Quote: rxwineWas in Starbucks this morning and I saw a female barista wearing a mask with the Playboy symbol (bunny rabbit head with bowtie) prominently displayed. I don't think there was a person working in there old enough to actually recognize the logo, although I'm sure an older customer would probably mention it sooner or later.
I didn't.
It is a cute ornament I suppose aside from knowing the actual connection.
File a complaint with Howard Schultz. You should be able to work it enough to get free starbucks for life.
Quote: AZDuffmanRemember when a TV had to warm up for about 30 seconds before it would actually turn on?
I like these posts! I don’t think I would have ever remembered such without this reminder! Now the few seconds it takes seems like an eternity!
Quote: SOOPOOI like these posts! I don’t think I would have ever remembered such without this reminder! Now the few seconds it takes seems like an eternity!
You sound like a guy I once worked with. We worked near the airport and heard a plane go over. Someone said something then I mentioned how until about 1980 you would regularly hear jets fly over so loud that you had to stop talking because you could not hear each other. I'd estimate he was born in the 1950s. Anyhow after I said it the guy kind of freezes and after a few seconds says "I REMEMBER THAT!"
Ohm, yeah, remember when a 707 flying overhead was so loud you could not hear the people near you talking?
Quote: AZDuffmanRemember when a TV had to warm up for about 30 seconds before it would actually turn on?
Still can't beat the old vacuum
tubes for performance. The
old McIntosh amps from
the 50's and 60's are worth
huge money now for their
sound quality. Harry Bosch
has one on the Prime series.

Quote: EvenBobStill can't beat the old vacuum
tubes for performance. The
old McIntosh amps from
the 50's and 60's are worth
huge money now for their
sound quality. Harry Bosch
has one on the Prime series.
Here is a bit of trivia. Vacuum tubes are faster than semiconductors! But the ones we had were slower because the distance the current must travel is so much longer. I read this in the 1980s. The idea is eventually semiconductors will hit their limit and we will need to find a way to put them in a vacuum to get more speed.
As to sound specifically, microphones pre-1980s are supposedly better than those of today. Some performers would keep the old ones. Just better quality.
Quote: AZDuffmanYou sound like a guy I once worked with. We worked near the airport and heard a plane go over. Someone said something then I mentioned how until about 1980 you would regularly hear jets fly over so loud that you had to stop talking because you could not hear each other. I'd estimate he was born in the 1950s. Anyhow after I said it the guy kind of freezes and after a few seconds says "I REMEMBER THAT!"
Ohm, yeah, remember when a 707 flying overhead was so loud you could not hear the people near you talking?
And the Sonic Boom that often followed would shake all the windows of the house! Haven't heard one in decades.
Quote: AZDuffman
As to sound specifically, microphones pre-1980s are supposedly better than those of today. Some performers would keep the old ones. Just better quality.
I see that on American Pickers.
They come across old mics all
the time and buy them because
they fly off the shelves of their
Nashville store. Many musicians
prefer them to the new mics.
Quote: EvenBobI see that on American Pickers.
They come across old mics all
the time and buy them because
they fly off the shelves of their
Nashville store. Many musicians
prefer them to the new mics.
I read an article on it probably late 1990s in WSJ before they found out I had not been a student in 5 years. The crooners and older school performers had them. Just something about the construction. Article said it was one of those things that could no longer be improved and in fact they went backwards in quality.
Quote: AZDuffmanArticle said it was one of those things that could no longer be improved and in fact they went backwards in quality.
I believe the difference is, the old
ones are analog and the new ones
are solid state. The old ones produce
a sound more like the sound itself.
Quote: EvenBobI believe the difference is, the old
ones are analog and the new ones
are solid state. The old ones produce
a sound more like the sound itself.
That is a big part of it. If you remember, CDs were big because of their "clean" sound but eventually people decided music was supposed to sound more gritty. In the late 80s radio stations were converting. A DJ said he was going to play the vinyl of some group, Rolling Stones maybe. And he played a short bit of the CD and the vinyl and the vinyl sounded way better.
But there might be more to it. Article IIRC said the best mics were pre-1980. So the last analog might have been cheapened. Could have been when American stuff declined but Japanese had not risen yet. Just a guess.
Quote: AZDuffmanThat is a big part of it. If you remember, CDs were big because of their "clean" sound but eventually people decided music was supposed to sound more gritty. In the late 80s radio stations were converting. A DJ said he was going to play the vinyl of some group, Rolling Stones maybe. And he played a short bit of the CD and the vinyl and the vinyl sounded way better.
The vinyl is analog. A needle
physically cut into the master
record and the sound was
reproduced. In an old mic
there is a physical disc that
vibrates to reproduce the
sound. In solid state there
is no moving parts, it's faked
sound we hear. Close but not
quite the same. In the really
old mics, the most sought
after, it's a wire that vibrates.
which tune rocketed to #1 on Billboard's top 40
which tune fell to #12 - ouch - find out here:
Quote: rxwineDid anyone actually enjoy the mop lady segments on The Carol Burnett Show?
I disliked a lot of that show. I never
thought she was all that funny.
Harvey Korman and Tim Conway
were the show, it was nothing without
Coney Island in its heyday
surely many here who lived on the east coast visited
from 1880 to WW2 it was the largest amusement park in the U.S. attracting several million visitors per year
check out the sign on the 2nd to last picture - "infant incubators with living infants" - hunh? ...........................................................................(~:\

all natural - really niche

Quote: lilredrooster...........................
Coney Island in its heyday
surely many here who lived on the east coast visited
from 1880 to WW2 i1]
Still draws lots of people every
year, shadow of what it once
was. Closed in the winter.
The boardwalk and sideshows have made a bit of a comeback in the last fifteen years, and the Mets now have a farm club that plays in a new ballpark just off the boardwalk and it also holds some concerts.
Coney island is one of the easiest beaches for city dwellers to get to as the subway takes you almost right to the boardwalk.
October 1, 1975 - the "thrilla in manila".......................the tiebreaker
maybe the greatest boxing match of all time - certainly the greatest one I've ever seen
at the end of the 9th round Ali said to his corner - "this is the closest I've ever been to dyin'"
Smokin' Joe wanted to but his trainer Eddie Futch wouldn't let him answer the bell for the 15th round
Quote: rxwineWhen's the last time you used a public pay phone, and how much for a local call?
Used one, I haven't seen one in
at least 10 years. NYC went from
22,000 pay phones in 2000 to
less than 2500 today. I see them
on the street in the walking videos
I watch but nobody is ever using
Remember phreaking? Guy could
whistle a tone into a pay phone in
the 60's and get free long distance.
FBI eventually arrested him. Steve
Jobs and Steve Wozniak were early
blue box phreakers.
Quote: EvenBobUsed one, I haven't seen one in
at least 10 years.
To be fair with all your talk of Walmart deliveries and food pictures I assume you step foot off your property about 12 times per year.
Quote: mcallister3200To be fair with all your talk of Walmart deliveries and food pictures I assume step foot off your property about 12 times per year.
Sadly, since I haven't been working I probably only leave the house three days a week.
I go to the grocery store probably twice a week now as that is my most enjoyable trip outside the house.
womens roller derby of the 70s - I'm pretty sure that's when it was most popular
believe it or not the roller derby thing started in the 1880s - I think it's still around in some places today - but not very popular
Quote: EvenBobUsed one, I haven't seen one in
at least 10 years. NYC went from
22,000 pay phones in 2000 to
less than 2500 today. I see them
on the street in the walking videos
I watch but nobody is ever using
What is crazy is when I was doing outside sales and route work in the mid 1990s I knew where so many pay phones were. I knew which I could pull my car up to. I knew in one county they were awful to use so I would always make my calls before I got there if I could. Text paging was a godsend because we could get a message not have to call back in. To have a line of cars at a phone from car pay phone was not unusual.
Selling them was big business for a few years, my parents almost bought one.
Quote: mcallister3200To be fair with all your talk of Walmart deliveries and food pictures I assume you step foot off your property about 12 times per year.
he only goes out when he feels like beating roulette for a few hundred
did you know? - he can easily bet roulette - he uses bet selection - he knows where the ball is likely to fall next
and it doesn't matter in the least to him whether it's a one zero or two zero wheel
if you have to worry about that trivial stuff you don't belong at a roulette table
he doesn't go for the big bucks because he doesn't care about making big bucks
Quote: lilredroosterhe only goes out when he feels like beating roulette for a few hundred
did you know? - he can easily bet roulette - he uses bet selection - he knows where the ball is likely to fall next
and it doesn't matter in the least to him whether it's a one zero or two zero wheel
if you have to worry about that trivial stuff you don't belong at a roulette table
he doesn't go for the big bucks because he doesn't care about making big bucks
Living rent free in lilred's mind. lol
have cafeterias? Both schools I went to
had a lunch room that sold white and
chocolate milk but no hot food. We all
had lunch pails. I didn't see a cafeteria
till 7th grade and then it was too
expensive. 35 cents a kid, that was 70
cents for my fam, $3.50 a week for
lunch is $31 in today's money. No way
my parents could afford that. I was
so envious on sloppy joe day, or pizza
day and all I had was a bologna sandwich
and bag of Frito's. Many times I would
take my lunch to the library and eat it.

Quote: EvenBobRemember when grade schools didn't have cafeterias?
AFAIK, the one remaining elementary school in the district where I grew up still doesn't - well, unless it still does "Hot Dog Days" (every other Thursday, the main auditorium was turned into a cafeteria of sorts; you could buy hot dogs, bags of potato chips, small cartons of orange drink, cupcakes, and I think small cups of ice cream).
The high school I went to did (well, sort of - you went up to a window and ordered your food), but I actually brown-bagged it every day for four years.
Quote: ThatDonGuyAFAIK, the one remaining elementary school in the district where I grew up still doesn't
That would be odd. We're being told
all the time that the only hot meal
a lot of kids get is school lunch. Mom
the meth head ain't cookin for nobody.
I remember one kid who really wasn't liked very well challenging this bigger kid. The bigger kid kept saying he didn't want to fight. The kid was jumping around rotating his fists in a circular motion like a boxer. When he finally started calling the bigger kid "chicken" the big kid delivered a side kick into the stomach. The boxer kid went down and that was the end of it. I believe we all laughed.
Quote: rxwinemovie trope where some school drama happens. I remember zilch. No picking on anyone. No fights. No not sitting with the unpopular kid.
There were never fights at my
school outside of gym class.
Would get you kicked out
for sure. Rudely talking to
a teacher in class would get
you sent home. Having your
hair touch your collar or your
ear would get you wrote up.
A shirt with no collar would
get you sent home. Ditto
wearing jeans to class. And
this was a normal 60's school.
I have a friend who taught
from 1970 to 2010. The stories
he tells on how the kids went
slowly from good and behaved,
to out of control by the 80's. He
almost quit many times, came to
hate his job. Turns out the Baby
Boomers raised awful Dr Spock
the chariot race in "Ben Hur" - one of the greatest movie scenes of all time
the stuntman Nosher Powell claimed in his autobiography that a stuntman was killed during the filming and it was covered up
others say this is false
Quote: EvenBobRemember when grade schools didn't
have cafeterias? Both schools I went to
had a lunch room that sold white and
chocolate milk but no hot food. We all
had lunch pails. I didn't see a cafeteria
till 7th grade and then it was too
expensive. 35 cents a kid, that was 70
cents for my fam, $3.50 a week for
lunch is $31 in today's money. No way
my parents could afford that. I was
so envious on sloppy joe day, or pizza
day and all I had was a bologna sandwich
and bag of Frito's. Many times I would
take my lunch to the library and eat it.
We always had one. I still remember day 1 of first grad they had meat loaf which I despise now but tolerated then. 1976. $0.45. or $2.11 in today's coin. By high school it was $1.05 though they rolled it back to $1 a year later because the extra nickel was silly and that was $2.26 in today's money so it did stay pretty flat in price. 1976 was early school lunch program days, a few kids got free lunch but it was not discussed. If you forgot your money lunch was free at first but later they just did it on credit I guess it got abused. They stated "no child will go without lunch because they forgot their money." I often would have just skipped lunch as I was never that hungry and a bit of a picky eater.
Looking back at that first day what a life lesson. At that age I did not even know how to count change, I was given the money and just got in line. You bought a ticket in the morning, I suppose so they could get a count. In first grade they were new looking, they used them over and over until they got ratty. Some days it was just a cut piece of cardboard stock IIRC.
Then to the line. You were used to home cooking with care. Saw an ice cream scoop but was disappointed when I saw it was scooping potato buds. Of course very little choice. I now look at my school years as little better than a federal minimum security prison, and this reminds me that feeling started the first day. The upper grades ate first and the lower last that first day. By the time I hit the upper grades the lower grades ate first and upper last, thus preferring to eat lunch later is something that sticks with me to this day.
Quote: rxwineThe least memorable memory I have is of school lunch rooms, and yet it's so often a common movie trope where some school drama happens. I remember zilch. No picking on anyone. No fights. No not sitting with the unpopular kid.
I never remember having issues with other kids, but good lord the lunch ladies were vile humans.
Miss Gray from elementary school was awful in particular. Any little thing and she scream at a kid as loud as possible. Mom forgot a spoon for your applesauce? Be prepared to get dressed down in front of your peers and possibly sent to principals office. When Miss Gray would yell, everyone in the cafeteria would immediately stop eating and talking. Partially out of fear, partially out of wanting to see her mop the floor with some poor kid.
The lunch ladies would also be sure to publicly humiliate any kid who was short on lunch money. They would stop the entire lunch line and make a huge production out of trashing the perfectly fine food in front of the kid, and giving them a 3 day old PB&J and carton of milk.
Then one time, in middle school where I went and my mom was a teacher, some kid tripped exiting the lunch line and spilled his food everywhere. He managed to get past that embarrassment, brushed himself off and asked for another lunch. The lunch lady refused, and when the poor kid realized he wouldn’t be able to eat that day is when he broke down into hysterics. My mom saw all this go down and was livid. She screamed at the lunch lady calling her all sorts of nasty names, crumbled up a $5 and threw it at the woman, and took another lunch tray for the kid.
Quote: AZDuffmanThey stated "no child will go without lunch because they forgot their money."
Wow. For me it was, we don't care
if you die of starvation right in
front of us, we care nothing about
you whatsoever, cough up the
$.35 or go away. This was the
Eisenhower admin, tighten your
Quote: EvenBobWow. For me it was, we don't care
if you die of starvation right in
front of us, we care nothing about
you whatsoever, cough up the
$.35 or go away. This was the
Eisenhower admin, tighten your
I might have preferred that. What I most wanted in school was to be left alone. They watched over you eating your lunch somewhat. If you didn't take a bite they made an issue thought there was not a "clean your plate" standard. I really hated being a kid.
Quote: AZDuffmanI might have preferred that. What I most wanted in school was to be left alone. They watched over you eating your lunch somewhat. If you didn't take a bite they made an issue thought there was not a "clean your plate" standard. I really hated being a kid.
I can't imagine that. They only
paid attention to you in my
school if you broke a rule. Other
than that you were invisible.
I was always reading, even
in class, and nobody paid the
the least amount of attention
to me.
Apparently they were popular back in the day. I can’t imagine sticking a 120v power cord in my drink.

Quote: gamerfreakI was watching a movie from the 70’s or 80’s and had never seen this device that a secretary was warming her boss’s coffee up with.
Apparently they were popular back in the day. I can’t imagine sticking a 120v power cord in my drink.![]()
Quote: gamerfreakI can’t imagine sticking a 120v power cord in my drink.
Yet you would dump a glass
of water in a steam iron
without a thought.
Quote: EvenBobYet you would dump a glass
of water in a steam iron
without a thought.
Not sure what you mean, I work in IT so I don’t iron my clothes.
Quote: EvenBobI can't imagine that. They only
paid attention to you in my
school if you broke a rule. Other
than that you were invisible.
I was always reading, even
in class, and nobody paid the
the least amount of attention
to me.
You were lucky. I mostly kept to myself and the powers did not like kids like that. I was sitting on the steps, Rubic Cube Craze era and just working the cube. Pastor comes out of the church and was fawning acting sorry I could not solve it and asking why I was keeping to myself. He meant well, but I preferred and still prefer to be the guy who doesn't bother anyone and nobody bothers him. He tried to shoo me to the play area which was a parking lot we milled about on during recess weather permitting. I forget if I complied or not.
Like I said, school was one 12 year minimum security prison life as I lived it.
Quote: AZDuffmanPastor comes out of the church
You went to a religious school? No
wonder, they get paid to stick their
nose in your business. Mine was as
public as it gets, you're lucky if
they knew your name. The quieter
you were, they more they liked it.
They were there not to be bothered.
Quote: EvenBobYou went to a religious school? No
wonder, they get paid to stick their
nose in your business. Mine was as
public as it gets, you're lucky if
they knew your name. The quieter
you were, they more they liked it.
They were there not to be bothered.
Yup, Catholic school. Which makes for some inside behaviors. Like guys in the Army can tell if someone was in the Army. One thing was you never wasted paper. You used both sides. Not once did we get a handout that was not on the back of some kind of corporate form. My dad once donated a big box from where he worked. We sometimes tried to guess what the form was for. At least I did, I hated school.
So I am on a job and I see a guy using the back side of paper. This is a giveaway. I even use the back of post-its for some of the scratch work I do. Anyhow, I see it and say, "You went to a Catholic school, didn't you?" He looks at me and confirms it, but he says it like he is answering a cop who caught him at something. Laughed later but it was yet another time that bond showed.
In grade 9 it was public school. Other stories there.