has a new series starting Aug 19th (this Sunday) called
'Cheating Vegas'. I have Comcast Xfinity and thats channel
113 here. We need to watch so we can make fun of it later.
Quote: midwestgbWhile we're at it, screenings of the other Vegas show on CBS, with D. Quaid, will be warranted...
The only problem I have with Quaid's Quaid's show is
the whole thing is filmed at Santa Clarita Studios in
LA. The pilot was in NM. None of it is being filmed
is Vegas. At least on the last Las Vegas show, with
James Caan, the pilot was shot in Vegas, and lots
of exterior shots of the Strip were in every episode.
The other show is more a period piece constantly set in Vegas of 1960. Old Time Coyboy Sheriff Tangles with Old Time Mafioso Big Wind.
Wait a sec ...Quote: EvenBob
Is that supposed to be Vegas? With a sidewalk newsstand? And PARKING METERS... on a pedestrian mall?
I mean, are we supposed to think that the above location is the same as this?
Admin note: removed image www.djteddybear.com/images/golden_nugget.JPG
Quote: EvenBobDiscovery Channel owned cable channel Destination America
has a new series starting Aug 19th (this Sunday) called
'Cheating Vegas'. I have Comcast Xfinity and thats channel
113 here. We need to watch so we can make fun of it later.
Oh no! It comes on the same time as Breaking Bad!
Quote: IbeatyouracesQuote: DJTeddyBearWait a sec ...Quote: EvenBob
Is that supposed to be Vegas? With a sidewalk newsstand? And PARKING METERS... on a pedestrian mall?
I mean, are we supposed to think that the above location is the same as this?
Admin note: removed image www.djteddybear.com/images/golden_nugget.JPG
It's supposed to be old Vegas, not new Vegas.
And the reason why they are not filming in LV.
Hi all, just joined.
series. I saw a preview of it somewhere, and I thought
it looked good. I think the 2 lead actors are pretty
set in LA so Dennis Quaid could go home every
night. I kid you not. The 60's are very hot right
now, Mad Men has won best drama 4 years in a
Build it and film it wherever you want.
Although I still question whether Golden Nugget had a brick wall with a newsstand out front. I'm inclinded to believe that there WERE parking meters on Fremont back in the day...
Quote: DJTeddyBear
Build it and film it wherever you want.
Mad men is all about NYC and the whole thing
is fimed in LA, even the neighborhood outdoor
scenes. NYC is a nightmare to film in anyway.
The whole big Montecito Casino in the Las Vegas
TV show was a huge set in Burbank. If you watch
it closely, its supposed to be the biggest joint in
Vegas, but they only have one craps table, one
roulette wheel, maybe three BJ tables, and zero
carnival games. Mabbe 50 slots. But everything
is cleverly spread out and you don't really notice.
on Destination America channel at 10pm. Its a
Discocery Channel offshoot, check your TV schedule
to find the channel, mine is 113 on Xfinity. The show
might not suck, but don't count on it.
about Aria surveillance. Looks like the security room
on the old Las Vegas show, with all the big color
screens. Its a quality show compared to dogs like
Breaking Vegas, which was pretty cheesy. I'll be watching
the coming ep's for sure.
We saw much footage using El Cortez cards...I wonder what thye paid for that right?
I liked how during the mini-bac scam story, they mention after the perps were caught, that the perps had to pay back the casino, AND the IRS! Ha! "We caught you cheating, and you have to pay them back, but we want OUR cut by God!" ---love always, the IRS
Quote: DJTeddyBearAlthough I still question whether Golden Nugget had a brick wall with a newsstand out front. I'm inclinded to believe that there WERE parking meters on Fremont back in the day...
This is earlier than the sixties, but it's illustrative:

Quote: MrVThis is earlier than the sixties, but it's illustrative:
From all the late 40's cars, I date this to the very early 50's.
Cool pic.
I'd take any of those cars that I can see. Even though, the ones in the foreground are taxis I believe.
on Destination America channel at 10pm. Its a
Discocery Channel offshoot, check your TV schedule
to find the channel, mine is 113 on Xfinity. The last
episode was pretty good.
cheating devices that were used in the 80's thru
2006. They had the guy on that invented most of
them. He got away it with mostly, for decades.
I was amazed at the amount of time a slot cheating
family got in 2008. 16 years for one and 22 years
for the other. Vegas don't like them cheaters..
And if those idiots at GN in Atlantic City couldn't detect an ordered deck, then what is surveillance doing?
Quote: FleaStiff..what is surveillance doing?
I'm thinking they would have caught it if not for Internet porn. I'm kidding, of course.
Quote: Mission146I'm thinking they would have caught it if not for Internet porn. I'm kidding, of course.
Anytime you laugh at something, if you examine it, you will find TRUTH.
Debbie Does Dallas or Vicki Visits Vegas. What were the guys watching ?
Or was it classic week : Deep Throat !
You do have to wonder about surveillance as it would seem fairly easy to see these guys sticking 12" rod devices up the coin dispensing holes of the machines. That Carmichael fellow sure got away with a lot of device cheating for a long time and it didn't seem like he spent that much time behind bars even when they caught him.
I do think it was one of the better shows on cheating in Las Vegas I have seen.
Quote: Paradigm
You do have to wonder about surveillance as it would seem fairly easy to see these guys sticking 12" rod devices up the coin dispensing holes of the machines.
You have to know they're there and what to look for.
They weren't getting caught so surveillance wasn't
looking for them. There were BJ card counters around
before Thorp wrote his book but they never got caught
because the casino was unaware of them. You can get
away with a lot right under their noses if they have no
idea what you're doing.
Like you said, I guess no one was looking for a player doing that and as a result they didn't see what was happening "right under their nose".
Quote: Paradigm
Like you said, I guess no one was looking for a player doing that and as a result they didn't see what was happening "right under their nose".
Did you see the blond woman near the end, who went
to jail eventually? She was so fast using a light wand
that they said you couldn't catch her with the naked eye.
You could barely see it on a stop action camera. These
people are very good at what the do, thats why they
didn't get caught for so long.
Richard Marcus says the mechanic who did the past posting
moves on his team was so lightening fast you almost
couldn't see him make the move if you knew it was coming.
Thats why players didn't rat them out, they didn't know what
they just saw.
No way anybody would let him touch the cards. LOL
Quote: EvenBobDid you see the blond woman near the end, who went
to jail eventually? She was so fast using a light wand
that they said you couldn't catch her with the naked eye.
You could barely see it on a stop action camera. These
people are very good at what the do, thats why they
didn't get caught for so long.
Richard Marcus says the mechanic who did the past posting
moves on his team was so lightening fast you almost
couldn't see him make the move if you knew it was coming.
Thats why players didn't rat them out, they didn't know what
they just saw.
Agree she was lighting quick, but the whole moving the purse and sticking her had in the coin bin looked suspicious all by itself and that happened in real time that could be seen.
Quote: EvenBobThere were BJ card counters around
before Thorp wrote his book but they never got caught
because the casino was unaware of them.
Actually, card counting became quite "public" about 10 years before Thorp's book (if Amazon is correct in that it was published in 1966). There was a late-1950s episode of I've Got a Secret where one contestant's secret was that he was a card counter (and was going to teach panelist Henry Morgan how to do it).
Quote: ThatDonGuyThorp's book (if Amazon is correct in that it was published in 1966).
It came out in 1962. It was revised in 66.
I think it was a $1.99 ??? New copy now at Hastings is $14.99
Vegas allowed you to split aces for a long time,
in the 40's and 50's. Even in 1962, when the
book came out, it was on again off again as
regards to aces. Can you imagine the edge that
gave the casino?
I am not trying to cheat, was just having a conversation with someone where I repeated the idea that slots pick a number before the reels start/finish spinning and therefore it doesn't matter what you do and now I wonder if I may have been wrong in some cases.
Quote: Ibeatyouraces-0.18% according to WoO.
What is -.18%? Minus 18%?
Quote: buzzpaffAnytime you laugh at something, if you examine it, you will find TRUTH.
There is a lot to be said for that Half in Jest, Whole in Earnest. Humor can both disguise the truth and bring it to the forefront!
I frankly can NOT imagine all the suits and all the security goons gathered around that table and no one in surveillance looked at the card order because they were all so focused on esoteric cheating methods such as card switching or card marking or shoe-swapping.
Perhaps surveillance cameras really do get overly focused on "cleavage" or the like. Or at least that may be where the attention goes. Lets face it, its boring work. Day after day you watch tv monitors and only occasionally do you even get a spilled drink or a more than ordinarily lowered neckline.
Surveillance is focused on capturing and storing images, but the image analysis phase is still left to "some creamers" who rose to the top and in many casinos... they just may get sour before that happens!
Low pay, boredom, ... no wonder no one caught on to the unshuffled shoe at the GN. They were not asleep, just acted like it.
Quote: EvenBobI was amazed at the amount of time a slot cheating family got in 2008. 16 years for one and 22 years for the other.
Vegas don't like them cheaters.
That's for sure! Its a ONE INDUSTRY TOWN, no matter how much you want to quibble about bars, restaurants, shows, or nightclubs... its still the gambling that really brings the money into town to let the various "Players" fight for it as casino moguls, nightclub owners, etc.
That ONE INDUSTRY pays ALL the state taxes... oh, okay so somewhere maybe there is a few pennies that trickle in from other sources, but you know what I mean. So yeah: armed robbery of a liquor store can mean a slap on the wrist, but armed robbery of a casino will always mean Hard Time. Same thing with monkeying with them slot machines... its those slot machines that pay the taxes that support the entire judicial system. So if you monkey with a slot machine, you do Hard Time!
So filming some convict or ex-convict may add something to the story but in reality its still the same old stuff reheated one more time.Quote: FarFromVegas. . . , but with more from the original perps.
Or as DateLine would put it: A Dateline Classic. (Which is industry-speak for "been aired five times already but we are trotting it out one more time anyway").
Quote: FleaStiffbut in reality its still the same old stuff reheated one more time.
I disagree. It goes into so much more detail
that there's really no comparison. I now understand
how all those devices that they stuck in the
slots work, and before I just had a general idea.
BV was amateur hour compared to this show.
from this season. Tune in..
Quote: EvenBobIn fact, right now they're showing all 3 episodes
from this season. Tune in..
I'd seen the other two, but my son is at his first ever college football game and it was on ESPN, so I was switching between channels to watch both shows. Ended up mostly watching Cheating Vegas because it was interesting.
The game is over now and I have the show back on.