How long does Diamond status last when you qualify for it ? IE, the next 12 months, the next Calendar year, etc ?
Is there any benefit in getting Diamond early in the year as opposed to closer to the end of the year, like now ?
Are there enough perks at the Diamond level to even make it worthwhile ?
So earn it on Dec 31st 2014, it's good to Mar 31st 2016
earn Jan 1st 2015, it's good to Mar 31st 2017
So earning it earlier in the year is better.
Lounge access and skipping lines are the only real tangible benefit. Comps are going to be based solely on your ADT, not tier level.
Quote: JohnnyQThe "7 Stars" thread made me think of this.
How long does Diamond status last when you qualify for it ? IE, the next 12 months, the next Calendar year, etc ?
Is there any benefit in getting Diamond early in the year as opposed to closer to the end of the year, like now ?
Are there enough perks at the Diamond level to even make it worthwhile ?
Benefits last until March 31 of the following year. So if you get to Diamond lets say January 1, you are diamond for 15 months.
Quote: bwBenefits last until March 31 of the following year. So if you get to Diamond lets say January 1, you are diamond for 15 months.
I don't think this is correct. This is how it used to work if you got diamond in a day. You were cut off the following year. If you earned diamond the "regular" way, you'd have it until the 2nd calendar year.
Quote: sabreI don't think this is correct. This is how it used to work if you got diamond in a day. You were cut off the following year. If you earned diamond the "regular" way, you'd have it until the 2nd calendar year.
You are probably correct. I haven't been to a CZR property in several years, my memory is slipping.
But if they've changed something about any of that in the last five months since March of this year, I wouldn't know.
Where you stand on what Diamond gets you depends on where you sit. There were a bunch of bennies specific to Diamond status that I came to really enjoy (line jumping, super red-carpet treatment in separate & swift VIP check-in, spiffed up Diamond floors of hotels, annual "Gift Wrap" feeding frenzy for those in or near Nevada) which some others had no use for or much reason to even be aware of, and some others which other folks using their properties under different circumstances seemed to value highly that are worthless to me (munching chicken wings in Diamond lounges), and many other things that are generated from formulas related to ADT and actually irrelevant to tier status (room rates & comped stays) that I found some people assumed were connected to their tier.
Quote: sabreI don't think this is correct. This is how it used to work if you got diamond in a day. You were cut off the following year. If you earned diamond the "regular" way, you'd have it until the 2nd calendar year.
There is no more special "Diamond in a Day", though you can make it with earning 5000 Tier Credits in a day and the 10000 Bonus points. You get the same benefits as a regular Diamond Holder (as you are a regular Diamond) , i.e. you will be good until March 31st 2016 if you earn it any day in 2014.
Quote: DrawingDead
Where you stand on what Diamond gets you depends on where you sit. There were a bunch of bennies specific to Diamond status that I came to really enjoy (line jumping, super red-carpet treatment in separate & swift VIP check-in, spiffed up Diamond floors of hotels, annual "Gift Wrap" feeding frenzy for those in or near Nevada) which some others had no use for or much reason to even be aware of, and some others which other folks using their properties under different circumstances seemed to value highly that are worthless to me (munching chicken wings in Diamond lounges), and many other things that are generated from formulas related to ADT and actually irrelevant to tier status (room rates & comped stays) that I found some people assumed were connected to their tier.
As far whether the Diamond Tier benefits will be of value to me, I don't think I can know until (if) I reach the Diamond Level. So I may try to use the bonus points to get to Diamond early in 2015.
For me, these two benefits are the most important benefits a casino can offer. Skipping to the front of the line at a Caesars-owned sportsbook could mean the difference between booking a bet or missing out on some action, especially during busy times like March Madness or Super Bowl Sunday.Quote: sabreLounge access and skipping lines are the only real tangible benefit.
The Diamond Lounges in Vegas aren't much to write home about, but some of the regional lounges like in New Orleans are much nicer and offer a more attractive spread than just chicken wings.
One benefit not previously mentioned is that Diamond players are entitled to two free Vegas show tickets a month.
Good point. I never quite got around to using them for myself, but when my very elderly parents were in town they were truly delighted to get treated to Penn & Teller courtesy of my card's Diamond tier status, and I probably stumbled into doubling my inheritance.Quote: imperialpalaceOne benefit not previously mentioned is that Diamond players are entitled to two free Vegas show tickets a month.
Quote: imperialpalaceFor me, these two benefits are the most important benefits a casino can offer. Skipping to the front of the line at a Caesars-owned sportsbook could mean the difference between booking a bet or missing out on some action, especially during busy times like March Madness or Super Bowl Sunday.
The Diamond Lounges in Vegas aren't much to write home about, but some of the regional lounges like in New Orleans are much nicer and offer a more attractive spread than just chicken wings.
One benefit not previously mentioned is that Diamond players are entitled to two free Vegas show tickets a month.
so the free food quality/quantity depends on the casino?
(I'm talking about non-Vegas diamond lounges)
and when do the bonus points show up in your acct? next day? next business day? or..?
Quote: 100xOddsif I make diamond in jan 2015, the tier status wont expire till march 2017?
and when do the bonus points show up in your acct? next day? next business day? or..?
I've noticed I get the "bonus points email" after the following day's end.
ie: clock runs 4-4. If I ran a card on Jan 1 (clock ends Jan 2 at 4am), then I'd get the email around Jan 3 at 4am.
Quote: RSI've noticed I get the "bonus points email" after the following day's end.
ie: clock runs 4-4. If I ran a card on Jan 1 (clock ends Jan 2 at 4am), then I'd get the email around Jan 3 at 4am.
you mean their email clock is 4am-4am?
their tier points clock is still 6am - 5:59am?
hm.. what time zone? or is it local time of the casino you're at?
Their tier clock is 6-5:59 am. Not sure what their bonus clock is. However, if you know you made the tier if you include the bonus points, you can go to the TR desk in the casino and they will give you the tier card. Did that once at Bally's, once at Paris in April as I went from Gold to Diamond. They can see it in your play and give it right then.
They used to have valet parking for Diamond members in their Flamingo entrance. Not anymore. Limos only now
Quote: 100xOddsyou mean their email clock is 4am-4am?
their tier points clock is still 6am - 5:59am?
hm.. what time zone? or is it local time of the casino you're at?
For CET, it depends on the individual casino for the end of the gaming day. To be absolutely sure, you need to ask an employee who knows the answer. Most locations reset at 6 am local time. Some are a little earlier though. I also know Tunica Roadhouse is 5 am from personal experience...*blushes*
Oh and one other possible big ass hint...does your freeplay give exact times it's valid for on the mailer (i.e. 6am-5:59am)? That's your property's gaming day then...
Quote: beachbumbabsIf you get Diamond Jan 1 2015 it's good through March 31 2016. Haven't seen it go two years.
Their tier clock is 6-5:59 am. Not sure what their bonus clock is. However, if you know you made the tier if you include the bonus points, you can go to the TR desk in the casino and they will give you the tier card. Did that once at Bally's, once at Paris in April as I went from Gold to Diamond. They can see it in your play and give it right then.
Babs, Diamond is good for the following year after it is earned, plus a 3 month bonus. So yes, if someone earns it today, they will have it the rest of 2015 and then get the benefit for 2016 plus the 3 months in 17. No different than earning it a little at a time all year long, just hitting it in December and then you would be Diamond for 16, plus the 3 months.
Quote: BozBabs, Diamond is good for the following year after it is earned, plus a 3 month bonus. So yes, if someone earns it today, they will have it the rest of 2015 and then get the benefit for 2016 plus the 3 months in 17. No different than earning it a little at a time all year long, just hitting it in December and then you would be Diamond for 16, plus the 3 months.
Don't think that's true.
I earned my Diamond status in 2014 (DIAD) and says it expires March of 2015.
Link to the "FAQ" of the mighty (but somewhat bankrupt and rather awkwardly naked) Empire of Caesar topic:Quote: CaesarsYour Tier Score qualifies you for Tier Status from the day you achieve the status through the remaining portion of current year, all of following year, and 3 months of subsequent year (expires 3/31). During our Tier Renewal period in March, your expiration date will be extended. Once your expiration date has been extended, you can pick up a copy of your Total Rewards card showing your new date by visiting any Total Rewards desk, with valid ID.
Yes, that is true. Unless there is something different about the DIAD thing than getting it in the "normal" degenerate's way. What "says" to you that "it" expires? Probably you are looking at the date you see printed on your card. But your card is not your tier status. Your tier status remains even if you feed your card to your cat.Quote: RSDon't think that's true.
I earned my Diamond status in 2014 (DIAD) and says it expires March of 2015.
The cards always expire every March. Always have. They usually put out a new design for the physical card annually. That has nothing to do with the expiration of your tier status. You just pick up a new card. You do not lose your tier status because of the expiration date on the card. You keep the tier status for the rest of the year in which you 'earned' it, and all of the following year, and the first three months of the year after that. If you become a Diamond today (degenerate!) you will remain Diamond for the remaining 364 days of 2015, and all of 2016, and the first three months of 2017, enjoying crappy chicken wings in Diamond lounges for a total of 819 days in this example, even if you never "earn" another tier credit, ever. Refer to the official voice of Caesar in the link above. But your physical card will expire a couple of times and you'll need to go see a Total Rewards booth critter so they can hand you a new plastic card each calendar year.
People are also often confused by the new Diamond "aspiration levels" (*cough*cough*) within Diamond (there's a ghetto Diamond, a cul-de-sac Diamond, and a big swingin' dork Diamond level within Diamond, determined solely by current year tier credits, all with the same color card). Those mini-distinctions within Diamond do not carry over from year to year like the major Platinum, Diamond, and Seven Stars certified degenerate levels do.
Quote: DrawingDeadLink to the "FAQ" of the mighty (but somewhat bankrupt and rather awkwardly naked) Empire of Caesar topic:Quote: CaesarsYour Tier Score qualifies you for Tier Status from the day you achieve the status through the remaining portion of current year, all of following year, and 3 months of subsequent year (expires 3/31). During our Tier Renewal period in March, your expiration date will be extended. Once your expiration date has been extended, you can pick up a copy of your Total Rewards card showing your new date by visiting any Total Rewards desk, with valid ID.
Yes, that is true. Unless there is something different about the DIAD thing than getting it in the "normal" degenerate's way. What "says" to you that "it" expires? Probably you are looking at the date you see printed on your card. But your card is not your tier status. Your tier status remains even if you feed your card to your cat.
The cards always expire every March. Always have. They usually put out a new design for the physical card annually. That has nothing to do with the expiration of your tier status. You just pick up a new card. You do not lose your tier status because of the expiration date on the card. You keep the tier status for the rest of the year in which you 'earned' it, and all of the following year, and the first three months of the year after that. If you become a Diamond today (degenerate!) you will remain Diamond for the remaining 364 days of 2015, and all of 2016, and the first three months of 2017, enjoying crappy chicken wings in Diamond lounges for a total of 819 days in this example, even if you never "earn" another tier credit, ever. Refer to the official voice of Caesar in the link above. But your physical card will expire a couple of times and you'll need to go see a Total Rewards booth critter so they can hand you a new plastic card each calendar year.
People are also often confused by the new Diamond "aspiration levels" (*cough*cough*) within Diamond (there's a ghetto Diamond, a cul-de-sac Diamond, and a big swingin' dork Diamond level within Diamond, determined solely by current year tier credits, all with the same color card). Those mini-distinctions within Diamond do not carry over from year to year like the major Platinum, Diamond, and Seven Stars certified degenerate levels do.
I absolutely did not know this, DD, and I really appreciate you pointing it out. I thought the card reflected the tier length, end of story. I will be sure to have them re-issue mine next week. EDIT: looks like I can't re-issue before March, reading more closely. But I'll still be Diamond. Nice.
I'm pretty sure (like about 71.6%) that I've had them re-issue my annual card as early as January. I could be wrong about that, but that's what I believe I remember doing in a couple of past years.Quote: beachbumbabsI absolutely did not know this, DD, and I really appreciate you pointing it out. I thought the card reflected the tier length, end of story. I will be sure to have them re-issue mine next week. EDIT: looks like I can't re-issue before March, reading more closely. But I'll still be Diamond. Nice.
I definitely have milked my own tier level for about the length of time people are discussing here. My calendar year tier credit total reached Diamond for the final time sometime about early to mid-year in 2012 (I was already Diamond from prior years) and shortly after that I decided to fire The Empire for most of my degenerate gambling needs. I accumulated nearly zero additional tier credits that year, and the following year, and the year after, beyond a couple to keep my ridiculously fat Reward Credit balance alive. Besides continuing to use it throughout 2012, I got my card re-issued early in the following year and continued to take advantage of Diamond stuff with it throughout all of 2013, and used it for the final time in March of 2014 to treat some visiting relatives to VIP check-in, extra-spiffy Diamond floor hotel accommodations, comped show tickets, jumping lines by escorting them past the suffering peasant hordes to eat, and other similar big-shot type stuff (to out of towners who are more easily impressed than people on boards like this). I think I logged in with it at a Diamond lounge to enjoy the privilege of gnawing on raw vegetables & stale chips & sup "free" coffee for the final time at the Rio just about 9-1/2 or 10 months ago. That was nearly two years after doing much of anything except spend down my RC balance at their properties, and cycle through some trivial amount of coin for the minimum necessary token 1 TC per 6-months to re-age the RCs so they don't expire.
But as of 3/31/14, I am now an officially worthless space-wasting pond scum Gold card within that system, so Mr. Loveman says you should totally ignore me, and encourage me to p*ss-off and die. Just check the link to their FAQ on it above to confirm that's the deal.
In fairness, the Diamond lounge down at Harrah's Laughlin, of all places, generally had some stuff I'd call actual food. You could make a decent lunch or maybe light dinner out of it. Seems strange to me that they put out more of a spread with a notch better quality than their big brothers to the north, the more spendy Las Vegas properties, but that was my experience.Quote: BozAnd those Pretzel Rods are to die for.
You can actually just do your play the first three months of the year every two years and keep up Seven Stars status indefinitely.
Yeah, I think it's worth it. Just finished a great Seven Stars trip to New Orleans.
No sweat. In the racebook you could just make one $500,000.00 wager. Or a $2,500,000.00 sports bet. It probably would be hard to play 8,824 hrs of 1/2NL poker.Quote: teddys(no idea how you would do that in two days, $100 slot?),
Quote: DrawingDeadIt probably would be hard to play 8,824 hrs of 1/2NL poker.
Yes, considering that there are only 8760 hours in a year.
Quote: RSI've noticed I get the "bonus points email" after the following day's end.
ie: clock runs 4-4. If I ran a card on Jan 1 (clock ends Jan 2 at 4am), then I'd get the email around Jan 3 at 4am.
called up total rewards.
they said it takes 3 business days for the bonus points to show up
Quote: runningman
Two years ago I was a 7Stars super duper level and last year all I was is diamond. The benefits for most players are almost identical unless you enjoy taking cruises with a bunch of geriatrics or like yearly trips to places you don't care much about. My experience is that 7stars players lose 10 times what diamond players do. So unless you're Rockerfeller or like to brag about card holdership, go for diamond every year.
Not entirely true.
There is a HUGE difference between Seven Stars and Diamond, and that's the ability to get free rooms GUARANTEED in every market on any date, given 48 hours notice.
So if you earn Seven Stars and then quit playing (which you can do for over 2 years, and keep Seven Stars status), you can continue getting tons of comped rooms without having to run more money through and deal with greedy hosts.
Also, the hotel staff does NOT see your play history, so to them, all Seven Stars are equal. This allows you to get them to do favors, get better rooms, etc, even if you haven't put a penny into a Caesars machine in a long time.
I agree that, without that benefit, most of the other Seven Stars stuff is fairly trivial. I do make use of the cruises, dinners, and annual trips, but I can understand how that's not appealing to everyone.
Also Seven Stars can exchange RCs for freeplay at a 1:1.25 rate, whereas Diamond has to do it at 1:1.75, and that's a pretty huge difference.
I'm 4700 Tier Points away from changing levels within Diamond and can easily accomplish that in a night with the 5000 Daily Bonus on 2500 during a trip next weekend. Keeping that new aspiration level until Mar 2017 effects the decision on my level of play.
Any clarification is appreciated. 2F
Quote: DrawingDeadQuote: CaesarsYour Tier Score qualifies you for Tier Status from the day you achieve the status through the remaining portion of current year, all of following year, and 3 months of subsequent year (expires 3/31). During our Tier Renewal period in March, your expiration date will be extended.
<Edited for brevity>
People are also often confused by the new Diamond "aspiration levels" (*cough*cough*) within Diamond (there's a ghetto Diamond, a cul-de-sac Diamond, and a big swingin' dork Diamond level within Diamond, determined solely by current year tier credits, all with the same color card). Those mini-distinctions within Diamond do not carry over from year to year like the major Platinum, Diamond, and Seven Stars certified degenerate levels do.Youuuuuu MIGHT be a 'rascal' if.......(nevermind ;-)...2F
i believe diamond aspirations expire Dec 31 of the year you earn it.
sucks if you earn it Dec 30.
but the benefit of 5k tier points added to your acct on Jan 1 is worth getting if you're close.
(now only need 10k tc more to keep diamond)
Talked to my host yesterday about a couple other things but didn't remember to inquire about this.
I'm still confused, (imagine that), but I do appreciate the response Mr Odds.
Quote: 100xOdds2feathers,
i believe diamond aspirations expire Dec 31 of the year you earn it.
sucks if you earn it Dec 30.
but the benefit of 5k tier points added to your acct on Jan 1 is worth getting if you're close.
(now only need 10k tc more to keep diamond)
Incorrect. For Diamond Aspirations (levels 1, 2), the last day to earn 40K or 80K tier credits is December 31, 2015, but you have until June 30, 2016 to book and complete.

But where the hell did you get that?
I thought I had exhausted the normal avenues to get the info, even before I brought it up.
I'm jealous of you 'smart guys'
This is probably going to get me arrested again.....
Can't tell if it has a built in camera/video ;-)
!!! I want a "VIP Drone"! lol you guys get allllll the good promotions =PQuote: TwoFeathersATLJust got a postcard 'Invitation Only' from Harrah's inviting me to come pick-up my free 'VIP Drone' just after New Years.
This is probably going to get me arrested again.....
Can't tell if it has a built in camera/video ;-)
Quote: WizardI achieved Diamond status in the summer. Is it true I'm entitled to a pair of show tickets? If so, when is the deadline to invoke this privilege?
Also 2 tickets per month on the High Roller.
Quote: sabreOnce per calendar month. There's a list of shows eligible that you can obtain at any TR desk.
Thanks. It would not surprise me if they are the cheapo shows that don't sell out anyway.
Quote: WizardThanks. It would not surprise me if they are the cheapo shows that don't sell out anyway.
They usually are afternoon shows or the shows that don't sell out like you said. No big ones on the list. Go to any TR desk and they give you a voucher to go to the box office at the casino the show plays at.
Yes and No. I would guess that not many Vegas shows actually sell-out on a typical night.Quote: WizardThanks. It would not surprise me if they are the cheapo shows that don't sell out anyway.
....Mini-Review Here
- I also think LEGENDS IN CONCERT is very entertaining.
- PENN and TELLER are interesting.
All three of these are available "Diamond" Level shows.
I have gotten excellent seats for every "Diamond" show I have gone to. The system is a little inefficient. First you go to the Total Rewards Desk and get a voucher, and then you go to any CZR Box Office. Since it is a pair of tickets PER calendar month, Mrs. Q and I have seen a two different shows when our vacation covers the end of one month and the beginning of the next.
I haven't been to all of the Diamond Lounges, but the one at PARIS is very nice. In contrast, the one at FLAMINGO reminds me of an employee break-room.
ps: Don't forget that you should also be entitled to a $ 100 "welcome" dinner. You may have to ask them about that one. We used $ 99 of it for 3 people for lunch at the fancy burger place at Planet Hollywood.Quote: WizardI achieved Diamond status in the summer. Is it true I'm entitled to a pair of show tickets? If so, when is the deadline to invoke this privilege?
We did the Oyster Bar in Harrah's for our $100 dinner and were able to get 2 entrees and 2 apps for exactly $100. I found that some restaurants on the $100 dinner list to be very expensive and you will spend well over $100 or too cheap for 2 people and you would need to order a mountain of food to get to $100.