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July 17th, 2015 at 6:11:39 PM permalink
Satellites: Earth Is Nearly In Its 21st Year Without Global Warming

Well, are you believers going to listen to the data? Data, not models.
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July 21st, 2015 at 7:57:35 AM permalink
Arctic ice 'grew by a third' after cool summer in 2013.

Wait a minute? I thought "the scientists" said it would be melted soon?
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July 21st, 2015 at 12:59:51 PM permalink
Not only that, but:

(CNN)Scientists have made a discovery about the sun's "heartbeat" that they say indicates that Earth's Northern Hemisphere could experience a deep freeze in 15 years.

And the pope is out there begging nations to
give money to stop GW.
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July 29th, 2015 at 3:29:30 PM permalink
One of the things that amazes me about alarmists in general and specifically the ones in the media is the hyperbole. Here's one example: a headline that claims "2015 is shaping up to be a scorcher". Do you consider 59°F to be a "scorcher"? I certainly don't. Yet that's what the average global temperature is shaping up to be this year (give or take a few tenths). The same article also says we're "Halfway to Hell", meaning the global temperature is now ~1°C above the preindustrial global average temperature and half way to the stated goal of keeping global warming to a maximum of 2°C to "prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system." (IPCC)

So how then is 1°C half way to hell???

Absolutely silly yet the uninformed eat it up.
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July 29th, 2015 at 5:13:10 PM permalink
...none of the above arguments are worth very much. The fact is we live in a world governed by physics, and the physics says CO2 is going to increase global temperature. That is observed, and it is not true we've gone over two decades with
no warming, or that a "little ice age" is on the way. These are talking points, not physics.
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July 29th, 2015 at 7:04:50 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Quote: terapined

Quote: AZDuffman

I agree!

SEATTLE (AP) - President Barack Obama says a wildfire that has burned nearly 400 square miles in the north-central part of Washington state, along with blazes in other Western areas, can be attributed to climate change.

Here is the actual quote
"A lot of it has to do with drought, a lot of it has to do with changing precipitation patterns and a lot of that has to do with climate change"

I admit its partially wrong.
Drought, ok
changing precipitation patterns ok
Climate change maybe

The thing is this, precipitation patterns have ALWAYS been changing. In the late 1800s many believed "rain follows the plow" as to farming in the great plains. They were "right" because that area saw years of good precipitation. Until the Dust Bowl.

When you read the quote, you need to understand what is being communicated. As we all know, Obama is incapable of talking off a teleprompter. The quote was massaged so as not to directly say "GLOBAL WARMING!" To use the liberal's famous term, it is a "dog whistle" to the enviro left.

Obama one year said he was "concerned" about spring coming early. Now, anyone over the age of 20 who lived in the north knows sometimes spring comes early and sometimes not. We base Groundhog Day around it. But again, he puts out the whistle.

As to Graham, cute quote. It, however, is not "believing" the scientists who are so-called deniers. It is that once you turn 30 and even more 40 you are not as taken in by fads. You think back to the global-cooling talk and say, "I've seen this movie before. The butler did it."

Whether you agree with President Obama or not, he doesn't need any help communicating what he means. You're reading a whole lot into his statements that didn't get said, and it appears more like spin of pretty straightforward statements from your POV than discussing the actual situation. For that matter, Lindsay Graham spoke pretty bluntly as well. It is what it is.
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July 29th, 2015 at 7:31:53 PM permalink
Quote: cmc0605

...none of the above arguments are worth very much. The fact is we live in a world governed by physics, and the physics says CO2 is going to increase global temperature. That is observed, and it is not true we've gone over two decades with
no warming, or that a "little ice age" is on the way. These are talking points, not physics.

Yes but physics don't tell us how much the earth will warm for a given increase in CO2. If it did then we wouldn't need 20+ models that give various results. The question of "How much warming?" is still open for debate. The question of how much warming is beneficial - something you very rarely hear discussed - is also open for debate. Yet some people want to stifle debate.
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July 30th, 2015 at 1:23:41 PM permalink
There's a new paper in Geophysical Research Letters that attempts to explain and minimize the difference between climate models and reality. Over the last 15 years the earth has failed to cooperate and warm as forecast by the models. This, of course, is not acceptable. So climate scientists had to come up with an excuse. This is the latest excuse. Turns out the models weren't predicting the right thing.
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July 30th, 2015 at 2:33:22 PM permalink
If liberal politicians really cared about future generations, they would do something about the national debt-

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July 31st, 2015 at 8:20:53 AM permalink
Quote: HowMany

If liberal politicians really cared about future generations, they would do something about the national debt-


Oh don't you know crackhead Nobama HAS done "something about the national debt".
8 trillion somethings...
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July 31st, 2015 at 8:46:42 AM permalink
Every president adds to the debt and every president adds more to the debt than any president ever has in the history of the country. To get it under control Libs have to stop only bitching about it when a Republican is in office and Republicans have to only stop bitching about it when a Democrat is in office.
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August 1st, 2015 at 5:31:21 PM permalink
Quote: PBguy

There's a new paper in Geophysical Research Letters that attempts to explain and minimize the difference between climate models and reality. Over the last 15 years the earth has failed to cooperate and warm as forecast by the models. This, of course, is not acceptable. So climate scientists had to come up with an excuse. This is the latest excuse. Turns out the models weren't predicting the right thing.

Try reading the paper.
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August 3rd, 2015 at 1:02:00 PM permalink
Quote: cmc0605

Try reading the paper.

I'd love to read it but like so much 'science' today it's locked behind a paywall. Do you have a copy you'd like to share? Oh and if you disagree with my post you could at least state why. Have you read the paper? Do you disagree with what I wrote?
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August 4th, 2015 at 5:00:49 PM permalink
In 2008 Obama said “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”

Read more:

Now here we are all these years later and he's finally going to make that plan active. Electricity rates will go up as utilities are forced to shutter coal plants and build new gas fired plants or even more expensive renewable energy (likely a combination). It's estimated that this plan will reduce US greenhouse emissions by a whopping 6%. In other words it will have almost zero impact on the climate.

In reality it could increase greenhouse gas emissions as the coal that isn't burned here in the US gets exported to countries like China that have far fewer rules on emissions. Obama never mentioned that.

So in the end Americans will pay more for electricity and it will have little or no impact on global emissions. But it will make some people feel good as if they've done something positive when in reality they've done nothing. It's the equivalent of clicking "Like" on Facebook.
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August 4th, 2015 at 7:23:16 PM permalink
Quote: PBguy

In 2008 Obama said “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”

Read more:

Now here we are all these years later and he's finally going to make that plan active. Electricity rates will go up as utilities are forced to shutter coal plants and build new gas fired plants or even more expensive renewable energy (likely a combination). It's estimated that this plan will reduce US greenhouse emissions by a whopping 6%. In other words it will have almost zero impact on the climate.

In reality it could increase greenhouse gas emissions as the coal that isn't burned here in the US gets exported to countries like China that have far fewer rules on emissions. Obama never mentioned that.

So in the end Americans will pay more for electricity and it will have little or no impact on global emissions. But it will make some people feel good as if they've done something positive when in reality they've done nothing. It's the equivalent of clicking "Like" on Facebook.

The one estimate I heard is it will reduce emissions by 30% by the time it's fully implemented, which I think was 2022. So I'm not sure what you're looking at, but I also can't provide a definitive source; can't remember what channel I was watching when they broadcast his speech.

I don't think your (paraphrasing) "export the coal so it'll get burned anyway" is a legitimate argument against this policy change. We can only do a federal energy policy for America, not the world. However, China is realizing they have a HUGE pollution problem with the fast and large-scale industrialization of their country, and they're having to change their energy policy as well, because they're killing their people with smog. They'll have to do it in their own time and under their own way, because we don't get to tell them how to run their country (China or another).

We have, by far, been the most backward on this among industrialized countries, and I think pretty hypocritical. We've refused to sign or comply with anti-pollution practices and standards many times in the last 50 years, and most if not all of the other countries have been pretty good about complying themselves while not calling us out (much) on our failure to act in the larger interests. So I think this is a necessary and worthwhile step, even if it is painful and expensive. All FWIW.
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August 8th, 2015 at 1:24:45 PM permalink
How much Obama's plan will reduce emissions is open to interpretation. I've seen everything from the 6% I stated to 30%. The numbers are rather fluid.

Even the left wing climate activists are criticizing Obama's plan:

“The actions are practically worthless,” said James Hansen, a climate researcher who headed NASA’s Goddard’s Institute for Space Studies for over 30 years and first warned congress of global warming in 1988. “They do nothing to attack the fundamental problem.”

“You’ve got to be kidding,” he wrote, when asked if the plan would make continued climate activism unnecessary. Obama’s plan, and for that matter the proposed plan Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, he continued, “is like the fellow who walks to work instead of driving, and thinks he is saving the world.”

I have to laugh at the idea that this plan will SAVE consumers money. Can you name the last time a government plan saved people money and rates went DOWN?
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August 9th, 2015 at 2:44:59 PM permalink
Saw this today:

"The government says heat-trapping pollution from U.S. power plants hit a 27-year low in April. U.S. Energy Information Administration economist Allen McFarland said a big factor was the long-term shift from coal to cleaner and cheaper natural gas. Outside experts also credit more renewable fuel use and energy efficiency."

Natural gas is CHEAP right now mostly due to fracking. It's significantly cleaner than coal and cheaper for power plants to use. Yet the push is on for renewables which are expensive and unreliable. One thing that is generally not included when talking about the cost of renewable energy is the cost of the fossil fuel backup generation required to ensure that when the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing there is still power.
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October 16th, 2015 at 11:50:59 AM permalink
Uh Oh
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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October 16th, 2015 at 11:58:51 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Uh Oh

Liberals will point to this article as more PROOF of global warming.

Remember . . . THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED ! ! ! !
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October 23rd, 2015 at 10:48:24 PM permalink
How is it that you folk can be so adamant in confusing "this is an effect of..." with "this is evidence of..."?

No evidence of global warming, per se, is needed other than global temperature readings. I had thought you had at least retreated from the idea that the Earth isn't warming. Anthropogenic global warming is a different matter, but the science is about as settled as it gets, notwithstanding conspiracy theories or lame arguments like "but papers that don't mention the cause ought to have been counted as dissenting!"

And yes, this is an effect of global warming. Look at the latitude of Great Britain - it ought to be a lot colder than it is. The gulf stream has been keeping it warm, and that's been disrupted. Is that so incredible? Meanwhile, global temperatures continue to rise when solar cycles and the southern oscillation ("El Niño") are taken into account. Again, the change in the gulf stream is not evidence of global warming, which is trivial to verify, but it is an effect of it. And there's no reason it should be evidence for or against a human origin.
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November 21st, 2015 at 11:48:48 PM permalink
I love how you just make the statement that the Gulf Stream has been disrupted without any evidence to support that claim. Of course if it has been disrupted it would still require evidence that global warming is to blame.
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December 7th, 2015 at 4:54:55 PM permalink
The Gulf Stream was disrupted when Dexter started dumping body parts into the GS off the coast of Miami... look it up.
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June 10th, 2016 at 12:01:45 AM permalink
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May 17th, 2017 at 11:23:46 PM permalink
Pffff. They just wanted something to diverse us from current happenings.
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June 5th, 2018 at 2:57:20 AM permalink
Climate Change Has Run Its Course

Great op-ed. By throwing in every SJW position they could find they show they are not really about "science" but pushing a social agenda. Hopefully the Paris Accord dies and with it the movement. Hearing the end is near for 30 years now.
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July 23rd, 2018 at 11:05:08 PM permalink
i heard what global warming is low, and we have minimum 3-4 billions years
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December 20th, 2019 at 5:38:57 AM permalink
I also think that a global settlement is a hoax.
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June 28th, 2021 at 10:08:51 AM permalink
Global warming is here! 115 degrees in Portland, Oregon!

Blistering heat wave demolishes all-time records in northwestern US, Canada | AccuWeather
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October 19th, 2021 at 2:58:17 AM permalink
As I understand it, global warming is a natural process of the development of our captivity. We all remember that there was an ice age and now it's just global warming. We have no power to influence this.
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December 18th, 2024 at 4:38:13 AM permalink
This is science, not politics.

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