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So here's the crux of my point: if a forum is going to allow cheerleading on one side, which is DIRECT PROMOTING, but the forum chokes off DIRECT CRITICISM on the other, then what you have is asymmetric moderating and asymmetric censorship. You are allowed to promote with no boundaries, but you are not allowed to criticize with no boundaries.
I liken this to the problems that arise with travel sites vetting reviews or what occasionally happens with Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes protects certain films from and edits out negative reviews in some instances, while not providing the same kind of diligence for reviews deemed "positive." Travel sites lose their value and any pretense of objectivity if they can't edit out purposeful cheerleading packing the reviews. If you are going to allow unlimited positive reviews without vetting the sources, then disallowing unlimited negative reviews has predictable outcomes, and you have effectively become part of the promoting process.
All of this is obvious, but is worth stating for the record.
Quote: mcallister3200Could have just bumped the last thread, or the one before that, that you started about trolling, unless that one got closed?
Quote: DRichI was hoping to see pretty young women in skimpy outfits in this thread.
I just assume that cheerleading does not involve jiggling in skimpy outfits, in accordance with rule 6.
Quote: DRichDamnit!! I was hoping to see pretty young women in skimpy outfits in this thread. Don't tease us with cheerleading in the title.

Im not so sure that isn't a man.Quote: EvenBob
Quote: AxelWolfIm not so sure that isn't a man.Quote: EvenBob
Do you have a drunken episode to tell us about?
Quote: AxelWolfIm not so sure that isn't a man.Quote: EvenBob
That's because transvestites who want to look like a woman use this type of woman as their model. So you think every time you see this type of woman it has to be a man. There are women who look like this in real life and when you actually see one and she is standing in front of you, try talking to her. Nothing will come out of your mouth. All of a sudden you're thirteen years old again.
You don't know me very well. I'm sure there are quite a few people around here that would say I would be quite the opposite of that.Quote: EvenBobQuote: AxelWolfIm not so sure that isn't a man.Quote: EvenBob
That's because transvestites who want to look like a woman use this type of woman as their model. So you think every time you see this type of woman it has to be a man. There are women who look like this in real life and when you actually see one and she is standing in front of you, try talking to her. Nothing will come out of your mouth. All of a sudden you're thirteen years old again.
That person has a decent body but a less than wonderful face.
I've bedded a couple women who'd rate equal or higher than her, and I'm no Lothario.
But she does have a nice derriere.
*objectifying women; it's what we do*
Quote: AxelWolfYou don't know me very well. I'm sure there are quite a few people around here that would say I would be quite the opposite of that.
I'll vouch for that.
true story from back in the day
had a buddy - not at all a good looking guy - very average - skinny guy - about 5'10' and only weighed 125 - he was OCD about wanting to be skinny
but he was a real hound - very aggressive in chasing girls - and he only chased beautiful girls
and he had a great technique - he ALWAYS had a gorgeous girl by his side
if he broke up with one it wasn't more than a couple of days he didn't snag another - who usually looked even better
he married and divorced a girl who easily could have been a runway model
Quote: lilredrooster................................
true story from back in the day
had a buddy - not at all a good looking guy - very average - skinny guy - about 5'10' and only weighed 125 - he was OCD about wanting to be skinny
but he was a real hound - very aggressive in chasing girls - and he only chased beautiful girls
and he had a great technique - he ALWAYS had a gorgeous girl by his side
if he broke up with one it wasn't more than a couple of days he didn't snag another - who usually looked even better
he married and divorced a girl who easily could have been a runway model
I seem to always be attracted to runaway models.
runAway models*. Not a typo. See if you get it!
Quote: lilredrooster- he ALWAYS had a gorgeous girl by his side... If he broke up with one it wasn't more than a couple of days he didn't snag another - who usually looked even better.
He discovered "The Secret:" Just Ask.
Quote: DeMangoWhat was the classic line by Justice Potter, so many years ago? I know trolling when I see it.
It came from Jacobellis v Ohio (1964), stating "criminal obscenity laws are constitutionally limited under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to 'hard-core pornography'."
The full quote about this hard-core pornography from Justice Potter Stewart was "I know it when I see it and I've seen a lot of it. I'm addicted. I need help."
It is interesting that there are few people who are allowed, and even encouraged, to continually break rules by management. I have my theories for why that happens.
Quote: AxelWolfYou don't know me very well. I'm sure there are quite a few people around here that would say I would be quite the opposite of that.
Most men thank they would be the opposite of that. I used to think it, until it happened to me. Until I had a drop dead gorgeous Jane Fonda standing about four feet away from me in 1978. I didn't even like Jane Fonda. I think she lived in Santa Barbara at that time because I saw her at least twice driving around in a little convertible. From my experience beautiful women in the movies are even more beautiful in real life. I've heard that Marilyn Monroe could silence an entire room just by walking into it, she was that gorgeous.
Quote: EvenBobMost men thank they would be the opposite of that. I used to think it, until it happened to me. Until I had a drop dead gorgeous Jane Fonda standing about four feet away from me in 1978. I didn't even like Jane Fonda. I think she lived in Santa Barbara at that time because I saw her at least twice driving around in a little convertible. From my experience beautiful women in the movies are even more beautiful in real life. I've heard that Marilyn Monroe could silence an entire room just by walking into it, she was that gorgeous.
I've attributed some Saturday and Sunday wrong number phone calls to women who pulled a dodge on some guy the night before where he thought he was making time with her and she made up a random number to get rid of him.
Of course, I've never verified any of them for sure. Maybe just had a sense of hearing hesitation in their voice when a guy answers. "Is Jennie Hotpants there?" Mmmm no dude, wrong number. Was never mean enough to say something like, "Yup, just made her orgasm." But then it'd probably end up being the guy's mother or something.
Well, I'm not most men. Your life experiences are just that, YOUR life experiences.Quote: EvenBobMost men thank they would be the opposite of that. I used to think it, until it happened to me. Until I had a drop dead gorgeous Jane Fonda standing about four feet away from me in 1978. I didn't even like Jane Fonda. I think she lived in Santa Barbara at that time because I saw her at least twice driving around in a little convertible. From my experience beautiful women in the movies are even more beautiful in real life. I've heard that Marilyn Monroe could silence an entire room just by walking into it, she was that gorgeous.
I have always been girl-crazy I started getting it in when I was fairly young, I didn't slow down until I seriously started dating my current wife. I have been with about 40 different girls in my life give or take a few. When I was younger....getting girls, making money, and cars were my main focus.
I never had a problem talking to hot girls, a majority of the girls I have been with were out of my league.
My wife was(is) absolutely stunning when I meet her. She is even in better shape nowadays and works out 2 times a day.
Whatever the case ... Unless I suddenly find myself single, it no longer matters.
P.S I agree that Marilyn Monroe was stunning. I decorated my first apartment with a Marilyn and James Dean theme, and the chicks loved it.
Axel was even an AP when it came to snagging gorgeous babes - probably because he knew the math
hit on enough of them and eventually one will surrender
Perhaps it's more like poker... table selection, reading the players, bet selection, knowing when to check, fold rais or go all in. You can't win if you don't play the game.Quote: lilredrooster..............
Axel was even an AP when it came to snagging gorgeous babes - probably because he knew the math
hit on enough of them and eventually one will surrender
Unless you are some Brad Pit-looking dude, it's not too often girls are going to seek you out, so you got to put yourself out there in situations looking for the right opportunity, or just be ready when an unexpected situation comes along. But, randomly going up and hitting on girls rarely works for most guys. You can tell quite a bit from a glance, eye contact, body language, or smile.
Whatever the case, you certainly can't be like Bob suggested happens to guys... "Nothing will come out of your mouth. All of a sudden you're thirteen years old again."
I rarely used any pick-up lines or anything like that, I just talked to them mostly normal with confidence, but not cockiness, unless of course, it's the right situation. You have to be able to get an idea of what kinda girl they are so you know what you can or can't get away with, and what you should or shouldn't say. You need to know if you should play the chill guy, the funny guy, the nice guy, or the bad boy card or some combination.
Not always, but oftentimes you can tell very quickly if you stand a chance or not by paying attention to their body language, attitude, eyes, and how engaged they are in the conversation. knowing when to switch gears is key... back off, stay the course, bail out, or go full steam ahead.