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March 26th, 2014 at 5:05:40 PM permalink
Quote: rob45

....but the simple remedy is to state that you are aware of the probabilities and that your method, although flawed, has been working for you, and that is why you hold the belief you do.
Unfortunately, this is a dream scenario for the casinos; they love system players for a reason- namely because the player continues to hold the firm belief that the holy grail has been found and the system continues to be followed even after the mathematics prove otherwise.
There is nothing wrong with "playing a system" if that's what floats your boat, but under no circumstance should you be claiming to "beat" the game without proving that you have an actual advantage.

Hello, rob45, I trust all is well with you.

That's why you're one of my favorite members: you are most succinct and, mostly, right. I have nothing but respect for you. Great post.

I win with my play, most of the time. When I do lose, I lose little (or as "little" as I can pare it to), and my recoup is forthcoming within the next session (or two, at most).

I cannot share my bet selection process, for fear of losing what is rightfully mine. It bears noting that I have shared my preferred MM plan.

I hope you understand...wait, scratch that...I know you understand.

Stay well.
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March 26th, 2014 at 5:13:20 PM permalink
So, what's your biggest loss ever?
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March 26th, 2014 at 5:32:28 PM permalink
Quote: AxiomOfChoice

So, what's your biggest loss ever?

Take the answer you get, triple it, and then you'll be within range of the truth.
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March 26th, 2014 at 5:56:36 PM permalink
Most of these system players won't put their money where their mouth is. Card counters, if they could play like system players would camp out all day at a BJ table and play away, because they know the math and the edge is quantifiable. No heat and a great tolerance for spreading or aggressive wonging will make a counter millions.

I put my money where my mouth is. I'm out here in Las Vegas making +EV bets day in and day out. I don't have a system, and if I had to call it that it would be "advantage gambling". I find situations where the return is higher then the cost, and play as much as my sanity and bankroll will allow. How many of these guys posting on the forums with a system can say that?
"Man Babes" #AxelFabulous
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March 26th, 2014 at 6:10:44 PM permalink
oops, wrong thread
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March 27th, 2014 at 8:11:19 AM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

And yet, the master won't risk squat to play more often and crush the game 'long term'.

When someone doesn't trust their own work enough to follow it through, it's all the evidence you need.

Hello, thecesspit, I trust all is well with you.

Yeah...I get that a lot..."Why not bet higher units sizes?" or "Why not play full-time?"

I cannot. I have family responsibilities that take precedence; in another year, that will not be the case, and I have every intention of full-time play.

As to the higher unit sizes...more on that in my next post.
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March 27th, 2014 at 8:22:39 AM permalink
Quote: AxiomOfChoice

So, what's your biggest loss ever?

$12,000. Trump Plaza. It was a Friday night. A night that I would never forget. Here's why:

I was seeking to recoup from poor Thursday night and Friday afternoon sessions, and bought in for $10,000, but had $5,000 in my pocket.

I wound up losing $12,000 of it that night. Now, the real kicker:

I should have won. My plays (at that time) had "come alive", but I found out, the hard way, that I didn't have the cojones to make some of those higher bets.

I was caught "over-betting". Now I'm sitting there, doubting myself, doubting my plays....and poof! doesn't take long to miss that winning train as it rolls on by rather quickly.

I was my own worst enemy that fateful night, and vowed to never, ever let that happen to me again.

So I pared my unit sizes down to much more manageable levels, both money- and psyche-wise.

And I'm winning more now than I ever, ever have before...even given the lesser unit sizes.

(Sidenote: I'm still "black chip"...but those days, especially in recoup mode, I was into the "pinks and pumpkins" more...I've also learned how to lose; how to accept losses as a part of the game, thereby keeping them both minor and recoverable.)
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March 27th, 2014 at 11:54:29 AM permalink
you can use this handy quiz to find out if you are lying about baccarat.

1)have you played more than 25,000 hands
2)are you ahead overall
3)are you ahead by over 100 betting units overall

if the answer to 1&2 is yes you are probably lying
if the answer to 3 is yes, you are probably lying
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March 27th, 2014 at 12:20:50 PM permalink
No, not really. That's why so many people fall for this negative progression nonsense.

If you are willing to risk several hundred units to win just one unit in your negative progression, you may very well end up being ahead hundreds of units before the inevitable happens.

It works really, really well, until it doesn't.
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March 27th, 2014 at 12:25:34 PM permalink
Quote: gr8player

(Sidenote: I'm still "black chip"...but those days, especially in recoup mode, I was into the "pinks and pumpkins" more...I've also learned how to lose; how to accept losses as a part of the game, thereby keeping them both minor and recoverable.)

LOL! I wish eagalite was still here, he'd jump
on this with both feet.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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March 27th, 2014 at 3:21:17 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

LOL! I wish eagalite was still here, he'd jump
on this with both feet.

Oh he is still here.

As RolexWatch (banned) and now Bmayo319.
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March 27th, 2014 at 9:19:32 PM permalink
I'm sad to see the gr88888888888one go, he is a serious cat with a style about him, hey hey.
" Life is a well of joy; but where the rabble drinks too, all wells are poisoned!" Nietzsche
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March 27th, 2014 at 9:22:25 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

LOL! I wish eagalite was still here, he'd jump
on this with both feet.

And to think, just a few short years ago, the johnO/egalite/etc was accusing you of hawking cheap watches on the e-bay. Amazing how times have changed, hey hey!
" Life is a well of joy; but where the rabble drinks too, all wells are poisoned!" Nietzsche
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March 28th, 2014 at 6:38:55 PM permalink
Quote: soxfan

I'm sad to see the gr88888888888one go, he is a serious cat with a style about him, hey hey.

gr8 doesn't really belong here. Always wondered why he kept coming back. Better for him to leave on his own terms. In other words he saw the end game here and colored out.
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April 7th, 2014 at 6:34:52 PM permalink
Quote: AnabelleT

Late last night I went to the casino with my friend to play Baccarat. She didn't play, she walked around and watched while I played for a little over an hour! It was fun! I'm so hooked! I ended up risking $400, the most I've risked yet, but it's okay, I can afford it. The good thing is I came out ahead about $50 (minus the Banker percentages I had to pay at the end). I guess I won't become rich playing Baccarat, but anyway this is not what I want to talk about.

I sat next to an old Asian man, I'm pretty sure he was Chinese. He was very quiet and had a nice stack of chips in front of him. I had bet different from him a couple of times before and he didn't say anything, but at one point he placed a bet on the Banker and I placed a bet on Player, he smiled and turned to me slowly asking me if I was really going to bet against him. He seemed incredibly confident and this made me a little uncomfortable, I wasn't betting AGAINST him? I was just playing the game. Anyway, I asked him if I was making a mistake. He said yes. And the croupier announced that there would be no more bets. He was right, Banker won that hand.

At this point (if I remember correctly) he said Baccarat has a deep mathematical structure that shouldn't be ignored. I didn't say anything and he clarified that there's a deep mathematical pattern that needs to be recognized and understood, and the more I play, the better I will see it and understand it, but that I had to pay attention. I told him I had been paying attention, but the truth is I'm not sure what to look for as far as pattern and I was talking to my friend between hands every now and then so I suppose I wasn't paying full attention.

He told me not be distracted while in the presence of Baccarat (something like that) and told me not to be a gambler. I asked him what he meant by that though I kind of understood. He said gamblers depend too much on luck, that I should be more informed than that and not be a gambler.

He continued with something like this ... "You lose when you don't pay attention, then blame it on bad luck. Watch the shoe unfold like a flower" He pointed to the screen. He was sooo cute!! Like an old martial arts master from a movie or something!

I've studied meditation and yoga for a long time, so what I usually do is quiet my spirit for a moment before making a decision as to where to go with my bet. I allow my intuition to help me make decisions. I'm fairly new to Baccarat (few months) and I think there may be something to this method if you want to call it that. But I don't know much about this mathematical structure and about recognizing patterns, etc. I recently ordered a couple of books so I can study the game further.

I have questions

Are there any recommended instruction or teachers of Baccarat out there other than the fishy stuff I've seen on youtube?

Is all this silly nonsense? Am I faling into some kind of mystical Baccarat trap? If so I may not mind, does it make a difference either way? I amy as well try something different, right?

PLEASE don't be mean, I've been reading other threads on here and I kind of know what you guys think, but because of my meditation and yoga background, I think maybe there MIGHT be a different approach.

I don't know.

I LOVE this game though! LOVE IT!

So did you find the old man? How are you doing now? Just curious. I've been looking for a system too. Every time I do a Google search, it brings me to this forum. I joined a while back but never really post. I figure someone will eventually post something but I always see the same few people arguing.

Just thought I post here because I just came across a video posted by one guy on youtube about a Baccarat Master. I followed his channel when he first uploaded videos but I never followed because he was so boring and his videos are so long. Somehow I came across his video when I was watching a HK movie called The God Of Gambers. Checked out his recent videos and it seems to make a lot of sense. I tried it a few times and it seems to be working. I think I will try it some more to see if it really works. If you are interested in trying, here is the link to his channel. I tried to post the video but it didn't work.

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