded,
they're worn out, they're sick to death of dealing
with a public full of strangers.
Maybe I notice it more because I never drink when
I play. That pit creep putting his face right in mine
and snarling at me, I've never seen that in an Indian
casino. It was almost malevolent and puts a damper
on the whole trip.
Quote: EvenBobYou don't get it. It depends on who you're
dealing with. Doing the $20 will get you
more yes's than no's. Doing it your way
works sometimes, sometimes not. Do
you really think they give an upgrade to
everybody who asks, if they can? They
don't, far from it. The $20 incentivise's
them. And there are different levels of
upgrades. A room with a better view is
an upgrade. The $20 will often get you
a better view AND a suite.
I do get it. the most common reason for upgrades is when the hotels occupancy is expected to be low and the higher priced rooms will probably be unsold. or possibly hotel was overbooked on standard rooms and they have only good rooms left available.Checking in late and asking will probably work better then a $20.
The best way is to be NICE and ask I think its something like only 27% ask for upgrades or cheaper rooms/free WiFi and 78% of people that JUST ask get something extra. If someone find themselves having to give $20 for an upgraded view, its probably because they don't know how to act and are unlikable. Simply Asking for a corner room, telling them its a special occasion, or asking for a disabled friendly room, will work far better then $20
I thought it was obvious we we talking about a suite upgrade, not what the casino considers an upgrade. I don't consider close or far from the elevators an upgrade.
I would like you to explain how you know 100% you would not have gotten a suite or better view by just asking?
I wonder how often you give them the $20 and still not get and upgrade?
What do you consider often?
Quote: EvenBobI used to go only to Vegas, that's all there was.
Now I go to Indian joints far more often and
Vegas is the exception. My first feeling is, what's
wrong with me, when I'm playing. So many dealers
in Vegas are ready to jump down your throat
over nothing. That goes double for the pit. Then
I realize it's not me, it's them. They're jaded,
they're worn out, they're sick to death of dealing
with a public full of strangers.
Maybe I notice it more because I never drink when
I play. That pit creep putting his face right in mine
and snarling at me, I've never seen that in an Indian
casino. It was almost malevolent and puts a damper
on the whole trip.
Bob - I have had excellent dealings with pit personnel and dealers in Vegas…they have been proactive in correcting mistakes (aside from the tournament as I do not normally play in that casino where it occurred) — coming over and telling me I could pull a bet back…or hit tip I win or they would push the hand…whereas all of my trouble with pit personnel and dealers has been in AC
Quote: aceofspadesBob - I have had excellent dealings with pit personnel and dealers in Vegas…they have been proactive in correcting mistakes (aside from the tournament as I do not normally play in that casino where it occurred) — coming over and telling me I could pull a bet back…or hit tip I win or they would push the hand…whereas all of my trouble with pit personnel and dealers has been in AC
How many casinos have you played at? This trip I
played at 11 different casinos. How many do you
play at per trip?
This trip:
4 Queens
New Grand
Golden Gate
Quote: AxelWolf
The best way is to be NICE and ask
No, the best way is to be nice and offer
them 20 bucks. Your travel experience
is obviously lacking. Money talks..
It also gets you a valet parking spot when
they say they're full. I used to beg, never
worked. Then I started offering a 5 spot
and it's worked 100% of the time, I've
never been turned down once. Money
is the grease that makes things run smoothly.
Quote: EvenBobHow many casinos have you played at? This trip I
played at 11 different casinos. How many do you
play at per trip?
This trip:
4 Queens
New Grand
Golden Gate
In my trips to Vegas lifetime I have played at:
Caesars Palace
Quote: aceofspadesIn my trips to Vegas lifetime I have played at:
Caesars Palace
Your experience certainly is not the norm. We constantly
hear about rude dealers in the Strip hotels, especially
places like Bellagio and Wynn and CP. I've played at all
the casinos on your list except Aria and have had bad
experiences in all of them at one time or another.
Luxor is a hole, rude dealers. Ditto NY NY, the pit there
is awful. Paris isn't bad, Mirage I got hassled about players
card, ditto Excalibur. I almost got backed off of BJ at Excalibur
because I refused to get a card. Just this trip had more trouble
at MGM. It's certainly gotten worse since 2008, it's like everybody
is sweating the money now. I know for a fact the guy at MGM
went off on me because the big player just won $17K on one spin.
If you drink while you play, chances are you'll think everything
is great. I never drink except in my room when I'm done for
the day. If you played all those casinos on every visit, you'd
have a different attitude. Don't you tend to play in just one
casino per visit?
But you're comparing Vegas to the gambling cesspit of the world,
AC. Vegas looks like a dream come true compared to Atlantic City.
A lot of dealers who move from AC to Vegas end up moving back
because they're so rude and obnoxious Vegas won't tolerate them
as dealers.
" I've played at all
the casinos on your list except Aria and have had bad
experiences in all of them at one time or another. "
Second, I get a kick out of folks that come here, spend some time in the strip or downtown and say 'I could never live here'. Those areas are not all there is to Vegas. Vegas, like other metropolitan areas is a city of neighborhoods. Some like Summerlin, parts of Henderson and some of the newer southwest areas are pretty nice. Sort of a suburban setting. Families, little league, shopping malls and churches.
Now about the $20 trick. That is like a leftover 'trick' from a former time. Maybe it still works on occasion. But, an acquaintance that works the front desk at a strip location told me she can be terminated for accepting that. This is 2014, not 1980. Everyone is being watched including the front desk folks. So you might want to consider that before you get someone fired. If you want a freaking upgrade, don't be such a cheapskate and pay for it.
Quote: kewljSome thoughts from this thread. First Vegas is NOT just the strip and downtown tourist areas. .
The other problem is Vegas is butt ugly. It's all
stucco and red tile roofs and steel buildings.
And brown desert. I like how the people who
live in Vegas, who never stay in the hotels,
are experts on the $20 tip. It's not old, it's
going on right now. It works or I wouldn't
do it. Most places turn a blind eye to it,
they pretend not to notice.
It's like anything else in Vegas, $ is the grease.
Try ordering a drink at a table and not tipping
the girl. You become invisible to her. I get a
lot of water and always tip a buck. They ask
me every 10min if I want another, my buck
is the same as the buck from a guy drinking a
beer. Tipping gets you service from everybody
in Vegas, including the front desk clerk.
This site lists the odds of the $20 sandwich trick
working. Like it says, its common all over the US
and universal in Vegas. You locals don't know
what you're talking about.
Here's the FAQ on the subject.
Quote: kewljWe have those 'local' casinos were dealers and waitresses know your name, regular drink and favorite meal. From the Stations casino chain to smaller places, like Eastside Cannery, Club Fortune, Jerry's Nugget to name just a few.
Agreed, and these are the places where I spend most of my time. Friendlier staff, better comps, more favorable BJ rules...I don't miss the Strip or Downtown at all. And there are SO many locals joints to choose from.
Quote: EvenBobI like how the people who
live in Vegas, who never stay in the hotels,
are experts on the $20 tip. You locals don't know
what you're talking about.
A little defensive aren't you EB? You're right, people who live in Vegas don't take advantage of the many room offers we receive and spent a night or weekend at Green Valley Ranch, Red Rock, M resort or even the strip. And we NEVER travel.
Quote: Beethoven9thAgreed, and these are the places where I spend most of my time. Friendlier staff, better comps, more favorable BJ rules...I don't miss the Strip or Downtown at all. And there are SO many locals joints to choose from.
The problem with locals joints is they aren't close
together. I go to Vegas for one thing, gambling.
I don't see shows, I don't drink, I don't eat in
expensive restaurants. I play mostly DT because
if a game peters out, I can walk across the st
to another, and do it for hours. I don't have time
to drive from local joint to local joint checking
out the conditions. I'm on a schedule. I don't
even walk down to Main st Station because it
takes too long and I would be pissed if nothing
was going on.
Quote: EvenBobThe problem with locals joints is they aren't close
together. I go to Vegas for one thing, gambling.
I don't see shows, I don't drink, I don't eat in
expensive restaurants. I play mostly DT because
if a game peters out, I can walk across the st
to another, and do it for hours. I don't have time
to drive from local joint to local joint checking
out the conditions. I'm on a schedule. I don't
even walk down to Main st Station because it
takes too long and I would be pissed if nothing
was going on.
This is fine. It is what most visitors do. The problem is when you ONLY experience the touristy places and then want to complain and compare them to local places in other states. It's comparing apples to oranges.
Also, now speaking of experts, I sometime wonder where you get your 'facts' that you spout. For example, exactly how many dealers do you know that moved from AC to Vegas and then had to move back because Vegas wouldn't tolerate their arrogance. You said "a lot". What is a lot? One? Two? 100?
Quote: kewljThis is fine. It is what most visitors do. The problem is when you ONLY experience the touristy places and then want to complain and compare them to local places in other states. It's comparing apples to oranges.
When I lived in Hawaii and tell people I did, they would always say, "OMG that is so awesome so did you go to the beach and surf everyday?" in which I reply, "Well no I live there so I worked...."
Quote: kewljThis is fine. It is what most visitors do. The problem is when you ONLY experience the touristy places and then want to complain and compare them to local places in other states. It's comparing apples to oranges.
I've been to many locals joints over the years, some
of them are very nasty places. Old tired worn out
casinos with lots of old people with their air tanks
playing the slots. I've been to places in Vegas you
never even heard of because I've been going there
since before you were born. You've been 21 for what,
10 years? When I started going, there was almost
nothing on the Strip, compared to now. This
is what it looked like when I went there for the first

Quote: djatcWhen I lived in Hawaii and tell people I did, they would always say, "OMG that is so awesome so did you go to the beach and surf everyday?" in which I reply, "Well no I live there so I worked...."
That's funny, I lived in Hawaii for a year and felt
the same way. Nice place to visit but living there
Quote: EvenBobI've been to places in Vegas you
never even heard of because I've been going there
since before you were born.
You've been 21 for what, 10 years?
I am not sure what this first comment has to do with anything. You're old. I get that. I don't hold that against you. :-) I live with an old guy...well, not as old as you, but old to I know you older guys like to reminisce about 'the good old days'. :-)
Second comment? I have no idea what that even means? What are you trying to say?
edit: Ok, I think I get it. You are saying I have only been old enough to gamble for 10 years, so obviously I haven't experienced everything you have. Ok agree. But not sure what that has to do with anything or this discussion about current state of things.
Quote: EvenBobThat's funny, I lived in Hawaii for a year and felt
the same way. Nice place to visit but living there
Great place if you have money and are moving in. Bad place to make a living since everyone works 2 jobs. Lots of locals in Hawaii move to Las Vegas because of that fact. I actually just ate a sushi place downtown which is run by people from Hawaii.
Quote: djatcGreat place if you have money and are moving in. .
Wow, that's exactly what I used to say. Hawaii
is paradise if you're rich. It sucks if you're not.
Quote: kewljI am not sure what this first comment has to do with anything.
I'm saying you come off as an expert on all
things Vegas because you've been there
what, a couple years? Next year, 2015, will
be 40 years since I went there for the first
time. You have nothing to compare your
experience to, you weren't even there before
the crash of 2008.
Quote: EvenBobI'm saying you come off as an expert on all
things Vegas because you've been there
what, a couple years? Next year, 2015, will
be 40 years since I went there for the first
time. You have nothing to compare your
experience to, you weren't even there before
the crash of 2008.
Ok, first of all, I don't claim to be an expert on anything. I prefer to think of myself as a student of life, still learning. I apologize if I come off in such a negative manner. I'll work on that.
BUT, this discussion was not about the last 40 years. I said, that $20 is a trick from years ago. No doubt it did work 40 years ago. Even 20. Maybe even some today. But the discussion revolved around CURRENT conditions and situation....what is happening today, and I do know a little bit about what is going on in Vegas today.
Just asking will get you a high percentage as well so the $20 is not needed. Once again how was the experiments done? if you give $20 and it works that dose dose not mean it would have not worked just by asking.Quote: EvenBobThe other problem is Vegas is butt ugly. It's all
stucco and red tile roofs and steel buildings.
And brown desert. I like how the people who
live in Vegas, who never stay in the hotels,
are experts on the $20 tip. It's not old, it's
going on right now. It works or I wouldn't
do it. Most places turn a blind eye to it,
they pretend not to notice.
It's like anything else in Vegas, $ is the grease.
Try ordering a drink at a table and not tipping
the girl. You become invisible to her. I get a
lot of water and always tip a buck. They ask
me every 10min if I want another, my buck
is the same as the buck from a guy drinking a
beer. Tipping gets you service from everybody
in Vegas, including the front desk clerk.
This site lists the odds of the $20 sandwich trick
working. Like it says, its common all over the US
and universal in Vegas. You locals don't know
what you're talking about.
Here's the FAQ on the subject.
Quote: kewljI said, that $20 is a trick from years ago. No doubt it did work 40 years ago. .
You would have to be insane to give
a desk clerk $20 40 years ago for an
upgrade, rooms were $12 and $15
a night! And it works all the time NOW,
it's done all over the US and especially
in Vegas. Why is all of this news to you?