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December 22nd, 2013 at 2:40:40 PM permalink
I have done my research on the wizard's website and have been able to locate HA's for all of Three Card Poker's betting spots (specifically Ante/play, Pairplus and 6-card bonus) and have found that individually, the Pairplus and 6-card bonus have much higher HA than the Play/Ante alone. My question is, if you wager more on the Pairplus and 6-card bonus than the Ante/Play, how does that effect the total of all the HA's combined? ex: $5 on Ante and Play and $10 on both Pairplus and 6-Card Bonus
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December 22nd, 2013 at 2:50:25 PM permalink
You have to take the weighted average of the three.

For your example:

Ante/Play = 3.373% x $5/hand = $0.16865 loss/hand
Pairplus = 7.276% x $10/hand = $0.7276 loss/hand
6 Card Bonus = 18.098% x $10/hand = $1.8098 loss/hand
Total loss per hand = $2.70605
Total wager per hand = $25

Average house edge = $2.70605/$25 = 10.82%
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December 22nd, 2013 at 3:01:02 PM permalink
So the total House Advantage will not be affected by amount wagered, if I play more on Pairplus and 6-Card Bonus, theoretically I am losing more per hand, correct? I ask because some casinos do not allow you to wager more than your Ante on the bonus wagers, I think that it shouldn't matter as long as I am meeting the table minimum. Additionally, some casinos do not allow you to wager on the Pairplus or the 6-Card Bonus alone? Thank you for your input tringlomane..
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December 22nd, 2013 at 3:16:05 PM permalink
Quote: syrcusboss

So the total House Advantage will not be affected by amount wagered, if I play more on Pairplus and 6-Card Bonus, theoretically I am losing more per hand, correct? I ask because some casinos do not allow you to wager more than your Ante on the bonus wagers, I think that it shouldn't matter as long as I am meeting the table minimum. Additionally, some casinos do not allow you to wager on the Pairplus or the 6-Card Bonus alone? Thank you for your input tringlomane..

If you bet more on pairplus and 6 Card Bonus, yes, you lose more per hand, and the "average" house edge will increase. The average house edge of the three wagers will change based on the ratio of your wagers. That's why I took each individual bet's house edge, and multiplied it by the amount you wagered for each bet to determine your "expected loss per hand" for each wager.

Here is another example: $25 on ante and play, $10 on Pairplus, and $5 on 6 card bonus.

Ante and play: 3.373% x $25/hand = $0.84325 loss/hand
Pairplus: 7.276% x $10/hand = $0.7276 loss/hand
6 Card Bonus = 18.098% x $5/hand = $0.9049/hand
Total loss per hand = $2.47575
Total wager per hand = $40

Average house edge = $2.47575/$40 = 6.19%

The house edge is lower than the other example because you wagered more on the ante/play, which only has a 3.37% house edge.

And I agree with you. The house should not forbid a player from wagering more on pairplus/6 card bonus bets since they are better bets for the house.
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December 22nd, 2013 at 3:16:27 PM permalink

The total HA is sort of affected in the way trin calculated if you're always going to play all the bonus bets. But each of those 3 bets stands alone on how it pays. You're never going to improve the best bet HA among the 3 with proportional betting of the other two (which I think is really your question). You're just going to limit how much you decrease your odds from the best HA to whatever it is based on your proportions.

I've not seen it on that particular game where you're restricted on the amount of either bonus bet to a max of your ante, but I have seen other games where that restriction is in place. Could just be I don't play where you do.

I do know that, with Harrah's diamond 6 card bet promotion, you could not win the special bonuses (the 100K and the 1M) unless you bet both the ante and pairs plus as well. And I think, to win the 6 card, you have to bet the ante pretty much everywhere, but again, I haven't played "everywhere" so I don't know that.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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December 22nd, 2013 at 3:19:33 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

I do know that, with Harrah's diamond 6 card bet promotion, you could not win the special bonuses (the 100K and the 1M) unless you bet both the ante and pairs plus as well. And I think, to win the 6 card, you have to bet the ante pretty much everywhere, but again, I haven't played "everywhere" so I don't know that.

Yeah I think CET does require this...which is a bit dumb, but they probably realize that they will have a lot of people just betting $5 each on them, and they want to squeeze out an extra bet from people like that.
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December 22nd, 2013 at 3:30:54 PM permalink
Thank you both tringlomane and beachbum! Your answers were very informative.
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