Quote: DodsferdI've stated it twice now before Evanbob, I've been around these forums for years now. Two casinos I have worked at have used WoO as a tool for keeping up with the latest gaming news, and advantage play. Until now, I've had no reason to participate in discussion, as it interested me more to just observe. Yes, I did choose to create an account following the nuke of eagle, but I can guarantee, this isn't an alias of anyone currently or previously a member of any associated WoO of WoV boards.
Interesting name choice. Probably coincidence. (pronounced 'co EN' see dense' like Curly of the 3 stooges)
Quote: Zcore13Welcome to the forum Dodsferd. What casinos did you work at and what did you do?
Something makes me read that second sentence in the voice of Arnold...
Quote: Zcore13Welcome to the forum Dodsferd. What casinos did you work at and what did you do?
Thanks Zcore,
Two local casinos in Alberta, Canada. Still employed at the second one, have been for just under five years. I work in the Surveillance department, recently promoted to the department's supervisor at the start of this year.
I'm aware of that band, though they're not the influence of the name choice. It's a song from another band that I used to listen to a decade ago. It's been one of my online handles for a very long time, and usually just shortened down to the first four letters.
Quote: MaxPenHow about enforcing the number of posts allowed according to the rules of the forum. That might help.
No way i dont follow tv shows nowadays and i need my entertainment.
Quote: DodsferdThat's Dodsferd, thanks. Coincidental really, that an alternate account would post in the same threads I was interested, nothing more. I'm still here, they're not! Welcome to Wonderland I suppose?
I do apologize, sincerely. I was being rude, crude, and uncouth and I was doing it on purpose. But I should not have included you. The fun was being poked at others and I really, I mean really, should not have included you. Welcome to the forum, at bit late on that perhaps. The Forum ( I started, actually typed 'We' but there are some here that don't trust me as one of the gang).
Anyway, the Forum can always use the insight from a casino employee with years of experience to help 'the forum' see the other viewpoint, the viewpoint that is not from just a player. So welcome aboard, and I have your name correct now, Dodsferd.
Sorry, I'm laughing, I mistyped it again, twice. I will preview before posting.
Quote: TwoFeathersATLI do apologize, sincerely. I was being rude, crude, and uncouth and I was doing it on purpose. But I should not have included you. The fun was being poked at others and I really, I mean really, should not have included you. Welcome to the forum, at bit late on that perhaps. The Forum ( I started, actually typed 'We' but there are some here that don't trust me as one of the gang).
Anyway, the Forum can always use the insight from a casino employee with years of experience to help 'the forum' see the other viewpoint, the viewpoint that is not from just a player. So welcome aboard, and I have your name correct now, Dodsferd.
Sorry, I'm laughing, I mistyped it again, twice. I will preview before posting.
Ah don't worry about it. Like I've said, I've been reading the threads here for a long time. It's really unfortunately common for new accounts to pop up following the banning of someone, so it's no surprise that it would merit the same response. Working in this particular position requires a thick skin and the ability to remain objective.
With the various spell checkers and auto corrects, I'm used to varied iterations of my name. No harm done.
Quote: DodsferdI've been around these forums for years now.
Second post Lion made here:
"Long time reader, but must say. Sometimes, karma is a pain in the rear!"
Just another coincidence. Time will tell.
Quote: EvenBobSecond post Lion made here:
"Long time reader, but must say. Sometimes, karma is a pain in the rear!"
Just another coincidence. Time will tell.
Life is full of them. That's hardly anything of substance. Doubt all you want, makes no difference to me babe.
the forum since he was nuked, which
means he's here as somebody else
already. He can't go 5min without
checking if somebody is talking about him.
He would have logged in under Lion
for sure if he wasn't here already.
Quote: EvenBobI just checked and Lion hasn't looked at
the forum since he was nuked, which
means he's here as somebody else
already. He can't go 5min without
checking if somebody is talking about him.
He would have logged in under Lion
for sure if he wasn't here already.
The forums don't require the user to be logged in to view threads, allowing someone to browse anonymously. You seem to know more about his personality than I do, so I'll take your word on that. I'm not seeing the connection between he and I though. It's my assumption that he's probably from the U.S., where I'm from Western Canada. Ask an Admin to check the IP if you're that interested.
Quote: Dodsferdwhere I'm from Western Canada. Ask an Admin to check the IP if you're that interested.
I subscribe to a masking service that
can make it look like I'm posting from
any of 20 locations in the US and CA.
30 places in EU and Asia. That's how
Lion stayed under the radar.
I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm
just pointing out the coincidences. I
did the same thing when Lion joined.
Lots of coincidences there too. As a
'long time reader' of all the threads,
none of this should surprise you.
Say Hi to new members, answer a simple question perhaps.
Then not a word, not for 30 days.
Hard, hard not to make the joke.
You can do it.
Maybe I can.
I can try.
At this point I don't care if your a legitimate new poster or not.Quote: DodsferdI've stated it twice now before Evanbob, I've been around these forums for years now. Two casinos I have worked at have used WoO as a tool for keeping up with the latest gaming news, and advantage play. Until now, I've had no reason to participate in discussion, as it interested me more to just observe. Yes, I did choose to create an account following the nuke of eagle, but I can guarantee, this isn't an alias of anyone currently or previously a member of any associated WoO of WoV boards.
I'm not making a claim either way. However its odd someone would use WoO to keep up with the latest news and advantage play. What casino do you work at? Because if WoO is where they keep up with Advantage Play I need get over there to that casino because they are probably messing up left and right.
What makes someone who has been lurking for 2 year's suddenly sign up for this BS? Seriously, somehow the lion encouraged you? There has been much more interesting people and situations in the last 2 year's than lion. What was it about that creepy scum of the earth that encouraged you?
Quote: AxelWolfAt this point I don't care if your a legitimate new poster or not.
I'm not making a claim either way. However its odd someone would use WoO to keep up with the latest news and advantage play. What casino do you work at? Because if WoO is where they keep up with Advantage Play I need get over there to that casino because they are probably messing up left and right.
What makes someone who has been lurking for 2 year's suddenly sign up of this BS? Seriously somehow the lion encouraged you? There has been much more interesting people and situations in the last 2 year's than lion. What was it about that creepy scum of the earth that encouraged you?
My usage of the term advantage play was used incorrectly. The sites that Mike hosts(..ed?) were part of a collective that my previous supervisor and manager provided for training and a knowledge base. If you want details as to where I work, PM me and I'll provide it.
I have no interest in Lion, as he's not anything that interesting. I keep getting compared to him by Evan, so I'm just responding. It was Eagle's ridiculous thread about Craps that kept me entertained. Enough so to warrant a comment which requires me to make an account.
It's not the fanatics themselves that "encouraged" anything, but more the forums' responses in return.
By all means, play where I work, I'm more than happy to see players win, as long as it's legitimate. Falling short of cheat at play, I'm not someone whose particularly obsessive about wins and losses.
I hope the greenies are listening. One of us is going to go, I'm tired of this already. The 'Ruffled Feathers'.
I cannot make 'dogshit' out of the letters.
Quote: TwoFeathersATLI have tried.
I cannot make 'dogshit' out of the letters.
Sorry, wasn't nice, I got excited.
See you next name, over.
Quote: TwoFeathersATLSorry, wasn't nice, I got excited.
See you next name, over.
Over and out, actually. Done here.
Quote: djatcNo way i dont follow tv shows nowadays and i need my entertainment.
It's like watching a one man band playing 10 instruments at one time. This guy is taking schizo to a new level. ;-)
Quote: MaxPenIt's like watching a one man band playing 10 instruments at one time. This guy is taking schizo to a new level. ;-)
Is this in reference to TwoFeathers, or myself?
Quote: DodsferdIs this in reference to TwoFeathers, or myself?
Symbols in the left hand and drums on the chest. I don't understand your question.
Quote: MaxPenSymbols in the left hand and drums on the chest. I don't understand your question.
Cute. You'd be referring to Cymbals then, and no, I'm not Monkey, or Lion, or whatever the original poster was.

Quote: rdw4potusSomething makes me read that second sentence in the voice of Arnold...
I quite enjoyed this...thank you.
why do I care?
must be the cat and mouse thing
Quote: odiousgambitwhat are you supposed to make of a new member who goes straight to the 'discussion about suspension list' thread and starts posting - exceeding his limit just there - and makes roughly 9 out of 10 of his posts in that thread?
why do I care?
must be the cat and mouse thing
Well apparently the go-to option for most people seems to form a lynch mob. I posted here because the triggering event for me even making an account here was the banning of a member. Seemed appropriate, rather than making some OT thread about "Hi, new here, blah blah", when I really don't feel "new" in any sense of the word.
The number of trolling or attacking posts towards me is getting on my nerves at this point, and I just feel obligated to at least respond.
Given that it's apparent that this isn't going to pass, I'll just quit posting till the days catch up to my limit (I realize I've gone over now by ~3 days.)
Quote: DodsferdI really don't feel "new" in any sense of the word.
I agree with you there.
Don't be silly, someone like you knows dam well someone can use a VPN. Even suggesting that they check your IP is very fishy IMO.Quote: Dodsferdwhere I'm from Western Canada. Ask an Admin to check the IP if you're that interested.
They should check the source of the IP and see if it's actually a residential IP.
Then use your powers to nail them on the IP stuff...
Perhaps some mods feel the limits are too tight as written because of the 10+number of days thing...maybe allow 5 per day for new members for the first month. Then decent contributors can be part of the conversation but the idiots will not stay under any limit. That would also give you a lot of posts to use for busting bad actors without just letting them do whatever the heck they want.
Quote: EvenBobI just checked and Lion hasn't looked at
the forum since he was nuked, which
means he's here as somebody else
already. He can't go 5min without
checking if somebody is talking about him.
He would have logged in under Lion
for sure if he wasn't here already.
Maybe I'm wrong, but if a person checks the box "hide my online status",
In preferences, doesn't that do just that?
Quote: texasplumrMaybe I'm wrong, but if a person checks the box "hide my online status",
In preferences, doesn't that do just that?
My understanding of this feature is that it causes a person to NOT show up in the "currently active" and "visited today" lists on the bottom of the main page. But that the person will still be listed as having visited today if you click on their profile.
Quote: rdw4potusMy understanding of this feature is that it causes a person to NOT show up in the "currently active" and "visited today" lists on the bottom of the main page. But that the person will still be listed as having visited today if you click on their profile.
Thank you
Quote: odiousgambitwhat are you supposed to make of a new member who goes straight to the 'discussion about suspension list' thread and starts posting - exceeding his limit just there - and makes roughly 9 out of 10 of his posts in that thread?
why do I care?
must be the cat and mouse thing
I feel pathetic now,.... :( Two years ago before I decided to be a member, I looked at all of the threads listed in the Top Threads Column because they had so many posts and this one happened to be number one back then as well.
Quote: RonCAgain, moderators, I don't get why you don't bust people who exceed the post limit on their first day. Don't be overly harsh, just point out the rule and tell them they will be welcome back in a couple of days. Tell them the ban will be for double the days they over-post by the next time, so they need to be careful. Let them back in at the end of the initial ban. If they over-post again, there is a clue. Someone trying to join us for the right reason will more than likely fly straight; someone that likes monkeys, lions, tigers, and bears will probably not do so.
Then use your powers to nail them on the IP stuff...
Perhaps some mods feel the limits are too tight as written because of the 10+number of days thing...maybe allow 5 per day for new members for the first month. Then decent contributors can be part of the conversation but the idiots will not stay under any limit. That would also give you a lot of posts to use for busting bad actors without just letting them do whatever the heck they want.
I'm going to assume you're referring to Dodsferd this time, in making your point about the postings. I clarified I understood this rule before I dissect it here now. Day 1 = 11. Day 2 = 12. Day 3 = 13. etc to day 30. The automatic shutoff was disabled at some point years ago. But the rule resets per day; it's not a total of 40 posts in 30 days.
Dodsferd Day 1 = 6. Dodsferd Day 2 = 10. Dodsferd Day 3 = 2. So he has not abused this rule. However, since he got many questions and hostile posts directed at him, and chose to answer them, I probably would not have faulted him if he had gone over this limit. He's not the only one on here lately who has tried to answer the many questions put to him as a new member, then been accused of over-posting.
Re: his IP and other tracking. No problems in that area, in fact appears to confirm he is who and where he says he is. And not any one else, past or present. It will continue to be monitored, as are all posters.
This immediate jumping on every person who signs up here has got to stop. Not just you, RonC. If you all want to let Bacc79 win the troll game, just keep freaking out on every new member; this forum will dissolve in a vortex of paranoia and hostility, as new people are driven off and regulars are turned off by the constant drama and leave. Instead, let new people who are trolls expose themselves; they can't help it.
Quote: beachbumbabs
This immediate jumping on every person who signs up here has got to stop.
Exaggeration for effect? That's not happening.
I count at least five new members who have
posted in the last 2 days and not a word was
said to them or about them. It's only when
they sound suspicious that something is said.
You don't introduce your self at a first meeting in real life by starting off as a braggart, you are automatically seen as someone trying too hard or not honest and with an agenda. It is better to enter as an awkward newcomer and slowly learn the rules of the sandbox you chose to play in.
In time, you will learn what is acceptable in the community you are venturing into and learn how to become part of the community that you wish to join.
As a newcomer, you have to be be prepared to be able to back up your claims or suppositions much like real life. Just because it is the internet, you can't, "just because I say so," make it true without being challenged.
All newcomers will be viewed with trepidation as what has occurred in prior interactions with newcomers.
Quote: NYSithI feel pathetic now,.... :( Two years ago before I decided to be a member, I looked at all of the threads listed in the Top Threads Column because they had so many posts and this one happened to be number one back then as well.
Are you kidding me? Or rather trying to kid me? Are you really trying to make the absurd claim that the Discussion about the Suspension List thread was the #1 (in quantity) thread on this forum two years ago? No way!
This thread only got completely out of hand much more recently. I don't have an accurate way to look at number of posts in a thread at a past time, but here is a rather simple check:
(1) This thread currently has 599 pages of posts.
(2) It was created in December 2010, four and a half years ago.
(3) Two years ago, in June 2013, it had only 124 pages of posts -- roughly 20% of the current number of pages after 55% of the current 4.5 years of existence.
It was not even close to the top of the list in June 2013. At that time, the dominant threads (in terms of pages of posts) were the Spanish word of the day (354 pages), the Casino Chip of the Day (327 pages), and the Hot Blonde Challenge (263 pages), though I am not certain of the ranking of those three back then in number of posts.
Quote: DocAre you kidding me? Or rather trying to kid me? Are you really trying to make the absurd claim that the Discussion about the Suspension List thread was the #1 (in quantity) thread on this forum two years ago? No way!.
You're right, it's been in the last year
that it went to #1. No way it was over
2 years ago.
Quote: beachbumbabsI'm going to assume you're referring to Dodsferd this time, in making your point about the postings. I clarified I understood this rule before I dissect it here now. Day 1 = 11. Day 2 = 12. Day 3 = 13. etc to day 30. The automatic shutoff was disabled at some point years ago. But the rule resets per day; it's not a total of 40 posts in 30 days.
Dodsferd Day 1 = 6. Dodsferd Day 2 = 10. Dodsferd Day 3 = 2. So he has not abused this rule. However, since he got many questions and hostile posts directed at him, and chose to answer them, I probably would not have faulted him if he had gone over this limit. He's not the only one on here lately who has tried to answer the many questions put to him as a new member, then been accused of over-posting.
Re: his IP and other tracking. No problems in that area, in fact appears to confirm he is who and where he says he is. And not any one else, past or present. It will continue to be monitored, as are all posters.
This immediate jumping on every person who signs up here has got to stop. Not just you, RonC. If you all want to let Bacc79 win the troll game, just keep freaking out on every new member; this forum will dissolve in a vortex of paranoia and hostility, as new people are driven off and regulars are turned off by the constant drama and leave. Instead, let new people who are trolls expose themselves; they can't help it.
Thanks for the post BBB. I initially read the rule as resetting each day, but with multiple vague comments about punishing over-posting new accounts, I thought it might have been a running count instead. If I am indeed not abusing the limit, I would like to continue being a participant in these boards.
All in all, I wholly realize that my statements regarding how long I've been around peg me for another alias. That part I won't argue against. I've seen the many threads and drama arise from actual trolls. My intention isn't to add to that at all, but to offer another facet of the gaming community. In my time here over the years, I don't recall seeing anyone claim to work in the area of the casino that I do. I'm not claiming to be a god-send to the forums, but I'd like to offer what I can to further benefit the gaming community as a whole, from the casual player to those who want to avoid the eye in the sky, and anyone in between.
If there is inherent distrust towards me for whatever reason, I'll accept it as out of my control. I just don't see the reason for posting random pictures of monkeys, or calling me "Dogshit".
I've already stated that I'm willing to forfeit information to confirm who I am, and that doesn't seem to satisfy anyone. Beyond responding to these attacks, or posting in general, I don't see what I can do to clear this misunderstanding.
Quote: DocAre you kidding me? Or rather trying to kid me? Are you really trying to make the absurd claim that the Discussion about the Suspension List thread was the #1 (in quantity) thread on this forum two years ago? No way!
This thread only got completely out of hand much more recently. I don't have an accurate way to look at number of posts in a thread at a past time, but here is a rather simple check:
(1) This thread currently has 599 pages of posts.
(2) It was created in December 2010, four and a half years ago.
(3) Two years ago, in June 2013, it had only 124 pages of posts -- roughly 20% of the current number of pages after 55% of the current 4.5 years of existence.
It was not even close to the top of the list in June 2013. At that time, the dominant threads (in terms of pages of posts) were the Spanish word of the day (354 pages), the Casino Chip of the Day (327 pages), and the Hot Blonde Challenge (263 pages), though I am not certain of the ranking of those three back then in number of posts.
Nope, not claiming it was the number 1 thread, just that it was in the column listing the top threads for the Forum. I'll recant the 2 years ago statement, I guess it was closer to Dec'13 when I started reading posts here. In any case, it's not very absurd considering there are 10 posts a page and it was close to 200 pages in Dec '13. That's a lot of posts. My apologies for disturbing the force with my statement, I'll be under the fridge if you need me.
Quote: NYSith
Nope, not claiming it was the number 1 thread, just that it was in the column listing the top threads for the Forum. I'll recant the 2 years ago statement, I guess it was closer to Dec'13 when I started reading posts here. In any case, it's not very absurd considering there are 10 posts a page and it was close to 200 pages in Dec '13. That's a lot of posts. My apologies for disturbing the force with my statement, I'll be under the fridge if you need me.
So, when you said that this thread was "number one back then" you weren't claiming that it was the "number 1 thread?" For someone called "NYSith", you sure do talk like an Iowan.
Quote: DodsferdIn my time here over the years, I don't recall seeing anyone claim to work in the area of the casino that I do. I'm not claiming to be a god-send to the forums, but I'd like to offer what I can to further benefit the gaming community as a whole, from the casual player to those who want to avoid the eye in the sky, and anyone in between.
Fair enough.
Please start some threads about current casino surveillance.
What is the technology your casino uses?
What procedures do you use to spot AP's?
Please include some info that is not commonly known or available on the 'net, so that viewers can satisfy themselves that you are what you say you are, and not that monkey moron who keeps trying to piss all over the board.
I for one would welcome and follow such threads.
Quote: rdw4potusSo, when you said that this thread was "number one back then" you weren't claiming that it was the "number 1 thread?" For someone called "NYSith", you sure do talk like an Iowan.
Can't a Sith misspeak and make a mistake? Sheesh, we funded a multi-trillion credit space station with a major flaw and not a lot to show for it.
July 2, 2014 -"There are 8,020 Total members and 4,784 total active members" (a post by GreasyJohn)
Today. June 12, 2015 - Total Members: 9,848
Total Active Members: 5,822
There may be earlier references, I didn't look further.
Quote: mason2386It appears to me, that when a new member jumps into a contentious thread, begins bragging or starts a new thread claiming to have accomplished something grandiose, that sets established member on alert. Why wouldn't it?
You don't introduce your self at a first meeting in real life by starting off as a braggart, you are automatically seen as someone trying too hard or not honest and with an agenda. It is better to enter as an awkward newcomer and slowly learn the rules of the sandbox you chose to play in.
In time, you will learn what is acceptable in the community you are venturing into and learn how to become part of the community that you wish to join.
As a newcomer, you have to be be prepared to be able to back up your claims or suppositions much like real life. Just because it is the internet, you can't, "just because I say so," make it true without being challenged.
All newcomers will be viewed with trepidation as what has occurred in prior interactions with newcomers.
Quote: mason2386It appears to me, that when a new member jumps into a contentious thread, begins bragging or starts a new thread claiming to have accomplished something grandiose, that sets established member on alert. Why wouldn't it?
You don't introduce your self at a first meeting in real life by starting off as a braggart, you are automatically seen as someone trying too hard or not honest and with an agenda. It is better to enter as an awkward newcomer and slowly learn the rules of the sandbox you chose to play in.
In time, you will learn what is acceptable in the community you are venturing into and learn how to become part of the community that you wish to join.
As a newcomer, you have to be be prepared to be able to back up your claims or suppositions much like real life. Just because it is the internet, you can't, "just because I say so," make it true without being challenged.
All newcomers will be viewed with trepidation as what has occurred in prior interactions with newcomers.
Good post, thanks. I don't think anybody should be taken at face value as a new member, either. What I'm looking for is balance in our approach as a group, a "healthy skepticism", just because it is an anonymous internet forum.
as soon a B79 thread is revived and whamo,
he's gone.
Quote: DocAre you kidding me? Or rather trying to kid me? Are you really trying to make the absurd claim that the Discussion about the Suspension List thread was the #1 (in quantity) thread on this forum two years ago? No way!
This thread only got completely out of hand much more recently. I don't have an accurate way to look at number of posts in a thread at a past time, but here is a rather simple check:
(1) This thread currently has 599 pages of posts.
(2) It was created in December 2010, four and a half years ago.
(3) Two years ago, in June 2013, it had only 124 pages of posts -- roughly 20% of the current number of pages after 55% of the current 4.5 years of existence.
It was not even close to the top of the list in June 2013. At that time, the dominant threads (in terms of pages of posts) were the Spanish word of the day (354 pages), the Casino Chip of the Day (327 pages), and the Hot Blonde Challenge (263 pages), though I am not certain of the ranking of those three back then in number of posts.
On November 19, 2014 I posted that this thread was soon to become number one so it happened after that.