thanks Mission.
this is newly created board for this casino/hotel.
comments , suggestions welcomed.
Quote: LuckyPhowWell, there's probably a lot of good information in this write-up, but I only got as far as the first paragraph, which ends with, "there are definitely worse places to visit."
That was meant to be ironic, people without a proper appreciation for gambling value often speak ill of the place and its clientele, much more ill than the place should rightfully be spoken of, so it's an ironic statement mostly meant for such people.
Quote: WizardFrom what few times I've been there, I find it to be a fun and friendly place. They are the only place in Vegas to allow doubling on three cards.
That in itself was enough to sell me, what a cool rule!
Quote: Mission146That in itself was enough to sell me, what a cool rule!
There's already a few reviews, one was mine. I should have included my comments here also, but I like the place, and have been there many times on trips to Vegas. I like a place like that better than the fancy joints on the Strip. Seriously. It's just different. I recommend the Longhorn.
I don't know beans about blackjack rules, but I liked the review for the brush strokes coming through in a way that should be helpful for visitors sorting out their vacation wanderings or gambling conquest missions. There's never been a time I was in there regularly, and it has been a while now for me too. But I thought the write-up did a really fine job giving a realistic feel for what it is about, and isn't, or at least what it has seemed like to me when I have stopped in. I'd refer people to this to clue them in better than I'd do if asked: "What's that?"
Thank you very much for the extremely high praise in your second paragraph! I also legitimately laughed out loud about at least two or more full notches above some of the lower parts of your own stretchable personal standards! That's exactly how I think about it, and would have loved to have phrased it half as well!
Quote: billryanOther than its sister property, the Big Horn.
I stand corrected.
Quote: djatcDon't ever hit a big jackpot and die there; security vehemently discourages it because it's too much paperwork for them.
Security there has 3 different options to shoot you with. Most are old retired law enforcement with itchy trigger fingers. One time G the blackjack dealer was pissed because security missed with the taser on a patron and he almost got hit with the dart. I was in there eating when a guy got tased in the cafe. It's always entertaining on a Friday night and they have a great breakfast.
Quote: MaxPenSecurity there has 3 different options to shoot you with. Most are old retired law enforcement with itchy trigger fingers. One time G the blackjack dealer was pissed because security missed with the taser on a patron and he almost got hit with the dart. I was in there eating when a guy got tased in the cafe. It's always entertaining on a Friday night and they have a great breakfast.
Central California, the card room had been robbed earlier in the month. Security Guard, a sick gambler like the rest of us, was in a game when it happened. The second time, the SAME dudes came to rob it again. Dumb! But this time, Security Guard sat in the game facing the window and saw them coming. Quickly folded his hand, ducked behind the water cooler, and blasted the sh*t out of them. Dead!
But the game went on.
PS: Guard still owes me 40 bucks. loser
Once in a while we play golf in that area around 7am. We will always meet at Longhorn for breakfast, $1 beers, and $2 tequila shots. Some of my worst mornings have resulted from 3 beers, 3 tequilas, and the 8oz sausage patty platter before teeing off at 7am on a 110 degree day.
Quote: DRich... Some of my worst mornings have resulted from 3 beers, 3 tequilas, and the 8oz sausage patty platter before teeing off at 7am on a 110 degree day.
Hehe... What could go wrong???
The Longhorn returns 100% of the entry fees to its players as prices.
I think you meant "prizes".
It's a must visit!
Thanks, I'll make that correction right now.
EDIT: Never mind, I can't. I'll send an E-Mail and either request the correction or access to that section on the back end.
OK, you're being a bit dramatic there.Quote: mcallister3200Prices are good in the restaurant for sure. I can't get past the stench to have an appetite there though. Also wouldnt feel comfortable with more than $30 in my wallet there.
I have yet to be in a casino that I felt unsafe with money.
Quote: AxelWolfOK, you're being a bit dramatic there.
I have yet to be in a casino that I felt unsafe with money.
It's just some of the parking lots you have to worry about.
I'm either brave, lucky or stupid. Perhaps some of each.Quote: BozIt's just some of the parking lots you have to worry about.
I used to live in some really bad areas and go to some shady bars and I was on foot.
I lived on 1st street just down from the queen of hearts I walked 2 miles to work.
I lived near twain and Swenson (Katie arms apt's) walked to work and Quetopia
I lived on 13th and Maryland Pkwy. Short walk to work.
I lived in the Naked city walked to work and the Hard hat bar for pool. (last pocket only, if you know what I mean?)
I lived on west Trop near King 8.
I lived at 4 or 5 harbor islands
and a few other places all while on foot or bike.
Sh*t, I moved around a lot between 18 and 22.
I did get into some trouble at the Cue Club a few times, however, that was my fault and definitely could've been avoided.
Years ago while on a progressive and double Royal promo at a nice bar in Green Valley that catered to well-off people. The regulars all knew each other and many of them were neighbors and family members. They were so pissed off that we locked up the 2 really high progressive machines(and were getting double).
for 2 days they would do dumb sh*t like bump your chair, spill crap near you, stand behind you and make smart ass comments. They got bold and a couple of them threatened to rob us and take the money if we hit it. I mostly thought it was drunken intimidation tactics just trying to get their machines back.
However, when I hit it I was somewhat concerned getting to my car. United coin was there so I did walk out with them to my car.
Ah, good times.
Quote: AxelWolf
I lived at 4 or 5 harbor islands
at a nice bar in Green Valley that catered to well-off people. The regulars all knew each other and many of them were neighbors and family members. They were so pissed off that we locked up the 2 really high progressive machines(and were getting double).
for 2 days they would do dumb sh*t like bump your chair, spill crap near you, stand behind you and make smart ass comments..
Harbor Island is definitely rough. I dated a woman there many years ago and her neighbor was shot right next door.
Some day you will have to tell me which bar in Green Valley this was at. I have lived there for 25 years and I know most of those bars pretty well and only have one guess.
The 50ish, male, caucasian blackjack dealer with grey hair is not friendly.
No one here is going to book a room at the Venetian but play at the longorn unless they go slumming with a bunch of black-tie and evening-gown friends.
Still...your airplane ticket says Vegas, your spouse may say 'The Strip' but being reminded of what else is available from time to time is important.
Maybe Aunt Dottie should do a turn at the airport arrivals area to remind people of alternatives.
Just random memory item.
It was a Doc Holiday's, I'm not sure what it's called now or if it's even around, I think they got bought out by the Bounty Hunters group. It's probably a dumb Dotty's by now. This was before 1999. They had some strange version of bad double bonus poker with a good meter, it was at more than 14k x 2 With the promo. So the locals added over 10k to it themselves. You know they thought it was due to hit. I can't blame them for being pissed off.Quote: DRichHarbor Island is definitely rough. I dated a woman there many years ago and her neighbor was shot right next door.
Some day you will have to tell me which bar in Green Valley this was at. I have lived there for 25 years and I know most of those bars pretty well and only have one guess.
This was before people used the term Advantage Players, they called us "corporate players", among other things.
The owners told the bartenders and management to let us play. I assume that lead some people into thinking we were hired by them to play it.
Quote: GreasyjohnThe coffee shop is too small, and you're just a few feet from the crowds waiting for your table when it's busy.
The 50ish, male, caucasian blackjack dealer with salt and pepper hair is not friendly.
That would be Wayne. You just have to get to know him.
Quote: AxelWolfOK, you're being a bit dramatic there.
I have yet to be in a casino that I felt unsafe with money.
Somewhat true. I'd be more comfortable there than I was in Gary, Indiana (never again). But I'd be more comfortable betting/having any reasonable amount of money in most of central/southern America than I would at Longhorn. The longhorn type crowd is the entire reason there are so many gated communities in LV.
I think I spotted you and understand why you are so paranoid. mcallister3200Somewhat true. I'd be more comfortable there than I was in Gary, Indiana (never again). But I'd be more comfortable betting/having any reasonable amount of money in most of central/southern America than I would at Longhorn. The longhorn type crowd is the entire reason there are so many gated communities in LV.
Quote: billryanFun place. Free cookie when you sign up.
They still give a free cookie for new players card members—and a deck of cards, too!
This casino was probably the most fun experience of all the places in our trip. The mrs. was skeptical at first, but wants to return after the crazy fun of their $10 blackjack tournament.
It's also a good place for early 2000s IGT video slot machines, which are my favorite among video slots.
The $13.99 BBQ platter special (beef brisket, baby back ribs, half chicken, beans, corn, bread) was plenty of food for both of us, but unfortunately the meat was dry, as if it was reheated in the microwave and just had BBQ sauce (which was tasty) poured over it. This was at 12:15 p.m. while we were waiting our turn in the blackjack tournament. The corn was also was kind of soggy, like it was boiled and reheated. The beans and bread were best.

Quote: JohnzimboThat deck of cards with a side cut into it pisses me off, I would toss them in the nearest dumpster
I didn't even notice! I don't use them for actual card games because the corners cut off are so annoying. They're used just as souvenirs and for lookin' at.
Quote: JohnzimboThat deck of cards with a side cut into it pisses me off, I would toss them in the nearest dumpster
One Halloween I handed out to the older kids decks of cards like that from the Silver Dollar casino in Washington. The next morning they were all over my lawn and street outside my house. I think some of the teenagers I gave them to were also not impressed.
Quote: WizardOne Halloween I handed out to the older kids decks of cards like that from the Silver Dollar casino in Washington. The next morning they were all over my lawn and street outside my house. I think some of the teenagers I gave them to were also not impressed.
Maybe if you weren’t in Vegas it would go better. Like handing out snowballs at the North Pole.
I guess you should have gave gave them a print of dogs playing poker/ a friend in need. (-:Quote: WizardOne Halloween I handed out to the older kids decks of cards like that from the Silver Dollar casino in Washington. The next morning they were all over my lawn and street outside my house. I think some of the teenagers I gave them to were also not impressed.
For those who don't know that's the Wizards go to prize at WOV events.
Quote: AxelWolfI guess you should have gave gave them a print of dogs playing poker/ a friend in need. (-:
For those who don't know that's the Wizards go to prize at WOV events.
I don't always give "A Friend in Need." I rotate through several of them.
As to knicks and knacks (or is it nicks and nacks): I would take what is offered for free but I have had a tremendous aversion to any such things ever since my first trip to Vegas when I got rooked over a darned free key chain with my initials on it. It was a hot day, I saw the sign with its magic word and I went in for my free key chain which means "walk through all those slot machines to the tiny little window at the back. The woman lied to me and I didn't realize it. Claimed she didn't have them in my initials but the guy was on his way back with more. I should have been more alert. After all, how can they not have any "F"s or "S"s or "FS"s.? Finally I realized they were just making me wait around so I would play slot machines, so I became a bit boisterous and loudly informed them I would not play any of their machines in order to get my free keychain, so they "suddenly" found an "F" for me and I went back out into the heat wave.
So cards, trick dice, key chains etc. mean little to me.
Quote: DRichA wonderful chicken fried steak and Shit on a Shingle was had.
This is the meal I got sick on twice there. But this was several years back. I suspected their refrigeration wasn't up to par.
(and twice was enough, didn't need any more confirmations)
Quote: DRichMy wife and I went to breakfast this morning at the Longhorn. A wonderful chicken fried steak and Shit on a Shingle was had. The bill was $9.85.
Do they still have the $5 match play coupon on the placemats? It's been awhile since I ate there. Waitress got mad that I wanted two $4.99 chicken steaks instead of one $9.99 one.
Quote: WizardI like that place. I'd go more often if it weren't way on the opposite side of Vegas from where I live.
Big Horn is much closer.