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The only thing I'm not crazy about is all 10 casinos I checked out use Evolution Gaming as their source for the live table games. Evolution recently opened another United States office in Detroit. I don't like it because they have their dealers crammed into a relatively small space and they're all sitting down. Roulette dealers in a real Casino never sit down. And they spin three outcomes every two minutes which means they spin 90 outcomes an hour. That's ridiculous, they give you almost no time to make a bat. Contrast Bovada which spins about 50 outcomes an hour. Evolution does this because the more spins per hour the more money they make. And it also defeats a lot of system and method players. You have to have it all figured out in your head because you don't have time to write anything down and study it. You have to know your game inside and out or you're going to make mistakes.
They have a game called live Auto roulette which is a computer simulation so I don't know why they call it live. Probably because other players are betting at the same time you are and you can see the results. Of course it's rigged just like all computer simulation games are rigged. But the only way you can find out it's rigged is to actually play it with real money. I played it for half an hour virtually was beating it hands down. The lowest amount you can bet is $0.10 so I started playing for real money and the first eight or ten spins were fine I was way ahead in units and then the computer caught on to what I was doing and started playing against me. It was just like playing chess with a computer, I could not get ahead. Now remember it wasn't just me that was playing, there were at least 10 other people. But I had a very discernible pattern, I wasn't making random bets, so it was easy for the computer to figure me out. I won and lost won and lost until I was eventually back where I started which is what always happens when I play a computer game.
Here's an example. At one point the number 27 appeared three times in a row which happens on a real wheel once in awhile. Then came the number 6 and then there were three 21's in a row. In all the years I've played I've never seen this on a real wheel. Then maybe eight spins later there were three 16's in a row. In the method I use it just totally screws me up to have this many numbers repeat themselves. This is what I was telling Oncedear a few weeks ago that playing against a computer it's going to throw totally wild outcomes at you, things you'll never see anywhere else. Of course he thinks I'm totally wrong but, of course I'm not.
Quote: FinsRuleMichigan online blackjack was wild. Players hitting 19. Crazy stuff.
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It's pretty exciting for me because just when I started playing
roulette Michigan outlawed online gaming. Right around 2006.
Been waiting for it to come back ever since. I'm not suffering
under any illusions, they are not going to let a consistent winner
play for very long before they ban him. And I'm sure all these
casinos that use Evolution gaming will talk to each other about
problem players. Much like how they used to send pictures of
card counters around to the different casinos to be posted in the pit.
I'm going to have to come up with a way to disguise my play
and I'm going to have to have losing sessions sometimes on purpose.
As it stands right now I never lose a session, I don't think it's possible.
The people here from Gamblers Glen will remember then I had a
30% edge over the casino 10 or 12 years ago. It was okay but it was
possible to lose sessions and to break even more than I liked.
I changed my game enough so that now my edge over the casino is
around 70%. This is pretty close to Holy Grail territory, because I win
every session I play. With an online casino after a very short time they
will become aware of this and I'm assuming will take steps to correct it.
I have to figure out a way to play my game inside of another game
so they can't figure out what I'm doing.
I’m fine being banned quickly from them for winning because I don’t live there.
Quote: FinsRuleMichigan online blackjack was wild. Players hitting 19. Crazy stuff.
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lmfao its not only michigan trust me on that
Quote: heatmapQuote: FinsRuleMichigan online blackjack was wild. Players hitting 19. Crazy stuff.
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lmfao its not only michigan trust me on thatlink to original post
Can we go California card room style and I get to bank the Blackjack, please?

Who you kidding...
Quote: linksjunkie..but 70% edge?Who you kidding..
You should have heard the grief I got 10 or 12 years ago when I was 30%.
That's because only a few extremely delusional people believed you. Unless there's a really good promotion, extremely biased wheel, use of some device or something really messed up... it's absolutely impossible that you have a 70% edge.Quote: EvenBobYou should have heard the grief I got 10 or 12 years ago when I was 30%.
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Quote: AxelWolfThat's because only a few extremely delusional people believed you.
Wrong. Nobody believed me, absolutely nobody. They made
a huge deal out of it like it was the Holy Grail or something.
And believe me having a 30% Edge is not the Holy Grail, you
can still lose and even worse you can break even which is a
total waste of time.
The only reason a casino makes money on the palfrey 5+
percent edge they have on double zero roulette is because
the winners keep reinvesting their winnings until it's all gone.
The average casino win rate is closer to 18% at the end of the day.
Which still is not that great and they only make money because
they're doing it 24/7 usually on multiple wheels with scores of players.
With me I'm just playing short sessions, I have to have an edge that
is so out of sight it's unbelievable in order for me to win.
And it's statements like this that allows AP's or anyone with some math or gambling knowledge/ experience to come to a rightful conclusion that you don't have enough experience playing with a real advantage.Quote: EvenBob
And believe me having a 30% Edge is not the Holy Grail, you
can still lose and even worse you can break even which is a
total waste of time.
A 30% advantage with worldwide availability 24/7 365, including online from the comfort of your own home would be absolutely monstrous. If done right one could make millions without ever being detected. I would guess there are at least 40 different online casinos that have roulette easily available to you. With just a little ingenuity you open up the possibility significantly.
Of course, you can have some bad sessions with a 30% advantage, especially if there are only a few numbers to bet on, I'm sure someone could sim a 30% advantage on a single number(I doubt you are even dealing with a single number longshot) and it would show just how few spins it would take to have a 99% confidence level.
Your system (No, it's not a method) is total complete malarkey.
I think I a had a dream about this.
Quote: AxelWolf
A 30% advantage with worldwide availability 24/7 365, including online from the comfort of your own home would be absolutely monstrous.
All of which I have not had since 2006. I have only had it (checks watch) for
about 12 days. So keep on talking and keep on thinking, you'll figure it
out eventually. Everybody here knows so much more about what I do then me.
It's really quite amazing. Going to a local casino where I can play for about an hour
with a 30% edge is hit or miss on a good day. Because I do not bet every spin,
I only bet when the wheel is playing my game. Sometimes it is sometimes it isn't.
In Vegas I just go to another casino. In my local casino, I just go home. Get it?
Perhaps 12 days in your home state. All of that has been available for a long time elsewhere online. Even you have known about Bovada, and they are not the only good ones available to you. And your theory about them cutting you off is overstated, as I said before... Bovada has paid out individuals who were constantly winning significant amounts of money while abusing their bonus without them noticing for years. Even if they did notice, you could've simply made a few more accounts and put in some cover play on various different games and masked your patterns. And there were/are many other locations available. How someone who has supposedly succeed in figuring out how to magically beat roulette, where some of the greatest minds and all others have failed, but you can't figure out how to extract the most money, is mindboggling.Quote: EvenBobAll of which I have not had since 2006. I have only had it (checks watch) for
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about 12 days. So keep on talking and keep on thinking, you'll figure it
out eventually. Everybody here knows so much more about what I do then me.
It's really quite amazing. Going to a local casino where I can play for about an hour
with a 30% edge is hit or miss on a good day. Because I do not bet every spin,
I only bet when the wheel is playing my game. Sometimes it is sometimes it isn't.
In Vegas I just go to another casino. In my local casino, I just go home. Get it?
Perhaps 12 days in your home state. All of that has been available for a long time elsewhere online. ]Quote: AxelWolf
And I play Bovada and have never cashed
out because I refuse to deal in bitcoin. I
don't even have a bitcoin account. If I
ever cash out I will get a paper check.
There is nothing 'magical' about beating roulette,
just lots of hard work which nobody's willing to do.
Everybody wants everything handed to them on a
silver platter in gambling. It goes hand-in-hand
with laziness and wanting something for nothing.
There is only one person I know of who took it seriously
and looked into it and last I heard he's doing quite well.
Everybody else just laughs and laughs and wants to
know all the details of exactly what to do. Greed and
laziness, what a combination.