For my 5,000th post, the Wizard was kind enough to conduct the following interview with me. Fair warning, I'm a bit more boring than I may seem, but I hope it is at least a somewhat enjoyable read:
1.) If I may say so, you've done a great job as an administrator around here. Did you get any experience at other sites before finding this one?
I appreciate the compliment, Wizard, thank you!
From some point in 2008 until April of 2013, I was a Moderator at one of the largest, if not the largest Philosophy forums on the Internet. Unfortunately, the site has gone way downhill from the time that I Moderated there, but that had actually started while I was still there as a result of other Moderators becoming more lax on the Rules. The Rules there were probably twice as strict as the ones here, the question was just one of actual enforcement. Each Moderator would be assigned certain sub-forums in which they exercised almost absolute autonomy while the Administrator handled the technical stuff, the result of that was I could see how weakly other Forums were being Moderated, but was not in a position to do anything about it. I bailed when I took the job at the Distribution Center in April because I wouldn't have time on weekends for both there and here, but even though I'm back at the hotel, I don't believe I am going to Moderate at that site again.
From 2010 to some point in 2012 I was an Administrator at a smaller Philosophy-themed website and a Moderator at yet another. The Administration of the one site was passed onto me from someone else, but the owner of that website didn't really care about it. For some reason, our software was unable to run one of the updates (you basically clicked a button and it updated) automatically so it needed to be fixed manually and the owner didn't seem to care to do it (did not respond to my E-Mails), so the website crashed as a result. Technically, he responded to one E-Mail telling me how to fix it, but I obviously didn't understand a word of what he said.
The second of those two 2010-2012 websites had me Moderating exclusively for the purpose of Spam Deletion, for some reason, we were randomly inundated with Spam, 1,000+ Spam posts, so we had to shut off new Member registration. We were a pretty tight-knit group of about twenty-five regulars, so three of us volunteered for clean-up duty and we were all made Moderators. We had to keep up with new Spam for about three weeks because nobody had Admin access due to the fact that the actual Administrator stopped posting and forgot to give someone else Admin access. We finally got ahold of him and shut off new Registration, so the only new Members would be by referral where we would open up Registration for an hour at a time.
Back to the first site, believe it or not, I actually had even more responsibility there because I had super-user access. The only thing I could not do was see PM's, but I could change passwords (by request), E-Mail addresses, signatures or any other User info. You could change an individual's handle, if you wanted to, and some people often requested a handle change for one reason or another. We also did new post approvals to combat Spam for the first five posts, and I was one of only two people doing that in a timely manner. Like I said, I was largely sick of doing everything by myself and this site was and is more important to me, anyway.
2.) What is your educational background?
I have an Associate's Degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor's in Business Management/Economics from two schools of equally little repute. I hesitate to specify which schools because there is enough personally identifying information about me on here already.
I was a hard worker in college in the sense that I typically had multiple jobs, (one FT and one PT) but when it came to actual school, I went to lesser colleges (my Associate's is from a local Community College) for a few reasons:
1.) Money
-The main thing is that I wasn't getting paid directly for being in college and was mostly only going because I did not want to disappoint my Mom. I manage a hotel for a living right now and college is probably not a requirement for what I do, if you have some experience. I managed a different hotel during my last six months of attending a physical University and had only been a desk clerk there for about a month when I got promoted when the General Manager literally took off in the middle of the night.
-Anyway, pardon the language, but if I was going to deal with all of that college bullshit, I was going to live well while I did it, which is why I worked so much. Driving a new car and going out to eat virtually every day costs money, not to mention the poker, because while I usually won, I didn't always win.
I've only been without a full-time or full-time equivalent job for a total of five months in my life since the age of seventeen, and I worked PT since I was fifteen. I actually made a ton of money writing research papers and essays for people during that five months, more money than I made at the job from which I was technically fired.
2.) Academic Laziness
-My first excuse for not going to college was that I would not get in anywhere, this, despite having a H.S. Career GPA of 3.8 and a 28 on my ACT's. I'm really good at being an underachiever. I sent applications with letters of recommendation to WVU, OSU and Marshall just to prove my point, being accepted to all three did not prove my point very well, so I declared I'd go to college after taking a year off from school.
3.) Money and Laziness
-I was accepted to those schools, but didn't have any scholarships for them. I could have gotten the Promise scholarship in West Virginia, but I didn't mention it because I did not want to go to a school of high repute and actually have to work to get A's in the classes. I carried an A average in High School with little to no effort on my part and wanted to keep it that way.
-I applied to a few lesser colleges, got scholarships, but it still was not completely free. Finally, I applied to one of the local Community Colleges and had enough in scholarships to cover everything except books, which I got loans for, loans in excess, in fact, so I got to pocket some money and live it right up, too. I was also still working full-time the whole time, so there was money there, as well.
-I transferred out of there with an A average to a University in the Midwest, I lived near KC at the time I went there. I decided I wanted to finish a Bachelor's Degree elsewhere, so I woke up one day and threw a dart at a map of the United States, blindfolded, and move to the closest city with a population of 200K, or more. It could have went Kansas City or St. Louis, St. Louis would have been a little big for my taste.
-Despite carrying an A average from the C.C., my scholarship at the University was only 25%, which irritated me. I sold furniture full-time and was a campus security guard overnight on weekends to make more money, I also took more loans than I needed because living it up was paramount. It sucked. I technically dropped out with a semester to go, but then I did a few classes on-line and that was that.
*Here's a note, I did not attend my High School or either of my College graduations. Actually, I don't know if you get one for on-line classes, but I wouldn't have went, even if you did...unless they paid me.
3.) What are your favorite casino games?
-My favorite games are Video Poker (Jacks or Better, Deuces Wild, Joker Poker) Video Keno (Various) and Craps. Let it Ride and Roulette used to be amongst my favorites, but I have decided (as a matter of principle) not to play any Table Game with a House Edge of greater than 2% from now on. Furthermore, I've decided that I will not play anymore Video Keno unless it is a Progressive game in which my Expected Return is 98%, or better.
-Essentially, I'm done eating any house edges greater than 2%, knowing what I know and understanding the Math and long-term expectation, there's really no excuse for it. VP can be an exception, I'll eat up to 5% when I go to Vegas because I will be playing $0.05's for the drinks.
-Live Keno (for the drinks) will also be a rare exception when I go to Vegas again.
4.) Do you collect anything?
-No. I can't really make this answer interesting. I don't collect anything, never have and probably never will. I have no interest in collecting and hardly have any interest in material possessions, in general. I was actually almost a complete minimalist before I got married, I could fit everything I owned in an Economy Car...without using the trunk.
-It took awhile for me to finally be tamed, prior to that, there was a really cool freedom in knowing I could be on the road and gone within an hour having left nothing behind.
5.) What outdoor activities do you enjoy?
-I like fishing, hiking, grilling, golf, tennis, playing at the park with my kids, target-shooting (muzzleloader) and throwing Tomahawk. I also like setting huge bonfires, I have a huge burnpit in my backyard, that will be the only thing I'll miss when I move in a couple years, but it's not that important.
6.) Turn-ons:
-Wide hips, large breasts, large posterior, blue eyes, Asian. Basically, any combination of those things. My wife has all of those, except she's not Asian, you won't find too many Asians with naturally blue eyes, though, so it's cool.
Oh yeah, I also like a woman who is cool with both of us showering before, "Adult time." I don't do Adult Time unless I have had a shower and would prefer that she have a shower, too. My preference has only been a problem with someone once, most women seem to agree with me.
7.) Turn-offs:
-I'm not terribly picky about physical appearance, I'm more interested in a person being intelligent and having shared interests. I mean that genuinely. I've dated 2's and I've dated 9's, according to my friends, I just find someone attractive or I don't. Any of the, "Turn-ons," give someone a slight edge over the competition, if I were single, but that's it.
8.) Congratulations on going almost a month now without smoking. You seem to have quit with considerable ease. What is your secret?
Thanks for the congratulations, my tips for not smoking are as follows:
A.) Do not put a tobacco product into your mouth and light it.
-Simple enough? Seriously, the first couple days I told myself, "Smoking is an action and actions require energy, not smoking is inaction which does not require energy because it takes no energy to refrain from doing something. It is easier to not act than it is to act and uses less energy, therefore, smoking will cost you energy." It's silly, but I can't argue with the results.
B.) Chew gum.
-Some people smoke because of pure nicotine addiction and some have an oral fixation. I would suggest to anyone who has an oral fixation or does not know whether or not he/she has an oral fixation to chew lots of gum to replace that. I didn't feel the need for constant hand-to-mouth, but if someone does, he/she could always remove the gum and put it back in, or spin it around one's finger, or something.
C.) Caffeine.
-Nicotine causes your brain to produce dopamine which is a neural transmitter closely associated to feelings of pleasure and mild euphoria. Caffeine does virtually the same thing, in that regard, so if you already use caffeine (but want to quit smoking) double it, and if you don't, start. Regardless of what you were told growing up, caffeine is harmless.
9.) If you were a firefighter and could save only one thing from a burning building, a million-dollar painting or a cat, which would you save?
I don't think I would have any rights to the million-dollar painting, especially if I was the firefighter and it was my job to be in there, so I would save the cat.
I'd save the cat anyway, because it would still give me no rights to the painting.
By the way, how do I have time, without the requisite knowledge, education or experience to appraise a painting when I am trying to deal with being in the middle of a fire!? (Sorry, had to throw that in there)
10.) I'm notorious for leaving stuff in hotel rooms, especially cell phone chargers. The value of such things is never enough to bother to go back and ask for. As a hotel manager, what happens to unclaimed stuff guests leave in rooms?
I'm sure this isn't the policy for all hotels, but this is my specific policy.
-If shipping will cost less than $5, then if the person calls, we will ship it back for free.
-If shipping will cost more than $5, if the person calls, they can come pick it up or have it shipped if they are willing to pay.
-If the item is not called for, then we will hold it for thirty days, after that it becomes our property. The housekeeper that found it gets first crack if they want it, then the desk staff, then maintenance and if nobody takes it by then and I want it, then I'll take it. I think a pair of sunglasses made it to me once, other than that, I've never wanted any of the crap. There was a really nice suit jacket, on one occasion, but it would have been too small.
-The only exception is cell phone chargers, guests always want those, so they go into the, "Graveyard," of chargers after thirty days, if unclaimed.
If nobody wants it and it has gone unclaimed for thirty days, then we throw it in the dumpster.
Property law in the State of Ohio is such that if you leave something on another person's property for thirty (30) days, regardless of what it is, then it becomes the property owner's property absent prior storage agreement.
11.) Ginger or Mary Ann?
Mary Ann, no contest. Katy Perry kind of looks like Mary Ann, just even more well-endowed.
12.) You don't write about your family much. Care to tell us something about them?
I'm married to a woman named Beth who a few Members of the Forum have met and who a few other Members of the Forum should be meeting at WoVCON East/Midwest/Appalachia on March 2nd. Beth is currently a nursing student, technically second-year, and she is pursuing an RN which should be completed in December of 2015 due to her taking summer classes. She's intelligent, fun-loving and a better-than-average Mother. She also does a very good job keeping me in line and managing my affairs (see question 4). In short, she's really the only person I've ever listened to, usually I just did whatever I decided to do from one moment to the next.
Beth and I have two children who are not old enough to give me legal permission to release their names, but our son is five (six next month) and our daughter is two (three in July). My son and daughter are both tall for their age and have blonde hair and blue eyes, I think they are cute, and everyone says they are cute, but people don't usually say mean things to parents so people would say they are cute even if they weren't, so who knows?
My son has the language comprehension of a nine-year old, he's been tested, and he's at no less than the level of a seven year old in any developmental area except fine motor skills, which he sucks at. That's okay, my fine motor skills suck, too. He's not very good at throwing, either, his sister can out-throw him...but, in fairness, she's got a freakin' gun.
My daughter has not been formally tested for developmental type stuff, but her Pediatrician seems to think she is advanced for her age. Her speech and language comprehension are most assuredly advanced as she (honestly) speaks more concisely and formally than half of the adults I know. She learned it from her brother. As mentioned, she has a freakin' gun, and she throws/catches left-handed. I'm hoping to develop her into a decent Quarterback or Pitcher, and she seems to naturally like sports, but she can do whatever she likes, of course.
She picked up the language stuff from her brother. From the age of four, he cannot have what he asks for unless the phrasing of his question has correct subject/verb agreement and is otherwise grammatically correct. In fact, I've made him restart his sentences on any grammatical error since that age.
13.) What musicians/bands do you listen to?
My answers are already too long! I'm just going to give a genre and my favorite band in that genre for my ten favorite genres:
Metal: System of a Down
Punk: Bad Religion
Hard Rock: Metallica
Progressive: Tool
Alternative: Radiohead
Power-Pop/Soft Rock: Nada Surf
80's: Duran Duran
70's: The Eagles
Classic Rock: The Doors
Grunge: Pearl Jam
14.) What was the last book you read?
Embarrassingly enough, I have not read one since last month when I read, Repeat Until Rich an auto-biography by Josh Axelrad for the second time. It's about a professional card-counter on a major team (and sometimes solo) who made a ton of money doing that, but eventually became an on-line Poker addict. Crazy story. On-Line poker, of all things...he was living the dream before that.
Due to the similarity in last name and screen name, I want to preemptively state that Axelwolf and Josh Axelrad are not the same person and have nothing to do with one another.
The 2/9/2012 Gambling with an Edge saw Josh Axelrad as the guest, and can be found here:
15.) Favorite president in your lifetime?
Bill Clinton, no contest.
16.) Upon your 5,000th post, are there any words of wisdom you'd like to share with the forum?
He who smells good, plays good. Dealers hate smelly players, other players hate smelly players (unless they themselves are smelly) so always make sure that you've had a nice fresh shower before entering the casino. They feel great, too!
I make an exception only for people chasing a VP or Keno Progressive in positive territory, or any similar AP play, because that takes time, sometimes, and showering is not always an option.
17.) You are writing an on-going novel called, The Ultimate System about a degenerate gambler who is convinced he has a viable betting system for various games, do you draw from your own life for the story at all?
I do draw on real-life experiences, absolutely. First of all, I invested little actual money in systems, but prior to becoming really involved with this website, I was always trying to figure out a workable system. Obviously, I proved to myself (again, without using money, thanks for the free games!) that all systems are uselss and the House Edge is immutable.
Aside from that, some of the player chatter at the Craps table in that scene of my book was taken almost word-for-word, except nobody cussed anyone out. Most of the characters in that book share some characteristics with people from the Forum, or people I have met in real life. The Craps player, Nick, for example, is a carbon-copy if this guy who plays Craps at Wheeling Island.
Also, the deli scene is almost verbatim. Working in a deli was one of my college jobs. It sucked. Except I did like making Meat&Cheese and Veggie trays, which is a characteristic David shares with me.
Other than that, I'm nothing like David, except he and I speak in a similar way. In a way, all of my characters tend to speak the way I do, which is one of my weaknesses as a writer.
18.) What is your prediction for this year's Super Bowl?
Broncos 31-17.
Although it was way too much info to know that people agree with you that you need to take a shower before "adult time"..way way too much info
But seriously....I dont think anyone will take medical info from a guy with a business degree....but the statement that caffiene is true unless you have high blood pressure, acid related stomach ulcers, seizure disorders, recent heart attack, moderate kidney disease, inflamed colon, heart palpitations or irregular rhythm. insomnia, psychiatric disorders like panic disorder. There is a bunch more and then there is drug/drug interactions as well.
starting or doubling caffiene is not something people can do without giving it some thought or getting medical advice if they arent sure.
Quote: BeardgoatWhy are calls not made to guests who leave stuff in a room?
Where do you draw the line on that?
Personally, I make calls for wallets, driver's licenses, credit cards and any item that I consider might have cost over $100. Other than that, I'm not going to call over every little thing, or I would probably be calling one out of every two rooms. They can get ahold of me if they want the item back so much.
Also, if I called on every item, then I would do away with the hotel covering the shipping on items for which the shipping is under $5, because I'd end up sending people back a lot more of their worthless crap.
Quote: LarrySNice biography. Alot of thought went into the answers.
Although it was way too much info to know that people agree with you that you need to take a shower before "adult time"..way way too much info
Thanks for the compliment!
The second sentence is kind of taking me out of context, this is usually a matter I would discuss prior to even the first occurrence of adult time. It just seems like something that you should be clean and smell good for.
Quote:But seriously....I dont think anyone will take medical info from a guy with a business degree....but the statement that caffiene is true unless you have high blood pressure, acid related stomach ulcers, seizure disorders, recent heart attack, moderate kidney disease, inflamed colon, heart palpitations or irregular rhythm. insomnia, psychiatric disorders like panic disorder. There is a bunch more and then there is drug/drug interactions as well.
starting or doubling caffiene is not something people can do without giving it some thought or getting medical advice if they arent sure.
I guess I could have thrown a disclaimer in there, but presumably, the people who shouldn't use a ton (or any) caffeine already know who they are.
I've had people call, though, after checking out saying they left a $5 on the nightstand or a cup of change in the room and being pissed when I told them they could not have it back. First of all, you can't legally mail cash, so I'd have to send a company check to them for an inconsequential amount. Secondly, don't leave cash behind, especially in places where it looks like it is meant to be a tip!
It was kind of a dig/joke. You said you dated girls ranging from a 2 to a 9 I assume there is a diffident standard depending where you live, I was picking a state other then California and Vegas where the girls seem to be more attractive. I just made up Alabama as a state where the girls might be less attractive.Quote: Mission146I'm sorry, I don't understand the question.
If you get married in Arkansas then move to Las Vegas and get a divorced. Are you still considered brother and sister?
Quote: AxelWolfIt was kind of a dig/joke. You said you dated girls ranging from a 2 to a 9 I assume there is a diffident standard depending where you live, I was picking a state other then California and Vegas where the girls seem to be more attractive. I just made up Alabama as a state where the girls might be less attractive.
If you get married in Arkansas then move to Las Vegas and get a divorced. Are you still considered brother and sister?
Ha! Only if you share the same last name still.
I get the joke now, and no, I had never seen a Vegas 9 (in person) prior to actually going to Vegas. In fact, since returning from our trip to Vegas, my wife has been annoyed with my constant lamentations on how physically unattractive the people from this area are.
I never really paid much attention at airports until we were in Chicago wondering whether or not our flight was getting cancelled, (it did) but I looked around at all of the different gates and where people were going and everything, and my God, we have got the worst of it in this area! I think it is the climate. For instance, the dry Vegas air was a bit tough to breathe, at first, but my skin tone was that of someone five years younger. The wrinkles on my hands literally all disappeared, in short, I probably gained a few points out there!
Yeah, this area is depressing and Beth is tired of hearing me whine about it. There are pictures of me on here, and I'm a reasonably attractive guy, but nothing special. I told Beth, "You know what I noticed? I went to pick Kevin up from school today and I was the most physically attractive parent picking their kid up, and it wasn't close. That's sad."
What were you feeling bent over the trash can?
What did it smell like?
What did you see in the trash can?
How many nuggets have you eaten since 'the incident'?
Have you moved you bowels since the challenge?
Why are you moving? Did news of the challenge reach your part of the country already?
Glad you took the time to write. I kind of think the appearance knock appearing in the discussion is unfair, because regions that value looks for commercial purposes, whatever that might be, tend to provide opportunities for people who spend a lot of time on their looks to be there, so you get clusters of people who've moved there (from Ohio, any state that starts and/or ends with a vowel, most of the deep South). Whether it's media, performers, money, the cultural expectation, the places themselves put a premium on looks. SoCal, Vegas, NYC, Dallas, Miami Beach come to mind. So yeah, if your life depends on you looking good, and you're willing to spend 6 hours a day grooming, exercising, shopping, if you're willing to buy your breasts or your nose, all the rest, go for it. If you have other interests in life and other things to bring to the table, that's all good, too.
I also think you do a very good job of moderating this forum; thanks for doing it. And adult time IS so much better when started with a shower or hot tub fun. Spontaneity is great, but it's a lot easier to enjoy exploring a newly-clean body...nuff said. The philosophers' loss is our gain. I especially appreciate you running the NFL picks; that was very worth doing.
Quote: EvenBob
What were you feeling bent over the trash can?
Trying to catch my breath and get all the mucus coughed up.
Quote:What did it smell like?
I don't believe I vomited up any actual food, I just had a bunch of mucus collect in my chest and couldn't breathe very well. Thus, it didn't smell like anything and only tasted like mucus.
Quote:What did you see in the trash can?
Trash. Specifically, I think there may have been a pizza box, but I could be wrong.
Quote:How many nuggets have you eaten since 'the incident'?
I think I may have had two or three that my son didn't finish from Hardee's and one that my daughter didn't finish from Burger King. I neither liked nor disliked Chicken Nuggets prior to the Challenge and my opinion remains unchanged. I'd like to reiterate that the Nuggets did not make me sick, I either joked on a Nugget or choked on some mucus. I think eating too fast in the beginning may have been a screw-up, I wasn't quite so congested before that and certainly not blowing my nose constantly.
Could have been a food allergy, too, which someone on here mentioned as a possibility. I think it may have been BeachBumBabs.
Excuse me, I had about twenty chicken nuggets a couple days ago, but those were homemade chicken nuggets for which my wife made homemade breading, they were very good.
Quote:Have you moved you bowels since the challenge?
Many times.
Quote:Why are you moving? Did news of the challenge reach your part of the country already?
No, we're moving because of the strong job market for nurses, it looks like we will be moving to Nevada. The market is great there.
Why do you think such compassionate women are attracted to men, who definitely are not that appealing to most women ?
And yes, i am being serious. My cousin Cookie was a Nurse, Miss USO during Vietnam War Era, Annette look-a-like and married
a guy who was an ex-minor league ball player and definitely not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Feel free and lie, say you have great sex appeal or whatever else you care to say to explain the unexplainable !
taking you to NV, cause it sure ain't the scenery
of the desert wasteland.
Sure, that's why. What other reason could there possibly be ? ? ?
And then there is this fact :
As a new grad last year I started at 27.00 per night + night diff and weekend diff. Tough market to crack as there are 6 schools putting out new nurses twice a year. Hospitals are wanting at least 1 year of experience for 99% of the positions. Patient ratios depend on speciality, at the hospital I am in tele 1:7 and IMC 1:5 max. Other hospitals I have heard up to 10 for med surg. Since I have only worked at one hospital I can't tell you what other hospitals are like but it's decent, no major complaints.
My advice is to apply first, and see what kind of response you get, before moving, and then ending up with no job. Good luck!
Quote: BuzzardA question, Sir Mission. Wizard's wife I believe is a CNA, Josie is a CNA, Beth is to become a nurse.
Why do you think such compassionate women are attracted to men, who definitely are not that appealing to most women ?
And yes, i am being serious. My cousin Cookie was a Nurse, Miss USO during Vietnam War Era, Annette look-a-like and married
a guy who was an ex-minor league ball player and definitely not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Feel free and lie, say you have great sex appeal or whatever else you care to say to explain the unexplainable !
I am not a nurse. However, I think you're wrong about you, Mission, and the Wiz being unappealing. Each of you have distinctively appealing qualities. But Mission himself probably can't answer your question with any objectivity. It's a woman-thang...
I recall telling you that the market was good in Nevada and the pay was good even for LPN'sQuote: Mission146
No, we're moving because of the strong job market for nurses, it looks like we will be moving to Nevada. The market is great there.
Quote: BuzzardThat's not what you said about me in Divorce Court.
There was a very good reason I always called you was later you needed to add the -ard. Good thing your name wasn't Bast. :)
Quote: beachbumbabsMission,
Glad you took the time to write. I kind of think the appearance knock appearing in the discussion is unfair, because regions that value looks for commercial purposes, whatever that might be, tend to provide opportunities for people who spend a lot of time on their looks to be there, so you get clusters of people who've moved there (from Ohio, any state that starts and/or ends with a vowel, most of the deep South). Whether it's media, performers, money, the cultural expectation, the places themselves put a premium on looks. SoCal, Vegas, NYC, Dallas, Miami Beach come to mind. So yeah, if your life depends on you looking good, and you're willing to spend 6 hours a day grooming, exercising, shopping, if you're willing to buy your breasts or your nose, all the rest, go for it. If you have other interests in life and other things to bring to the table, that's all good, too.
I don't know, I guess that could be true, but it's tough to imagine that they have ALL moved. Besides, at the airport, I was comparing Pittsburgh even to places like Indianapolis and Indy pretty much had the best of that comparison. I don't know, I think you'd almost have to be in this specific area on a day-to-day basis to notice. I've managed to avoid the South, for the most part, probably three combined weeks of my life have I been in the South, so I can't be sure about that.
Quote:I also think you do a very good job of moderating this forum; thanks for doing it. And adult time IS so much better when started with a shower or hot tub fun. Spontaneity is great, but it's a lot easier to enjoy exploring a newly-clean body...nuff said. The philosophers' loss is our gain. I especially appreciate you running the NFL picks; that was very worth doing.
Thanks for the compliment! I'm glad you agree about the shower thing, like I said, most women do. I can't speak for hot tubs because I don't like hot tubs, nor do I like taking a bath, I only like taking a shower.
I love running the NFL Picks, even more than I used to thanks to EdCollins!
Quote: beachbumbabsI am not a nurse.
You're not? I thought ATC stood for Alabama Nurse Training
Corps. Wait, there's no N in ATC. I think I've made an error.
Never mind..
Quote: michael99000I always though the only people who wanted a shower before "adult time" was a germ conscious rub n tug administrator.
If you want to get right down to business, it's generally not a showstopper. If you enjoy more "exotic and intimate" activities, and you're not paying the partner to put up with whatever hygiene may be in effect, it's likely you'll have a much more interesting time if you get soapy clean first.
For just one example, there have been any number of mentions on this forum from men about women who used to be willing to (insert sexual practice here)...but then they "got married" or "the woman changed". Women who are with men who take the time to get clean and fresh have men who are much less likely to have that complaint.
I think that's about as specific as I can be and not violate the guidelines of this forum.
Quote: AxelWolfI recall telling you that the market was good in Nevada and the pay was good even for LPN's
You're absolutely right, both you and Wizard mentioned that.
Quote: Mission146I don't know, I guess that could be true, but it's tough to imagine that they have ALL moved. Besides, at the airport, I was comparing Pittsburgh even to places like Indianapolis and Indy pretty much had the best of that comparison. I don't know, I think you'd almost have to be in this specific area on a day-to-day basis to notice. I've managed to avoid the South, for the most part, probably three combined weeks of my life have I been in the South, so I can't be sure about that.
Thanks for the compliment! I'm glad you agree about the shower thing, like I said, most women do. I can't speak for hot tubs because I don't like hot tubs, nor do I like taking a bath, I only like taking a shower.
I love running the NFL Picks, even more than I used to thanks to EdCollins!
It's been my experience that everyone in Vegas or SoCal moved there from somewhere else. Maybe not so much anymore. NYC is a different story, there's a cultural pressure to be well-dressed that makes the place a knockout, and you have to be physically fit and/or thin to wear clothes well.
Trust me, you're missing out on hot tubbing. There's almost no sitting around soaking involved.
Quote: beachbumbabsThere was a very good reason I always called you was later you needed to add the -ard. Good thing your name wasn't Bast. :)
Hey, I have a cousin named Drunk !
Quote: beachbumbabsIt's been my experience that everyone in Vegas or SoCal moved there from somewhere else..
I lived in S Cal and I wouldn't live in Vegas
if it was free. Too much crime, too ungodly
hot in the summer, too many tourists. Even
with all that, I was thinking of moving there.
It was the biking videos of the Wiz that convinced
me not to, and my last trip there in May. Vegas
is a butt ugly city in a butt ugly wasteland. It
has one thing going for it, lots of casinos. I'll
be visiting more often but living there would
depress me so much I'd end up hating the
place, like I ended up hating Hawaii.
Quote: beachbumbabsmichael,
If you want to get right down to business, it's generally not a showstopper. If you enjoy more "exotic and intimate" activities, and you're not paying the partner to put up with whatever hygiene may be in effect, it's likely you'll have a much more interesting time if you get soapy clean first.
One of my favorite goofy (grammatically incorrect) sayings is, "He who smells good, plays good," and that's not the only thing someone who smells good does
Quote: EvenBobI lived in S Cal and I wouldn't live in Vegas
if it was free. Too much crime, too ungodly
hot in the summer, too many tourists. Even
with all that, I was thinking of moving there.
Crime isn't too bad (I actually expected it to be worse), but I agree on everything else. Can't stand all the tourists, and the heat in the summer is ridiculous. And Vegas is definitely an ugly city.
Quote: GWAEMission, I noticed that you haven't been around since the beginning. Just curious how you ended up being an admin.
I volunteered, via PM, and had experience because it seemed like the site needed another Moderator.
Quote: Beethoven9thCan't stand all the tourists, and the heat in the summer is ridiculous. And Vegas is definitely an ugly city.
The heat is a huge deal. I've been there dozens of
times in the summer and every single time I'm
amazed people live in it on purpose. About 4 months
of the year it's like walking into a pizza oven when
you go outside. I saw a bunch of firemen Downtown
one summer day and I asked one of them if you
ever get used to the heat. He said he'd been there
10 years and he was still waiting.
Quote: onenickelmiracleAttractiveness is tied more to wealth and income than genetics I've come to understand.
Totally agree if we're talking about men, but women are different. Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez...none of them would have any trouble getting dates even if they worked at 7-Eleven. True, the glitz & glamour that comes with fame gives them that added desirability, but they're still attractive women who would get hit on no matter what they did or where they worked.
OTOH, it's a different story with guys. Women go gaga over guys like Brad Pitt, but if he were flipping burgers for a living, I seriously doubt that these same women would be fawning all over him.
How many women have you ever seen and really know what they look like? Hair, nice clothes, make-up, boob jobs, the list goes on and it all costs money. The more they can spend and the more time able to concentrate on looks, the better they'll look.Quote: Beethoven9thTotally agree if we're talking about men, but women are different. Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez...none of them would have any trouble getting dates even if they worked at 7-Eleven. True, the glitz & glamour that comes with fame gives them that added desirability, but they're still attractive women who would get hit on no matter what they did or where they worked.
OTOH, it's a different story with guys. Women go gaga over guys like Brad Pitt, but if he were flipping burgers for a living, I seriously doubt that these same women would be fawning all over him.
Of course the most notable exception is Sarah Jessica Parker which nobody can help and kind of points doubt to evolution. She must have some massive qualities nobody lower about.
Quote: onenickelmiracleHow many women have you ever seen and really know what they look like? Hair, nice clothes, make-up, boob jobs, the list goes on and it all costs money. The more they can spend and the more time able to concentrate on looks, the better they'll look.
Oh, that's true, I don't disagree at all, but women don't necessarily need to be rich and famous like Britney or J-Lo to look good. Other than perhaps homeless women, most of the females I see when I'm out & about are conscious of their appearance. Many of them look good too.
Quote: onenickelmiracleHow many women have you ever seen and really know what they look like? Hair, nice clothes, make-up, boob jobs, the list goes on and it all costs money. The more they can spend and the more time able to concentrate on looks, the better they'll look.
+1. I think SJP is a hit with women just because she comes off as sexy and confident but not classically beautiful, FWIW. And sometimes the camera catches her just right and she's model beautiful. Rare, but you do see it with her. Men I can't speak for, but she's not who would have come to mind for me as the notable exception.
I was just discussing looks but she can have her days. I'm sure she has Some likable qualities as all usually do if the other is able to accept them.Quote: beachbumbabs+1. I think SJP is a hit with women just because she comes off as sexy and confident but not classically beautiful, FWIW. And sometimes the camera catches her just right and she's model beautiful. Rare, but you do see it with her. Men I can't speak for, but she's not who would have come to mind for me as the notable exception.
I fall victim to the same standards everyone else is and that's a societal change which is relatively new. Watch some old shows and movies and you'll see ugly actors but they were unique and good at what they did. Twilight Zone is a good example. Today there are required qualifications with the first being looks then they select from there. There doesn't seem to be much room and the public is trained now to demand it.
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder (some one ugly made that up) I'm fairly certain there is a mathematical formula or scientific data dealing with good face symmetry that one can use to qualify beauty. After that, personal preferences and culture come into play. Some people have some strange fetishes however that's not the normal.Quote: onenickelmiracleI was just discussing looks but she can have her days. I'm sure she has Some likable qualities as all usually do if the other is able to accept them.
I fall victim to the same standards everyone else is and that's a societal change which is relatively new. Watch some old shows and movies and you'll see ugly actors but they were unique and good at what they did. Twilight Zone is a good example. Today there are required qualifications with the first being looks then they select from there. There doesn't seem to be much room and the public is trained now to demand it.
Quote: Mission146Thanks for the compliment!
The second sentence is kind of taking me out of context, this is usually a matter I would discuss prior to even the first occurrence of adult time. It just seems like something that you should be clean and smell good for.
I guess I could have thrown a disclaimer in there, but presumably, the people who shouldn't use a ton (or any) caffeine already know who they are.
of course its out of context....thats the intent
and there are millions of people with undiagnosed/untreated the more caffeine these people take....the more chances of a cardiac episode
there are people walking around with mild stomach pain of the beginnings of an ulcer.....caffeine will make sure that ulcer intensifies in size
there are people taking meds, and with the meds at the pharmacy they get an info sheet with all the side effects, and all the things they should or shouldnt ingest when taking the meds. That pretty much goes in the trash. Most people havent a clue what they should not take with their meds.
so I would dissagree and say no....most people who shouldnt take caffeine havent a clue.
its far from "harmless"
but if ithelped you individually stop smoking thats great.....and we can logically say that extra caffeine is "harmless" to you.
I can't help noticing that, other than performing your moderating duties, you steer clear of the "juiciejennie" threads. Would this type of thing be allowed on the philosophy forum that you moderated? How would it be handled?
Quote: LarryS
its far from "harmless"
but if ithelped you individually stop smoking thats great.....and we can logically say that extra caffeine is "harmless" to you.
Okay, according to WebMD:
Caffeine is considered, "Likely safe for most adults when used appropriately."
Okay, so I'll go ahead and relent on, "Harmless," which I am pretty sure I have already done by saying I could have thrown a disclaimer out there. Although, it seems like caffeine is only potentially harmful to people who have something else going on, and therefore, should not use caffeine. Peanut butter can kill a person with peanut allergy, for most people, I would suggest that peanut butter is harmless.
People should also have their blood pressure checked regularly, and should not discard the paperwork listing contraindications and possible interactions with their pharmaceuticals without reading them first, so I think it could be argued that those people should know, but that's neither here nor there.
Also, since smokers are more likely to develop hypertension and smoking also can cause coronary artery disease, combined with the fact that nicotine causes higher blood pressure and heart rate while decreasing oxygen to the heart, it seems that consuming caffeine wouldn't be much worse.
Quote: 1BBMission, you have 5000 posts in a short amount of time. Most are well written and contain substance and value. We don't get any two or three word nonsense posts from you that could raise your count even higher. My question is how much of your posting is done while you are at work? Do your bosses know and are they okay with it?
I can't help noticing that, other than performing your moderating duties, you steer clear of the "juiciejennie" threads. Would this type of thing be allowed on the philosophy forum that you moderated? How would it be handled?
1.) Thanks for the compliment!
-I do have 5,000 posts in a short amount of time, but I would suggest that, if you removed posts having to do with Moderation, the WoV Picks Games, other games (such as Golden Balls) Mission: Nuggets, and the recent WoVCON East thread etc... the number is probably closer to 3,000. That's definitely still quite a few posts, though, roughly 150/month which is about five/day.
-I would say that about 70% of my posts are done while at work, the owner of the hotel does know about it (at least, he knows I spend a good deal of time on the computer) and does not care. Basically, all of my work gets done and the hotel makes a s***load of money, so he's good. I had found a different job and was gone for four months, and they sought me out and offered me more money and two days off (as opposed to one) to come back, if that tells you anything.
-Honestly, after 10:00p.m., there's really not much of anything for me to do, other than check some of the late night people in, and there aren't very many of those. I'm here until 4:00a.m., sometimes 6:00a.m., and if someone calls off, I don't waste time whining or trying to call other people, I just come in and do the shift myself. The owner's going out of town in February, so I am taking one day off instead of two that month and popping in for a couple of hours each day on my day off, so it's not really a day off.
2.) I don't view the JuicieJennie thread as something that would have been a problem on the Philosophy Forum I moderated, provided nobody behaved in a potentially insulting way. JuicieJennie certainly doesn't behave as though she's been insulted by any of the goings-on, so I don't really see the problem. I think I've chimed in once on each of the two threads in a non-Moderation capacity. I'm married, so I have no interest in flirting with her, if I were single I might be in there taking my shot along with everyone else, probably not, but who knows?
I can't help noticing that, you steer clear of the "juiciejennie" threads. [1BB] Interesting, very interesting;)
Quote: AxelWolf[1BB] My question is how much of your posting is done while you are at work?
I can't help noticing that, you steer clear of the "juiciejennie" threads. [1BB] Interesting, very interesting;)
I don't work, Axel. Other than a couple of years in the military the only job I've ever had was playing blackjack. I've long since "retired" from that although I put in around 500 hours last year. Since jennie doesn't seem that interested in blackjack I try to steer clear but I have made some posts.
What is it that you find interesting, very interesting?