at the debate tonight. The only that will work is if he's
the dope. Somehow, I think he has that well covered.
It will be interesting to hear him try and defend the Obama
record. Obama certainly couldn't in his debate.
Bret Baier. He stategy is just to keep on talking and
talking when asked a question, no matter how many
times she's interrupted. Just talk out the clock with
her mindless blather. Does anybody over the age of
11 actually fall for this talking points crap?
Quote: EvenBobJoe Biden said today he's going the 'rope a dope' route
at the debate tonight.
He meant the opposite, actually. "You ever seem me rope a dope?" was, no, he doesn't plan a rope a dope
Quote: rxwineHe meant the opposite, actually. "You ever seem me rope a dope?" was, no, he doesn't plan a rope a dope
Rope a dope in politics means to let your
opponent underestimate you and then
rope him in. Biden is already the dope, he
doesn't have to pretend. If he's left to
run his mouth, he always sticks his foot
in it.
Quote: rxwineHe meant the opposite, actually. "You ever seem me rope a dope?" was, no, he doesn't plan a rope a dope
Why would the dope need a rope?
Sorry Nareed, don't listen to Bob. Rope-a-Dope is something that Muhammad Ali did to George Foreman in a fight in the 70's. Here's a link if you have any interest in pursuing it further. Basically Ali took a lot of punishment in the early rounds to wear out Foreman so that Foreman wouldn't be as sharp in the later rounds. It worked.Quote: NareedWhy would the dope need a rope?
If you remember, Biden didn't win, it was a draw. The
Left painted Palin as a low grade moron (and still does)
and Biden couldn't beat her?
Think about it.
Quote: WongBoActually, Sarah Palin painted herself as a middlebrow halfwit, get your facts straight..!
So Biden can't best a halfwit, then. Kinda pitiful if
you ask me.
he smirks, he smiles, he covers his mouth with his hands,
he looks like a nut case on drugs.
Edit: My god, Biden is tripping out. Throwing back
his head laughing, folding hios arms and smirking,
laughing and shaking his head. He looks like a Batman
He's winning :)Quote: EvenBobWhats with Biden's face when Ryan is speaking? He frowns,
he smirks, he smiles, he covers his mouth with his hands,
he looks like a nut case on drugs.
Quote: s2dbakerHe's winning :)
I agree. Not sure how Biden's quirkynes is playing though, because, yes it could be distracting.
Quote: Johnzimbo30 minutes in there is NO way Biden is winning. His snarky grinning is not serving him well at all.
My god, whats wrong with Biden? Now he'e grinning
and smirking into the camera, its really frightening.
Its like he has no control over himself. Does he know
we're seeing this?
Quote: s2dbakerSorry Nareed, don't listen to Bob.
Quote:Rope-a-Dope is something that Muhammad Ali did to George Foreman in a fight in the 70's.
I didn't know where it came from, but I do know what it means. I was merely calling Biden a dope. I hope I won't get suspended for that :)
his head laughing, folding his arms and smirking,
laughing and shaking his head. This guy is
a heartbeat away from the presidency?
Yes he is! And if he keeps pounding Congressman Ryan like he is, he's going to be there for four more years.Quote: EvenBobMy god, Biden is tripping out. Throwing back
his head laughing, folding his arms and smirking,
laughing and shaking his head. This guy is
a heartbeat away from the presidency?
If it's any consolation Bob, that Jennifer Rubin person that you've never heard of totally agrees with you.
Ah, Good times :)
Quote: s2dbakerYes he is! And if he keeps pounding Congressman Ryan like he is, he's going to be there for four more years.
Biden finds everything Ryan says hilarious? What a buffoon,
even my wife is appalled. He looks like an idiot.
He looks like someone with confidence that he can wipe the floor with the pantywaist on his left. So far, his confidence is justified.Quote: EvenBobBiden finds everything Ryan says hilarious? What a buffoon,
even my wife is appalled. He looks like an idiot.
Quote: s2dbakerHe looks like someone with confidence that he can wipe the floor with the pantywaist on his left. So far, his confidence is justified.
You must be watching something else. Can Biden go
30 sec without interupting? Without smirking and
My wife is howling with laughter at all the faces he's
making. Its unbelivable!
Quote: EvenBobYou must be watching something else. Can Biden go
30 sec without interupting? Without smirking and
biden still winning. Yes, he's kind of a spaz.
He only interrupts when the Congressman is lying.Quote: EvenBobYou must be watching something else. Can Biden go
30 sec without interupting? Without smirking and
Biden is arguing like I do, "I'm right, trust me." I can't remember the last number or statistic he gave. Admittedly though, he's holding his own much better than Obama did. I think this is going to come down to a partisan stalemate.
Quote: rxwinebiden still winning. Yes, he's kind of a spaz.
Kind of? He's winning the tap dancing award, thats for
sure. Ryan killed him on Medicare and SS.
That's wishful thinking!Quote: EvenBobRyan killed him on Medicare and SS.
I think we have to invoke the mercy rule for the Congressman. Stick a fork in him, he's done.Quote: rxwineI know a lot of people hate debates, but I could watch this for another hour.
the fiasco in Libya and Biden totally ignored the
question and went off on a rant about Iraq. Frankly,
a third of the time I have no idea what Biden is
talking about. His rant about Syria bordered on
Quote: s2dbakerI thought the Congressman was supposed to be a real wonk but he's just an empty suit.
...with a full bladder.
Quote: s2dbakerI betcha after this is over, the conservatards blame the moderator or the altitude or the lighting or something for Ryan's terrible performance.
No reason to. your tv must not be working right. Ryan is articulate and has offered specific info on his answers.
I tend to agree with Biden that Syria would be a nightmare in a military sense, but come on and offer a solution rather than try to get Ryan to say we should send in troops.
Biden is hurting his own case with the anger creeping in.
Quote: ten2win...with a full bladder.
Funny... I saw his glass getting emptier and emptier....wondered if he was gonna feel around under there for a pitcher!
Ryan at least looked at Joe during Joe's turn to answer...Biden couldn't seem to decide where to look or which face to make.
Of course it all comes down to which one is going to hurt us the least...frankly I'm willing to let someone else try for four years at this point.
mugging and acting like a fool on Biden's part. Even Joe Trippi was appalled.
I'm a prescient warlock of mind reading. Karl Rove just tweeted that he missed Jim Lehrer. Anyone want me to predict the Super Bowl for them too?Quote: s2dbakerI betcha after this is over, the conservatards blame the moderator or the altitude or the lighting or something for Ryan's terrible performance.
But Biden lost it by all the smirking and condecension.
He says he thinks its unprecedented, and I've never
seen such blatant disrespct towards an opponent.
Its like there was something wrong with Biden, he
was a train wreck and I for one couldn't take my
eyes aff his face. What a show he put on. There
are already shots of his face all over the net.
Krauthammer is wrong yet again: CBS snap poll of undecided voters: Biden 50, Ryan 31, Tie 19Quote: EvenBobKrauthammer got it right. On paper it was a tie.
But Biden lost it by all the smirking and condecension.
He says he thinks its unprecedented, and I've never
seen such blatant disrespct towards an opponent.
Its like there was something wrong with Biden, he
was a train wreck and I for one couldn't take my
eyes aff his face. What a show he put on. There
are already shots of his face all over the net.
Here's Joe Biden winning the debate and Paul Ryan drawing a picture of a cat.

Nobody wants to look at the overall picture of how broke we are and the hard decisions needed to fix it.

Quote: EvenBobKrauthammer
If Krauthhammer thinks it's a tie, I know Biden won.
facial expressions were frightening, some even
wondered if something was wrong with him. I've
got to watch SNL on Sat, they'll have a field day
with this.
If you don't think this matters, think again. Remember
Al Gore sighing all the time? Remember Bush Sr
looking at his watch every 2 min? This is huge, its
all anybody will be talking about tomorrow.
Quote: EvenBob
If you don't think this matters, think again.
Just checked, and they didn't even make it the blazing headline at Fox News.
Quote: s2dbakerKrauthammer is wrong yet again: CBS snap poll of undecided voters: Biden 50, Ryan 31, Tie 19
Here's Joe Biden winning the debate and Paul Ryan drawing a picture of a cat.
CNN snap polls...
Who won the debate
Ryan 48%
Biden 44%
Ryan ready to become President?
Yes 60%
NO 38%
Biden ready to become President?
Yes 54%
No 44%
Who was more likable
Ryan 54%
Biden 43%
Who sent more time attacking their opponent
Biden 78%
Ryan 19%
Quote: vert1276
Who sent more time attacking their opponent
Biden 78%
Ryan 19%
Biden interupted Ryan 81 times. He let Ryan
talk for about 35 sec and jumped in. When
the mod warned him, he swore Ryan had
gone over his 2min already. Obviously he
has senior problems.. There's already a
3min video of nothing but Biden and his
laughing and mugging and smirking.
This stuff matters. On the radio, Nixon
wiped the carpet with Kennedy in 1960.
On TV, he sweated and smirked his way
to a huge loss.