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June 18th, 2015 at 5:18:43 PM permalink
Quote: Boz

I can join in if it will make you feel better, but I'm kind of busy getting back to work after vacation dealing with a few employees who, like you seem to want to tell me how to run my business. Unlike how the Wizard told those who don't like how things are done here to leave, I kind of need them so I listen, smile, nod and make them feel better. Luckily here I can say how I feel as long as I stay within the rules. Which isn't always easy.

As always I look forward to your input with bated breath. Can we get your take on the term tin foil hat? Why do you think it is now an insult on the forum? Do you personally think it's an insult? If you and a friend were having a face to face and that friend asked if you had a tin foil hat would you be insulted?
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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June 18th, 2015 at 6:55:52 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine


10. "Why are you getting so upset?"

The passive aggressive person is a master at maintaining calm and feigning shock when others, worn down by his or her indirect hostility, blow up in anger. In fact, the person takes pleasure out of setting others up to lose their cool and then questioning their "overreactions."

Just doing research man. Or maybe that's passive aggressive?

That's called trolling, not passive aggressive.
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June 18th, 2015 at 7:11:21 PM permalink
Quote: 1BB

As always I look forward to your input with bated breath. Can we get your take on the term tin foil hat? Why do you think it is now an insult on the forum? Do you personally think it's an insult? If you and a friend were having a face to face and that friend asked if you had a tin foil hat would you be insulted?

Whilst the correct usage is in fact 'bated breath', if one were to be trolling for a reaction, wouldn't 'baited breath' be more apropos ? ;-)
Always borrow money from a pessimist; They don't expect to get paid back ! Be yourself and speak your thoughts. Those who matter won't mind, and those that mind, don't matter!
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June 18th, 2015 at 8:42:01 PM permalink
Removing bob from the leaderboard effectively put axel wolf in the top five now
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June 18th, 2015 at 9:56:48 PM permalink
Quote: 1BB

I moseyed over to Norm's site to see what I could find. If you're not a paid member access is limited but I did find Masterhoudini and was able to read all his posts. He knows his blackjack and was recognized by other members there. The member you see vouching for him here is also a member of WOV and is highly respected on other sites.

I read all of Masterhoudini's posts here and they reenforce the fact that he knows his blackjack. He knows about flyers, the B and other AC casinos in regard to blackjack. He even calls casinos stores. There is nothing remotely wrong with his posts so I can only assume that something came up with his IP address and how accurate is that information?

What we're seeing here is names going red with no explanation and no entry into the suspension list. Where's the transparency now? Of course people are going to have questions. Are we trying to create our own little Gitmo here? I can see it for the fake license guys and certain other ne'er-do-wells but not for someone who has been making decent posts.

Quote: 1BB

Typing tinfoil hat into the WOV search bar at the top of this page showed 55 results over 7 pages going back to 2010. That's this site only, not the entire internet. It was fine for hundreds of references over 5 years and suddenly it's an insult? I doubt that everyone feels this way.

In my opinion, jumping the gun and banning Masterhoudini is something that should not have happened. It reminds me of the Salem witch trials. The guy never had a chance while the real troublemakers have been allowed to make dozens of posts. Err in favor not against.

If a ban here no longer results in a ban at DT, shouldn't that notice be removed from the top of the suspension list? I agree with that one. Why should there be a carryover? If I didn't know better I might think that policy was relaxed to accommodate a certain member of "value" who can no longer post here.

Bolding Mine (in the 2 quoted 1BB posts)

You have now compared this site (or the management/running of this site) to Gitmo (aka = Guantanamo Bay, Cuba military prison) and the Salem witch trials (the executions of "inncocent" people for ideas/beliefs).

While I completely disagree with the bolded part of this Wizard post:
Quote: Wizard

BBB said the suspension was for seven days in this post and indicated the suspension ending date seven days from then. However, she did put "3" in the "number of days" column, which I think was a clerical error. I assumed this to be the case, and already changed the 3 to a 7 myself.

To address the SAP suspension, again, basically, rule 13 was invoked. The two things I stand for the most when it comes to gambling are honoring a losing bet and abiding by the rules of a game. SAP went on for post after post that he had no intention of paying AYE and failed to defend himself in any way, other than to allude to some phone call that Aye denied ever happened. Efforts at mediation or arbitration were ignored or refused.

In an effort to protect other forum members, he was nuked. A newcomer could have come to the site, made another bet with AP, won, have SAP refuse to pay, and get upset with forum management for letting a known welcher (Much to the chagrin of my spell checker, I spell it with a C) remain on the forum. BTW, this is not the first time this we've nuked somebody for reasons of the protection of the forum community.

The door remains open for SAP to either pay Aye or submit to arbitration.

Finally, if anybody is so bothered about this, or any other suspension, to write endless posts complaining about it, may I make a radical suggestion -- just leave. And don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I am starting to understand why he posted it...
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June 18th, 2015 at 10:11:27 PM permalink
*I believe* Wizard was saying to stop b*****in about every suspension given, stop b****ing about management, etc. Or else get out. If you want a Utopia, create your own.

If you want to b**** about a specific suspension or two, go ahead, THAT is why the discussion of suspension list thread is for. It is NOT for people to turn into internet-lawyers and argue/b**** over every suspension.
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June 18th, 2015 at 10:41:04 PM permalink
I feel like I'm in the "circle wagon's crowd" which is fine with me.

Backseat micromanagement is not a defense of the site well being. It's disruption. It's using the rules to beat the site with a troll stick.

While I'm sorry if a some people got bad treatment or kicked off temporarily, hundreds if not thousands manage to sign up and carry on. Imagine that?

Don't care how long anyone's been here either. You could be a troll mole for all I know. (someone who embeds for a long time, acts normal, but later helps facilitate disrupting activities or assists your various sock puppets)

Don't care what you claim about yourself, it's what you do.

However the above is just my opinion and not that of the management, nor am I speaking for anyone but myself.

Have a nice day.

: )
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June 19th, 2015 at 12:39:16 AM permalink
Quote: RaleighCraps

Whilst the correct usage is in fact 'bated breath', if one were to be trolling for a reaction, wouldn't 'baited breath' be more apropos ? ;-)

You must be psychic. :-) I should have gone with baited. You've got to admire their tenacity if nothing else. All for having an opinion. Very sad.

"When all men think alike, no one thinks very much". - Walter Lippmann
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June 19th, 2015 at 9:14:51 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

I don't think tinfoil hat is much of an insult.

I didn't think it was an insult at all, I've used
it here in the past. Somebody searched and
it has been used 55 times with no problem.

Now, 'poof', it's an insult? If you're going to
change the rules, wouldn't it be fair to inform
us first?
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June 19th, 2015 at 9:46:45 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

If you're going to
change the rules, wouldn't it be fair to inform
us first?

I don't recall the term, "Tinfoil Hat," to have ever been specifically and pointedly addressed on the Official Rules Page.

However, I will concur that it has been used in the past without repercussion. I can offer a few explanations:

1.) Those, "55 Times," it has been used is pure cherry-picking. On many of those occasions, the term was directed to someone other than a Member of this Forum, a Member of this Forum directing it at him/herself, or not actually directed at a person at all, but rather a thought.

2.) Different Administrators are going to have different subjective standards about what should, or indeed does, constitute a Personal Insult. The obvious, but extremely inefficient solution to this would be to simply list every possible term that would constitute a Personal Insult. Unfortunately, people could then use terms (or invent them) not on said list with the explanation, "But, they weren't on the list!" A counter to this might be the ability for Administrators to also act upon terms perceived to be insulting that are not on the list, but then you're back to that problem of subjectivity.

3.) Finally, in all cases prior to 2/23/2014, such insult may have been permitted pursuant to the, "Statler and Waldorf," standard. Interestingly, when I do a Date Range Google Search, the term has come up FOUR times in this Date Range, twice in this thread, once in the Ebola thread and once with a Member referring to himself.

In any case, the current Rules state, "Absolutely No Personal Insults." The current Rules state that one should, "Attack the writing, not the writer."

That is not to say that every single innocuous nit-picky thing that could even remotely be perceived as an attack on the writer will get someone nailed, but it does mean that it theoretically could.

Is there any question that:


He's too busy with his tinfoil hat on, camped across the street from the Scientology building in FL.

(Quote Amended to Remove Unnecessary Line Breaks Unique to EvenBob's Style...which I like)

Could possibly be construed, by at least one reasonable person, as a Personal Insult?

I would hope not. I would hope that everyone would recognize that said statement could be taken as an insult, and in fact, the subject of the statement also stated that he did, in fact, take it as an insult.

An Administrator agreed, a Suspension was made.
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June 19th, 2015 at 11:09:29 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

That is not to say that every single innocuous nit-picky thing that could even remotely be perceived as an attack on the writer will get someone nailed, but it does mean that it theoretically could.

As it obviously did. So it's not about the rules,
per se, it's more about the mood or whim of
the admin.

Thanks for clearing that up, Pierce.
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June 19th, 2015 at 11:45:28 PM permalink
Personally, EB's comment seemed mild and not suspension-worthy to me. I would go as far as to say an over-reaction (IMO).

BUT...I feel no sympathy for him, as EB has become somewhat of an expert on wandering right up to the edge and IMO, has at times stepped over with no consequences. So this time, maybe he didn't step over and still fell. Moral of the story: If you live close to the edge....sometimes you fall off. :/ Anyway, welcome back EB.
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June 20th, 2015 at 2:44:34 AM permalink
Well, just for clarification in advance: Personally if I suggest that someone is attired in a "tinfoil hat" please know that I intend and expect it to be taken as something in the neighborhood of "nutbar" and "fruitcake" which I regard and want them to read as something significantly less complimentary than "dippy" but only marginally short of "deranged candidate for relocation to an institution for the criminally insane." Just to clear that up 'cause I'd hate for someone to miss the pleasure of knowing they'd been insulted, or for the moderator critters to spend any time researching the nuances and recruiting web paralegals preparing for the posting of briefs before I get a whack on the knuckles. Though if some folk on WoV should choose to find that characterization reasonable or perhaps even an upgrade to their own assessment of their cognitive assets, I promise not to argue with them too strenuously on that point.
Suck dope, watch TV, make up stuff, be somebody on the internet.
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June 20th, 2015 at 3:36:16 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Quote: Mission146

That is not to say that every single innocuous nit-picky thing that could even remotely be perceived as an attack on the writer will get someone nailed, but it does mean that it theoretically could.

As it obviously did. So it's not about the rules,
per se, it's more about the mood or whim of
the admin.

Thanks for clearing that up, Pierce.

As we've heard once again, these things are decided based on puppets from a children's TV show. The members on this site are adults. Maybe it's time to revisit some of the confusing standards that can be perceived in many different ways.

I doubt that the new owners operate their site based on a couple of puppets. I'm pretty sure that they get plenty of laughs though.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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June 20th, 2015 at 3:53:55 AM permalink
I'm not sure what mission or anyone is talking about, but many people have used the tinfoil hat phrase in a derogatory fashion. I bet I can even find a moderator using it.

Its absolutely silly that Bob got suspended for using it. I'm all for bob getting suspended, however this was not the correct reason, or others should be retroactively suspended.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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June 20th, 2015 at 4:13:21 AM permalink
We have to be careful with the mindset of he must have done something in the past so he deserves this one. Sort of a makeup call if you will. That's exactly what the cops think when they lie about a defendant in court. He must have done something sometime so let's get him on this and make the world right.

I wonder how many people are on death row due to that thinking.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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June 20th, 2015 at 4:37:46 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

I'm not sure what mission or anyone is talking about, but many people have used the tinfoil hat phrase in a derogatory fashion. I bet I can even find a moderator using it.

Its absolutely silly that Bob got suspended for using it. I'm all for bob getting suspended, however this was not the correct reason, or others should be retroactively suspended.

This is a thread started by our very own Face a while ago...

Cyber Crime - EB and the Tinfoil Hat

Quote: Face

I remember in a thread a while back where EvenBob was being teased about his "paranoia" because he wouldn't get a players card or give casinos his drivers license.

"Tinfoil Hat" is defined by that prominent source Wikipedia as "The notion of wearing homemade headgear for protection has become a popular stereotype and byword for paranoia, persecutory delusions, and belief in pseudo science and conspiracy theories."

Face is saying that EB is afraid of giving the casino any information due to paranoia. EB insinuates the same about someone looking to find out how many Scientologists go in a building.

I guess it could be considered an insult, but some of us are getting insulted way too easily around here. Are we, as a group, that thin-skinned?
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June 20th, 2015 at 4:46:37 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

This is a thread started by our very own Face a while ago...

Cyber Crime - EB and the Tinfoil Hat

"Tinfoil Hat" is defined by that prominent source Wikipedia as "The notion of wearing homemade headgear for protection has become a popular stereotype and byword for paranoia, persecutory delusions, and belief in pseudo science and conspiracy theories."

Face is saying that EB is afraid of giving the casino any information due to paranoia. EB insinuates the same about someone looking to find out how many Scientologists go in a building.

I guess it could be considered an insult, but some of us are getting insulted way too easily around here. Are we, as a group, that thin-skinned?

Great an entire thread indicating Bob wears a tinfoil hat. At least the tittle does. I read a few sentences of it and stopped realizing Face wouldn't actually say Bob wears one. It's been acceptable until now. Many people have used it in a derogatory manor. Bob rarely gets suspended, do you really think Bob made a mistake? NO he to knew/thought that was an acceptable term. It was, until now. I'm sure we will get a long post from whoever suspended him explaining why it was different, however it really isn't if you look at everything involving that phrase.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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June 20th, 2015 at 4:48:51 AM permalink
Thin-skinned? Ya think? Welcome to the politically correct, touchy feely world where even the losers get a trophy. Who wants to start a thread about Bruce Jenner? Oops, did I say Bruce?
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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June 20th, 2015 at 5:09:33 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

I guess it could be considered an insult, but some of us are getting insulted way too easily around here. Are we, as a group, that thin-skinned?

I believe the rules state no personal insults, not mild personal insults only, which was the previous muppet rule.

You can indict everyone for all passed insults missed, but that has always been possible here.

You can redefine tinfoil hat as not an insult. I guess you can also define other mild insults as too mild.

That should be fun.
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June 20th, 2015 at 5:31:21 AM permalink
Also, if you're ever pulled over by a cop for speeding ask him if he ever let anyone go by at the same speed. He probably did, unless you were going real fast.

Maybe everyone has to be let go if it ever once happened one way, even once. Interesting.
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June 20th, 2015 at 5:39:07 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

I believe the rules state no personal insults, not mild personal insults only, which was the previous muppet rule.

You can indict everyone for all passed insults missed, but that has always been possible here.

You can redefine tinfoil hat as not an insult. I guess you can also define other mild insults as too mild.

That should be fun.

You are right--not even the faintest hint of a personal insult is allowed:

From version 2.1 of the Forum Rules:

"Absolutely no personal insults. If you disagree with another forum member, politely attack the writing, not the writer. (Amended 2/23/14 to not allow personal insults at all. The previous policy was more lenient.)"

I can't define how the moderators define anything here but I do believe we are getting close to the point that someone will be suspended for the way they attack the writing of a member. I think a lot of people come very close to what I will call the "Tinfoil Hat Line" all the time.

The member who was accused of having the hat on did say he was insulted. I guess I kind of feel bad for someone that is that easily insulted. Toughen up, people. It is an internet board. So many are so easily offended.
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June 20th, 2015 at 5:40:27 AM permalink
Quote: 1BB

Thin-skinned? Ya think? Welcome to the politically correct, touchy feely world where even the losers get a trophy. Who wants to start a thread about Bruce Jenner? Oops, did I say Bruce?

I Will never refer to him as anything other than Bruce(The name Bruce, I should've known)
I seen people start calling him by his new name as if he never changed it *rolls eye*. Whomever referred(s) to him as anything else, is a conformist. Please don't conform to this and start calling him by his new name. It's BJ, call him that, it seems fitting.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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June 20th, 2015 at 6:08:22 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

This is a thread started by our very own Face a while ago...

Cyber Crime - EB and the Tinfoil Hat

"Tinfoil Hat" is defined by that prominent source Wikipedia as "The notion of wearing homemade headgear for protection has become a popular stereotype and byword for paranoia, persecutory delusions, and belief in pseudo science and conspiracy theories."

Face is saying that EB is afraid of giving the casino any information due to paranoia. EB insinuates the same about someone looking to find out how many Scientologists go in a building.

I guess it could be considered an insult, but some of us are getting insulted way too easily around here. Are we, as a group, that thin-skinned?

This thread was in 2012. I believe the Waldorf and Statler policy was changed in 2014.

Like others have said, I'm all for EB getting banned. If you play with fire frequently, you're gonna get burned sometimes. EB plays with fire and he got burned. Tada!
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June 20th, 2015 at 6:26:05 AM permalink
Quote: RS

Quote: RonC

This is a thread started by our very own Face a while ago...

Cyber Crime - EB and the Tinfoil Hat

"Tinfoil Hat" is defined by that prominent source Wikipedia as "The notion of wearing homemade headgear for protection has become a popular stereotype and byword for paranoia, persecutory delusions, and belief in pseudo science and conspiracy theories."

Face is saying that EB is afraid of giving the casino any information due to paranoia. EB insinuates the same about someone looking to find out how many Scientologists go in a building.

I guess it could be considered an insult, but some of us are getting insulted way too easily around here. Are we, as a group, that thin-skinned?

This thread was in 2012. I believe the Waldorf and Statler policy was changed in 2014.

Like others have said, I'm all for EB getting banned. If you play with fire frequently, you're gonna get burned sometimes. EB plays with fire and he got burned. Tada!

I already stated the current rule and have stated that this offense is a personal insult under the existing rule, so what is your point? Did I ever say that Face should have been suspended? No. I just said we are getting a little thin skinned. That is my opinion. I also don't think everyone is treated equally. That is also my opinion.

I'm happy for you wanting EB banned. I'm glad you got, at least for three days, your wish. I challenge EB all the time (on professing to have a roulette method that wins but never telling us anything about it and other things, like his skills at predicting elections). I don't agree with him a lot of the time. He can have a bit of an edge to his comments. I guess that bugs some people more than others.
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June 20th, 2015 at 8:11:59 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

I Will never refer to him as anything other than Bruce(The name Bruce, I should've known)
I seen people start calling him by his new name as if he never changed it *rolls eye*. Whomever referred(s) to him as anything else, is a conformist. Please don't conform to this and start calling him by his new name. It's BJ, call him that, it seems fitting.

I disagree.
If he wants to change his name, so be it.
Do you say Cassius? Do you say Lew? Of course not, they changed their name and after awhile it became the norm to use Muhammad and Kareem.
Howard Cosell got it, as soon as Cassius Clay changed to Muhammad Ali, Cosell immediately called him Muhammad.
Cosell got the interviews time and time again :-)
Eventually the whole planet went along:-) Nobody uses Cassius, its Muhammad to the planet.

My mother emigrated to this country back in the late 50s.
She was forced to change her name due to American customs back then because Americans don't like to pronounce foreign names.
For years she was known and called by a name she never grew up with.
Finally in her later years, she said enough, she went back to her true name.
All the relatives and friends totally obliged to the name change and called her by the name she preferred rather then the one given to her when she entered this country. They admit it took some getting used to after you know somebody by one name their whole life and now to change. But they knew the name change was important to her.

Caitlynn Jenner. If that's the name this individual prefers, I see no reason not to use it.
When somebody doesn't believe me, I could care less. Some get totally bent out of shape when not believed. Weird. I believe very little on all forums
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June 20th, 2015 at 9:36:02 AM permalink
Quote: 1BB

As we've heard once again, these things are decided based on puppets from a children's TV show. The members on this site are adults. Maybe it's time to revisit some of the confusing standards that can be perceived in many different ways.

I doubt that the new owners operate their site based on a couple of puppets. I'm pretty sure that they get plenty of laughs though.

Calling the mods puppets!? are you kidding me???
you seem unhappy at how this forum is modded. LEAVE?

yes, most of the posters act like adults but not all.

I don't know EvenBob but based on whats been said, it seems like he pushes boundaries.

so if someone w/o a history of pushing boundaries says 'Tinfoil hat' then it's not construed as an attack.
if someone with a history says it, then he gets a suspension.

and I am surprised you're not suspended for attacking the mods and calling them puppets?
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June 20th, 2015 at 10:06:28 AM permalink
Quote: 100xOdds

and I am surprised you're not suspended for attacking the mods and calling them puppets?

He's referring to a former rule, specifically, the "Statler and Waldorf Rule", which prescribed the level of insult tolerated. Statler and Waldorf were two puppets from Jim Henson's "Muppet Show", who spewed gentle insults from the balcony during every show.

The opinions of this moderator are for entertainment purposes only.
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June 20th, 2015 at 10:20:53 AM permalink
Quote: Face

He's referring to a former rule, specifically, the "Statler and Waldorf Rule", which prescribed the level of insult tolerated. Statler and Waldorf were two puppets from Jim Henson's "Muppet Show", who spewed gentle insults from the balcony during every show.

He's condemning the WoV rules and administrators, saying they're (rules) based from puppets in a TV show, which is untrue.

Quote: 1BB

As we've heard once again, these things are decided based on puppets from a children's TV show.

"These things" (called rules) are not based on the puppets. The rules are/were basically "you can lightly insult each other, kind of like what Statlor and Waldorf do".

Quote: 1BB

I doubt that the new owners operate their site based on a couple of puppets.

1BB is implying the old owner (Wizard) operated the website based on a couple of puppets, which again, is untrue.

1BB, this is a gambling forum, not some political correctness forum. Perhaps you should heed 100xOdds's [bolded] advice in his previous post....and Wizard's advice [something about not letting the door hit you].

Edit: I wonder how many pages/posts would be in this thread if it wasn't for 1BB.
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June 20th, 2015 at 10:27:58 AM permalink
Quote: terapined

I disagree.
If he wants to change his name, so be it.
Do you say Cassius? Do you say Lew? Of course not, they changed their name and after awhile it became the norm to use Muhammad and Kareem.
Howard Cosell got it, as soon as Cassius Clay changed to Muhammad Ali, Cosell immediately called him Muhammad.
Cosell got the interviews time and time again :-)
Eventually the whole planet went along:-) Nobody uses Cassius, its Muhammad to the planet.

My mother emigrated to this country back in the late 50s.
She was forced to change her name due to American customs back then because Americans don't like to pronounce foreign names.
For years she was known and called by a name she never grew up with.
Finally in her later years, she said enough, she went back to her true name.
All the relatives and friends totally obliged to the name change and called her by the name she preferred rather then the one given to her when she entered this country. They admit it took some getting used to after you know somebody by one name their whole life and now to change. But they knew the name change was important to her.

Caitlynn Jenner. If that's the name this individual prefers, I see no reason not to use it.

I was not alive back then. Sorry it's it always going to be Bruce to me.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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June 20th, 2015 at 10:39:49 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

I was not alive back then. Sorry it's it always going to be Bruce to me.

Who really cares what his/her name is? I hadn't said his name for about 35 years and I can't ever imagine saying her name in any conversation. It could be rumplestiltskin for all I care.

I am an employee of a Casino. Former Table Games Director,, current Pit Supervisor. All the personal opinions I post are my own and do not represent the opinions of the Casino or Tribe that I work for.
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June 20th, 2015 at 10:40:10 AM permalink
Quote: 100xOdds

Calling the mods puppets!? are you kidding me???
you seem unhappy at how this forum is modded. LEAVE?

yes, most of the posters act like adults but not all.

I don't know EvenBob but based on whats been said, it seems like he pushes boundaries.

so if someone w/o a history of pushing boundaries says 'Tinfoil hat' then it's not construed as an attack.
if someone with a history says it, then he gets a suspension.

and I am surprised you're not suspended for attacking the mods and calling them puppets?

This is the second time you have posted false information about me and it's extremely flagrant. I have to wonder if it's deliberate because I haven't posted anything that's difficult to understand. This most certainly violates some forum rules and you now have the attention of the administrators. I won't go crying to the mods or to my mommy because adults don't do that. If a mod feels that your falsehoods and unwarranted attacks deserve a suspension, I'll be right there to ask them to give you a pass. That's what adults do.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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June 20th, 2015 at 10:42:38 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

I Will never refer to him as anything other than Bruce(The name Bruce, I should've known)
I seen people start calling him by his new name as if he never changed it *rolls eye*. Whomever referred(s) to him as anything else, is a conformist. Please don't conform to this and start calling him by his new name. It's BJ, call him that, it seems fitting.

Well, that raises a question.

If Jenner becomes a "member" here, and you call him Bruce or "the Bruce", would that be a suspendable offense?
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June 20th, 2015 at 10:44:45 AM permalink

My only suspension was for calling a certain post leading member a "jackass". Now the jackass or donkey is a beloved and worshipped creature in some ancient civilizations. Almost god-like. In the dynasty IV era of Egypt between 2675bc and 2565bc, King Narmer and King Hor-Aha were both buried surrounded by donkeys, a manner that was reserved for high ranking humans (and donkeys).

So basically, I got suspended for saying someone was god-like. :/
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June 20th, 2015 at 10:47:48 AM permalink
Quote: RS

He's condemning the WoV rules and administrators, saying they're (rules) based from puppets in a TV show, which is untrue.

"These things" (called rules) are not based on the puppets. The rules are/were basically "you can lightly insult each other, kind of like what Statlor and Waldorf do".

1BB is implying the old owner (Wizard) operated the website based on a couple of puppets, which again, is untrue.

1BB, this is a gambling forum, not some political correctness forum. Perhaps you should heed 100xOdds's [bolded] advice in his previous post....and Wizard's advice [something about not letting the door hit you].

Edit: I wonder how many pages/posts would be in this thread if it wasn't for 1BB.

This thread is a discussion about the suspension list. If you disagree with this thread that the Wizard started feel free to ask him to close it or feel free to use that door that you're so fond of. It's really that simple. I make a comment, you guys want to beat it to death and then blame me. You are the ones adding pages here. How can you not see that? Thanks for the advice.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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June 20th, 2015 at 10:51:41 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Quote: Mission146

That is not to say that every single innocuous nit-picky thing that could even remotely be perceived as an attack on the writer will get someone nailed, but it does mean that it theoretically could.

As it obviously did. So it's not about the rules,
per se, it's more about the mood or whim of
the admin.

Thanks for clearing that up, Pierce.

Sorry, I thought I quoted the Rule, "Absolutely no Personal Insults."

Oh, I just re-read my post, I did quote that Rule.

Clears that up. You had me confused for a second.
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June 20th, 2015 at 10:56:42 AM permalink
Quote: 1BB

Quote: EvenBob

Quote: Mission146

That is not to say that every single innocuous nit-picky thing that could even remotely be perceived as an attach on the writer will get someone nailed, but it does mean that it theoretically could.

As it obviously did. So it's not about the rules,
per se, it's more about the mood or whim of
the admin.

Thanks for clearing that up, Pierce.

As we've heard once again, these things are decided based on puppets from a children's TV show. The members on this site are adults. Maybe it's time to revisit some of the confusing standards that can be perceived in many different ways.

I doubt that the new owners operate their site based on a couple of puppets. I'm pretty sure that they get plenty of laughs though.

What? No. I'm saying that was the OLD standard, the current standard is, "Absolutely no Personal Insults.". The only question is whether or not something can be construed as an insult, there is no question of degree.
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June 20th, 2015 at 11:00:27 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

I believe the rules state no personal insults, not mild personal insults only, which was the previous muppet rule.

Yes! A poster in this thread with solid reading comprehension. Thank God.

That's not to say that any other posters in this thread lack reading comprehension, and especially not anyone posting after the quoted post because I've not read those yet, just to say that RXWine's is especially astute.
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June 20th, 2015 at 11:06:59 AM permalink
Quote: 1BB

Quote: 100xOdds

Calling the mods puppets!? are you kidding me???
you seem unhappy at how this forum is modded. LEAVE?

yes, most of the posters act like adults but not all.

I don't know EvenBob but based on whats been said, it seems like he pushes boundaries.

so if someone w/o a history of pushing boundaries says 'Tinfoil hat' then it's not construed as an attack.
if someone with a history says it, then he gets a suspension.

and I am surprised you're not suspended for attacking the mods and calling them puppets?

This is the second time you have posted false information about me and it's extremely flagrant. I have to wonder if it's deliberate because I haven't posted anything that's difficult to understand. This most certainly violates some forum rules and you now have the attention of the administrators. I won't go crying to the mods or to my mommy because adults don't do that. If a mod feels that your falsehoods and unwarranted attacks deserve a suspension, I'll be right there to ask them to give you a pass. That's what adults do.

I apologize.
I didn't know the puppets comment were based on a long standing referral to the 2 guys in the balcony. (thx Face)

I have nothing against you. you seem fine in other threads i've read where you've replied.

it's only in this thread that you seem very unhappy and patronizing.
perhaps not leave the forum but leave this thread?
Craps is paradise (Pair of dice). Lets hear it for the SpeedCount Mathletes :)
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June 20th, 2015 at 11:10:26 AM permalink
I should also like to commend the reading comprehension of RonC and RS.
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June 20th, 2015 at 11:19:01 AM permalink

[100xOdds]I don't know EvenBob but based on whats been said, it seems like he pushes boundaries.

Like a moth to a flame.


so if someone w/o a history of pushing boundaries says 'Tinfoil hat' then it's not construed as an attack.
if someone with a history says it, then he gets a suspension.

Makes perfect sense to me. It isn't always what is said, but the "intent" of what was said, and how.


and I am surprised you're not suspended for attacking the mods and calling them puppets?

I get that. If someone were to say the POTUS is a puppet, that would insinuate that someone else is pulling his strings. Our mods seem to have pretty free reins, and they do a great job of deciphering all the bullshit.

Bob got dinged, I don't think he was offended. I wear a hat sometimes, at one time we had a "hat merchant here", he went up in flames, after wearing one too many hats. So we all have to wear the hats we have, be it tin, fedora or even sou' wester.

I think the truth be told, if someone asked Bob if he meant it as an insult, he would probably admit it. TP was genuinely offended, Bob was admonished, and seems to have made a full recovery. The system works if we let it.

Quote: 1BB

This is the second time you have posted false information about me and it's extremely flagrant. I have to wonder if it's deliberate because I haven't posted anything that's difficult to understand.....

Maybe not difficult for you, but I have no idea what you are talking about? That happens to me as well. It makes sense in my head when I tap the keys and push post. Sometimes I go back the next day and wonder wtf was I thinking?? Bwahaha, it's all good. Like the ice cube salesman said, chill.
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June 20th, 2015 at 11:41:43 AM permalink
Quote: 100xOdds

Quote: 1BB

Quote: 100xOdds

Calling the mods puppets!? are you kidding me???
you seem unhappy at how this forum is modded. LEAVE?

yes, most of the posters act like adults but not all.

I don't know EvenBob but based on whats been said, it seems like he pushes boundaries.

so if someone w/o a history of pushing boundaries says 'Tinfoil hat' then it's not construed as an attack.
if someone with a history says it, then he gets a suspension.

and I am surprised you're not suspended for attacking the mods and calling them puppets?

This is the second time you have posted false information about me and it's extremely flagrant. I have to wonder if it's deliberate because I haven't posted anything that's difficult to understand. This most certainly violates some forum rules and you now have the attention of the administrators. I won't go crying to the mods or to my mommy because adults don't do that. If a mod feels that your falsehoods and unwarranted attacks deserve a suspension, I'll be right there to ask them to give you a pass. That's what adults do.

I apologize.
I didn't know the puppets comment were based on a long standing referral to the 2 guys in the balcony. (thx Face)

I have nothing against you. you seem fine in other threads i've read where you've replied.

it's only in this thread that you seem very unhappy and patronizing.
perhaps not leave the forum but leave this thread?

No apology necessary and thank you for being a stand up guy. This whole latest thing started because I dared to have an opinion. That opinion was that I would not be offended by a tinfoil hat comment. I spoke for myself and no one else. That's it. I never said that someone else shouldn't be offended, in fact I said that others may be and that I fully understood. I never said that Bob shouldn't be suspended nor did I make any comment about his suspension.

It's interesting that 4 or 5 others disagreed with that as an insult and with the suspension but I was the only one confronted and challenged. Some were very direct in how they felt. If anyone thinks they need to help the mods, to circle the wagons, think again. Our mods are quite capable.

Do you play blackjack, 100xOdds? Your name tells me no but maybe we can talk about it sometime.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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June 20th, 2015 at 12:23:25 PM permalink
Quote: 1BB

This thread is a discussion about the suspension list. If you disagree with this thread that the Wizard started feel free to ask him to close it or feel free to use that door that you're so fond of. It's really that simple. I make a comment, you guys want to beat it to death and then blame me. You are the ones adding pages here. How can you not see that? Thanks for the advice.

And what would happen if no one responded to your comments?

I see it like the boy who cried wolf. You seem to complain about most suspensions. When you have a legitimate complaint about a suspension, it's hard to take you seriously.

Yes, it is a discussion about the suspension list. I don't think the purpose of this thread is to complain about almost every suspension. I'm actually not entirely sure what the purpose of this thread is, but I'd imagine it be somewhere more along the lines of bringing up and discussing suspensions we don't agree with....not discuss and complain about every suspension.
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June 20th, 2015 at 12:43:09 PM permalink
Quote: RS

And what would happen if no one responded to your comments?

I see it like the boy who cried wolf. You seem to complain about most suspensions. When you have a legitimate complaint about a suspension, it's hard to take you seriously.

Yes, it is a discussion about the suspension list. I don't think the purpose of this thread is to complain about almost every suspension. I'm actually not entirely sure what the purpose of this thread is, but I'd imagine it be somewhere more along the lines of bringing up and discussing suspensions we don't agree with....not discuss and complain about every suspension.

I think you're onto to something, RS, and that is the word seems. You say it seems that I complain about every suspension but do I or does selective memory extend outside the casino? Please feel to review my posts to find the truth. You won't be the first. Who's to decide what's legitimate? Would you like to say anything to the others in this thread that share my opinion or are they legitimate?
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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June 20th, 2015 at 1:26:21 PM permalink
Quote: 1BB

It's interesting that 4 or 5 others disagreed with that as an insult and with the suspension but I was the only one confronted and challenged. Some were very direct in how they felt. If anyone thinks they need to help the mods, to circle the wagons, think again. Our mods are quite capable.

Patently false. I quoted and confronted EvenBob directly about a post of his. I did not initially mention or refer to you in any way either implicit or explicit.
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June 20th, 2015 at 1:39:41 PM permalink
Since the Wizard start this thread on Christmas day in 2010, I wonder if he know what type of gift he was giving the forum?

Before the end of the day mostly likely this thread will past 600,000 views, when do you think we past 1m views? My guess in sometime in Feb.2016.
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June 20th, 2015 at 2:02:39 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

Quote: 1BB

It's interesting that 4 or 5 others disagreed with that as an insult and with the suspension but I was the only one confronted and challenged. Some were very direct in how they felt. If anyone thinks they need to help the mods, to circle the wagons, think again. Our mods are quite capable.

Patently false. I quoted and confronted EvenBob directly about a post of his. I did not initially mention or refer to you in any way either implicit or explicit.

Jeez, I pay you a compliment and you insinuate that I'm a liar? I saw your explanation and it was hardly a confrontation or a challenge in my opinion. I was referring to comments made by others who disagreed with the suspension and the insult. I want to know why no one confronted them for daring to disagree. The funny thing is I never disagreed with anything.

"I would go as far to say an over reaction". "I'm all for Bob getting suspended, however this was not the correct reason or others should be retroactively suspended". "I don't think everyone is treated equally". Those are much stronger statements than I made yet I'm the one that gets all the flak.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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June 20th, 2015 at 2:45:21 PM permalink
Quote: 1BB

Jeez, I pay you a compliment and you insinuate that I'm a liar? I saw your explanation and it was hardly a confrontation or a challenge in my opinion. I was referring to comments made by others who disagreed with the suspension and the insult. I want to know why no one confronted them for daring to disagree. The funny thing is I never disagreed with anything.

You stated that you were the only person confronted and challenged, I countered that I confronted and challenged EvenBob. I beg your pardon if I read your post in, what could be considered, the most adversarial way possible. I consider you very adversarial towards Moderation, with exception to the compliment at the end, for which I thank you, but that is likely why I read the first part in a negative light.


"I would go as far to say an over reaction". "I'm all for Bob getting suspended, however this was not the correct reason or others should be retroactively suspended". "I don't think everyone is treated equally". Those are much stronger statements than I made yet I'm the one that gets all the flak.

I don't have any flak to give you with respect to disagreeing with Suspensions. You can disagree all you want and others may have opinions regarding your disagreements. I consider some of your disagreements to be unnecessarily adversarial in the sense that you sometimes (perhaps not this time) challenge petty Suspensions.

To wit, I consider a three-day Suspension petty. Moreover, and this really relates to the conversation not involving you, I'm surprised the EB Suspension is even being discussed after my explanation. Ever since the inception of the, "Absolutely no Personal Insults," Rule, nobody had yet used, "Tinfoil Hat," in a manner that could be construed as an insult, until EvenBob did. In fact, prior to EvenBob's post, but after the inception of the new Rule, the phrase had actually only been used all.

Anyway, we can interpret Rules all we like, but there is only one way to interpret, "Absolutely no Personal Insults." The only question is whether or not something is an insult. I consider the statement in question an EXTREMELY light insult, but, the Rule doesn't say, "Absolutely no Personal Insults...unless they are extremely light."

The point is, the standard is, pursuant to the Rules, that there should be a Suspension for any Personal Insult whatsoever. To not Suspend for a Personal Insult is lenient, and there are really no grounds to challenge a Suspension on the grounds that, "The Administrator should have disregarded the Rule and been more lenient." From a technical standpoint, to show leniency is not the correct decision, to Suspend is.
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June 20th, 2015 at 2:55:40 PM permalink
Can I push the button on the fake ID guy? I want to see how it feels. :-)
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi
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June 20th, 2015 at 3:51:30 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

You stated that you were the only person confronted and challenged, I countered that I confronted and challenged EvenBob. I beg your pardon if I read your post in, what could be considered, the most adversarial way possible. I consider you very adversarial towards Moderation, with exception to the compliment at the end, for which I thank you, but that is likely why I read the first part in a negative light.

I don't have any flak to give you with respect to disagreeing with Suspensions. You can disagree all you want and others may have opinions regarding your disagreements. I consider some of your disagreements to be unnecessarily adversarial in the sense that you sometimes (perhaps not this time) challenge petty Suspensions.

To wit, I consider a three-day Suspension petty. Moreover, and this really relates to the conversation not involving you, I'm surprised the EB Suspension is even being discussed after my explanation. Ever since the inception of the, "Absolutely no Personal Insults," Rule, nobody had yet used, "Tinfoil Hat," in a manner that could be construed as an insult, until EvenBob did. In fact, prior to EvenBob's post, but after the inception of the new Rule, the phrase had actually only been used all.

Anyway, we can interpret Rules all we like, but there is only one way to interpret, "Absolutely no Personal Insults." The only question is whether or not something is an insult. I consider the statement in question an EXTREMELY light insult, but, the Rule doesn't say, "Absolutely no Personal Insults...unless they are extremely light."

The point is, the standard is, pursuant to the Rules, that there should be a Suspension for any Personal Insult whatsoever. To not Suspend for a Personal Insult is lenient, and there are really no grounds to challenge a Suspension on the grounds that, "The Administrator should have disregarded the Rule and been more lenient." From a technical standpoint, to show leniency is not the correct decision, to Suspend is.

When did the absolutely no PI rule happen? I disagree with this " In fact, prior to EvenBob's post, but after the inception of the new Rule, the phrase had actually only been used all."
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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