The tables were set up in a U-shape configuration, and players were required to view all tables. We all did our pitches. Cocktail waitresses brough Chicken and Shrimp snacks and drinks.
No major industry players were there except for DEQ with EZ Pai Gow, and Galaxy with Triple attack BJ and Texas shootout; Rob Saucier from Galaxy showed up. Steve Jones and Myself represented DEQ and EZ Pai Gow. Majong Poker Inc was there with "Shortie" (a BJ side bet where your initial two-card hand hand is 10 or less) and Super Bacc. showed their main product, High Card Poker.
The games were this:
1. Shortie side bet for BJ Majong Poker Inc. First two cards are 10 or less, ace=1. If shortie bet wins, side bet is added (to parlayed to) main BJ bet. For full info see:
2. Super Bacc Majong Poker Inc. Super Bacc uses 6 decks to play. Each hand includes 3 cards. Aces count 1, 2s through 9s count their face values, and 10s and face cards count 0. The score of the hand is the right most digit of the sum of 3 cards and Pairs Equal Zero. For example, a hand of (3,4,5) has a score of 2, (9,9,8) has a score of 8. The scores range from 0 to 9 and the ranking is 9>8>7 >2>1>0. Higher score wins. Winning players pay no commission. For more info See:
3. EZ Pai Gow commission-free Pai Gow Poker 100% commission-free; dealer's queen-high qualifier hand pushes the main bet, otherwise all hands are live at no commission. Full payout bonus bets are not required to be bet for commission-free play. Wild and Standard joker versions. See:
4. High Card Poker The Player places an "Ante" bet in the 1, 2 or 3 betting circles corresponding to where they believe the Highest Card will be dealt. The Dealer places three cards face down in the 1, 2, 3 card locations. The Dealer then looks at the two Non-House Pick cards and flips over the lower ranked (by value AND suit) of the two. This is the "Bust Card". Any Player not in the Bust Card location may now make a "Raise" wager if they choose. The Dealer burns one card and reveals the Action Card:
If Action Card is suited Red (heart or diamond), the Dealer switches the House Pick to the other remaining card.
If Action Card is suited Black (spade or club), the House Pick remains unchanged.
If Action Card is a Joker, all Players, even Players who had bet on the Bust Card, win 2-1 on Ante bets and Raises.
If the Action Card is NOT a Joker:
If the Player has picked the High Card and the House has NOT, the Player WINS 2-1 on both the Ante and the Raise wager.
If the Player and the House BOTH finish on the same card location (High or Low), the Ante bet is a PUSH and the Raise wager is LOST.
If the House has picked the High Card and the Player has NOT, the Player LOSES both the Ante and the Raise wager.
The Dealer then checks the four face up cards (1, 2, 3 cards and the Action card) to determine any Poker Bonus payouts.
5. Triple Attack Blackjack Galaxy Gaming. see:
6. Texas Shootout Galaxy Gaming. see:
7. Magic 7 I Didn't play it, no HTP player cards offered, no web site, and google returns nothing on it but an unrelated keno-like online game. [Edit 11/15: found the link to the game, it's Do check it out and post comments For Rick Gianti!]
8. Double attack Blackjack Dealer receives one card face up: you may now double yopu bet on the double attack betting spot. Player may double on any number of cards, or surrender any time. Deck uses no ten cards, only face cards. No web site/see Mike's entry at WOO at Phone number: 1-888-NUGAME-1.
I didn't see any SMI or Gaming Network entries. I also did not see Bet Your Luck or Wish-card Poker there, which are better games (IMHO) than many there.
As far I as know, only Galaxy and DEQ will also attend G2E with booths; all other inventors are buying day passes to G2E and will roam to pitch/sell their games on the floor to people they bump into. Most typical response as to why, "G2E is too damn expensive for a freakin' booth!"
The winner of the competition will get a three month table display at Santa Fe, which may or may not be good for the game. If it's placed into an Auxilliary game pit and is closed 3 shifts out of 4, or has a dealer that doesn't care for the game, it dooms the game. I assume both DEQ and Galaxy would be disinterested in allowing their games to be shown under such circumstances, and that Santa Fe Station will have to place the game in the primary table games area, keep the game open during all swing shifts, and have "good attitude" dealers on the game for an okay-to-display on the game. Hey, this is business, and it is unlikely a new game would catch fire or do well otherwise.
About the voting: the Blackjack players gravitated to the BJ games, the Pai Gow players gravitated to EZ Pai Gow, and the carnival game players (Three Card, Ultimate Hold 'em type players) gravitated to poker type games, and all players generally voted highly for their style of game. This was all right, as we wanted serious Pai Gow players to hear about EZ Pai Gow as an audience, which was a good reason to attend. Same for the other types of games. Exposure is exposure, and the little expo was very helpful in that regard.
Casinos rent proprietary table games for about $199 to $1,000 a month. EZpg is mid-range. The distributor gets 80%, and the inventor get 20% (standard) and then the inventor pays off patent attorneys, the business partner, the office rent (needed), the mathematician, investors, etc. Inventor does not have to worry about gaming licensing expenses in many jurisdictions (hundreds of thosands), developing industry client contacts, material expenses, payroll, travel and installation expenses, etc.
If an EZpg tables rents for $500 a month, I make $100 per table month before my own expenses. Five tables = $500 a month, 100 tables = $10,000 a month, etc. Right now there are about 16 tables out, 5 are intro/promo freebies that helped establish it. Figure $900 a month now for me at the very start, $300 for office rent (a 9 x 9 room at Tropicana and Pecos), and $600 to go against debts in the tens of thousands right now. Lawyers are patient, protect the game, the see the light at the end of the tunnel a year or so out. We're climbing out.
An inventor can sell a new (-really good) game idea that has a patent on it and is worked for $50,000+ up front and no tables, a one shot, with no recuring revenue rights, and the distribtor takes the risk (game sucks, or the patent infringes someone else, etc.) If it hits, the distributor makes it all.
Sometimes a distributor may pay $500,000+ for an established game early in its history (25 proven tables out and growing) to "buy a hit game from a competitor for maket share," like the Yankees buying Alex Rodriguez for third base, etc.
Getting a game out is really hard, next to impossible. It's rare to come up with an idea that fresh, elegant, and was not already patented, then file a provisional patent on it, do design work, layouts, preliminary math work, a product description guide, getting the math report done, getting gaming approval, field trialing the game and testing it with real gamblers in a casino, etc. It's about as hard as writting a good screen play with no background, getting it sold, and getting the movie made, and collecting.
Thanks for that. I've wanted to ask, but didn't want to get too nosey.
But one detail has piqued my interest. What's with the office? 9 x 9 can't have room for much more than a desk and a file cabinet. Seems like whatever you're using it for, could be done with a home office. It's got me scratching my head....
we needed a real office for the Washington state gaming license, and to do some work away from the wife when she's busy at home entertaining. Actually, it fits two desks, two chairs, and two computers with high speed internet.
Quote: SOOPOOThat is excellent!!! So if your game replaces regular paigow you can make quite a bit as I would guess there are a thousand tables in the USA and Canada.
Christ, I hope so......
Bureaucracy. Understood. Thanks.Quote: PaigowdanDave,
we needed a real office for the Washington state gaming license, and to do some work away from the wife when she's busy at home entertaining. Actually, it fits two desks, two chairs, and two computers with high speed internet.
Rick Gianti, the Manager of Magic 7 Enterprises, wrote me a kind and friendly email asking me to provide an update for you guys if I could. Would be honored to do so.
I would say to Mr. Gianti that he should contact his site administrator, because if anyone searches on "Magic 7," his site won't be anywhere near the top of the search results, and with trying a few combination: magic 7, magic 7 casino game, etc. His game deserves better than this.
For me, part of the problem at Santa Fe's mini-expo was that I was pressed for time, and couldn't nail down time for Magic 7 like I had for the others more fully; I would have wanted to try it, but couldn't. And I certainly don't want to be unfair. So I checked it out online (which you guys can, too, at
I do NOT know if Magic 7 has any casino installs, or if they will attend G2E.
The basic game and rules are very straightforward: it is a card-based version of the dice game "Over-and-Under 7" with a modified 50 card deck composed of aces to 6's, which includes two jokers than can be an ace or a 6; the player gets two cards, to form a number from 2 to 12. Your bet options are "bet under," "Bet over," and "Bet the 7." Both the dice game and Rick Gianti's card version pay 1:1 on over or under Seven, and 4:1 on the Seven if Seven is made. If in Gianti's card version you get two jokers AND you bet the Magic 7 bet, you get paid 70:1. You can also bet a bonus to try to form a 5-card poker hands from three extra cards dealt by the dealer, which pays out according to a pay table. More details below.
From their site:
The deck dealt:
The Magic 7 deck is comprised of two jokers and two sets of four-suit cards (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades) ranking from Ace to Six, (like the sides of a die). Thus there are 8 cards each of the six denominations. Aces through Sixes count as their face value; a Joker can be used as either an Ace or a six of any suit. The player has the option to use the Joker as different denominations from the basic hand and the poker bonus hand. Once all players have placed their wagers, the dealer will deal two cards to each player.
The dealer will also deal three cards to himself in the three boxes in front of the chip tray.
Basic Bets:
Description of the Basic Bet
1.Each player recieves two cards and the total face value is determined.
2.By adding the two cards face value, the total will be 7 points, higher than 7 points, or lower than 7 points.
3.Players determine three basic betting options. Payout for the basic payout
Over 7 Pays 1 to 1
Under 7 Pays 1 to 1
7 Pays 4 to 1
The "Poker Bet" side bet:
Prior to any cards being dealt, a player has an option of making a Poker Bonus bet that is less than or equal to the amount of the player's Basic Bet. If so desired, this is an optional rule. However, there should always be a Basic Bet in order to make a Poker Bonus wager. After all basic bets are resolved, three community cards are opened face up whereby the player who makes the poker bonus bet has a five-card poker hand comprised of the player's two card hand and the three community cards.
Poker bet payout table:
1. Four Red or Black Aces with a Joker 1,000 to 1
2. Straight Flush 200 to 1
3. Five of a Kind 50 to 1
4. Flush 20 to 1
5. Four of Kind 9 to 1
6. Full House 5 to 1
7. Straight 4 to 1
8. Three of a Kind 2 to 1
9. Pair of Aces/Two Pair = Push
Else the bet loses.
Again, if you wish to check out the game, see:
Break Poker is played using a standard deck of 52 cards plus a Joker. To begin, players place a Main bet and optionally one or both of the bonus bets: Break Bonus and Dealer Break. The object of the game is to use 5 of the 7 cards to make a Lucky Break: a two-card low hand, consisting of a pair, and a three-card high hand, consisting of a straight or three-of-a-kind (Trips). The Joker can be used in a Straight, Trips, or as an Ace. If a 5 card Lucky Break cannot be obtained, the player's three-card high hand must outrank his two-card low hand. Card value combinations ranked from highest to lowest are:
Three-of-a-Kind, Straight, Pairs and High Card Values [no Flush]
Main Bet
> Dealer's 7-card hand must qualify with an Ace-high if his hand does not have a pair, straight or trips. If the dealer's hand does not qualify, the player's Main Bet is a push. Any optional side wagers made remain in play.
> Dealer must set his 5-card hand House Way.
> Any Lucky Break hand outranks any non-Lucky Break hand.
> Dealer's Lucky Break vs. Player's Lucky Break, or Dealer's non-Lucky Break vs. Player's non-Lucky Break
* Player wins 1 to 1, if the player's high hand beats the dealer's high hand and the player's low hand beats the dealer's low hand.
* Player pushes when either his low hand or high hand wins and the other one loses against the dealer's low hand or high hand.
* Player loses when the dealer's high hand beats the player's high hand and the dealer's low hand beats the player's low hand. Note that dealer wins hands with equal ranking (i.e.¨copy¨).
Check out the game at The Orleans, Las Vegas, Boomtown, Reno or
Quote: etablegamesIt's doing well at Boomtown, Reno and WinnaVegas, Sloan, IA. Mahjong Poker, Inc. has changed its name to eTable Games, Inc.
WinnaVegas is currently in the middle of a flood plain and indefinitely closed. The building's flood barriers have failed, and the water is up to the casino itself. When I was there last week, the water was approximately half-way up the exterior walls of the structure.
What happens to the field trial in this case? Does this time count against you? What if the table/equipment is damaged in the flood? Is the casino liable? Is there some kind of force majeure language in the standard agreement for a leased game placement?
upon this. He is in the retail field and does this so his patent does not just sit there. I doubt such an approach would
work in gaming, but I thought I would ask? I have found decision makers in the casino distribution world to at least
be open to new ideas. Most require that you be patent pending at least. That seems reasonable to me. If you won't even
pay or a pro se provision patent, why should they invest time and money in your game if you won't ?
Trying to get anyone in the on-line poker industry has been totally futile. Phone calls may get a contact email but no
reply, not even GO AWAY. I think part of the problem is the person in charge of product development in on-line
poker rooms or platform providers is all too often a so-called Poker Pro.
Quote: etablegamesBreak Poker is played using a standard deck of 52 cards plus a Joker. To begin, players place a Main bet and optionally one or both of the bonus bets: Break Bonus and Dealer Break. The object of the game is to use 5 of the 7 cards to make a Lucky Break: a two-card low hand, consisting of a pair, and a three-card high hand, consisting of a straight or three-of-a-kind (Trips). The Joker can be used in a Straight, Trips, or as an Ace. If a 5 card Lucky Break cannot be obtained, the player's three-card high hand must outrank his two-card low hand. Card value combinations ranked from highest to lowest are:
Three-of-a-Kind, Straight, Pairs and High Card Values [no Flush]
The hand that is played in your game looks very much like Pai Gow Express, as shown at G2E in 2007. That is, the hand that is played is:
- a 2-card low side,
- a 3-card high side,
- jokers are wild, to complete a straight, flush, or trips
- and as a 5-card Pai Gow Hand....
This game has been around for years.
Quote: etablegames
Main Bet
> Dealer's 7-card hand must qualify with an Ace-high if his hand does not have a pair, straight or trips. If the dealer's hand does not qualify, the player's Main Bet is a push. Any optional side wagers made remain in play.
Sounds like EZ Pai Gow, which has been around for a few years and has been shown at the G2E expo also. Thirty (30) installs now.
Basically, if the dealer's 7-card hand - before it is broken down or set from the first 7 cards:
- contains a hand of high-cards, (of no pair or better)
- then the main bet shall push.
- But all optional side bets remain in play.
Quote: buzzpaffHas anyone ever heard of getting up front money as well as a percentage? I know of an inventor who always insists
upon this. He is in the retail field and does this so his patent does not just sit there.
Yes, once: Derek Webb's initial offer from SMI for 3CP was up-front + percentage. He rejected it and took all-cash -- but remember, 3CP was a well-established game at that point. For an unproven game, you'll never get a casino to pay you up front, and you won't get a distributor to either. Retail is a totally different world -- in retail, you have a tangible product usually designed to solve a particular niche problem (e.g. the device for taking kernels off a corn cob). There is a known marketing model for how well such products typically do. For table games, all you have is whether players like your game more than blackjack, and there's no good model for that. The only way to test that is to actually put the game in.
Why bother with online poker? The major operators are all outside the US and have no incentive to respect your IP.
By late August hope to have math and provisional patents in place, Then I will post my games here in this forum. Fairly certain of Math and patent-ability. Can not afford detailed analysis and testing against advantage play. But am fairly confident any apparent flaws will be identified by the talent pool of this forum.
I believe I have done something to BJ and Poker that on the surface appears impossible. But I also realize that just because you can do something never done before, does not make your product marketable. But then who thought 6-5 BJ would fly. REALLY !
Quote: MathExtremistThe major operators are all outside the US and have no incentive to respect your IP.
No All Internet software providers are bad nowadays.
I agree, it is hard to get a Internet software provider to be interesting in anybody's games.
I have licence my game Casino Holdem® Poker (First Texas Hold'em play against the Casino. Invented year 2000) to over 10+ Internet software providers as listed below, and they do pay me royalties. Play Game Demo
NetEnt, Boss Media, Playtech, Real Time Gaming, Random Logic,, Bodog, CTXM, PKR, Viaden Media, iPoker Network, Entraction, software...
PS. I found the US games supplier don't respect my US-IP.
and from what I've seen....and if you guys have fully read this thread....
I sometimes wonder if they have any respect for intellectual property laws, (including my fellow game designers), in regards to IP theft or plagiarism, on established patented commercial gaming products,
within these United States....
Quote: MrCasinoGames
PS. I found the US games supplier don't respect my US-IP.
If you have a valid U.S. patent, and a competent attorney, you're actually in very fine shape. You're at least on par with your adverisary.
Quote: PaigowdanIf you have a valid U.S. patent, and a competent attorney, you're actually in very fine shape.
Thanks Dan,
I have a valid U.S. patent.
Do anyone know how long and how much it takes? Am I guarantee to win?
I am not talking about a small games supplier in the US.
If any attorney interested in this case (Please PM me).
I am happy to give it a go, if the price is right.
Quote: PaigowdanYou know,
and from what I've seen....and if you guys have fully read this thread....
I sometimes wonder if they have any respect for intellectual property laws, (including my fellow game designers), in regards to IP theft or plagiarism, on established patented commercial gaming products,
within these United States....
Sad to say this is not limited to just gaming. Many companies will just use a patented idea and let you sue them. You will be in
the courts for years and IF you win, that you have to collect. Not easy with shadow companies and bankruptcy laws. That's why I think it is best is you can get a big company interested, even for a smaller licensing fee. US recently changed laws to match the rest
of the world. It is now first to patent, not first to invent. Before you could file and get a patent only to have someone or a corporation
say they had invented it years ago. And were just now bringing it to market.
Since I believe I am looking at gaming from a direction not yet explored, I hope to get Lucky. Hurry up late August. I can accept failure, what is killing is not knowing !!!
Quote: PaigowdanIf you have a valid U.S. patent, and a competent attorney, you're actually in very fine shape. You're at least on par with your adverisary.
Not when they have much deeper pockets. Almost impossible to find a lawyer to take such a case on a contingency basis.
Quote: MrCasinoGamesThanks Dan,
I have a valid U.S. patent.
Do anyone know how long and how much it takes? Am I guarantee to win?
I am not talking about a small games supplier in the US.
If any attorney interested in this case (Please PM me).
I am happy to give it a go, if the price is right.
No, you're nowhere close to guaranteed to win. From what I recall, only 25% of patent suits go in favor of the plaintiff. I've been involved in a lot of gaming IP lawsuits (as a testifying expert, not as a party) and most of them involved two gaming machine manufacturers. The costs of litigation can easily reach multiple millions per side if an early settlement is not reached, and calendars usually extend well past a year. In your case, if you only have one patent and one accused device, discovery should be quicker (i.e. shorter and less expensive) but still it's not a trivial expense.
My first case was between a patent-holder (plaintiff) and machine vendor. The plaintiff had a patent that he claimed covered every possible way of playing bingo and sued my client (a Class II game manufacturer) for infringement. He lost when the judge ruled that his patent didn't cover what he thought it did. If you're really interested in pursuing legal remedies, PM me. I've worked with several IP litigators on gaming cases and I'd be happy to point you to a few firms.
Quote: MathExtremistNo, you're nowhere close to guaranteed to win. From what I recall, only 25% of patent suits go in favor of the plaintiff. I've been involved in a lot of gaming IP lawsuits (as a testifying expert, not as a party) and most of them involved two gaming machine manufacturers. The costs of litigation can easily reach multiple millions per side if an early settlement is not reached, and calendars usually extend well past a year. In your case, if you only have one patent and one accused device, discovery should be quicker (i.e. shorter and less expensive) but still it's not a trivial expense.
My first case was between a patent-holder (plaintiff) and machine vendor. The plaintiff had a patent that he claimed covered every possible way of playing bingo and sued my client (a Class II game manufacturer) for infringement. He lost when the judge ruled that his patent didn't cover what he thought it did. If you're really interested in pursuing legal remedies, PM me. I've worked with several IP litigators on gaming cases and I'd be happy to point you to a few firms.
Thanks for the info, MathExtremist.
PS. We have meet once in the G2E show 4 or 5 years ago.
I was showing my game in TCS Booth (and still with TCS today with 10 new games), and I show you a nice set of Domino's too.
Quote: MrCasinoGamesThanks for the info, MathExtremist.
PS. We have meet once in the G2E show 4 or 5 years ago.
I was showing my game in TCS Booth (and still with TCS today with 10 new games), and I show you a nice set of Domino's too.
I remember. How is TCS as a distributor?
My business partner also works for perhaps the only game distributor who is NOT famous for being caught in some litigation.
We're submitting two non-provisional patents in the next month, and I'm glad I have this lawyer.
Also touched a minor infringement issue.
Litigating against infringers is slow, costly, and exasperating for both sides.
Quite often the best action is no court action on an infringing product when:
a) it doesn't affect your own marketing share; indeed, your competitor's product may actually acclimate more of the general playing population to your product's method of play;
b) and if you are cut in with a licensing fee.
I look at the court cases and just see the massive loss of time, money, and emotional well-being. Also of note is how violated some "infringees" feel, and how justified some infringers feel. Usually, both parties feel extremely entitled, and so a judge has to make a call.
How does it all happen?
Quite often, what exactly happens is another designer sees various products, - let's say at Raving Table Games or at G2E, or at a casino, where ever - and says to himself, "That's a good way of handling that! Good answer! I think I'll put that process into my own new product!" - using other people's intellectual property without awareness of legal or patent effects, his own plagiarism, but was just thinking about how to assemble a game, that's all. They're not thinking, "why didn't I think of that," but instead, "I did, I think...didn't I?" Happens in every field.
Sometimes a designer is not "designing" new games, but is taking a piece from one product, and a piece from another product, adding a twist to it, and feels that he created the whole thing in a vacuum by himself until an ear tug happens. How it resolves from there is a road that can take many paths. Other times authentic inspiration and invention occurs.
Also discussed was a situation where a small casino in a Pacific coast state used one of my games without going through our distrinutor. They just install a layout, and dealt the game. Huh? A small, broke $5 house that later went belly up. I found out when a new dealer told me she dealt my game at such-and-such a casino, and that casino was not a paying customer. It happens.
The petty larceny that I sometimes see from some players during play is just a part of the pervasive lack of ethics the human condition has in general; saints are invisible.
United States | 06/21/2011
(US).- TCS John Huxley and DigiDeal Corporation announced the signing of a significant distribution agreement that enables TCS John Huxley to supply the full range of DigiDeal products in specific regions around the world.
Quote: MathExtremistI remember. How is TCS as a distributor?
Thay are very good.
I will have two of my table games in their both this year at the US show.
Quote: buzzpaffEvidently Digideal likes TCS'
United States | 06/21/2011
(US).- TCS John Huxley and DigiDeal Corporation announced the signing of a significant distribution agreement that enables TCS John Huxley to supply the full range of DigiDeal products in specific regions around the world.
PokerTek Signs TCS John Huxley as Distributor in Africa
June 9, 2011- PokerTek, Inc. (NASDAQ: PTEK) has entered into an agreement with TCS John Huxley Africa (Pty) Limited (TCS) to distribute its products throughout Africa.
G2E?Quote: MrCasinoGamesThay are very good.
I will have two of my table games in their both this year at the US show.
According to the G2E floor plan / booth regiatration list, TCS John Huxley does not have a booth this year.
TCS have their own showcase in Las Vegas for the last two years, they call it AAA which is held in the palms casino Las Vegas, at the same Dates as the G2E show.
I have been with them for the last 10 years and will be with them this year too, at the palms casino.
I.E. How would the average G2E attendee know about it?
Some gaming companies host events or parties at their corporate offices during G2E, even have transportation arranged between G2E areas and their offices.
G2E is fantastically expensive. It's the place to be, but a few don't attend.
I remember it being mentioned, (by you?) that the distributor we met with when I was in Vegas last year, did exactly that for last year's G2E.
For that distributor, doing that makes sense to me. But for a big time company like TCS, I'd have thought that they'd want to be in the center of the action.
I guess the next question is, how do you find out about all the off-site stuff, so that a game-plan can be created?
They did exactly that, on a cost analsysis basis.
They were smaller previous years, but still successful - and did what was best at that point in time.
They're actually a major player now, but a $50,000 booth for three days at G2E might not be the networking cost they'd choose to pay, already being in the gaming network and being in-town.
As for a G2E booth - most say yes, some say no, but if you're already in Vegas and had made it, you might not spend.
A small booth might hurt reputation, and a big booth might cost too much.
As for the off-site stuff, most of it I think is "in-network;" existing contacts, and phone calling/emailing and otherwise notifying those who would be in town then.
G2E is to a great degree a "Global" affair for the out-of-town people who need to be seen here.
I had planed on doing all my networking/introductions at G2E. I guess I'll have to step-up my game, and do some of that now, via email.
As for the AAA event at the Palms, that's an invitation-only deal:
I wouldn't expect an invitation unless you're either working with them already or a potential customer.
G2E right now has a "new exhibitor" package at $6300 for a 10x10 booth in a non-premium area. However, several of the non-premium areas on the floor are, in my opinion, better locations than what they call "premium".
Here's an idea borne of social media: what if all the independent game developers on this forum got together and did a G2E booth? Overall cost per square foot would be significantly cheaper by combining resources and "buying in bulk" for all the support services (dealers, equipment, cleaning, electricity, etc).
Quote: MathExtremistI can't imagine that TCS wouldn't have a booth. There are a lot of empty spaces on the G2E floor map right now.
As for the AAA event at the Palms, that's an invitation-only deal:
I wouldn't expect an invitation unless you're either working with them already or a potential customer.
G2E right now has a "new exhibitor" package at $6300 for a 10x10 booth in a non-premium area. However, several of the non-premium areas on the floor are, in my opinion, better locations than what they call "premium".
Here's an idea borne of social media: what if all the independent game developers on this forum got together and did a G2E booth? Overall cost per square foot would be significantly cheaper by combining resources and "buying in bulk" for all the support services (dealers, equipment, cleaning, electricity, etc).
Perhaps Mr. CasioGames can offer DJ some introductions?
The thought definately crossed my mind. However, I don't want to be pushy or presumptious, so I wasn't gonna ask.Quote: AyecarumbaPerhaps Mr. CasioGames can offer DJ some introductions?
But since you brought it up.....
Mr. CG:
Any chance of getting an invite? Or is there someone at TCS I should talk to about the show and/or Poker For Roulette?
Thanks in advance.
Quote: etablegamesTCS has a web site with names and pictures..
Link to TCS names and pictures.
Quote: MrCasinoGames
G2E Las Vegas 2011
October 4th - 6th
Tens of thousands of gaming executives from around the globe attended G2E Las Vegas 2010 so they could gain the information and insights they need to succeed in gamings fiercely competitive marketplace. This year will be no different. G2E showcases gaming's biggest stars and the next big products, technologies, insights and innovation. Yet that's not all - don't miss the unbelievable networking opportunities, keynote addresses by industry leaders, more than 750 exhibitors and world-class conference.
This is from TCS event schedule 2011, But I checked G2E exhibitors list and TCS is not listed, nor to speak at any of the conferences?
I've recently communicated with the former TGD at Santa Fe. He's recently moved to a different Stations property and does not expect that the new-games demo days program will continue there. Unless the new TGD at Santa Fe picks it up, the program may be over.
That may leave the Raving conference as the only "new game" expo, and I don't even know if they're doing that this year.
Perhaps we should set up one of our own? Food for thought...
or work with a local inventor's club. Perhaps a conference near G2E time interval, to share stories,
contacts, get feedback from other game developers about positive and negative aspects of any
new game? I know there are mathematicians wanting to break into this world and might offer
to do analysis at a discount to get their feet wet.
It's too often a matter of not being able to afford that analysis, versus knowing how valuable it is.
I value the Wiz's power, but in 2001 I contacted him about a calculation that was basically 4 numbers
multiplied together. His price was $200 for that calculation over his signature. I thought that was a fair
price, I mention it only because you can imagine what a complex evaluation would cost with testing against
AP.Am sure wiz doesn't remember me, but I am the guy who wrote him about strange gaming rule at
the Isle of Capri in Colorado at that time. Only time I know of that making a side bet could reduce the
HE on Let It Ride.
I am going to fly solo most for mathematical analysis. I think a major distributor is gonna run any game
thru his in-house expert or outside consultant if he thinks my game has merit ??
Thankfully for any input from people who have been thru the process............ HONESTLY
Quote: buzzpaffQuote: MrCasinoGames
G2E Las Vegas 2011
October 4th - 6th
Tens of thousands of gaming executives from around the globe attended G2E Las Vegas 2010 so they could gain the information and insights they need to succeed in gamings fiercely competitive marketplace. This year will be no different. G2E showcases gaming's biggest stars and the next big products, technologies, insights and innovation. Yet that's not all - don't miss the unbelievable networking opportunities, keynote addresses by industry leaders, more than 750 exhibitors and world-class conference.
This is from TCS event schedule 2011, But I checked G2E exhibitors list and TCS is not listed, nor to speak at any of the conferences?
Link to TCS, Access All Areas (AAA) 2010
Link to TCS, Access All Areas (AAA) 2009
Picture of me with Casino Hold'em® Poker (TCS-AAA Ghostbar of the Palms, Las Vegas US. 2010)
Quote: MathExtremistI've recently communicated with the former TGD at Santa Fe. He's recently moved to a different Stations property and does not expect that the new-games demo days program will continue there. Unless the new TGD at Santa Fe picks it up, the program may be over.
That may leave the Raving conference as the only "new game" expo, and I don't even know if they're doing that this year.
Perhaps we should set up one of our own? Food for thought...
Raving is off this year, as it is too close to the G2E convention, calendar-wise, at least that's the word. To get games into casinos you need to pound the pavement and make phone calls. It's make us all Willy Loman.
Stacy, an independent group should be formed, a co-operative, to get space for the little guys at G2E.
Maybe there can be a Wizard's showcase. Actually, WOO is a showcase, but for new games that have placements, or at least field trials.
A Game inventor's clearing house.
Seems unfair competition. Why is there no hottie at your table ??
Quote: buzzpaffSeems unfair competition. Why is there no hottie at your table ??
Maybe at that particular moment he was dealing with a client who considered Stephen to be the "hottie"?