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32 members have voted
for not going over every word of a
post and carefully considering my
comment, and instead I just replied
to what I thought was the point.
And for that I initially got 30 days?
I don't have time for the suspension
free-for-all this place has become.
I don't have time to consider carefully
every word and intention of every post
to see if I'm offending anyone or have
broken some obscure rule.
This is a discussion forum, not the
exam to get into West Point.
So I am suspending myself indefinitely
with no regrets. To take effect immediately.
Please remove my name from the active
members list. As they say, life is too short...
Who knew when Babs left she'd take
the spirit of this place with her.
I see three votes so far in the poll. Interesting which choice has been checked so far.
You know, about food outta the left field, or so.
Marcus Clark
We're all addicted to this place, but maybe it's time to watch more Netflix instead.
I saw that movie BINGO HELL on Amazon last week, it just came out.
I’m betting he will be back within 30 days, just like brand new.
After all, he is the number 1 poster by far.
I’m betting on it!
Quote: Marcusclark66I’m a gambling man of sorts now.
I’m betting he will be back within 30 days, just like brand new.
After all, he is the number 1 poster by far.
I’m betting on it!
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Another 30 day suspension?
Well guess I lost. Luckily no one wagered with me!
So I really didn’t lose anything.
Quote: Marcusclark66I learned a lot from you Bob.
You know, about food outta the left field, or so.
Marcus Clark
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Just make sure you add Bob's name to your signature and give him the appropriate thanks like you do MDawg and AlanMendelson. That's best way to honor him.
Quote: GundyThe whole purpose of this forum is so people can get suspended. At least that's the way it seems.
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The purpose of this forum is to discuss gambling with a mathematical and logical view.
From the beginning people who espoused mathematically unsound means of gambling were relegated to a systems section equivalent of the duncecap and corner for wayward kids.
EB was actually one of these members, making claims that he had conquered how to beat Roulette. Not only did he make those claims, but he also derided the other members of this forum for not being able to figure it out ourselves because it was so easy in his words.
Meanwhile he derided other members who had legit means of winning AND those who didn't. In other words everyone else.
When I discussed my home invasion in which my advantage play operation was put at risk he openly and repeatedly called me a liar at a time when doing so didn't cause suspension (I can link to those posts if needed) and truthfully is having ones home invaded so fantastical? More than claiming to beat Roulette?
EB's entire history here has been one of "skating above the law" (and that's one of his phrases referring to Advantage play in a demeaning manner). The rules here got stricter as more and more members came with cockamamie claims and similar above the law insults and suddenly EB wasn't skating above anymore.
He is one of only two members I ever put on block in my twelve years here at this forum.
So for me, he won't be missed
Who cares what people post or how they win at the casino, you don't have to know everything, just move on if you don't like it. A little debate maybe, a little questioning maybe, but at some point...just let it go. As my forum signature has said for some time:
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people. https://wizardofvegas.com/forum/gambling/betting-systems/33908-the-adventures-of-mdawg/
Anyone who can't take up such an attitude, especially on an internet forum, has a big problem that cannot be solved easily.
Quote: MDawgIn general, I believe that the ones who object the loudest to certain content are doing so from the point of view of, "I could never do that so how could he?" and are generally types who can't get a thought out of their heads just have to keep responding over and over and can't let anything or any comment go.
Who cares what people post or how they win at the casino, you don't have to know everything, just move on if you don't like it. A little debate maybe, a little questioning maybe, but at some point...just let it go. As my forum signature has said for some time:
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people. https://wizardofvegas.com/forum/gambling/betting-systems/33908-the-adventures-of-mdawg/
Anyone who can't take up such an attitude, especially on an internet forum, has a big problem that cannot be solved easily.
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Most forum members here almost never say that.
I can name hundreds of not thousands of things I could never do. Yet, I believe they are possible.
I will never be able to be a quarterback on an NFL team. I will never be able to be a surgeon. I would never go bungee jumping, Etc, etc.
Just because someone could never do what someone else does doesn't automatically mean there is something unbelievable.
Now when someone says they can create a perpetual motion machine or fly by flapping their arms or beat mathematically proven concepts then it's not about what they can do that I can't. It's about them (whoever they are) saying things I don't believe.
In those cases, I could never do what they "claim" to do because they claim to do things not possible.
Quote: MDawgIn general, I believe that the ones who object the loudest to certain content are doing so from the point of view of, "I could never do that so how could he?"
This is true in some cases, most notably in dice influencing.
There might only be three or six true dice influencers in the world yet the opponents of DI say that they have no demonstrable control.
But you have to concede that 3 or 6 doesnt create a strong argument.
Best of luck to you.
Quote: EvenBob
Like the Wiz always says when people threaten to leave, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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Quote: MDawgStill, it comes back to EB's own words.
Quote: EvenBob
Like the Wiz always says when people threaten to leave, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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link to original post
Yep EvenBob was a smart individual and he said some smart things like the quote MDawg found.
Quote: Marcusclark66Quote: MDawgStill, it comes back to EB's own words.
Quote: EvenBob
Like the Wiz always says when people threaten to leave, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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link to original post
Yep EvenBob was a smart individual and he said some smart things like the quote MDawg found.
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Everyone here is smart and insightful.
Quote: mwalz9Quote: Marcusclark66Quote: MDawgStill, it comes back to EB's own words.
Quote: EvenBob
Like the Wiz always says when people threaten to leave, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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link to original post
Yep EvenBob was a smart individual and he said some smart things like the quote MDawg found.
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Everyone here is smart and insightful.
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You do know that my Session #14 was partially dedicated to you, don’t you?
Quote: rxwineJust another day to me. Well, EB is on the other site, so it's all the same to me.
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Isn't the other site same owners?
That's like saying you are boycotting Caesars by going to Harrah's.
Quote: AZDuffmanSo now Mission is the new king of the board? Or is someone above him suspended?
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I am but a regent; King Axelwolf will return shortly.
Quote: AZDuffmanSo now Mission is the new king of the board? Or is someone above him suspended?
link to original post

Is it okay to post the YouTube video, or is it profane?
Quote: Mission146Quote: AZDuffmanSo now Mission is the new king of the board? Or is someone above him suspended?
link to original post
I am but a regent; King Axelwolf will return shortly.
link to original post
Is there some kind of competition going on who can post the most and have the highest rating for the volume they post?
Quote: Mission146Quote: AZDuffmanSo now Mission is the new king of the board? Or is someone above him suspended?
link to original post
I am but a regent; King Axelwolf will return shortly.
link to original post
Attempted Assassination of Kirk
Mirror, Mirror
Quote: Marcusclark66Quote: Mission146Quote: AZDuffmanSo now Mission is the new king of the board? Or is someone above him suspended?
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I am but a regent; King Axelwolf will return shortly.
link to original post
Is there some kind of competition going on who can post the most and have the highest rating for the volume they post?
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If there is such a competition, then I'm certainly not deliberately trying to take the crown. Beyond that, my time as an Administrator as well as the WoV Picks Games over the years account for a substantial percentage of my posts.
EB had twice as many posts as the person directly behind him.
Enough said!
Quote: Mission146Quote: Marcusclark66Quote: Mission146Quote: AZDuffmanSo now Mission is the new king of the board? Or is someone above him suspended?
link to original post
I am but a regent; King Axelwolf will return shortly.
link to original post
Is there some kind of competition going on who can post the most and have the highest rating for the volume they post?
link to original post
If there is such a competition, then I'm certainly not deliberately trying to take the crown. Beyond that, my time as an Administrator as well as the WoV Picks Games over the years account for a substantial percentage of my posts.
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Sometimes destiny is thrust upon you, and you must raise your shield and ride into the fray.
Now go forth, and communicate!
Quote: Marcusclark66
Is there some kind of competition going on who can post the most and have the highest rating for the volume they post?
link to original post
Number of posts indicates being here a long time and taking an active role. Having the most sort of makes you the Dean. This site has been here long enough that you have to be a very old timer to have the most.
I am now De Facto #3 I guess as Fleastiff is missing presumed dead. Means little except there is a nice thing in having been here since the beginning.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: Marcusclark66
Is there some kind of competition going on who can post the most and have the highest rating for the volume they post?
link to original post
Number of posts indicates being here a long time and taking an active role. Having the most sort of makes you the Dean. This site has been here long enough that you have to be a very old timer to have the most.
I am now De Facto #3 I guess as Fleastiff is missing presumed dead. Means little except there is a nice thing in having been here since the beginning.
link to original post
Can you please share with us the schedule of the rewards and prizes for those with posts like 15,000, 20,000. 25,000 and so on?
Quote: AZDuffman
I am now De Facto #3 I guess as Fleastiff is missing presumed dead. Means little except there is a nice thing in having been here since the beginning.
link to original post
Hmmm, did you kill off Fleastiff so that you could take over the number 3 spot? You take this shit seriously.
Quote: rxwineAt 15000 posts you get $500 free play at the old Aladdin Hotel on Las Vegas BLVD with valet parking and a room for 3 free nights. If not available, you get an expired coupon for McDonalds fries from last year.
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One year old McDonald's fries are still edible.
Quote: DRichQuote: rxwineAt 15000 posts you get $500 free play at the old Aladdin Hotel on Las Vegas BLVD with valet parking and a room for 3 free nights. If not available, you get an expired coupon for McDonalds fries from last year.
link to original post
One year old McDonald's fries are still edible.
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Might as well eat a 1000 year old egg!
Quote: DRichQuote: AZDuffman
I am now De Facto #3 I guess as Fleastiff is missing presumed dead. Means little except there is a nice thing in having been here since the beginning.
link to original post
Hmmm, did you kill off Fleastiff so that you could take over the number 3 spot? You take this shit seriously.
link to original post
Well, you don;t want to know what Hoffa said to upset me!
I am guessin' that he complained about the year old fries, didn;t he !Quote: AZDuffman[Well, you don;t want to know what Hoffa said to upset me!
Total Bastard Airlines - SNL - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg5lIpQkoOg
I will thank The Wizard for all the time, effort, and hard work it took to set up Wizard of Vegas/The Wizard of Odds.
As I said before, I don't consider my large number of posts over the last 9 years an accomplishment or anything to be ashamed of, it just is what it is, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm thankful for the fact that I've had the luxury to do so.
I don't consider my posts of any great quality, that's never even been a goal of mine, nor is having so many posts. Many people know I'm not a fan of sharing too much AP information publicly, but I have and do so privately. I know I have helped some people learn a thing or two regarding AP and making some money via the casinos.
I enjoy all the interesting people here. It's been fun meeting and making friends with many people along the way. I'll give a shout out to all of those who I have met and communicated with from The Forum who have enriched my life, there are too many to name, I think everyone knows who they are.
The Forum has been an overwhelmingly positive experience for me in so many ways.