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December 24th, 2012 at 1:23:46 PM permalink
I just returned from a short stopover in Las Vegas on my way home for the holidays from Alberta. The airlines wanted about a grand to fly from Calgary to Windsor Ont so I figured hell lets check what it will cost going thru Vegas.. $188 into Vegas direct flight and $250 into Detroit from there 55 hours later. Done deal ( see how we justify these trips ;)

Being there by myself I had the chance to take in the casinos I wanted to this trip for the first time. That meant 4 Queens was near the top of the list to play those 10/7 ddb machines near the back. Only thing was I went down there at 3 am on Thursday morning to play. The place was dead with basically only me in that back area playing.

It was a worthwhile trip as I was able to run the one machine up to about $1700 after hitting quad Aces twice in about 40 minutes. But there was a down side to that. As I was basically the only person back there and had a large amount of credits on the machine I would guess I have requests for money from 5 or 6 people over the few hours I was there. They hey you look like your having a lot of good luck today can you spare me a $20>?

Most got THE LOOK from me that suggested no your not getting anything and it would be in your best interest to move along. All but one lady took THE LOOK for what it was and moved along. But this one lady( Iam being nice calling her a lady here)) kept on asking again and again , At first I said no I dont think I want to give you any money today and returned to my play. But she kept telling me she really would like some of my money like com on fella just a ten or twenty out of all that you have there. Enough was enough .....I got a little bit loud and said something like Look lady I am not giving you any money so move along already....well I guess it was loud enough to get the ear of one of the security fellas because he came walking by ....which got her to leave the building.

What a different atmostphere there LOL...but all I can say was these machines were very good to me that night....compared to Paris where I was staying and there sisters places right there on the strip where I couldnt seem to find a straight flush fullhouse or heaven forbid a quad. I mean at the PARIS I was also asked a few times if I was looking for SOME FUN while playing the machines to which I said not today thanks and they left me alone.

The other stop I made during this trip was to SOUTH POINT where I got my only W2 of this trip for quad Aces with a kicker....leaving behind $600 in taxes. I was also able to run a machine up to about $1500 in there the second day cashing out for about $1250 ..overall a very positive place to play this trip Not sure what my coin in was but I believe I had about $85 in credit in my account when I left....I suspect I will get some kind of offers from them in the mail the next little while as I guess I played well over $10,000 in my two visits there. I said to the fella paying me that I really needed to get my ITIN card so they wouldnt withhold that money next time....his reply was yes we still withhold it if you are Canadian with a this correct? His supervisor that was right there for the payout seemed to agree

Now if I would just learn to stay away from the Harrahs machines which were not in a paying mode thats for sure I could have had a great time for sure

Now to fire off that ITIN application and look for information on filing my tax return in a few months to get back my withholdings
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December 24th, 2012 at 2:06:43 PM permalink
I remember reading about this trip in the making a while back. Congrats on the positive variance! Those leaches must be annoying, I've found them at table games a few times. Never give them anything because it just encourages them to do it to other people when they succeed.
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December 24th, 2012 at 2:17:20 PM permalink
Quote: coilman

Now if I would just learn to stay away from the Harrahs machines which were not in a paying mode thats for sure I could have had a great time for sure

They also have crappy paytables that should help you stay away. While in Vegas, I play CET video poker for "amusement only", which means cheap play for comped drink abuse. If I am gambling on quarter machines, I'm only making max bets on off-strip properties that still pay 99.5%+. Nice hits though, hopefully you left vegas up in the gaming column? I have yet to experience that in 6 lifetime trips...but still itching to go back!
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December 24th, 2012 at 2:47:03 PM permalink
Quote: coilman

But there was a down side to that. As I was basically the only person back there and had a large amount of credits on the machine I would guess I have requests for money from 5 or 6 people over the few hours I was there. They hey you look like your having a lot of good luck today can you spare me a $20>?

You must have been playing at the far back entrance
that empties out onto the corner where Fitzgeralds is.
Thats a bad spot, its where the homeless come in
and bother people. As you found out.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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December 24th, 2012 at 3:10:58 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

You must have been playing at the far back entrance
that empties out onto the corner where Fitzgeralds is.
Thats a bad spot, its where the homeless come in
and bother people. As you found out.

Yes it was the back corner away from the FREEMONT front doors I didn't feel afraid or anything just don't like them bothering me. When they noticed the one fella who came in and fell asleep at a machine a few away from me with his 40 oz bottle in hand he got the grand escort out the door by four security officers. Different seeing them all packing guns thats for sure.

Actually when all was said and done I was down a few dollars but not much. Thats after meals and shopping ( the bonus was I could bring $800 worth into Canada duty free after this short trip) Like I said I played way too much at Paris where I couldnt hit a thing no matter what game or value I played at. Will use the offers for rooms from them again but cut way back on the gaming there . Last trip in August was a positive trip after the 2 quad aces with kickers on at $1 other at $2 machine

My tax refund from Uncle Sam should cover my a trip all in sometime in the spring if I get it all back

Made a quick stop in at ELLIS ISLAND too for some ribs.... $12.99 for fullstrip plus sides. Sat down and played some 25 cent DDB there too and was able to walk out with a few hundred there . This place is a real LOCALS place from what I saw, nice people that I spoke with around me but not a place where many who visit the strip would enjoy IMHO....and too smokey for me

Thanks to the info I have read on this site for places to no other way I would have traveled out to South Point.
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December 24th, 2012 at 3:12:26 PM permalink
Quote: coilman

is this correct? His supervisor that was right there for the payout seemed to agree

Yes, that's correct. You know how mail-in rebates are a scam where the retailer/manufacturer is just hoping that you'll forget to send in the rebate? This is just like that, only it's perpetrated by the IRS.
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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December 24th, 2012 at 3:14:21 PM permalink
Quote: coilman

My tax refund from Uncle Sam should cover my a trip all in sometime in the spring if I get it all back

*cough* WOVcon ]I[ *cough* ;-)
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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December 24th, 2012 at 3:22:25 PM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

*cough* WOVcon ]I[ *cough* ;-)

I don't know about that.....I tip too much for good service/food that gang might not like me :)
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December 24th, 2012 at 3:26:51 PM permalink
Quote: coilman

Quote: rdw4potus

*cough* WOVcon ]I[ *cough* ;-)

I don't know about that.....I tip too much for good service/food that gang might not like me :)

No, no, it's great! We'll just treat it like you're tipping for us, too! :-)
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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December 24th, 2012 at 4:22:30 PM permalink
Congrats on your nice win, here. I hope you had a great time. Of course, its always a great time when you win.
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December 24th, 2012 at 4:39:39 PM permalink
I've always enjoyed playing overnight. There's far less REAL annoyances, such as foolhardy smokers and loud-mouthed players screaming over a $50 win. Those homeless and other lowlifes can easily be discarded back out to the streets where they belong by alerting security right away. Unless they're playing, they'll be immediately tossed out into oblivion.

Congrats on the winning. Only goes to prove as it does for so so many: that it does not matter one iota what the theoretical payback of any machine is for any of us on a short visit. Luck easily overcomes any mathematical disadvantage, and it does so often. That's what I've learned as have so many others.

Were you aware that the restaurant at Ellis Island was recently closed, then reopened probably after a payoff, by the city health dept. for very unsanitary conditions, including roaches, rats, and hairballs from human combs? If there were ever any place I'd guess was dangerous to eat at starting years ago, I'd have picked that place. The crowd that goes into that casino defines the entire property.
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December 24th, 2012 at 6:15:53 PM permalink
Quote: coilman

..But this one lady( Iam being nice calling her a lady here)) kept on asking again and again , At first I said no I dont think I want to give you any money today and returned to my play. But she kept telling me she really would like some of my money like com on fella just a ten or twenty out of all that you have there. Enough was enough .....I got a little bit loud and said something like Look lady I am not giving you any money so move along already....well I guess it was loud enough to get the ear of one of the security fellas because he came walking by ....which got her to leave the building..

I think that "lady" approached me at The Golden Gate a few weeks ago. Made my skin crawl.
Someday, joor goin' to see the name of Googie Gomez in lights and joor goin' to say to joorself, "Was that her?" and then joor goin' to answer to joorself, "That was her!" But you know somethin' mister? I was always her yuss nobody knows it! - Googie Gomez
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December 24th, 2012 at 7:14:59 PM permalink
Quote: iluvdisco33

Were you aware that the restaurant at Ellis Island was recently closed, then reopened probably after a payoff, by the city health dept. for very unsanitary conditions, including roaches, rats, and hairballs from human combs? If there were ever any place I'd guess was dangerous to eat at starting years ago, I'd have picked that place. The crowd that goes into that casino defines the entire property.

This is a disturbing report. I used to like to walk to Ellis Island from the strip to drink their nice IPA and play FP JOB. Human Hair Balls on a Comb doesn’t sound like an appetizer that I would like to order. Glad they didn’t find any critters living in the hair balls. Doesn’t Gordon Ramsey have a restaurant nearby? Maybe he could walk across Koval and yell at the Ellis Island management for a couple of days.
Let down the curtain; The farce is over.
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January 17th, 2013 at 5:12:33 AM permalink
Well I am surprised that SOUTH POINT hasnt sent me a thing in a month after my visit. My visit before this we hit TROPICANA for the loss rebate deal they had going on and I get something in the mail every other week from them....a host sent me her card with a note to call when I was coming back and she would take care of the rooms. The amount I played there was not even in the ballpark of what I played at SOUTH POINT.
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January 17th, 2013 at 5:29:23 AM permalink
I think SouthPoint just had or is now having its seventy two hour sale on rooms... so if your interested, find out. It might be better to get on to a host who will email you rather than snail mail you with offers.

As to these creeps that want you to pay them for the luck they bring your machine or some sort of nonsense, definitely notify security the more those creeps get run off the better. The casino knows to value a paying customer over a bum with no question.
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January 19th, 2013 at 3:27:49 PM permalink
Quote: robbiehood

This is a disturbing report. I used to like to walk to Ellis Island from the strip to drink their nice IPA and play FP JOB. Human Hair Balls on a Comb doesn’t sound like an appetizer that I would like to order. Glad they didn’t find any critters living in the hair balls. Doesn’t Gordon Ramsey have a restaurant nearby? Maybe he could walk across Koval and yell at the Ellis Island management for a couple of days.


That's not "SUPER YUMMY" at all !

I'm afraid I've recommended EI to lots of people
to get the Sirloin Special.

Well let's hope they get their stuff together. And
that the Health Dept is VIGILANT, because I will
probably go back there on my next trip, maybe
this summer.

News Report on Closing
There's emptiness behind their eyes There's dust in all their hearts They just want to steal us all and take us all apart
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January 19th, 2013 at 6:47:22 PM permalink
Quote: JohnnyQ


That's not "SUPER YUMMY" at all !

I'm afraid I've recommended EI to lots of people
to get the Sirloin Special.

I skipped EI this last trip, partly because of this, partly because the g/f hates to walk the block from Bally's in the dark. We decided to split a 12 oz "Outback Special" at Casino Royale instead. But I will still probably give them a shot next trip. And full pay Quick Quads for nickels! (18 nickel minimum) And NSUD for quarters! So much better VP than the strip.
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January 19th, 2013 at 6:50:28 PM permalink
....duplicate post.
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January 19th, 2013 at 7:41:02 PM permalink
Quote: JohnnyQ


That's not "SUPER YUMMY" at all !

I'm afraid I've recommended EI to lots of people
to get the Sirloin Special.

Well let's hope they get their stuff together. And
that the Health Dept is VIGILANT, because I will
probably go back there on my next trip, maybe
this summer.

News Report on Closing

mgmt at the EI threw the health inspectors out?!


They cant be that stupid???
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January 19th, 2013 at 7:41:09 PM permalink
Craps is paradise (Pair of dice). Lets hear it for the SpeedCount Mathletes :)
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January 19th, 2013 at 7:56:24 PM permalink
Quote: tringlomane

And full pay Quick Quads for nickels! (18 nickel minimum) ........... So much better VP than the strip.

What is the % payback for Full Pay Quick Quads ?

I play the 99.7 NSUD when I am at Ellis Island.
There's emptiness behind their eyes There's dust in all their hearts They just want to steal us all and take us all apart
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January 19th, 2013 at 8:56:45 PM permalink
Quote: 100xOdds


Back to back? lol

And yeah, I agree, the fact they threw out the inspectors doesn't look good; I'm guessing it was a "surprise inspection"? They should have just took their lumps, failed, pass days later, and move on.

Quote: JohnnyQ

What is the % payback for Full Pay Quick Quads ?

I play the 99.7 NSUD when I am at Ellis Island.

Eh, NSUD is better, and I have played that at EI, but I have a soft spot for Quick Quads. Penny Quick Quads is the first game I got a Royal on (for $40 Full-pay Quick Quads is 99.65% for 9/6 DDB and 99.61% for 9/6 JoB. Either game is better than most of the strip (except Circus Circus/Slots-A-Fun). On the strip, the best I usually bother to play is 98.91% Deuces at Casino Royale for pennies or nickels.

<--- poor
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January 19th, 2013 at 9:05:02 PM permalink
Well like clock work Fridays mail had a Tropicana mailer in it.....4 free nights , $200 gambling money($50 a day) $75 meal credit and some free show tickets. Not bad considering I really didnt spend much there the two days we attended for the slot rebate promo.

Missed a call today from Jennifer (HOST for the Caesars group) wanting to touch base ask how my December trip was, noting I was in WIndsor afterwards and that she could take care of stuff for me there also.

Still nothing from SOUTH POINT...maybe they dont like visitors only the locals ;)
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