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October 11th, 2017 at 8:07:29 AM permalink
Quote: Wizardofnothing

Was the sale price as discussed or did it go for more?

No comment.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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October 11th, 2017 at 8:29:43 AM permalink
Ha Wiz you know gamblers. spend thousands gambling but cry like babies at any charge (eg: resort fees) that cuts into their gambling allowance. I'm glad I caught this thread before I upgraded to IoS 11. I usually wait a few months to let them work the bugs out. I love the app. I'd personally pay for the upgrade as my mind is not as sharp as it used to be. and I'm not running Ios 10 forever LOL.
Gambling is a metaphor for life. Hang around long enough and it's all gone.
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October 11th, 2017 at 7:52:23 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Let me ask the forum this. As a preface, it would take me about five years to recoup my investment if I paid to redo WizPoker, assuming the same price of $10. However, I'm afraid everybody who had the old version will hold out his hand and ask me to reimburse him for the cost of the update. Even if I gave a discount to people who had the first version, which there is almost no way to verify, it would stretch out the break-even point to where it isn't profitable for me to re-release it.

That said, will I look like a cheap bastard if I refuse to give reimbursements or discounts to existing users or will the public understand the situation I'm in and pay for the new version. It's only $10, for crying out loud.

This is a very tricky issue.

I started buying software for the Mac in the 1980s. Even though I agree with the "If I buy program X, it should keep working for life.", that's not the way it works ... for cost reasons.

(1) Microsoft Office for Mac - Only thing I use these days is the spreadsheet. Purchased three times - Original, Office v.X, Office 2011. The upgrade fee was so high, buying a newer version was cheaper.

I think I got a recent message that "Office for Mac 2011" for will no longer be supported.

Unsure about the "cloud" versions & using Google Docs - I do a lot of stuff off-line & unsure how well the off-line stubs work. Also, don't know how fancy formatting will translate from Excel files into Google Docs files.

I use spreadsheets so much...that I resigned myself to the reality that the $100-150 purchase price buys me a product for 10-12 years...not lifetime.

(2) StuffIt Deluxe - I compress a small folder of important files & e-mail it to myself as additional on-line backup. Purchased 3 or 4 times - 1987 shareware, repurchased commercially, and $20(?) upgrade(s). I haven't used it since 2013, switching to the free iZip compressor. zip & tar are built-in on unix-based Macs.

StuffitIt Deluxe is in version 12, and it only has free upgrades within one version. 11 upgrade fees (every two years) to keep current? Upgrade fee is now $30 ($50 new). $30 x 11 = $330. Nope. I was willing to pay $10-20 once or twice to support a good company, but $330???? Nix, Nada.


(3) Office for Mac is the ONLY paid software I use anymore. I use Vanilla Macs/iPods, customized as little as possible. Repurchasing software every 3-5-8 years, is not worth it for me. An entire new iPod is only about $200-250.

Online, my Yahoo $20/yr e-mail (I paid for POP, but now use IMAP) became free years ago due to competition from Gmail & decreasing storage costs in the cloud. I pay $0.99/month for extra iCloud storage (Used to pay $20/yr for Picasa image storage, but storage costs dropped).

I used to design & sell software in the 1980s. There are 2 huge costs which are not obvious until you develop & sell software.

(1) support costs - I can see why many companies make it near impossible to reach a live person, or do not respond well to e-mail requests for help. It's damned expensive, and some people are being cheap.

On the flip side. Good service is worth paying for!!

Mac's Apple Store & Genius Bar are a great idea. It's why I pay MORE for Macs, than for PCs. Maybe once every 1-2 years, I get some problem which I just can't figure out...and the phone support & "Genius Bar" rock.

On a PC, I might be paying $100-200/visit, and I'd have to search each time for a good person to help me. Mac's Apple Store & Genius Bar are a no-brainer, even overseas (Used them often in England. P.S. Do not use power adapters on a Mac in England. Buy the Apple British power cord.)

(2) upgrade costs - keeping up with changing OSs is a PITA.
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October 12th, 2017 at 9:34:06 AM permalink
Quote: mamat

(1) Microsoft Office for Mac - Only thing I use these days is the spreadsheet. Purchased three times - Original, Office v.X, Office 2011. The upgrade fee was so high, buying a newer version was cheaper.

I think I got a recent message that "Office for Mac 2011" for will no longer be supported.

Unsure about the "cloud" versions & using Google Docs - I do a lot of stuff off-line & unsure how well the off-line stubs work. Also, don't know how fancy formatting will translate from Excel files into Google Docs files.

Have you considered something like OpenOffice / LibreOffice? It's only a pain if you need to be 100% Word or Excel compatible.

I haven't seen the absolute latest versions of Word or OpenOffice, but LibreOffice has a feature Word didn't have in the past - the ability to create PDFs.
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October 12th, 2017 at 10:45:53 AM permalink
Congratulations Wizard, I am happy to hear that Josh is going to update your app and that you will recoup a little of your investment. I believe that today your app is still the most I have ever paid for an app. Hopefully Josh will release it as a free app with links and referrals to help build his brand.
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October 12th, 2017 at 7:07:29 PM permalink
Quote: DRich

Hopefully Josh will release it as a free app with links and referrals to help build his brand.

That may be his plan. Not my concern any longer. I'm sure he will do a lot better with it than I did.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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October 13th, 2017 at 6:45:03 AM permalink
Quote: DRich

Congratulations Wizard, I am happy to hear that Josh is going to update your app and that you will recoup a little of your investment. I believe that today your app is still the most I have ever paid for an app. Hopefully Josh will release it as a free app with links and referrals to help build his brand.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the price tag turned others off unfortunately. Many apps are either free, or a couple bucks a pop. Of course, winPoker is $10 too.
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October 13th, 2017 at 2:07:32 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Can you remind me what they are?

It sounds like you don't really care any more and I can't remember myself but it seemed like the settings were not having any effect. It was a very obvious bug that would certainly be discovered when testing the new app.
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October 19th, 2017 at 3:23:35 PM permalink
Not knowing how long it would be until the Wizard iPhone app was back up I went ahead and purchased WinPoker. It seems to work great as a trainer but their are no extra built into the app in terms of graphics. I liked wizards app much better but this will do the job if you are looking for a app to tell you the right plays. In my opinion the $10 price tag is a little high but until the wizard app is back online this is probably the best you can get for a trainer.
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October 19th, 2017 at 4:08:46 PM permalink
Quote: Mikey75

In my opinion the $10 price tag is a little high but until the wizard app is back online this is probably the best you can get for a trainer.

Not picking you out specifically, because many people feel this way about mobile apps. It’s challenging for developers because mobile apps are often more labor intensive to create and maintain, and then Google/Apple app stores take their cut.

On Windows, WinPoker is $30, and Video Poker For Winners is $50.

For Blackjack, Casino Verite is $50-$100++.

All of these create real value for the player. I think $10 is s very fair price.
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October 19th, 2017 at 5:35:23 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

Not picking you out specifically, because many people feel this way about mobile apps. It’s challenging for developers because mobile apps are often more labor intensive to create and maintain, and then Google/Apple app stores take their cut.

On Windows, WinPoker is $30, and Video Poker For Winners is $50.

For Blackjack, Casino Verite is $50-$100++.

All of these create real value for the player. I think $10 is s very fair price.

Yes in respect to the price of the computer version is it reasonable. Of course it doesn't have all the features of the computer version but it does have the most important ones. You can download games for free ( of course they are add supported) that have way better graphics. After playing with it for a few hours I'd rate it a solid 4 out of 5. Of course I can only really compare it to the Wizards app which I do prefer over Winpoker. I will most likely purchase Wizards app again when it is released even if it's $10 to. I personally like it that much better than Winpoker. Maybe it's just me but some of the features have been hard to figure out. When selecting a game it will tell you the payback % of the game and there is a place you can change the paytables. I still haven't found a way to look at the paytables. Maybe I'm missing that.
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October 19th, 2017 at 5:48:37 PM permalink
Quote: Mikey75

Yes in respect to the price of the computer version is it reasonable. Of course it doesn't have all the features of the computer version but it does have the most important ones. You can download games for free ( of course they are add supported) that have way better graphics. After playing with it for a few hours I'd rate it a solid 4 out of 5. Of course I can only really compare it to the Wizards app which I do prefer over Winpoker. I will most likely purchase Wizards app again when it is released even if it's $10 to. I personally like it that much better than Winpoker. Maybe it's just me but some of the features have been hard to figure out. When selecting a game it will tell you the payback % of the game and there is a place you can change the paytables. I still haven't found a way to look at the paytables. Maybe I'm missing that.

None of the free ones win fancy graphics I’ve seen have had decent training modes.

On iOS winpoker, you can change the pay table by hitting games from the main playing screen, and tapping “Add paytable to selected game”.
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October 19th, 2017 at 6:37:28 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

None of the free ones win fancy graphics I’ve seen have had decent training modes.

On iOS winpoker, you can change the pay table by hitting games from the main playing screen, and tapping “Add paytable to selected game”.

No none of the free ones give decent advice on play. I went like I was going to change a paytables and I was able to see the pay table I was currently playing there. I do like the way it keeps statistics. Sure gives you a idea of how big swings can be on a 100% machine. I'm playing with the trainer on so I'm playing 100% correct. I'm down $585.25 so far. I guess the only thing that could bring me back to even is to hit a royal. I've yet to hit a royal in real play or on a vp game.
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October 20th, 2017 at 11:05:59 AM permalink
Quote: smoothgrh

I (and others, probably) are being the cheap bastards and just not updating from iOS 10. Though I'm also fearful other paid apps won't work, not just VPW.

Here's a nice discovery: I don't have to worry about my Video Poker Wizard app not working on my iPad 4 because the iPad is not compatible with iOS 11. It'll always be on iOS 10, happily running the Wizard's app.

For iPhone users, if you have an iPhone 5 (not 5s) or slightly older, it's the same situation: As long as you have the app in your iTunes library, you'll always be able to use it. You might not be able to use your iPhone to make phone calls, but I use old iPhones as a spare camera or music player or video poker strategy guide!
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October 20th, 2017 at 12:09:54 PM permalink
I am not a coder but this VP works on my apple and android


Forum link
I’d rather have to be a lucky player than good one.
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October 20th, 2017 at 9:47:45 PM permalink
I'm not sure if I should post this here or start another thread. I'll post it here first and see if I get a answer. I'm playing Double Bonus Poker on the WinPoker app. Sometimes when I draw ace king unsuited the correct play says to just hold the ace. Sometimes it says the correct play is to hold the ace and king. This is really confusing me because I don't understand why it says to hold one time and not the other. Can anyone give me any insite to this?

Edit: It does the same thing with ace jack unsuited. One time it will say the best play is just the ace the next time it will say the best play is the ace jack. This is when both cards are unsuited. Is this a glitch in the program or is there something that I am missing?
Last edited by: Mikey75 on Oct 20, 2017
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October 20th, 2017 at 10:17:27 PM permalink
Quote: Mikey75

I'm not sure if I should post this here or start another thread. I'll post it here first and see if I get a answer. I'm playing Double Bonus Poker on the WinPoker app. Sometimes when I draw ace king unsuited the correct play says to just hold the ace. Sometimes it says the correct play is to hold the ace and king. This is really confusing me because I don't understand why it says to hold one time and not the other. Can anyone give me any insite to this?

Edit: It does the same thing with ace jack unsuited. One time it will say the best play is just the ace the next time it will say the best play is the ace jack. This is when both cards are unsuited. Is this a glitch in the program or is there something that I am missing?

Most likely one or more of the other three cards are penalty cards.

Take for instance these two hands in 9/6 JoB: K♠️ T♠️ 9♦️6♥️ 2♠️ and K♠️ T♠️ 8♦️ 6♥️ 2♠️. In the first one, you hold just the K♠️. In the second, you hold K♠️ T♠️.
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October 20th, 2017 at 10:52:35 PM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

Most likely one or more of the other three cards are penalty cards.

Take for instance these two hands in 9/6 JoB: K♠️ T♠️ 9♦️6♥️ 2♠️ and K♠️ T♠️ 8♦️ 6♥️ 2♠️. In the first one, you hold just the K♠️. In the second, you hold K♠️ T♠️.

Thanks for your reply. So the 9♦️ Is the penalty card for the first hand? I greatly appreciate you helping me to understand this. I knew there was something that I was overlooking.
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February 11th, 2018 at 1:22:43 PM permalink
I will buy VP Wizard for Android. Most likely will buy for iOS too. Can't wait, looks like a great app.
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February 12th, 2018 at 9:23:54 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

So, the new version should be ready for purchase in early 2018.

Has the updated app been released, understanding we are not yet out of 'early 2018'?

Also, does anyone know if the plan for the app is to be iPad compatible? As I am not much of a play games on my phone's screen kind of guy.

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February 12th, 2018 at 10:19:08 AM permalink
Quote: IndyJeffrey

Also, does anyone know if the plan for the app is to be iPad compatible? As I am not much of a play games on my phone's screen kind of guy.

If you bought the original Video Poker Wizard app and have it in your iTunes library, you could buy an old iPad (iPad 4 or earlier), and the app will work on that iPad.
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February 12th, 2018 at 10:42:36 PM permalink
Yes, great point. For iOS I would use it on an iPad.
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July 24th, 2018 at 7:16:36 PM permalink
Please update the status of the new “Video Poker Wizard “. Thank you, MakMak
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October 10th, 2018 at 10:53:20 PM permalink
Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but it seems like the new version of VP Wizard for iOS never got released. Is it out there under another name and I am just missing it? I have not found any substitute. VP wizard was exactly what I wanted.
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October 11th, 2018 at 8:09:41 AM permalink
There's WinPoker which has served me well for years.

If you have Android, there's playperfect.
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October 11th, 2018 at 9:31:00 AM permalink
Quote: rsactuary

There's WinPoker which has served me well for years.

If you have Android, there's playperfect.

Do you know if WinPoker has Triple Double Bonus?
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October 11th, 2018 at 9:53:34 AM permalink
The beta version of the new VP Wizard was nowhere near the quality of the original. I never saw any kind of updating during the beta testing. 'Twas sad to see.
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October 11th, 2018 at 10:39:06 AM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

Do you know if WinPoker has Triple Double Bonus?

yes it does, plus you can program the paytable as needed
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October 11th, 2018 at 11:18:26 AM permalink
I tried the beta and it was unfortunately severely flawed.
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October 15th, 2018 at 7:47:56 PM permalink
I logged on to this forum for the first time in a while to make a complaint:

The new Video Poker Wizard for iPhone is severely flawed. I want my $10 back!

For years, I deferred upgrading to iOS 11 and 12 *solely* because of the old VPW app, which was great; small, fast, and accurate. It is one of my all-time favorite apps and the only app I have paid more than $0.99 for. Well worth it.

The new one is an abomination. Most of the values are wrong (FP JOB returns 0.9954%? Really!?). Initial startup and games take forever to load. Most importantly, the app crashes everytime I try to use it, so it is functionally worthless!

Mike, I know you said wash your hands of this, but I am very disappointed in this product, especially after how good the first one was. I'd give anything to have that one back, but it's now gone from my phone's hard drive, never to return. I'm hoping somebody from Ample Chance/WoV will contact me regarding this so I don't have to go through my credit card company or Apple for a refund.
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October 22nd, 2018 at 8:55:44 PM permalink
Is the 'beta' version you refer to the one currently on sale in the App Store (version 1.0.7)?

I never updated my iPad past ios10 so that the original VPWizard keeps running. I'd buy the new one if it's similar to the old one.
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November 26th, 2018 at 6:12:38 AM permalink
You can try using apps which were recommended previously. Also, as an alternative, there are Video Poker Trainer and Practice Video Poker, but unfortunately that's all I've managed to find.
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November 26th, 2018 at 6:50:08 AM permalink
I like the author's approach. Quite wisely. Surely, it's better to start practicing any training software than playing real casinos without having a basic notion. So, I think such useful applications should help beginners in developing proper strategy and skills.
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November 28th, 2018 at 1:40:45 PM permalink
Agree with Dienansta. It's better to start gambling when you have some basic knowledge. Otherwise, you might suffer losses. But after you upgraded your skills and gained some knowledge, you may try to enter real casinos. You may face some difficulties regarding game operations. In such cases, I try to find the answers by myself reading numerous articles or reviews from specialized websites or professional players. The best option is to find a piece of information, where frequently asked questions are gathered like “how to start on iOS real money apps” or “what kind of bonuses are provided for iPhones”. Here are some examples of similar questions described on by Casinbonuscheck. There you can also find what mobile casino games are highly-paid if you're looking for such ones and many others. Basically, I would recommend this review to consult with. Personally, it helped a lot many times.
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November 28th, 2018 at 1:43:14 PM permalink
Oh, yeah, I also consulted for it when I only started playing poker on the mobile real money. Though the things which are mentioned there are not that easy to understand in advance, the more you try to put the advice in practice, the more you understand and see the notion.
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January 29th, 2020 at 5:23:45 PM permalink
Hey folks. I'm looking for a Video Poker app for my iPad. I loved WinPokerHD, but when I upgraded my iPad to gen 7 over the holidays that app is missing from the iStore. Any suggestions for a different one? What is the best one available? I especially liked the feedback from the app when I didn't follow optimal strategy.
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