Quote: LuckyPhowI expect others who recall more precisely will correct any of my inaccuracies. However, I thought the reason to wear a mask after being vaccinated is because -- while the vaccinated person will not catch coronavirus if they come in contact with it -- they can still become a carrier who infects other people. I don't have time now to check CDC, etc., and I defer to others who show up with reasonable data.
"Could potentially" sounds to me like there is no hard data one way or the other.Quote:CDC Website
Vaccinated people could potentially still get COVID-19 and spread it to others.
Partly by keeping infectious folk out of the country or quarantining them properly on entry. And of course by taking social distancing seriously, internally. Some folks would not be particularly welcome.Quote: ChumpChangeJust move to Australia and play there, they've conquered the virus.
Quote: ChumpChangeThere will never be enough sanitizer to kill this virus!
Just move to Australia and play there, they've conquered the virus.
Sanitizer? We now know the disease isn't spread on surfaces. It's in the air. What sanitizer is used in the air?
I have sat in a casino in what I call a nuclear smoke plume. I absolutely knew it was unsafe, but sometimes safety is not my main and only concern.
I have worn a mask at work for 35 years. I don't like it. In any place it is not required, I will not be wearing a mask. In any place it is required, I will comply uneventfully, or not frequent that place. The only place I am avoiding right now because of a mask requirement is the gym.
Minutes later on TV: Biden is wearing an N-95 mask underneath a cloth mask.
OK sure, that's understandable.Quote: SOOPOOI have worn a mask at work for 35 years. I don't like it.
Not so understandable to me, especally from someone from the Health profession. No one knows if you have been vaccinated or not by looking at you. Why not set a good example and wear a mask ? Get a comfortable, loose fitting one if you want, but wear a mask until the CDC gives the all clear.Quote: SOOPOOIn any place it is not required, I will not be wearing a mask.
Quote: JohnnyQOK sure, that's understandable.
Not so understandable to me, especally from someone from the Health profession. No one knows if you have been vaccinated or not by looking at you. Why not set a good example and wear a mask ? Get a comfortable, loose fitting one if you want, but wear a mask until the CDC gives the all clear.
I thought loose fitting masks don't work. They must be properly fitted to prevent leaks.
. I understand your point. In a society that allows smoking, allows sugared beverages, allows unsafe activities of ALL kinds, I want my truly minimally unsafe activity of existing mask free to be allowed. The CDC, if I remember correctly, is now advising wearing two masks. I do not follow what the CDC tells me to do without thinking it through first. I believe society will be better off as soon as we can each see each other’s faces, even if there may be some incredibly small personal medical risk to it.Quote: JohnnyQOK sure, that's understandable.
Not so understandable to me, especally from someone from the Health profession. No one knows if you have been vaccinated or not by looking at you. Why not set a good example and wear a mask ? Get a comfortable, loose fitting one if you want, but wear a mask until the CDC gives the all clear.
Quote: SOOPOO. I understand your point. In a society that allows smoking, allows sugared beverages, allows unsafe activities of ALL kinds, I want my truly minimally unsafe activity of existing mask free to be allowed. The CDC, if I remember correctly, is now advising wearing two masks. I do not follow what the CDC tells me to do without thinking it through first. I believe society will be better off as soon as we can each see each other’s faces, even if there may be some incredibly small personal medical risk to it.Quote: JohnnyQOK sure, that's understandable.
Not so understandable to me, especally from someone from the Health profession. No one knows if you have been vaccinated or not by looking at you. Why not set a good example and wear a mask ? Get a comfortable, loose fitting one if you want, but wear a mask until the CDC gives the all clear.
The difference is most of those activities do not harm others or expose others to risk.
Once 100% occupant load is allowed (and people are once again tightly packed), you can make an argument that masks are more crucial as people will not be socially distancing and probably crowding around tables again, and the types that love to hover over your shoulder, etc.... If you are sitting near somebody who drinks 20 gallons of Dr. Pepper a day, that does not effect you, but somebody who has potentially been exposed and is not wearing a mask can. If somebody is downing absurd amounts of alcohol and sugar beverages, that may not be wise for them, but it does not directly expose me to risk (I guess you can make an argument about drunk people acting foolish and aggressive, but casinos are pretty good at cutting people off before that point).
And, even if masks are required, you are exempt when you are eating, drinking, and smoking, which in a casino is like 95% of the time, so for all purposes you will already be surrounded by no-masks for the large majority of the time. For masks to be truly effective they should restrict smoking and drinking to designated lounges and on the floor you have to stay masked, but of course that is not reality. Now, I have seen some experiments for smoking masks (since smoke can travel through the filter to be inhaled, to allow safe smoking without demasking), but this does not solve the drinking and eating dilemmas which there is simply no way to do with a mask on (well sealed feeding tubes I guess, but that would defeat the purpose of eating out).
Yes, I agree with that. My point is that even if you are fully vaccinated, wearing a mask in this interim period sets a good example for others who haven't been yet. If not us, then who will do that ?Quote: joedolI thought loose fitting masks don't work. They must be properly fitted to prevent leaks.
We are in 99 % agreement. I know there is very little risk for you because you have been vaccinated and I am happy for that.Quote: SOOPOOI believe society will be better off as soon as we can each see each other’s faces, even if there may be some incredibly small personal medical risk to it.
BUT please do NOT validate the behavior of anti-maskers who haven't been.
I am sure you know how serious this is. And that it is simply variance that Covid claims some but not others. The US is making great progress with the VACCINE, let's not stop now.

Quote: SOOPOOI understand I will be trivially safer wearing a mask than not wearing a mask going forward. Although fully vaccinated, I still have an extremely small chance of contracting COVID-19, and if so, a very small chance of getting extremely sick or dying from it. By not wearing a mask I also increase my chance of getting the flu and dying from that. Probably the same can be said from a few other infectious diseases.
I have sat in a casino in what I call a nuclear smoke plume. I absolutely knew it was unsafe, but sometimes safety is not my main and only concern.
I have worn a mask at work for 35 years. I don't like it. In any place it is not required, I will not be wearing a mask. In any place it is required, I will comply uneventfully, or not frequent that place. The only place I am avoiding right now because of a mask requirement is the gym.
You also have a chance of spreading the infection to anyone who comes in contact with you.
Quote: GundyI'm done with masks (since Dec 2020). It's great.
And WSJ ran an article yesterday that said fully vaccinated have a 0.008% chance of getting Covid. Yet people keep wearing masks. Now, THAT's funny. [davey
Quote: daveyandersen1Quote: GundyI'm done with masks (since Dec 2020). It's great.
And WSJ ran an article yesterday that said fully vaccinated have a 0.008% chance of getting Covid. Yet people keep wearing masks. Now, THAT's funny.davey
Quote: billryanYou also have a chance of spreading the infection to anyone who comes in contact with you.
They are not even sure of that. But if true, I am sure the risk I am putting people at is a pimple on an elephant compared to the people pouring out of my local pub into their cars.
My life will be run by reasonable risk/benefit analyses. Once (very soon) everyone who wanted to be vaccinated could have been vaccinated, I am hoping to never wear a mask again. Or have a silly plastic shield ‘protect’ me from another air breathing human.
I did not and I am not and I wont. But I DID and I DO and I WILL. For the sake of myself and others.Quote: daveyandersen1BE honest Gundy...Did you ever wear a mask willingly???
Quote: ChumpChangeI'm guessing 25% to 35% of Americans will refuse to get a vaccine, period!
I'm just lazy. Vaccines are someone else's job and I don't need one. My friend slept 16 hours after second shot. Nope. If you're old, you're first in line no matter what tp die.
Quote: billryanYou also have a chance of spreading the infection to anyone who comes in contact with you.
Well, yes, but if you put some numbers on it it would be a more honest and useful statement.
Covid-19 is generally not transmissible for about 4 to 5 days after infection because it takes time for the virus to multiply and build up with the body. The rule of thumb health workers use is that a fever is a sign that you are contagious, and before a fever occurs you are much less infectious. In fact, current covid tests usually do not detect the virus in a person until >5 days after infection.
So now apply that information to a vaccinated person in which the virus usually does not build up to high levels in the body. It makes scientific sense that a vaccinated person who has been infected with the virus will have a lower chance of transmitting it to other people than a non-vaccinated person. The chance of re-transmission is not "zero" therefore it is technically correct to say that vaccinated people can retransmit the disease - but the transmission efficiency and risk to others is almost certainly much lower.
If we define zero risk as the only level we will tolerate, we are hopelessly lost.
Lock it down, open it up, wear masks, don't wear masks, get vaccinated, don't get vaccinated, I dont really care. But comparing it to things that have many benefits just doesn't make any sense to me.Quote: mcallister3200Thanks. I was aware that there’s been cases, wasn’t aware of any severe cases. From a risk/safety benefit standpoint, if they’re required after mid summer I’d still compare it to if you’d not allow people to operate motorcycles or bicycles on a road, or not allowing people to have their pets in any public area because it could theoretically bite someone.
THANK YOU!!!!!Quote: speedycrapI did not and I am not and I wont. But I DID and I DO and I WILL. For the sake of myself and others.
GO TELL THAT TO THE HOSPITAL FRONT LINE WORKERS AND THE FAMILIES THAT HAD A COVID DEATH.. THE FUNERAL BUSINESS IS THRIVING BECAUSE OF COVIDQuote: onenickelmiracleI'm just lazy. Vaccines are someone else's job and I don't need one. My friend slept 16 hours after second shot. Nope. If you're old, you're first in line no matter what tp die.
You must have been busy.Quote: onenickelmiracleSent them a text.

"Buffets may open if: 1) each station is supervised by an employee; 2) hand sanitizer is offered to the patrons prior to obtaining tableware; 3) service utensils are changed out every hour."
Those are the rules and here are my thoughts:
1. I don't want serving utensils. I want the buffet to have prepared plates for me to pick up or I want a server at each food station.
2. Changing serving utensils once an hour is the most ridiculous rule I could imagine.
3. We dont need a supervisor at every food station, what we need is a server.
4. Self service should be limited to each patron going to each food station and picking up a prepared plate.
5. Many casinos already have prepared plates served by a staff member. It's not difficult to make that a universal process. It's already done with some salads and desserts and things like omelets and wonton soup and seafood and specialty dishes. What's the problem doing it for Orange Chicken and Shrimp Scampi?
Quote: ChumpChangeI got a Baconator last night and a painful pimple in my arm pit area popped a few hours later and I'm ruining a second shirt right now with pus & blood discharge.
Quote: ChumpChangeI got a Baconator last night and a painful pimple in my arm pit area popped a few hours later and I'm ruining a second shirt right now with pus & blood discharge.
Too much information.
Quote: ChumpChangeI'm always looking for food to pop my pimples. My go-to is a few cans of tuna fish in vegetable oil. But that just didn't work this time around. Had to go to the Baconator, or maybe it's just timing.
You know how it works.
It's only true if you have pictures.
And that would be waaaaaaay to much information.Quote: HullabalooIt's only true if you have pictures.
Quote: ChumpChangeI'm always looking for food to pop my pimples. My go-to is a few cans of tuna fish in vegetable oil. But that just didn't work this time around. Had to go to the Baconator, or maybe it's just timing.
Thanks for ruining this discussion.
Quote: ChumpChangeI'm just saying you don't want me as your food server when I'm dripping pimple guts down my arm during a pandemic, or at any time.
Are you intentionally derailing this discussion?
What about this Clark County plan to reopen buffets with self service utensils handled by the patrons?
I imagined that when buffets did reopen the buffets would be required to have servers or prepared plates that patrons could take.
I never imagined true self service would return so soon even if half of adults are fully or partially vaccinated.
It's obvious some people will remain afraid forever. They should stay home.
Wicked Spoon wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be. For example, it seemed like the Crab Legs were over-cooked. When you tried to crack a crab leg, it sort of just mushed down. Once you got the crab meat out, it was OK. I was expecting much better for the price at lunch time ( $ 45 ).
Quote: JohnnyQ
Wicked Spoon wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be. For example, it seemed like the Crab Legs were over-cooked. When you tried to crack a crab leg, it sort of just mushed down. Once you got the crab meat out, it was OK. I was expecting better for the price at lunch time ( $ 45 ).
That has been my experience at most buffets, they always overcook the crab legs. Wicked Spoon was great the first couple of years but they went down in my opinion.
Quote: ChumpChangeRestaurants Suing Insurance Co's Over Covid Claim Denials - Ep. 7.428
That's a very heated political issue.
Quote: AlanMendelsonThat's a very heated political issue.
Not true.