Quote: IbeatyouracesHe had no multipliers from the previous hand.
omg.. didn't even catch that.
Quote: abacabbHere's one from a while back...
Why did you only get $5k?
shouldn't it be $6k?
Quote: 100xOddsQuote: abacabbHere's one from a while back...
Why did you only get $5k?
shouldn't it be $6k?
It appears the picture was taken in the middle of the credits being added....so it was $6K, but only the first $5K or so had been added before the picture was taken.
Quote: abacabbHere's one from a while back...
Yeah, but it was only on quarters.....meh. (Kidding! nice hit and perfect illustration to compare to the others re: multipliers.)

Quote: cmlotitoNot a jackpot, but I thought it was picture worthy.
Guess that Jack loves the ladies.
Quote: cmlotitoMy friend I was with got this after playing about 10 minutes of Good Times Pay. He said now that he got that he will never play it again. Four years and counting so far.
Nice hit. I like Good Times Pay I just have a hard time finding it with a good pay schedule.
Quote: cmlotitoSecond dealt Royal I got in my life. Pooled money with a friend to take a shot at 5 Play Multistrike and got this after a few hours of play. The machine auto held all 5 cards and advanced to next level without me touching any buttons. I was like, WTF just happened and my friend is yelling at me to keep playing the next hand to finish it. It was kind of surreal.
Shame that royal had to come at times 1 instead of 8.
And someone nicely left me this before hand...
Aces an easier way...
I did that once with AK suited while playing Super Aces Bonus, that was pretty sweet!
On Sunday night, I saw the ultimate x holy grail at Tunica Roadhouse, it wasn't me though. :(
12x royal for $2400. He bricked on all the other 9 3 to a Royal draws.

Quote: tringlomane...On Sunday night, I saw the ultimate x holy grail at Tunica Roadhouse, it wasn't me though. :(
12x royal for $2400. He bricked on all the other 9 3 to a Royal draws...
One of the regulars last night who plays ten play nickel DDB UX got a dealt full house followed by a dealt straight flush. Had it not been at the bar, I would've gotten a picture.

Quote: rsactuaryWas that online for fun? I don't see a denomination.
I bit my tongue in that one. I've got better hands than that in play money. One of the main reasons i avoid play money now. I have no good reason to believe play money was rigged in my favor, but a 10x royal and a dealt AWAK on both TDB and DDB makes me a bit bitter. It would be one thing if i played a lot of play money games. But nah. Even at the nickel level, i would be up a couple grand in maybe 20k deals probably. But my real money royalless streak is almost 3 years, somewhere between 2 and 3 cycles probably.
Quote: rsactuaryWas that online for fun? I don't see a denomination.
Yes it was... Just warming up for vegas in 13 days and counting lol!
Quote: IbeatyouracesOn a trip waiting on a game. The hard way once again on Quick Quads...
Good looking picture! I hope it doesn't get deleted.
Quote: bigfoot66...Good looking picture! I hope it doesn't get deleted.
Hopefully you get deleted!

Quote: ncfatcatMy first Royal and with a multiplier to boot. At Harrah's Cherokee last weekend
Nice and in my back yard you dog, er cat you!
Quote: IbeatyouracesOn a trip waiting on a game. The hard way once again on Quick Quads...
Well if there is a quick way to make a royal on that game, I'm all ears! Nice hit! But speaking of that, last time I played quick quads, 6s, 8s, and Aces twice on 9/6 DDB, all the "hard way". Glad I wasn't playing 9/6 Jacks!
And awesome hit ncfatcat!
Quote: tringlomaneWell if there is a quick way to make a royal on that game, I'm all ears! Nice hit! But speaking of that, last time I played quick quads, 6s, 8s, and Aces twice on 9/6 DDB, all the "hard way". Glad I wasn't playing 9/6 Jacks!...
I did have aces, no kicker about half hour before the royal.
Quote: ncfatcatMy first Royal and with a multiplier to boot. At Harrah's Cherokee last weekend
SaaaaWEET! Congrats.
Thank you.
Back to your regularly scheduled program.

thought I was playing ddb.
wished it was ddb. 2 hands had a kicker.
and yeah, obviously I wished it was dw :)
Quote: 100xOddswished it was ddb. 2 hands had a kicker.
and yeah, obviously I wished it was dw :)
And you wish it was a $100 game :-)

I think I just wasted all my luck in getting quads for the next year. (for this plus dealt Quad 2's last week -> see 2 posts above.)
big hands at $0.05 denom...
yeah, I know it's all random but it just feels that way.

Quote: djatcDat 6/5 :(
Lmao yeah. I figured I was only playing a little while and didn't want to sit in smoking area.
The nice lder lady sitting next to me hit 3750 on keno 2 times in ten minutes then switched to TDB and hit a royal. I almost got up and left. Glad I didnt.

Quote: tringlomaneWhat casino was offering a max 8 credit bet???
Small native joint in Wisconsin, where i live.

Yes I count multipliers as another RF. How much VP do you normally play? My buddy and I don't play a ton, but we do play VP an okay amount of the time. I've hit 2 Royals in the last year span and he's never hit one. Do you just play a lot more than us or are we short on our Royals? =P