![]() | 5 votes (12.82%) | ||
![]() | 34 votes (87.17%) |
39 members have voted
Personally I think he's nothing more than an attention whore with almost no mathematical ability and I very mush doubt he has any real casino experience. Yet he posts away, talking down to people like he's God's gift to gambling. Treating us like we are all idiots because he knows everything.
I'm personally against just ignoring him for a number of reasons, but the main one is the quality of the forum. When a person spouts off so much ignorance that it takes up at least 25% of an otherwise interesting thread, how does my ignoring him improve the quality of the forum? It doesn't. Instead it just makes it look like we all agree with or condone him and his deluded ego.
Over and over members try to have an actual debate with him, and over and over he acts like a 5 year old. Since when is "I win, you don't" a legitimate answer to anything? Or ripping into people for not calling his system a method. WHO CARES! We all know you are a system player, you just put a really stupid spin on it to sound knowledgeable. Not once to you make an attempt to even prove why it works with any real data or research. Instead you just act like a baby while ruining threads, conversation, and this forum. This is beyond ridiculous.
Quote: WizardFeel free to be a tattletale and report any rule violations, on anybody, to me, by PM. Please give me a URL of the offending post if you do. You can get it by clicking "permalink." I tend to avoid threads that have the worst behavior, so could use some spies.
I can summarize virtually every one of his posts for you:
(Ridiculous claim to have been a lifetime winner at roulette)
(Pointless rambling, with many misspellings and syntactical errors)
(Evading a question he was asked)
(Claim that he is an advantage player, but isn't an advantage player, and there's no such thing as an advantage player, except maybe for himself, which since he wins all the time, maybe he is an advantage player, but wait, there's no such thing)*
*This is actually a much more organized representation of his thoughts than is actually presented in his posts
There, now you don't have to go read his posts. Which is good, because every time you read one of his posts, a hundred brain cells die.
Quote: MarieBicurieInstead you just act like a baby while ruining threads, conversation, and this forum. This is beyond ridiculous.
If you don't like somebody, block them. This isn't an exclusive club where you can kick somebody out just because you dislike them.
Quote: MarieBicurieI can block him sure,
There you go, then. And try holding your breath till you turn blue, maybe that will help..
Quote: EvenBobThere you go, then. And try holding your breath till you turn blue, maybe that will help..
Three things puzzle me, Bob:
1. Why are you defending mrjjj?
2. And why are you being a jerk about it?
3. Do you truly not realize that even if he's blocked, he continues to garbage up threads, and you can still see him in quoted posts?
jjj's POV is simple: he believes that past events on a roulette wheel affect future results. His experiences (whether biased or not) make him believe that. He may not eloquent in his responses and he may pollute a few threads, but so what!
My thought about what he is saying is that betting based on the last numbers seen is as good OR better than any other betting system out there for roulette. As good, because all betting systems are useless. Better, because if there is are any bias effects that take away from the randomness of the game, they will show up generally in previous results. Now, that said, do I think or does any rational person think that 25 previous numbers mean anything? No. But remember that in the past, advantage play was achieved in roulette by tracking numbers hit and looking for bias (or by cheating).
Quote: MarieBicurieBob you're an idiot. I can block him sure, but he completely hijacks the thread and RUINS it! That's the whole point! Most of the replies are to his OFF-TOPIC posts. It's lunacy to assume that blocking him solves everything.
All true, but sadly all you can do for yourself is block him.
You can ask other users to block him and/or ignore his posts. Ostracism can work on internet forums. It's the starve the troll principle. He'll tire of getting no responses for his rants and will go away, maybe.
It is maddening and frustrating, but really there's not much else to do. He does abide by the more important forum rules (I assume, because I haven't read any of hsi posts in months). If thread hijacking were a banning offense, we'd lose on the twists and turns conversations can take; not to mention we'd run uot of members quickly.
Ignore him and don't make him a problem for you. Enjoy the rest of the board instead.
Quote: MarieBicurieBob you're an idiot. I can block him sure, but he completely hijacks the thread and RUINS it! That's the whole point! Most of the replies are to his OFF-TOPIC posts. It's lunacy to assume that blocking him solves everything. When he first reared his ugly head on this board and a bunch of us thought he was a system seller it was YOU EvenBob who vouched for the idiot. If you like the guy so much, why don't you go ahead and marry him?
No he's not. Ignore the ridiculous posts and they will go away. The idiots are the ones responding to him.
Can I get you banned for that?
(smileys all around).
Man, that some of the funniest stuff I've read in a while!Quote: SOOPOOI get a kick out of reading his posts.
I try and figure out ... no easy task ...
Then try and figure out ... also no easy task ...
Then try and figure out ... no easy task ...
I would think that at the very least mkl could use some of Ken's posts in his English classes as examples of how not to form a thought.
Quote: dmNo he's not. Ignore the ridiculous posts and they will go away. The idiots are the ones responding to him.
So let me get this straight, ignore ken and he will go away? I'd bet my entire net worth that he'd stay and keep on rambling for years to come. Do you doubt me? By his own admission he is active on multiple roulette forums and has been for years. Even EvenBob will confirm that mrjjj has been on roulette forums for years. Have you searched these roulette forums dm? I didn't think so. He's a troll here and a troll there, ruining threads every time he posts. Do your research before you make naive suggestions.
Quote: EvenBobIf you don't like somebody, block them. This isn't an exclusive club where you can kick somebody out just because you dislike them.
I think a lot of us wish it was.
Quote: jpprovanceI think a lot of us wish it was.
Any such club, made up of any number of people of any persuasions, temperaments, or other stripes, would eventually dwindle to one person. Or maybe none, if the last two persons were able to simultaneously kick each other out.
Quote: MarieBicurieSo let me get this straight, ignore ken and he will go away? I'd bet my entire net worth that he'd stay and keep on rambling for years to come. Do you doubt me? By his own admission he is active on multiple roulette forums and has been for years. Even EvenBob will confirm that mrjjj has been on roulette forums for years. Have you searched these roulette forums dm? I didn't think so. He's a troll here and a troll there, ruining threads every time he posts. Do your research before you make naive suggestions.
How can he ruin a thread if no one responds or even reads his posts? Post the same thing over and over.............? I don't think
Mr. Wizard would allow that for very long.
Quote: SOOPOOMaybe there is something wrong with me, but I get a kick out of reading his posts. I try and figure out what he is saying, no easy task, then try and figure out if he actually believes what he is saying, also no easy task, then try and figure if he really is a gambler, no easy task, then try and figure which sane forum member will respond, and guess what nonsensical retort will come back. If Ken really does play roulette I would PAY to see it myself. I think his posts in general are not rude, at least less so than the responders, so I would not ban him. I would think that at the very least mkl could use some of Ken's posts in his English classes as examples of how not to form a thought.
You know, you may just have something there. Although: only the bottom 5% of my students are down there at Ken's level; the rest of them are usually at least somewhat capable of forming and articulating a coherent thought. And NONE of them think that they can beat roulette.
And I agree with you, "being a babbling loon" is not an impeachable offense here, so there's no reason to ban him. He does some name-calling now and then, but it's a far cry from JerryLoganesque behavior (that person/thing pretty much permanently set the gold standard here).
Quote: MarieBicurieSo let me get this straight, ignore ken and he will go away? I'd bet my entire net worth that he'd stay and keep on rambling for years to come. Do you doubt me? By his own admission he is active on multiple roulette forums and has been for years. Even EvenBob will confirm that mrjjj has been on roulette forums for years. Have you searched these roulette forums dm? I didn't think so. He's a troll here and a troll there, ruining threads every time he posts. Do your research before you make naive suggestions.
Hey kettle! Have you met pot? You have a lot in common. DM seems to be suggesting one of the most logical courses of action. You however respond with venom. What do you want us to do? Once a poll has been started we all sign a petition to get a forum member banned? All because you dont like the way he does things. I have had a share of disagreements with MKL, JerryLogan and EvenBob, but I wouldnt want to organise a hate campaign against them. I will argue and discuss with them, and once it deteriorates just ignore them. If they cross a line, as JL often has, the Wizard takes action.
The amount of decent contributing members here far outweighs the few who occaisionally troll, or hijack the threads.
Quote: EvenBobIf you don't like somebody, block them. This isn't an exclusive club where you can kick somebody out just because you dislike them.
That is excellent and easy to understand advice. This site has over 2200 members with over 1300 who are active. Only 17 responded to the poll which tells me that the majority of members don't have a problem with Ken.
If I started a poll every time I didn't like something, there would be a lot more polls especially in the last month or two.
Quote: matildaClick here
This guy lists his hometown the same as mine, Milwaukee? I've never played roulette at Potawatomi, hell I've only played it once, but if by any chance I see a guy charting the last 25 numbers at a table next time I'm there I will sit right down next to him so I can hopefully have a coherent explanation of how his 'method' works.
Quote: dmNo he's not. Ignore the ridiculous posts and they will go away. The idiots are the ones responding to him.
On other boards if no one responds, he will respond to his own post....again and again and again!!!
Quote: benbakdoffThat is excellent and easy to understand advice. This site has over 2200 members with over 1300 who are active. Only 17 responded to the poll which tells me that the majority of members don't have a problem with Ken.
If I started a poll every time I didn't like something, there would be a lot more polls especially in the last month or two.
No not really. I just stumbled on this thread by looking backward on threads, something I seldom do. I think most people are like me and check out the last ten threads. If it's not there I don't know about it. I seriously doubt 1283 active members saw this thread and did not vote.
Quote: DeMangoNo not really. I just stumbled on this thread by looking backward on threads, something I seldom do. I think most people are like me and check out the last ten threads. If it's not there I don't know about it. I seriously doubt 1283 active members saw this thread and did not vote.
Yes, I hear you, but this thread is coming up on 600 views without much poll response. Maybe I'm cutting Ken some slack because I used to have a boat named "COOL BREEZE".
Quote: benbakdoffYes, I hear you, but this thread is coming up on 600 views without much poll response.
Thats the same for a lot of polls on the site, far more views than answers. Thats because a lot of the views are from people reading the thread and the responses and generally lurking.
I have not voted because I personally think the two extremes are unfair.
Quote: benbakdoffYes, I hear you, but this thread is coming up on 600 views without much poll response. Maybe I'm cutting Ken some slack because I used to have a boat named "COOL BREEZE".
Did you ever have a dog named "Lol"?
Quote: benbakdoffYes, I hear you, but this thread is coming up on 600 views without much poll response. Maybe I'm cutting Ken some slack because I used to have a boat named "COOL BREEZE".
You do realize that one member can create multiple views right? I'm responsible for at least 2 dozen.
Quote: mkl654321I can summarize virtually every one of his posts for you:
(Ridiculous claim to have been a lifetime winner at roulette)
(Pointless rambling, with many misspellings and syntactical errors)
(Evading a question he was asked)
(Claim that he is an advantage player, but isn't an advantage player, and there's no such thing as an advantage player, except maybe for himself, which since he wins all the time, maybe he is an advantage player, but wait, there's no such thing)*
*This is actually a much more organized representation of his thoughts than is actually presented in his posts
There, now you don't have to go read his posts. Which is good, because every time you read one of his posts, a hundred brain cells die.
I know this guy is gone but its still funny.
No claims of a lifetime winner.
Misspellings? You get a ban for that? (lol)
I am the BEST poster here for answering questions.
I claim to be an AP? Could someone direct me to that post?
Quote: MarieBicurieSo let me get this straight, ignore ken and he will go away? I'd bet my entire net worth that he'd stay and keep on rambling for years to come. Do you doubt me? By his own admission he is active on multiple roulette forums and has been for years. Even EvenBob will confirm that mrjjj has been on roulette forums for years. Have you searched these roulette forums dm? I didn't think so. He's a troll here and a troll there, ruining threads every time he posts. Do your research before you make naive suggestions.
Nope, not trolling but it was a nice try MB. If you dont like my threads/posts, dont reply. Problem solved on your end, correct? You are a TROUBLE MAKER who likes to bring others down. Why are you like that? Not enough hugs as a kid?
Quote: dmHow can he ruin a thread if no one responds or even reads his posts? Post the same thing over and over.............? I don't think
Mr. Wizard would allow that for very long.
You are correct. I would have to be banned for.....no reason.
Quote: MarieBicurieI think mrjjj has a much BIGGER obsession with the so-called "AP Crew". I just can't stand his rantings and ravings, sue me. Just because I don't post like crazy to hear myself talk, like you bob, doesn't mean I have an obsession. I spent more time on this forum reading than anything else, like the majority of the members here. Why don't you spend more time on convincing your in-laws not to kill innocent people on the highways, and less time worrying about my post count.
Hmmm, reminds me of a certain deleted thread at VIP maybe 6 weeks ago? Hmmm
Just flag his posts you think are spam or purposely inciteful, as I do, and they'll start disappearing. In the free speech zone they shall thrive, but there alone if everyone does their duty ...Quote: MarieBicurie... mrjjj is ... NONSENSICAL CRAP!
In Mr. Jjj's case he's unusually obsessed with the secret masonic like group called, "APs" as if there's a vast conspiracy against him from this secret crowd. He even implies that they are persecuting him on this very board.
I've noticed these die hard system types like Mr. Jjj. tend to be very conspiracy minded in other areas as well. For example, they tend to believe that the lunar landings were faked and that 911 was an "inside job". They also tend to be major "Area 51" UFO addicts.
As much as I can't stand Mr. Jjj., I find that his posts can be funny at times because they are so manic and so far out of left field.
(By the way, a special note to all APs on this board. - Let's continue flying the Black Hawk helicopters over his residence at night, so that we can continue monitoring his brain waves in order to steal his other roulette systems.)
Quote: KeyserI've noticed these die hard system types like Mr. Jjj. tend to be very conspiracy minded in other areas as well. For example, they tend to believe that the lunar landings were faked and that 911 was an "inside job". They also tend to be major "Area 51" UFO addicts.
Curious that you left out Obama's birth certificate (cough) LOL!
Quote: DorothyGaleJust flag his posts you think are spam or purposely inciteful, as I do, and they'll start disappearing. In the free speech zone they shall thrive, but there alone if everyone does their duty ...
"are spam or purposely inciteful" >>> I love the definition of this. If I RESPOND to an attack post, its spam or I'm being inciteful. (lol) Any chance of you making comments to the posters who slam me? I didn't think so.
You don't answer the questions put forth by others, and you are very disrespectful towards other forum members. When forum members ask you legit questions about your systems, you spout off, "I win more than you do", rather than attempting to answer the questions. The phrase is absurd, as well as quite childish.
You often post several times in a row, before members have had a chance to respond to your posts. Your overwhelming manic posting makes it difficult to follow a thread. You seem to be more interested in post count and banter than you are in making quality posts.
In many ways, Evenbob and you have cast a dark shadow over this forum of bitterness and banter.
Quote: KeyserMarie is right. You really are bringing down the quality of this forum with your system post threads.
You don't answer the questions put forth by others, and you are very disrespectful towards other forum members. When forum members ask you legit questions about your systems, you spout off, "I win more than you do", rather than attempting to answer the questions. The phrase is absurd, as well as quite childish.
You often post several times in a row, before members have had a chance to respond to your posts. Your overwhelming manic posting makes it difficult to follow a thread. You seem to be more interested in post count and banter than you are in making quality posts.
In many ways, Evenbob and you have cast a dark shadow over this forum of bitterness and banter.
I got all day and night to rip you up Keyser/Herb/ cupcake/Snowman/Caleb/Farnsworth3. (lol) I dont post systems, not sure what you are talking about? I am number ONE in regards to 'answering'. If you dont LIKE THE ANSWERS, go elsewhere. You won't be missed, TRUST ME. Your issue cupcake is that you LOSE more than you take in and you need to VENT somehow. Solution? Attack others. Not just me, there are MANY others. I like how 'this' is your NEW forum to hang out at. (ROFL)
You killed VIP and GG. Other top notch forums will NOT allow you to register under a name in which they know its YOU. (lol) What does that say about you?
You have LIED several times and yep, I even copy/paste it at GG, exposing you as the LIAR we all know you as. You have been BANNED at SEVERAL other forums. Why?? Simple question cupcake, why?
You hang out here because.....no other forum WILL TAKE YOU !!!! Your choices are limited. Hey BTW, what city this week? Tampa Bay? I hear the 13 is hitting like crazy. Ya better check into it. (LMFAO)
(Also, still waiting for DorthyGale to answer me)