Quote: EvenBobAnd the number of books you experts have on Amazon I can
count on no hands. Case closed.
A poorly-made case, counselor. Don't confuse being published with being correct. Refer to geocentricity or phlogiston, or your own musings on pseudorandom number generation.
Quote: EvenBobm
But I'm not lambasting JP, I'm defending him. He has quite
an accomplishment, 15 books. Could you or I get even one
published? Doubtful.
So it's okay to defend from ignorance, but not to attack?
Very revealing statement, Bob.
Quote: MathExtremistA poorly-made case, counselor. Don't confuse being published with being correct.
Correct according to who? Lots of people think
JP is correct or he wouldn't keep selling books.
He fills a niche and some people just can't stand
Quote: thecesspitSo it's okay to defend from ignorance, but not to attack?
15 books in print right now. You and I have how many?
Quote: EvenBob15 books in print right now. You and I have how many?
Repeating the same point doesn't make it any more valid.
Frank Scoblete has 25 books. He is therefore 60% better than Patrick.
Quote: thecesspit
Frank Scoblete has 25 books. He is therefore 60% better than Patrick.
It means they fill a niche in the gambling world. There's
a need and they take advantage of it. Good for them..
Quote: EvenBobIt means they fill a niche in the gambling world. There's
a need and they take advantage of it. Good for them..
That doesn't stop people making a good critique of them.
But your happy, that he's managed to sell 15 books, and done all right for himself. So Bob's case is closed.
The adults can now continue to discuss it now we understand Bob's opinion.
Quote: thecesspitThat doesn't stop people making a good critique of them.
When will that start? All I've seen for 6 years is
hate filled jealous bigoted rhetoric.
Quote: EvenBobWhen will that start? All I've seen for 6 years is
hate filled jealous bigoted rhetoric.
No Bob, the case is closed. You told us that. Move on, block the thread. You said you were done.
Quote: thecesspitYou said you were done.
Did I? Silly me. Somebody has to defend JP, he's
an old guy who isn't here to defend himself.
Many people have gotten great advice from his
books, thats why they still sell and are still in
print. Get it?
you have stated nothing specific that he teaches in all those 15 books that can fuel the raisng of a family through gambling.
Patrick has stated that at a recent seminar he told people that with 15k and a job delivering pizzas, and permission from your family....the start of a professional career is possible using his theories and methods.
Ok since you cannot make a car payment strickly from losing less....tell us the methods that he preaches , teaches, declares that he has discovered that will allow consistant winnings. NOT losing less....but consistant WINNINGS. Because if you are a professional gambler...the only way you can support a family is through consistant winnings.
So ok he has quantity(15 books)
So what about quality....what about content
where the beef spike? Where is the "defense"
is all you can say is that he has 15 books?
Do you realize after 30 + years of selling his wares, and gambling according to his theories that can suppposedly win consistantly....he is living in what he refers to as "hades"
If thats the best he can do, then what chance does a person who doesnt publish 15 books, dvds, tapes, sports service..and just gambles like him...have of living a good well financed life.
Quote: LarryS
So what about quality....what about content
The content is good enough that he keeps
selling books. Its not good enough for YOU,
thats the problem. Just don't read them would
be my advice.
Quote: LarrySyou have done nothing to defend him other than state that he has 15 books
you have stated nothing specific that he teaches in all those 15 books that can fuel the raisng of a family through gambling.
Patrick has stated that at a recent seminar he told people that with 15k and a job delivering pizzas, and permission from your family....the start of a professional career is possible using his theories and methods.
Ok since you cannot make a car payment strickly from losing less....tell us the methods that he preaches , teaches, declares that he has discovered that will allow consistant winnings. NOT losing less....but consistant WINNINGS. Because if you are a professional gambler...the only way you can support a family is through consistant winnings.
So ok he has quantity(15 books)
So what about quality....what about content
where the beef spike? Where is the "defense"
is all you can say is that he has 15 books?
Do you realize after 30 + years of selling his wares, and gambling according to his theories that can suppposedly win consistantly....he is living in what he refers to as "hades"
If thats the best he can do, then what chance does a person who doesnt publish 15 books, dvds, tapes, sports service..and just gambles like him...have of living a good well financed life.
Obsess much?
so ok he has 15 books...and you claim to have access to his financials to know that a significant number of people are buying those books.
i give specific things that he says that I dont agree with personally, and know they are not provable scientifically.
I dont talk in generalities
so spike....go ahead...defend him with his own words...tell us the theories, the moves, the methods that will give us consistant wins.
i HAVE READ 5 OF HIS BOOKS AND TOOK HIS SERVICE FOR 6 MONTHS......I know of what I speak....I dont post without being able to back up what I say.
Now are you just a bunch of hot air, or do you have some sort of cogent addition to the conversation...other than "he has 15 books"
ok tell us about the content that makes those 15 books worthwhile to read in the journey to CONSISTANT wins
you parrot 15 books over and over. Yeah yeah..I know..also dvds and tapes,and a sports service.
If you want to defend the guy..do so. Its ok. But as of yet you have posted nothing of any content. Just an observation of 15 books.
I grant you there are 15 books. Bit what about content
dont pretend to know the finances of his book sales. And even if they sold, please provide proof that the purchasers are consistant winners from those purchases.
People bought pet rocks in the 70;s. Bought beenie babies in the90's. Just because something "sells" does not mean it is of any value.
Quote: EvenBobCorrect according to who? Lots of people think
JP is correct or he wouldn't keep selling books.
He fills a niche and some people just can't stand
Many roulette system hawkers have likewise sold many roulette betting systems that they guaranteed would beat the house edge. Not one of them accomplishes that goal, but they've still been sold -- to people too gullible, greedy, or innumerate to know better. Caveat emptor applies, but there is an understandably palpable distaste of such scammers from many members of this forum. Perhaps you don't find it unethical to prey on innumeracy, but others do.
"The whole entire complete reason people lose in gambling
is because they don't got money management. And the whole
entire complete reason they won't win after they read this book
is that they won't allow themselves to get and follow a smart
money management approach to gambling."
Whats wrong with that? Novice gamblers need to hear that.
Its why his books keep selling. He's the sage of the gambling
Sage: someone venerated for the possession of wisdom, judgment, and experience.
Quote: treetopbuddyObsess much?
as cogent, thoughtful and insightfull as you can be.
reach for the stars.....you are a master of debate.
golf clap
Quote: EvenBobJP writes:
"The whole entire complete reason people lose in gambling
is because they don't got money management. And the whole
entire complete reason they won't win after they read this book
is that they won't allow themselves to get and follow a smart
money management approach to gambling."
Whats wrong with that? Novice gamblers need to hear that.
Its why his books keep selling. He's the sage of the gambling
Sage: someone venerated for the possession of wisdom, judgment, and experience.
And with that
you "dont got" a leg to stand on
Quote: EvenBobJP writes:
"The whole entire complete reason people lose in gambling
is because they don't got money management. And the whole
entire complete reason they won't win after they read this book
is that they won't allow themselves to get and follow a smart
money management approach to gambling."
Whats wrong with that?
It implies that if someone "gets and follows a smart money management approach to gambling" then they will win. We both know that is false.
That's what's wrong with that.
Quote: LarrySAnd with that
you "dont got" a leg to stand on
And you 'don't got' a single book published. I'm
onto you Lar, I've been reading your hate speech
against JP for years. You're so jealous of his
success that it eats at you, to the point that its
taken over your life. And you don't even see it,
thats the hilarious part.
Quote: EvenBobJP writes:
"The whole entire complete reason people lose in gambling
is because they don't got money management. And the whole
entire complete reason they won't win after they read this book
is that they won't allow themselves to get and follow a smart
money management approach to gambling."
Whats wrong with that?
its false...thats whats wrong.
you can have perfect MM and still consistantly lose....its called the house advantage
so that quote is a great quote to prove my point
thanks spike
even a novice gambler can see that the quote is false, the quote is filled with holes, the quote is an out and out lie.
The entire reason people lose in gambling is NOT entirely and completely lack of MM...a complete lie
Quote: LarryS
Close enough for who its for. JP writes books
for newbies, you expect too much. He's fine for
the audience he aimed at. Good advice for new
gamblers is what he's about.
Hit him again, Larry: harder, harder.
Quote: MrVLarry is understandably miffed at Patrick, who tossed him off his board and then lied about his reasons for doing so.
Larry was obsessed, er, 'miffed' long before he
got kicked off.
Quote: EvenBobClose enough for who its for. JP writes books
for newbies, you expect too much. He's fine for
the audience he aimed at. Good advice for new
gamblers is what he's about.
Even newbies deserve the truth. If you say that lying is ok..if you are talking to novices...then you are a great patrick follower.
the statement you chose to exemplify patricks genious, his ability to provide teachings to people who want to consistantly make money gambling......shines the light on patrick as either a liar or a man that doesnt understand gambling.
You actually did my work for me. you provided proof that patrick makes declarations that have no proof attached to it. He could never prove that statement. Nor could you.
In trying to defend patrick you actually tore him down. spike stanton
Quote: LarrySEven newbies deserve the truth.
Yup, and they get it from JP. Again, thats why his
books are in print and selling. You can't seem to
make this connection in your brain. His books
sell because he gives good advice. Because
you don't like him personally you think nobody
am I correct in my observations....that is the issue.
I claimed patrick makes declarations that are not provable , others agreed with me, and I asked for a patrick supported to come here and prove me wrong.
Spike comes here and quotes another patrick declaration that is not based in reality.
And when spike is shown the lie, he claims that hte lie is good enough for newbies.
now that spike has been cornered...he now claims to know that patricks books sell...and if people buy them the books must be valuable. If they are willing to give patrick money then the info must be valuable
People gave money to Bernie Madoff...and his info was valuable as well. tHERE WERE PEOPLE LIKE SPIKE SAYING....who cares that madoff has unrealistically high returns on investments.....ALOT OF PEOPLE HAVE INVESTED WITH HIM.....so he MUST be legit. He cant be a liar....he has been around too long. He paid his dues..
Quote: LarrySwhether I like him or dont like him is childish .
Pretty much. You have thousands of posts proving that
very point.
Quote: teddysCan we friggin' lock this thread already? This is worse than the AHigh thread.
click on the "block thread" and put yourself out of your misery. Meanwhile there are a couple thousand views......seems others are interested
Quote: LarrySMeanwhile there are a couple thousand views...
1800 are from you frantically checking every 2min to
see if JP has joined the forum. Sorry, never gonna
happen. I asked him and he laughed. He thinks you're
Quote: EvenBob1800 are from you frantically checking every 2min to
see if JP has joined the forum. Sorry, never gonna
happen. I asked him and he laughed. He thinks you're
this from the guy with 11000 posts about nothing...this is stupidity of stantonesque fashion.
On a personal note, one of my best friends is named John Patrick, so I always think it's funny hearing about the old man. There are thousands of people named John Patrick and it's pretty common, so I wonder how many people know someone named John Patrick.
Then consider not only first and last name, but the first and middle too. Since I'm on names, is JP's name real or just a stage name?
Quote: teddysCan we friggin' lock this thread already? This is worse than the AHigh thread.
Not yet, it has remained civil. Hopefully, it will either die on its own or there will be some new arguments, going in circles right now.
JP seems to claim that he finds monitoring and deleting to be too time consuming and too difficult.
Sure it is.

The real issue: why would anyone feel the need to make such a silly claim?
sits around deleting posts and banning idiots
from his site. He has better things to do.
People gave money to Bernie Madoff...and his info was valuable as well. tHERE WERE PEOPLE LIKE SPIKE SAYING....who cares that madoff has unrealistically high returns on investments.....ALOT OF PEOPLE HAVE INVESTED WITH HIM.....so he MUST be legit. He cant be a liar....he has been around too long. He paid his dues..
Gamblers has got to be the easiest sale there is for anyone writing a book, most gamblers love to read fiction, they are always looking for that pie in the sky, they all know that somewhere out there, there is a magic bullet that they are hunting for, to take the casinos to the cleaners!
You can find stories every week were someone scammed their followers, this goes for everything in life, just look at the church and work you way down the ladder to politics and anything else you want to throw in there.
There is always someone that is out to take you if you let them! Just because someone has 25 books doesn't mean that those 25 books are base on the truth. You the reader have to do your research to see if what they are selling holds water. Every author has their followers, some have a cult like following when they are writing nothing but fiction.
Even when you prove that what they are writing is fiction, you will have the guys that can't see the handwriting on the wall. Does Patrick have a monitor, who knows, the one thing everybody should know is if you have someone that is censoring what you post, that came if the form of a question about what they wrote, you may have a problem believing what they are writing.
If they can't back up what the author is writing, the author has a problem! Don't we the buying public have a right to get an honest answer to our questions? If you write that you have an SRR of 28 when shooting playing craps, how can anybody out there in their right mind believe something like that? Shouldn't everybody question that outlandish claim? While Patrick didn't make that claim, it just goes to show you how some authors get away with writing fiction on gambling.
Now I'm not saying that Patrick is writing fiction because his books are very vague in some of the things he writes, that would be very hard to prove right or wrong. Most of his stuff says, if you use smart money management you can win at gambling, and his style of play is so basic that if you use some of it you could win, but of course not every time you hit a casino. Money management alone will not make you a winner. If you are not getting lucky,.. you will go right along losing every time you go to the casinos!
If you are looking for the truth in gambling I have a book for you it's called "Don't DO It", there is only one page because those three words is all you need to know about it!
Quote: EvenBobJP is very close to 80 years old. I doubt if he
sits around deleting posts and banning idiots
from his site. He has better things to do.
JP says he sends and answers a lot of email.
80 or 18: if you can figure out how to operate a computer well enough to do that, learning to hit the Delete key should be a piece of cake.
The funny thing is, he says he has often emailed "the girl" who allegedly does the deletions, asking her to delete specific posts.
D' oh!
Quote: MrV
80 or 18: if you can figure out how to operate a computer well enough to do that, learning to hit the Delete key should be a piece of cake.
The Wiz doesn't read most of the posts on this
site, he's said so. I don't even read 20% of them,
I delete far more threads unread than I ever
participate in. I'm sure JP is the same way. He
reads some and has somebody who reads them
all for him.
patrick cant afford to get his butt out of "hades" let alone pay a monitor that supposedly never goes on vacation and is at his beck and call.
Not likely he has no control over a board that has his name on it.
Not likely he has no ability to push the delete button.
Actually he was caught just a couple months ago. He added comment to someones post inside the original post,. Answeing lthe person line by line.Everyone else would have to copy the post and paste it on a new entry...and then add their comments within the body of the post. But patrick was able to add his comments withing the ORIGINAL post. Which means he has powers that are relevant to a monitor. his claim that he has no extra powers is just a declaration to shift blame for deletions to a second party. Like hiding under a mothers skirt.
Of course an 80 year old can monitor a board, He claims he answers dozens of emails daily, Pushing a delete buttin on 5 or 6 daily threads is a piece of cake.
Quote: LarryS
Not likely he has no ability to push the delete button.
So what. That doesn't mean he sits there all day
reading every post. You so badly want JP to be
all the things you think he is. What really bugs you
the most is he cut you out of the loop, you have
no contact with him. You just can't stand that.
Quote: EvenBobSo what. That doesn't mean he sits there all day
reading every post. You so badly want JP to be
all the things you think he is. What really bugs you
the most is he cut you out of the loop, you have
no contact with him. You just can't stand that.
oK, Knowing that patrick gets about 8 posts daily, its a little misleading to suggest that reading 8 posts would take "all day".
After selling all of those 15 publications, he has amassed a following of about 10 people over the last couple dozen years that post on his board. Yet not one claims to have gone pro.
i mean the guy claims to answer dozens of emails daily, he sells and mails books out of his garage if you send him the money (most top selling authors do not need to sell their books from their homes Nor have the time)
and to top it off....after patrick claimed that he told followerrs that all they needed to turn pro was his methods, 15k bankroll, a pizza delivery job, and permission of the family.....I asked what advice does he give that will allow consistant wins(not just losing less because you need to pay bills as a pro)
and a follower calmly gave this as an example of the advice I asked for
"The whole entire complete reason people lose in gambling
is because they don't got money management. And the whole
entire complete reason they won't win after they read this book
is that they won't allow themselves to get and follow a smart
money management approach to gambling."
Patrick counts on people to accept his declarations at face value...like the one provided by spike above.
I am geatfull to spike for sharing this gem with us because it made my point.
we are expected to acceot that the entire reason people lose at the casinos is lack of MM. VERY FUNNY.
Alas and alack, there isn't much there of value for the seasoned gambler; certainly nothing that would lead to true AP.
And according to the quote provided by spike...the only reason I will lose is my lack of MM.