Quote: IbeatyouracesThey have (or had) the NSUD version of this at Belterra in Southern Indiana.
But with slower meters, no doubt :(
I also played the Deuces at Peppermill a couple years back, except only the top 3 lines were progressive.
I went through my usual sequence of catching all the wrong hands for the game I was playing, starting with a natural straight flush:

Then I was dealt 4 Aces with kicker:

I held the Aces and drew ... another kicker (but not a deuce of course):

And then much later I did finally reset the super-sized wild royal, which had topped $66:

That was my "jackpot" ... in case you were wondering.
Quote: boymimboYep, it's multi-strike poker. 80 credits is max bet (4 x 20). 800 x 20 x 4 = 64,000 x .05 = $3,200. That was in January of this year.
mickeycrimm was talking about the bank of DW at the Peppermill. I was staying there for work 2 summers ago and didn't believe my eyes when i say this machine. I think there was only two in the group.
2.49% Player advantage (but of course you gotta hammer the machine until you get the deuces), but even without the Royal, it was still +EV. I think I hit this on my 2nd $100.
Wow! That Deuce meter looks like it runs at a pretty good clip. Either that or it resets at much higher than $250. Did you see what the reset was?
Quote: boymimboAlso at the Peppermill, after the person beside me had just won this very hand, and I was about to pack it up. I can't stand these machines because the big hands are very hard to come by, but with the royal at $1,595 I figured that had to be +EV (at .80%, it is)
Yep! You had the advantage here too. I think breakeven is around $1400. Good to know a guy can still find a good play in the Pepp.
Quote: gpac1377But with slower meters, no doubt :(
I also played the Deuces at Peppermill a couple years back, except only the top 3 lines were progressive.
I went through my usual sequence of catching all the wrong hands for the game I was playing, starting with a natural straight flush:
Then I was dealt 4 Aces with kicker:
I held the Aces and drew ... another kicker (but not a deuce of course):
And then much later I did finally reset the super-sized wild royal, which had topped $66:
That was my "jackpot" ... in case you were wondering.
ROTFLMAO!!! This is the funniest set of jackpot pictures I have ever seen. Rodney Dangerfied! I get no respect!! LOL!
Did you guys clock the meters on this game. Those meters gotta be zinging!
Quote: boymimboDW reset at $250 which made it a lousy play. I'm not sure what the rate was -- this was the summer of 2011 and I think those machines were gone last summer when i was there.
The Deuces were at $537 in your picture. That tells me it's one strong ass meter. Of course, if it's a linked bank you wouldn't want to hammer the meter up just to have the vultures fill the bank up and snap the meter off on you.
I have the Wizard's VP calculator link available on my Iphone, so it's pretty simple to look at a meter and input the numbers to see what the progressive does to the meter.
As for the FPTB, yeah, I was surpised to see it full-pay, and I absolutely loved the VP available at the PepperMill -- all kinds of close to even to +EV games. The best VP you'll find here in Niagara is 98% for DDB. There used to be a bank of $.50 full-pay pickem which got hammered relentlessly but that's been gone for years. I know there are like options off-strip in Vegas and at other places in Reno, but it was a treat for me considering what's available in the Northeast.
Mickeycrimm, I loved reading your stories of how you went from hooligan to bonafide AP player. I feel somewhat inspired.
Quote: mickeycrimmDid you guys clock the meters on this game. Those meters gotta be zinging!
In my photos, all three meters are increasing at the same rate. I think it was probably about 1% per meter, but I don't recall for sure. The base game is below 97%, so you needed significant movement beyond reset values to turn the game positive.
I was there in 2010. I believe there were two machines, located just outside the tunnel toward the coffee shop, and they were not linked. The Western Village in Sparks had similar configurations, and also to a lesser extent the Rainbow in Henderson. (All three properties are related.)
Not alwaysQuote: Transcend
Quote: AxelWolfNot always
Very true, I guess that is why we are all here
Quote: Mission146That's a pretty stylish way to do that!
I was about to walk away from the machine too, was waiting to see the next stp multiplier, i had hit a 10x 10 hands prior but it amounted to a 50 credit win, very sad. I was quite happy to see this pop up, to say the least.
I felt kinda disappointed to see a respectable hooligan switch to the dark side. SIGH

And did you really pitch everything and draw four deuces? I don't see any "held" messages on there.
Quote: ChampagneFireballCongratulations! I've never hit a royal in single play, and you hit three in a (long) weekend? I'm very jealous.
And did you really pitch everything and draw four deuces? I don't see any "held" messages on there.
It appears that the quad deuces were received on the initial deal... Congrats!
Quote: strictlyAPcan anyone help and tell me how to post a pic from my iPhone onto here?
You have to put it on a photo hosting site like photobucket or similar.
Just upload picture from phone to image hosting site, and then paste URL from picture hosting site into post with the tags {img= your url} (don't use spaces and use "[" instead of "{")
It occurred on April 19, 2013 in BlackHawk Colorado at the Bull Durham casino.
This looks like 9/6/5 Double Bonus poker, but the single-coin pay for RF is 250, whereas on the Wizard site, it is listed as 800...is that correct?
In other words, is there a strategy on Wizard of Odds that I should be using to play this machine?

Quote: BlackHawkDownThis looks like 9/6/5 Double Bonus poker
Nice hit :)
Each strategy posted at WizardofOdds is for a specific scenario. For example, the Double Bonus is for a 10/7/5 non-progressive, max bet.
Any change of scenario requires strategy adjustment to achieve best results. The Wizard's calculator tools will identify the expected return for any combination of paytable values, and also generate strategy.
Quote: BlackHawkDownThis looks like 9/6/5 Double Bonus poker, but the single-coin pay for RF is 250, whereas on the Wizard site, it is listed as 800...is that correct?
The Wizard is not listing single coin pays. He is assuming that you are playing 5 coins, and listing the payouts as multiples of the 5-coin bets. It is standard in video poker for a royal flush to pay 250x your bet, until you get to 5 coins, at which point it jumps to 800x your bet. This is why it's always optimal to play 5 coins. (On non-progressive machines, you will usually see 250, 500, 750, 1000, 4000 across the top -- the 4000 is 800 * 5)
Quote:In other words, is there a strategy on Wizard of Odds that I should be using to play this machine?
You should be using his strategy. However, note that you are playing a progressive game. As the progressive payouts grow, it's possible that some strategy variations would be optimal. Not making these is usually not a big deal. If the progressive is really high compared to its base value, you can use his strategy calculator to find the best strategy for the particular payouts you are playing -- there may be some modifications. Eg, if the royal pays a lot more than usual, it's often correct to chase more royals -- in particular, you will hold 2 or 3 to a RF more often. It's not worth worrying TOO much about. If you can't memorize two strategies without messing one of them up, you're better off playing the base strategy mistake-free all the time.
I figured out I won this Jackpot on April 19th 2013.
I noticed that these machines reset the progressive pot to something odd, like 278.00 I'll check again when I am up there next.
I think that means the top payout starts not at 800, but at 1112, is that right?
I tried to work out a strategy using the WoO calculator, but that is for another thread, I guess. Seems straight forward to generate the strategy (although I haven't yet figured out how to factor in the progressive-ness), but then coming up with a coherent set of line item rules/guidelines is where I am right now.
It's great to be part of this forum! I hope to learn lots!
Quote: BlackHawkDownHere is my first Royal Flush.
It occurred on April 19, 2013 in BlackHawk Colorado at the Bull Durham casino.
This looks like 9/6/5 Double Bonus poker, but the single-coin pay for RF is 250, whereas on the Wizard site, it is listed as 800...is that correct?
In other words, is there a strategy on Wizard of Odds that I should be using to play this machine?
Blackhawk, is this a stand alone progressive or it on a linked bank of machines. Do you know what the meter speed is?
Quote: mickeycrimmQuote: BlackHawkDownHere is my first Royal Flush.
It occurred on April 19, 2013 in BlackHawk Colorado at the Bull Durham casino.
This looks like 9/6/5 Double Bonus poker, but the single-coin pay for RF is 250, whereas on the Wizard site, it is listed as 800...is that correct?
In other words, is there a strategy on Wizard of Odds that I should be using to play this machine?
[image snipped]
Blackhawk, is this a stand alone progressive or it on a linked bank of machines. Do you know what the meter speed is?
This is in a bank of maybe 10 machines. Sorry, I do not know the meter speed as I didn't know to check for something like that. Next time I go there I will try to figure it out.
Quote: BlackHawkDownHere is my first Royal Flush.
It occurred on April 19, 2013 in BlackHawk Colorado at the Bull Durham casino.
This looks like 9/6/5 Double Bonus poker, but the single-coin pay for RF is 250, whereas on the Wizard site, it is listed as 800...is that correct?
In other words, is there a strategy on Wizard of Odds that I should be using to play this machine?
The 800 is the number of coins for the royal. I'm assuming on this machine it's $200 for the royal at reset. That's 4000 nickels, or 800 nickels per coin bet. To get the correct strategy for the moment you hit this, take the $307.07 and multiply by 20 to convert to coins and then divide by 5 to get a per coin. Do the same for the SF and Aces.
Quote: vetsenQuote: BlackHawkDownHere is my first Royal Flush.
It occurred on April 19, 2013 in BlackHawk Colorado at the Bull Durham casino.
This looks like 9/6/5 Double Bonus poker, but the single-coin pay for RF is 250, whereas on the Wizard site, it is listed as 800...is that correct?
In other words, is there a strategy on Wizard of Odds that I should be using to play this machine?
[image snipped]
The 800 is the number of coins for the royal. I'm assuming on this machine it's $200 for the royal at reset. That's 4000 nickels, or 800 nickels per coin bet. To get the correct strategy for the moment you hit this, take the $307.07 and multiply by 20 to convert to coins and then divide by 5 to get a per coin. Do the same for the SF and Aces.
I'm tackling this in another thread https://wizardofvegas.com/forum/gambling/video-poker/16936-my-local-casino-double-bonus-strategy/#post323702, and I see that $307 is around 1200 coins - which is what I am using to get a strategy. As I recall (I will check next time I go) the machines in this bank reset to around $275. I originally thought it was $200 but noticed the reset value was much higher. And the machines are usually at or near $300 whenever we visit this place.
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceThis "jackpot pictures" thread has too high of a bar. We need a thread for pictures of missed 4-to-a-royal draws.
Definitely agree, but I guess the problem is that it's so completely unremarkable to miss on a 1-in-47. There needs to be an aspect of rarity, such as holding TJQK suited and filling the straight flush instead of the royal :(
I have some photos from my occasional 100-play sessions. I only have one instance of "whiffing" with 4-to-a-royal while playing all lines. Playing Deuces Wild, I once held three deuces and failed to find a fourth deuce on any of the 100 lines, but that's only moderately remarkable.
Quote: gpac1377Definitely agree, but I guess the problem is that it's so completely unremarkable to miss on a 1-in-47. There needs to be an aspect of rarity, such as holding TJQK suited and filling the straight flush instead of the royal :(
I have some photos from my occasional 100-play sessions. I only have one instance of "whiffing" with 4-to-a-royal while playing all lines. Playing Deuces Wild, I once held three deuces and failed to find a fourth deuce on any of the 100 lines, but that's only moderately remarkable.
I've only ever made one Royal flush in my life, and that was dealt.
Clearly, I need to play more video poker.
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceI've only ever made one Royal flush in my life, and that was dealt.
Wow. Your second royal will probably come on a redraw, lol.
Been running good since.
Started with this - (Now I see I should have held all 5 cards in case of malfunctions)

Day after X-Mas - $1000 royal on nickels

Three weeks ago

Two weeks ago

This weekend

Quote: BTLWIBeen running good since.
wowwowwow, nice hits, and I enjoyed the variety. You got the deuces holding 1, 2, 3 and 4 cards.
Quote: IbeatyouracesLook again.
What am I missing? 4 deuces paid $1000. Isn't that a $4 bet and not a $5 bet? $5 would have paid $4000.
Quote: IbeatyouracesFour deuces pay 1000 credits. The games he was playing are 20 credit max machines.
They pay tables look the same...is there any benefit to betting that much? Wouldn't 5 credits be optimal?
Quote: IbeatyouracesLooked like it to me.
Motorcity here used to have a bank of quarter progressives that started out at $2000 and the best game was 8/5 JoB. I thought sweet, the meter doesn't have to go all that far. I never played it and good thing I didn't as it took a while before I realized that it was a 10 coin game.
Mirage Sports Book bar has this set up too. Best game is even worse than 8/5 JoB, 30/6/5 Bonus (96.18% before progressive...bleh).
And these real money hits are paining me...
This is what I hit today. On my damn phone.

Quote: tringlomaneMirage Sports Book bar has this set up too. Best game is even worse than 8/5 JoB, 30/6/5 Bonus (96.18% before progressive...bleh).
And these real money hits are paining me...
This is what I hit today. On my damn phone.
I had a dealt royal on my phone playing 3 play STP a week before I had my recent dealt royal at Main Street Station.