Quote: AxelWolfI believe its all a big hoax(*refer to B79 who strung evryone one along till the last minute for much less)
Quote: AxelWolfHe has posted some pictures of rooms, food, cash and watches and logged onto some players casino account. All this is meaningless to me. We have seen it all before, and there have been times where it has been fake.
This, coming from a guy who thought that markers with the signature torn out of them were not yet paid back, who thought that a CTR is an actual slip of paper handed to a table game winner who cashes out more than ten thousand in chips, and who thought that a table game winner of seven figures would cash out – in cash.
What he has stated, is that he could manufacture easily all the same visual evidence,
Quote: AxelWolfWhat leads you to believe any of that is real? We have seen member's fake such things.
Should I go though the trouble of faking all the things he's posted up?
which would include:
-stacks of cash
-stacks of chips
-millions of dollars in paid off markers
-casino checks issued for wins
-pictures and videos of high end timepieces
-pictures of winning Baccarat shoes
-pictures of large Vegas high roller suites
-pictures of gourmets meal eaten at casino resort restaurants
-pictures of the television screen inside the suites, and paper folios, that prove full RFB comps.
-actual video of WIN statements while logged in live to player card accounts to substantiate all alleged wins
to back up a faked AxelWolf narrative to rival MDawg’s.
Well, he has either obliquely or directly stated this more than once. And this MDawg challenge by the way, goes for anyone, not just for AxelWolf.
If anyone, AxelWolf included, is able to produce a three year long faked Adventures thread that supports the evidence to anywhere near the same level I have, I will pay that person $5000. And as a follow up, I will post four pictures of watches of mine where each of those watches is valued at around $160,000 - $170,000. each. Watches which I have not posted before.
So have at it AxelWolf. Where’s your faked evidence, if it is so easy to produce? You better figure out how markers work first though, before you start trying to fake them. Hint: when they are handed back to the player, after being paid off, is pretty much the only time anyone would get a chance to take a picture of them. And if the signature is torn out – hint again: it means it was paid. Wouldn’t want you to trip up and produce something that didn’t look right. *Wink.
I can just see it:
Some guy not playing hangs around the high end tables. Uh, hey, uh, do you think I could get that marker, you know, just as a souvenir, now that you paid it.
Just, you know, you paid it right, you tore the signature out, may I have it?
Excuse me?
Just as, you know, a souvenir?
To the pit boss: Who is this guy? Get him out of here.
Sir…! [as the mendicant runs away.]
Similar convos:
Hey, do you think I could get a picture of your watch? How about fifteen of your watches? Could I take them home with me, I promise to return them after I take the pictures, and videos
To Hotel management: I’m a journalist could I please get into your suites, put my vitamin bottles, boxes of tea around the suite, and haberdashery in the closet for some pictures? I promise to keep my feet off the bed (a la Rob Singer).
To casino host: Hey, you don’t know me, but ya’ think you could enter some bogus numbers into my player account? I’m just a low end slots player I never played big my entire life but still, do you think you could, just so I could show my internet friends? Here’s a bottle of Captain Morgan as a gift. Please?
To casino cage: hey here’s a deposit of some cash, do you think you could cut a check for me against it? What, no, why not? What do you mean that would violate anti money laundering laws. I just wanted to pretend that I won it. Shucks.
To restaurants: I’m a food critic, do you think I could get some free meals on wheels to take pics of and post on my website?
Have at it AxelWolf, your audience is waiting! If it’s so easy to fake the Adventures of MDawg, I am sure that your pictorial narrative will end up just as convincing.
As far as I am concerned, you’re all talk. You’ve been claiming for some time that you could post all the same things I have, which would imply that you could create a compelling and consistent narrative to rival mine.

Well then, why didn’t you mang?
No one here has watched you gamble, or for that matter, even met you, am I correct, MDawg? I think even just a meetup with someone like the Wiz, or even me if I was in Vegas, would go a long way towards making your saga more believable, don't you? Mike only has the truth as a guiding principle; you would have no personal risk in meeting him for lunch.
Quote: MDawgThe challenge remains. I'm paying $5000. to anyone who is able to create a Faked thread like mine, which I contend that my thread is all true. AxelWolf has said he could do it, now will he? I doubt it - because it's not possible to fake the real thing and make it look plausible.
So you are saying that you still won't let anyone watch you to verify your claims?
So, wait a minute...if someone goes to the trouble of faking all the stuff you have, the winner of the challenge get a prize of you faking more stuff, a prize consisting of something you enjoy doing to feed your ego in the first place? That would be like winning a bet/challenge with The Wizard and your prize/ and his his penalty would be watching him ride a unicycle while solving math problems.
I get it, you just needed another nonchalant to mention some new watches.
How about the winner gets... oh, let think about a good number...how about, lets say,
In any case, I already said I believe you work for someone involved with buying and selling Rolexes. That would explain a lot.
Didn't Mike tell YOU to put up or shut up? QUIT TRYING TO CHANGE THE NARRATIVE.
Must I keep having to mention to you that you have dodged any actual meet ups with anyone here for years that could verify anything about you and I have meet perhaps 100 people from the forums alone.
Quick, run along and tattle like you always do... I can play that game too. It must be very aggravating for you knowing I have you all figured out. FYI I only skimmed all this nonsense in case I missed something.
NEXT it has to be possible to fake it. I contend there is no way.
Prove me wrong. 😆 Scarface was offered FIVE GRAND - same as I'm offering you. You've implied that you're willing to do it just to prove a point...now you get $5000. on top of proving your point. 😇
MDawg is just out to try to discredit anyone that doesn't believe his claims, in this case Axelwolf.
Quote: MDawgFIRST you have to know something about the topic matter. I contend that you do not. Including as demonstrated by your trip ups trying to comment on this level of play.
NEXT it has to be possible to fake it. I contend there is no way.
Prove me wrong. 😆 Scarface was offered FIVE GRAND - same as I'm offering you. You've implied that you're willing to do it just to prove a point...now you get $5000. on top of proving your point. 😇
I for one do believe that you play as big as you claim. I just don't believe that you can win at the 90% that you claim. Prove it.
Everything together is compelling, and cannot be faked, is what I contend.
More beating a dead horse for some good old smoke and mirrors. It must suck knowing that's all you think you got...Quote: MDawgFIRST you have to know something about the topic matter. I contend that you do not. Including as demonstrated by your trip ups trying to comment on this level of play.
NEXT it has to be possible to fake it. I contend there is no way.
Prove me wrong. 😆
I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you on the forums (probably IRL)
I own you bro. I'm bored with you, for now , so you'll have to play with yourself.
Quote: MDawgWell, this thread is an attempt to prove my claims --- because within the evidence that AxelWolf claims would be so easy to fake, are the WIN statements from the casinos...I have provided those via live video. If those are so easy to fake, let AxelWolf provide them along with everything else. Obviously win statements in a vacuum are not all the Adventures of MDawg are about, they are part and parcel of the entire trip report, and provided to back up the wins.
Everything together is compelling, and cannot be faked, is what I contend.
The only thing anyone cares about is if you win or lose. The rest is meaningless.
Unless of course everything is faked, which it sounds like AxelWolf is conceding that he's "bored" and couldn't be bothered to post up the evidence that he has stated would be so easy to "fake."
Oh, DrRch. Not you...Quote: DRichI for one do believe that you play as big as you claim. I just don't believe that you can win at the 90% that you claim. Prove it.
Care to make a wager on that? Perhaps MaxPen wants a shot at winning some money back.
Quote: AxelWolfOh, DrRch. Not you...
Care to make a wager on that? Perhaps MaxPen wants a shot at winning some money back.
No, I don't want to bet on it. I just know there are tons of high rollers out there everyday. I also know that they don't win.

All he's doing is betting you that I am not in fact a high roller betting at the levels I have claimed in my day by day trip reports? Are you kidding? I'll take that action all day long. How much? I predict he'll shortly back down or create some sort of qualifier now, the way he did with Wizard's watch.
Quote: MDawg
If anyone, AxelWolf included, is able to produce a THREE YEAR LONG faked Adventures thread that supports the evidence to anywhere near the same level I have, I will pay that person $5000.
I bolded what I see as the most relevant part of the challenge.
MDawg, are you saying that someone has to post a fake thread FOR THREE STRAIGHT YEARS? to win the challenge.
I don't see how someone can "produce a three year long faked adventure thread... near the same level I (MDawg) have" without the challenger actually posting for three years.
Posting a thread for a week would qualify only as a week long thread
This sounds like another of your ridiculous challenges, in this case instead of investing fifty grand you want an investment of three years.
So people can collect $5,000 in the year 2023. (and who is going to decide if the challenger is successful? You lol)
Quote: kewljHow is this thread not trolling?
After Wizard's 'put up or shut up' I'd tend to agree.
What MDawg does, he does very well. His 'narrative' : Defined in the Cambridge dictionary as "a story or describing a series of events:" is compelling and quite well researched and illustrated.
Now that he himself has described it as a 'narrative' I will have no qualms calling his sequence of threads 'a story' and calling him a story-teller.
Wizard has said that we are allowed to say we don't believe his story. I don't believe his story. I wonder why he wastes his valuable time posting it here.
Unless and until, he presents himself to an established member, I'll continue to not believe his story. Not one word.
I'm not calling him a liar because that would be to accuse him. I accuse myself of not believing. I can't prove the tooth fairy does not exist either, but I can still not believe.
Quote: DRichNo, I don't want to bet on it. I just know there are tons of high rollers out there everyday. I also know that they don't win.
I have always respected your knowledge and intelligence and you're an all around cool guy, but, I think you haven't been following all this close enough.
So you don't have enough confidence in your belief to wager on it? Would you put your belief confidence at 50/50?
Oh, I totally agree, there are tons of high rollers out there everyday. I'm fairly confident MDawg isn't one of them.
This is the same B79 crap all over again.
Willing to wager on it? I need more free money.Quote: kewljThe high roller is POSSIBLE. The winning isn't.
And I challenge anyone to fake what I have posted.
And that didn't take 152 words (686 characters) to say.

Quote: AxelWolfWilling to wager on it? I need more free money.
Quote: ChumpChangeSo where does the money go once you've paid off your markers? Chips and cash?
I leave the table with chips. Then, if the amount I am cashing out isn't too much, I will cash it. If over say five or six grand, I just stockpile the chips until the end of the trip, where, assuming I haven't blown the chips by losing them on any losing sessions, I convert these chips into a casino winning payout check. Which is why this last trip I ended up with the check for about 47 grand and about 27 grand in cash.
There are two reasons not to cash out too much. (1) Cash out too much and the casino will threaten to temp close your credit line. I have explained this more carefully previously. (2) Cash out more than ten grand over 24 hours and they will report it via CTR. (Typically when I cash out a few grand or less they usually don't even ask for my player card, so it's done anonymously.)
This last trip, as the winning chips I had stored got higher and higher, I actually made a special trip to the table to color them up. I didn't have to, but I wanted to. Eventually I got a 25K chip. I fell just short of a second 25K chip this last trip. Then I converted those chips to the 47K or so check, and took home the 27 or so in cash. I deposited the check and just threw the cash into the safe deposit box at the bank when I had a chance.
One thing I learned the hard way this trip, which I just got too used to having no losing sessions, was not to bring winning chips to my sessions. I did have the one session this trip where I blew a lot, but as described at the TruePassage forum and you read about ChumpChange, I walked across the street and recouped most of it in one session elsewhere. But if I hadn't had all those chips with me I wouldn't have lost so much in the first place before I stopped. When you have your credit line alone, you play a certain way, but have your credit line plus a good sum of chips, and you might play differently, or at least - that is what the casino is hoping you'll do if you get on a bad run.
Oh crap, I only skimmed his post and missed the 5k offer. Now we are talking.Quote: darkozI bolded what I see as the most relevant part of the challenge.
MDawg, are you saying that someone has to post a fake thread FOR THREE STRAIGHT YEARS? to win the challenge.
I don't see how someone can "produce a three year long faked adventure thread... near the same level I (MDawg) have" without the challenger actually posting for three years.
Posting a thread for a week would qualify only as a week long thread
This sounds like another of your ridiculous challenges, in this case instead of investing fifty grand you want an investment of three years.
So people can collect $5,000 in the year 2023. (and who is going to decide if the challenger is successful? You lol)
How do we know someone won't spend their time and not get paid if they succeed? Does anyone known and trustworthy have enough confidence to pay it if he doesn't? I'm willing to take on this challenge as long as there's exact requirements that are reasonable.
Quote: darkoz
MDawg, are you saying that someone has to post a fake thread FOR THREE STRAIGHT YEARS? to win the challenge.
WIN statements aren't available until the end of each year...I've posted for 2018, 2019 so far. Will post 2020, when available.
Quote: MDawgAgain, now I am sounding like a broken record, but all of the evidence taken together proves the winning trip reports and was not faked. If it can be faked, I am willing to pay anyone who is able to do it - see post #1 of this thread. My challenge is very clear.
Yes it does sound like a broken record. Look documents CAN be faked or manipulated, but you know what can't be is witnessing with one's own eyes.
Look if I claim I can run a 3 minute mile, no one is going to accept statements from people "claiming" to have seen me do it. The proof would HAVE to be people witnessing it for themselves.
Until you agree to that this can't end.
Quote: AxelWolfWilling to wager on it? I need more free money.
Of course not. You likely have information that I don't have. And frankly I don't care about that part of it. I don't care if he is a high rolling lawyer or a watch salesman in town on business or whatever. I only care that the claims, as stated, can't be. Defies math.
But not accepting the Wizards current challenge?
That's false. The winning is definitely possible. Playing a winning system, given what he has disclosed, is what is not possible. It's all about having information, and nothing that the poster has said at any point in any post they have made indicates that they have any information beyond what a recreational gambler has. That's all you need to know to dismiss everything they say about having a winning system. As for winning, that's irrelevant.Quote: kewljThe high roller is POSSIBLE. The winning isn't.
Those lucky enough to be two standard deviations above expectation will get a solid couple of years of play still being a winner. That's about a 1-in-40 shot. Some of those lucky folks are also delusional narcissistic egomaniacs, or they are trolls, or they are scammers, frauds and liars. Just go on YouTube and look at some of the claims posters make there. Most of the 1-in-40 believe they know something, even though they don't know anything. Their friends may believe they know something and want to gamble "their way" or solicit advice. That's how new "systems" get started. And it is a very rare individual among those 1-in-40 who knows they were just lucky.
And those 1-in-600 (or so) who are close to 3 standard deviations can get two years of extensive play and still be a winner, while playing a losing system. Imagine the mind games that plays on them and their view of themselves as skilled.
So I think Axel has already won the bet.
Personally, I would plan on losing a couple thousand hands.
With $50K, I could have fifty 25 hand buy-ins, or a 1250 hand bankroll with $1,000 buy-ins.
I have no other information than what you can read on the forums, at least not that would pertain to this bet or change what I have been saying from day one.Quote: kewljOf course not. You likely have information that I don't have. And frankly I don't care about that part of it. I don't care if he is a high rolling lawyer or a watch salesman in town on business or whatever. I only care that the claims, as stated, can't be. Defies math.
I have just been following along.
A few years back I was asked to investigate a baccarat player who had won tens of millions of dollars from a casino as a consistent winner over a period close to 3 years. He was a high-roller, with a maximum bet on baccarat of about $125,000. Those in management who were savvy about risk understood that this person was most likely just lucky, but few in upper management believed them. So they called in the experts.
I was among a small handful of experts who were hired to scrutinize how this person played and give a risk assessment. The casino kept careful records of each session of play. I also looked at video footage, inspected the cards, looked at the room where it happened, talked to dealers and did everything else you can imagine someone who is investigating a large financial loss might do. Without fail, every single person who looked at this player came to the same conclusion that I did -- he was lucky. We got various estimates of his luck, he was somewhere between 2.5 and 3.0 standard deviations above expectation for the period of his play.
Then I retired.
Then, about three months back I heard again from the casino, purely a friendly call. Guess what? The player had lost it all back, and a lot more. Bravo to the casino for not backing off this player, and instead, listening to the experts and realizing that every wager the player made was a loser, it was just a matter of time.
First thing that always comes to my mind when someone claims to win almost every session is some kind of progression wagering which will result in many wins but not a long term winning strategy.
I hate it when someone like you comes along and says it is possible. The person making the claim gains new credibility. It's like the scene from dumb and dumber. 1 in a million chamce. "So your telling me there's a chance".
Look after years of this Wizard said "show me". So let's leave it at that.
Anyway, I read Planet Hollywood in LV has a $100K max bet game.
Carry on.
Quote: WizardI'm just popping in to say that I'm watching to make sure everybody behaves. This time, more than any, is a good time to discuss issues of skepticism, evidence, and proving a claim. I hope we can continue to discuss these topics in a friendly manner.
Carry on.
How the hell is this not the biggest troll ever???? He complains nonstop and gets people suspended but he’s allowed to do this? Come on lol
I do find his writing ability spectacular. It takes a certain genius to weave a novel like he has!
The reason no one here actually believes there will be a bet is that no one here believes that when push comes to shove they will see you and your money. There will be dozens if not hundreds of back and forth posts with a never ending series of excuses as to why the bet is delayed.
Carry on. I think I’ll watch MMA tonight.
Quote: PokerGrinderHow the hell is this not the biggest troll ever???? He complains nonstop and gets people suspended but he’s allowed to do this? Come on lol
May I offer a radical suggestion to whose who don't like MDawg -- block him.
In other news, I removed the word "faked" from the title of this thread. It is now, "THE ADVENTURES OF AXELWOLF."
Quote: WizardMay I offer a radical suggestion to whose who don't like MDawg -- block him.
In other news, I removed the word "faked" from the title of this thread. It is now, "THE ADVENTURES OF AXELWOLF."
While I agree with removing the word fake I don't think it's proper for someone else to create a thread of someone else's adventures.
What's next, MDawg is going to start the adventures of Darkoz?
I would not dream of starting myself the adventures of KewlJ etc