Quote: MrVAce practices Family Law, an area where, for all practical purposes, the Rules of Evidence are ignored, most especially when seeking pretrial temporary orders based solely on affidavits / declarations and argument by attorneys (no testimonial hearings in the initial stages of such a case in many jurisdictions).
In such an environment, assertions are vigorously challenged and contested, and the lawyers involved better be thick-skinned and know how to play the game.
I am reminded of a tale from the bench: one morning on the Family Law motion docket two lawyers were arguing their case, each one making claims of "fact" diametrically opposed to the assertions of the other.
Nothing unusual there: it is the fodder of Family Law.
The commissioner hearing the case snapped.
He slammed down a book for attention, glared menacingly at the lawyers, and said "I am sick and tired of people coming into my courtroom and lying."
He paused for effect, holding the glare, then said "Alright, continue."
Point being: Lawyers are advocates; so long as they don't run afoul of ethical rules, they are free to argue pretty much whatever their client tells them is true, regardless as to how ridiculous it may sound.
Lawyers are paid to argue, to plot, to scheme, and in the end, to "win."
It's a pretty rough sandbox to play in, and no, those aren't Tootsie Rolls lying there in the corner.
Yep, I agree. My point is that, as a lawyer, once he has asserted something as true he has to defend it. I can back down, no big deal. But he isn't wired like that.

The Lady in Red is weeping today.
Quote: beachbumbabsBoz has been suspended, 3 days, for personal insult.
Evidently Boz does indeed know what Little Beaver said when he grew up ! WOW
P.S. You still have not done the $100 slot pull, I told you I have $10 of that if you lose, it's +EV!!!
Quote: mickeycrimmIt's time for my Trip Report. I went trout fishing yesterday. I hooked the world's record trout. That damn fish was so big he broke my rod. I tied the line off to the boat but the damn fish took off and threw me into the water. That damn fish left me out there with nothing but a paddle. Hey, you guys don't start calling me a liar. I don't care what the odds are. It happened.
are you sure it was a trout?
Quote: mickeycrimmIt's time for my Trip Report. I went trout fishing yesterday. I hooked the world's record trout. That damn fish was so big he broke my rod. I tied the line off to the boat but the damn fish took off and threw me into the water. That damn fish left me out there with nothing but a paddle. Hey, you guys don't start calling me a liar. I don't care what the odds are. It happened.
Quote: MrVGood grief, you weren't speed casting, were you?
OMG LOL (tongue in cheek but I like it)
Quote: MrVGood grief, you weren't speed casting, were you?
Yes, I was using the SC strategy.
Please don't TEASE us with stuff. I will check out your FB. I'm not yet into being a twit. I do applaud you for doing the FB Twitter and thing, its long overdue.Quote: WizardSorry I haven't had much time to post lately.
First, I'd like to thank BBB for the post defending my 30-day suspension of LarryS. Let me remind everyone that while self-effacing humor is allowed, it doesn't give others the right to jump on and expand upon it. Larry has also been a problem member since he got here and was on very thin ice when he made the given remark. My advice to him is that his next insult will probably be his last, so he may as well go out in a blaze of glory the next time he gets out his poison pen.
Regarding Ace, I'm sorry to see his resignation and I'd be happy to see his un-resignation request any time. I also don't doubt the surrender by mutual agreement story. I've annoyed black-chip-betting recreational players lots of times with surrendering. They don't know what it is, but feel it is disrupting the flow somehow. Also, what would be Ace's reason to lie?
Finally, follow me on Twitter or Facebook if you want to know what I'm up to this month. Had a story-worthy incident at the Rolling Hills casino earlier today that I'll try to write about shortly.
Any normal person especially a self proclaimed AP sports bettor who does not know who Floyd Mayweather is, should be suspended for no less then 60 days, just because.
Quote: mickeycrimmYes, I was using the SC strategy.
And I'm not lying to you guys. The last I saw, my boat was a quarter mile up stream and going around the bend. I made it to shore and called the cops. I'm pressing charges against the fish. Grand Theft-Boat. They have an all points bulletin for a fish hauling a boat up the Missouri River. I'm gonna get that fish one way or another. And if all you wise guy mathematicans don't believe it I don't care.
Quote: mickeycrimmIt's time for my Trip Report. I went trout fishing yesterday. I hooked the world's record trout. That damn fish was so big he broke my rod. I tied the line off to the boat but the damn fish took off and threw me into the water. That damn fish left me out there with nothing but a paddle. Hey, you guys don't start calling me a liar. I don't care what the odds are. It happened.
What were you using for bait?
Unless it's changed there were trout in virtually all running waters in the Big Sky country. The trouts use to love live grasshoppers.
Quote: mickeycrimmI'm gonna get that fish one way or another.
Captain Ahab on tilt.
Quote: AxelWolf
Any normal person especially a self proclaimed AP sports bettor who does not know who Floyd Mayweather is, should be suspended for no less then 60 days, just because.
Yeah, that's the time I actually called Larry to task. But I get tired of trying to argue after awhile unlike a sizable chunk of this forum. It doesn't help that I am not very good at arguing of course.
Quote: mickeycrimmAnd I'm not lying to you guys. The last I saw, my boat was a quarter mile up stream and going around the bend. I made it to shore and called the cops. I'm pressing charges against the fish. Grand Theft-Boat. They have an all points bulletin for a fish hauling a boat up the Missouri River. I'm gonna get that fish one way or another. And if all you wise guy mathematicans don't believe it I don't care.
I believe you Mickey. I have a, notarized statement from.a witness. ACEOFSPADES.
Quote: BuzzardI believe you Mickey. I have a, notarized statement from.a witness. ACEOFSPADES.
Word is, that fish raped a couple of women on his way upstream. He has many charges pending. The SWAT teams are covering the streams looking for that outlaw fish. I have been asked to try and talk the fish into surrendering once they get him cornered.
Quote: mickeycrimmWord is, that fish raped a couple of women on his way upstream. He has many charges pending. The SWAT teams are covering the streams looking for that outlaw fish. I have been asked to try and talk the fish into surrendering once they get him cornered.
What happens if you have another person with you? Is he allowed to "veto" the surrender argument or does he have to stand by what you decide as you were the first respondent to the scene?
Quote: mickeycrimmWord is, that fish raped a couple of women on his way upstream. He has many charges pending. The SWAT teams are covering the streams looking for that outlaw fish. I have been asked to try and talk the fish into surrendering once they get him cornered.
We finally cornered Mr. Fish up the Madison River. He gave up without a struggle. He requested a conversation with me.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Crimm"
'It's an honor to meet you too, Mr. Fish."
"So what are you going to do with me now?"
"Well, you look pretty tasty."
"'So you are going to eat me?"
"Look. asshole, you stole my boat."
"You put a hook in my mouth, bitch. What in the hell did you think was going to happen?"
"I thought I was gonna catch a fish and cook his ass."
"Well, it looks like I'm on your menu now."
"No, Mr. Fish, you are not on my menu. Any fish that can steal my boat is my kind of fish. I'm flipping you back in the water, asshole."
"You mean I'm free to go?"
"Yeah, get the hell out of here."
Mr. Crimm (or may I respectfully call you Lying Fisherman?), are you from Montana (also) if I may ask?Quote: mickeycrimm...up the Madison River. He...
Quote: MoscaI have engaged in hyperbole. When called on it, I'll say, "Yeah, maybe not, but it was close to that. That was how it felt." Because the point in writing that kind of essay is to put the reader in your shoes.
As a writer, hyperbole is a rookie mistake. You don't write, "I lost 30 hands in a row," you write, "It felt like I lost 30 hands in a row" or "I must have lost 30 hands in a row"... Just something to let the reader know you aren''t to be taken literally, that you weren't sitting there writing down the results.
But Ace isn't a writer, he's a lawyer. And while he's a good writer for a lawyer, he's best at being a lawyer. And lawyers don't deal in feelings, they deal in facts. So he's got to double down on the facts as he's presented them... and it gets ugly.
Lawyers lie for a living.
Quote: DrawingDeadMr. Crimm (or may I respectfully call you Lying Fisherman?), are you from Montana (also) if I may ask?
HI, DD. Yes, I live in Great Falls, Montana. I'm also one of the toughest machine pros on the planet. Where do you live?
Quote: mickeycrimmIt's time for my Trip Report. I went trout fishing yesterday. I hooked the world's record trout. That damn fish was so big he broke my rod. I tied the line off to the boat but the damn fish took off and threw me into the water. That damn fish left me out there with nothing but a paddle. Hey, you guys don't start calling me a liar. I don't care what the odds are. It happened.
But did it happen 30 times in a row?
Shouldn't there be a separate self exclusion list? If I were he I would be insulted. Who wouldn't?
Quote: 1BBWhy is aceofspades on the suspension list? Why is his name directly under the words hall of shame? I don't see anything that he should be ashamed of.
Shouldn't there be a separate self exclusion list? If I were he I would be insulted. Who wouldn't?
As far as I remember, all such dramatic resignations have appeared on that list, with the word "resignation" as the reason.
I'm in the desert near Las Vegas, but both sides of the family for a couple of generations are all originally from that land of the big prevaricating fishermen, around Ryegate & Harlowton, between Great Falls & Billings. Note to self: call M.C. if in need of tough machine.Quote: mickeycrimmHI, DD. Yes, I live in Great Falls, Montana. I'm also one of the toughest machine pros on the planet. Where do you live?
Quote: DrawingDeadI'm in the desert near Las Vegas, but both sides of the family for a couple of generations are all originally from that land of the big prevaricating fishermen, around Ryegate & Harlowton, between Great Falls & Billings. Note to self: call M.C. if in need of tough machine.
I will be in Hamilton next month for a few days.
That may double the population for a while. Or thereabouts. And the requisite size of M. Crimm's fish.Quote: DRichI will be in Hamilton next month for a few days.
Quote: beachbumbabsBoz has been suspended, 3 days, for personal insult.
3 days, even though he knew he was gonna get suspended?
Quote: RSQuote: beachbumbabsBoz has been suspended, 3 days, for personal insult.
3 days, even though he knew he was gonna get suspended?
I'm not sure I understand your question. Boz, if you look at what he wrote, bought himself the suspension at the price of saying what he did; a transaction for which I happened to be the cashier. Should he have been given a "naw, you're fine" and not suspended just because he knew it would cost him? 3 days is the minimum, it was his first offense, it was clearly a personal insult. Or are you saying it should have been longer BECAUSE he knew it was a personal insult and he did it anyway? Anything other than the standard established in the rules would have been inappropriate, IMO.
And he's not the first to spend his "coin" this way, by a long shot. Kubikulann did the same thing earlier in the week, for example. Sometimes a man's got to be a man, and I respect that. Doesn't mean there're not consequences, it just means they're willing to damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead.
Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: RSQuote: beachbumbabsBoz has been suspended, 3 days, for personal insult.
3 days, even though he knew he was gonna get suspended?
I'm not sure I understand your question. Boz, if you look at what he wrote, bought himself the suspension at the price of saying what he did; a transaction for which I happened to be the cashier. Should he have been given a "naw, you're fine" and not suspended just because he knew it would cost him? 3 days is the minimum, it was his first offense, it was clearly a personal insult. Or are you saying it should have been longer BECAUSE he knew it was a personal insult and he did it anyway? Anything other than the standard established in the rules would have been inappropriate, IMO.
And he's not the first to spend his "coin" this way, by a long shot. Kubikulann did the same thing earlier in the week, for example. Sometimes a man's got to be a man, and I respect that. Doesn't mean there're not consequences, it just means they're willing to damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead.
I was thinking longer. Didn't know about kubikulann nor this was permitted (??). Seems on par with "go to jail for a week and when you get out you can go shop lift at Walmart" kinda thing.
Quote: DRichI will be in Hamilton next month for a few days.
Hamilton is one of my favorite places. I love the Bitterroot Valley, the Bitterroot River and the Bitterroot Mountains.
Quote: mickeycrimmHamilton is one of my favorite places. I love the Bitterroot Valley, the Bitterroot River and the Bitterroot Mountains.
My wife grew up there (Darby). It was much prettier before 2000:

Quote: RS
I was thinking longer. Didn't know about kubikulann nor this was permitted (??). Seems on par with "go to jail for a week and when you get out you can go shop lift at Walmart" kinda thing.
I think that might be the reason for the Martingale, to discourage that from happening. It's set up for 3-7-14-30-nuke as a basis, with mitigating considerations in both directions. For example, severity or multiple offenses might increase the amount, up to and including nuke, or someone who got popped 2 years ago, behaved themselves until a small issue arose that day, might get another 3 day rather than 7.
Permitted is kind of a misnomer. It's NOT permitted; that's the point. Moderation is reactive. I'd prefer the participants respected the rules and each other and there was no need for moderation. But it's the Internet, and Mike is unwilling to host the forum without adherence to his standard. And he wants the references to past events and public moderation notices (unique in my experience, transparent process rather than just tossing posts and users) available, and accepts questions and requests for appeal, so I'd say, as always, Mike's house, Mike's rules .
You look at nearly any other public forum with anonymous users, and it's all garbaged up with profanity, insults, feuds. He could have made people use their real names to sign up, as some of the more well-known participants do, which makes them more responsible, or at least accountable for what they write. But that would exclude whole classes of people who post here, like the AP's and some of the gambling-related employees. So the path is; allow anonymity, but moderate heavily.
Quote: DRichMy wife grew up there (Darby). It was much prettier before 2000:
There was a fire down south of Hamilton along the Idaho border a couple of years ago. The smoke came north and ruined a good bit of our summer. Al and I were down through there this spring. The area still hasn't recovered from the fire. You probably won't find much for machine plays in Hamilton. Al went through there on his way to the WSOP. Sorry.
I'm neither an employee in the industry, nor an AP (in the sense that it is usually meant, in that I'm not usually playing against the house - most of what I do is pari-mutual wagering and some poker - so the casino has no problem at all welcoming my business if I'm successful).Quote: beachbumbabsHe could have made people use their real names to sign up, as some of the more well-known participants do, which makes them more responsible, or at least accountable for what they write. But that would exclude whole classes of people who post here, like the AP's and some of the gambling-related employees. So the path is; allow anonymity, but moderate heavily.
No way in Searchlight would I be putting individual personally identifiable information (like name & stuff that someguy could 'case my joint') on a public 'net forum. I include one where I've been a member for the better part of a decade with about 4K posts and have come to personally know a number of the people most involved in it offline in that statement. Family ties to a State with about a few hundred residents (I exaggerate slightly) is about as close as I come. No knock on others if choosing to do otherwise works out OK for them, but I've heard this rumor that somewhere on this newfangled world-web thingamajigger there may be someone somewhere who may not be wrapped too tight & on happymeds from a very unofficial type pharmacist, or wrapped overly tight and not on the meds they really should be, and has a computer & some computer skills with time on their hands left over after cashing their psychiatric disability check. I dunno, but so I've heard. So. For me, very specific personal information, like more specific than MAYBE a neighborhood (and not too sure about that), is for an exchange of PM selectively on occasion, not for nailing to a wall in the public square, or for a discussion board in a private and therefore inevitably low-traffic kind of site, IMO.
But you knew that.
And then, I'm also a curmudgeonly sort who refuses to do the whole "put your life on Facebook" thing. Though if you decide to have avatars, here's a pic of me:

"Trying" is not really the right word. That's what it is probably doing. It's making a list, and checking it twice, etc., Code name: Santa
Quote: DrawingDeadI'm neither an employee in the industry, nor an AP (in the sense that it is usually meant, in that I'm not usually playing against the house - most of what I do is pari-mutual wagering and some poker - so the casino has no problem at all welcoming my business if I'm successful).
No way in Searchlight would I be putting individual personally identifiable information (like name & stuff that someguy could 'case my joint') on a public 'net forum. I include one where I've been a member for the better part of a decade with about 4K posts and have come to personally know a number of the people most involved in it offline in that statement. Family ties to a State with about a few hundred residents (I exaggerate slightly) is about as close as I come. No knock on others if choosing to do otherwise works out OK for them, but I've heard this rumor that somewhere on this newfangled world-web thingamajigger there may be someone somewhere who may not be wrapped too tight & on happymeds from a very unofficial type pharmacist, or wrapped overly tight and not on the meds they really should be, and has a computer & some computer skills with time on their hands left over after cashing their psychiatric disability check. I dunno, but so I've heard. So. For me, very specific personal information, like more specific than MAYBE a neighborhood (and not too sure about that), is for an exchange of PM selectively on occasion, not for nailing to a wall in the public square, or for a discussion board in a private and therefore inevitably low-traffic kind of site, IMO.
But you knew that.
And then, I'm also a curmudgeonly sort who refuses to do the whole "put your life on Facebook" thing. Though if you decide to have avatars, here's a pic of me:
I think this segways nice with the thread and your post?
My kid was in grade school 20 years ago. The school got a new parking lot with nice black ashalt. The principal gave all the kids chalk and told them to go out and draw on the new ashpalt. So the kid and best friends go out and take turns drawing outlines of each other on the parking lot [ don't know if they got the idea from the evening news or where?]. The principal then suspends the kids for three days because he felt they're drawing would frighten the other children.
The epitome of an educated idiot. Peter principal
I hear you on givng your personal info on faceplant, if people knew what and how it is they wouldn't have an account.
Quote: rxwineSomewhere someplace, there's a computer crunching all the aliases and posts of everyone on the Internet and trying to figure out identities.
"Trying" is not really the right word. That's what it is probably doing. It's making a list, and checking it twice, etc., Code name: Santa
And, I lied about the pic. Here's the real one. From my Wallbook Facethingy:
And somehow in my mind this is related to my maybe not-very-on-topic remark & my future "avatar."Quote: mickeycrimmHamilton is one of my favorite places. I love the Bitterroot Valley, the Bitterroot River and the Bitterroot Mountains.
When my mom passed away I went back to the (her) home in Montana, which had been in the family for considerably longer than I have, to wrap up her affairs. I was startled & concerned to find the door completely unlocked. Until I realized where I was. It was probably never locked. Ever, since the late 1800's. My dad once told me about the last time there was an event that called for chalk outlines in that County. That is, if they'd had chalk, and something to draw on with it without sagebrush getting in the way. It was way before they even had paving, let alone this way of forming long distance communities & chatting, and he told me about the festive event of watching them hang the guy who did the notorious deed.
But they do keep an adequate supply of chalk on hand around here.
And I'll stop hijacking the thread from the topic of the merely virtual type of forum whackings now.
Quote: 1BBMaybe it's just me but our forum members seem to be behaving rather well lately, with a few minor exceptions. That doesn't jibe with the Suspension List where we already have 66 entries this year compared to 68 for all of 2013. Do more suspensions make for a better forum? The answer may not be so simple.
Comparing to the other forum a significantly post at, behavior here is significantly worse, imo. Why I am not entirely sure. Maybe it's partly because the some of topics' opinions here are less agreeable to the forum as a whole.
One major rule at the other forum I am a regular: No political discussions.
Quote: 1BBMaybe it's just me but our forum members seem to be behaving rather well lately, with a few minor exceptions. That doesn't jibe with the Suspension List where we already have 66 entries this year compared to 68 for all of 2013. Do more suspensions make for a better forum? The answer may not be so simple.
Performing suspension is something best left to suspenders.
Some of these suspenders (if you look closely) almost seem to entice the desire to be reprimanded.