This is the thread for the 2021 NFL Playoff Picks Game! For anyone who hasn't been following the 2021 NFL Picks Game:
If you are playing in that game, then you will either receive a PM (probably later tonight) asking for you to commit to playing the Playoff Picks Game, or alternatively, you have already committed.
For those of you who are not playing that game, you are still welcome to participate in this game and it is a total free roll, unlike the regular NFL Picks Games. If you wish to play in this game, simply make your intentions known in this thread OR you may PM me your intent to play.
With that, let's discuss the Rules for the 2021 Playoff Picks Game:
1.) Players will pick EVERY Point Spread and EVERY Over/Under for EVERY game throughout the Playoffs.
2.) The structure for scoring points will be as follows:
WildCard---1 Point per correct pick.
Divisional Playoffs---1.5 Points per correct pick.
Conference Championships---2 Points per correct pick.
Super Bowl---4 Points per correct pick.
3.) In addition to the Super Bowl Line itself, there will be ten Super Bowl prop questions asked and players will have the opportunity to score one point for each question answered correctly.
4.) The player(s) with the most points at the end of the game are the winners.
5.) TIEBREAKER: Players will submit what they think the final score of the Super Bowl is going to be with their Super Bowl Picks. Picking the winner will take the most priority, but after that, will be the closest on game score TOTAL. If that is also a tie, then whoever answered the most of the ten questions right will break the tie. If that is still a tie, then the result is a tie between the two players.
5a.) If the tie is for the, "You Suck," prize, then the opposite of the normal Tiebreaker rules will decide. You would want to pick the Super Bowl LOSER, etc...
For the Playoff Picks Game, the prizes are as follows:
1st Place: $150
2nd Place: $50
3rd Place: $25
You Suck: $25
There is no, "Most Average," prize for this game.
1.) Mission146
2.) Scolist
3.) JohnnyQ
4.) MWalz9
6.) Miplet
7.) UnJon
8.) Gordonm888
9.) RidetheEdge
10.) AZDuffman
11.) Sparty10K
12.) JohnZimbo
13.) BillRyan
14.) PlayYourCardsRight
15.) GenWyzgy
16.) Wizard
17.) IndyJeffrey
18.) JML24
19.) FourFiveFace
20.) EdCollins
21.) Gaming711
22.) VegasBrent
23.) MWLanca
24.) EricGarthwaite
I will send out the PM's for more commitments from players of the NFL Picks Game later this evening, or it might be tomorrow morning. If anyone not listed above would also like to participate in the Playoff Picks Game, then please either PM me to that effect or make it known in this thread. This game will not happen unless there are at least twenty players.
We also have the matter of a few unclaimed prizes from previous games that I should get off of my ledger, so I will be doing this:
Quote: Mission146Greetings!
Unclaimed/Donated Prizes
Okay, so I looked and the Perfection Bonuses that were unclaimed/donated were as follows:
Kuma: Donated $10 to NCAA Game (2020 Tournament Did Not Happen)
DJATC + BeachBumBabs: Total of $16.67 in Unclaimed Perfection Bonuses
When we establish whether or not we are going to have a Playoff game (when I get at least seventeen commitments) I will put it to a vote what we do with these funds. We can either carry them over to NCAA Tournament, just add them to Playoff Picks Prizes as they are now...or bet them on the Playoff Picks consensus winners. Assuming -110 Lines all the way, we could conceivably add:
26.67 + (26.67 * 100/110) = $50.91 (I assume rounds down always)
50.91 + (50.91 * 100/110) = $97.19
97.19 + (97.19 * 100/110) = $185.54
185.54 + (185.54 * 100/110) = $354.21
So, that would actually more than double the prize pool I am offering if our consensus could go 4-0.
That said, $25 is right about the line where I would feel better to take a vote on it than to just do something like that. We're obviously unlikely to go 4-0.
I obviously don't know what the Lines are going to be and they probably won't be -110 every single time...and they will possibly be different from the lines for the actual game...but I have decided that I will be doing this with the funds that have gone multiple years unclaimed.
In the event that the consensus is split, then an equal amount will be bet on however many teams it is split between...unless it is the Super Bowl, in which event we will simply not make a bet at all.
I'm also going to round the $26.67 in unclaimed monies up to $30, so we will be opening with a bet of $30.
In the event that we run the table, or stop betting this by the time the Super Bowl comes, all winnings and the original $30 will be added, proportionately, to the other prizes for this game. In other words:
1st Place: 60%
2nd Place: 20%
3rd Place & You Suck: 10%, each.
Just so everyone knows, I also won't really have time to line shop since I will barely have time to determine the consensus with enough time to still make the bet. It'll probably just be whatever the line is for PlaySugarhouse.
They didn't understand the rules. They didn't submit a pick for the pointspread winner AND for the Over/Under winner, for each game.
They were allowed to continue playing for the remaining weeks... but they were already ineligible for the Mr. Average (which we had that year) and the You Suck prize.
So let me point out and clarify... you are picking both the pointspread winner AND the Over/Under winner... for each and every postseason game.
This year, because of the new playoff format, 50 total points will be possible. (12+12+8+8+10=50)
Prior Winners:
2016 - FourFaceFive
2017 - Scottimus1 and WizardofNothing
2018 - GWAE and JohnnyQ
2019 - Not Held
2020 - kuma and Joeman
2021 - Not Held
2022 - ???
Without knowing if any other new joiners who have not previously posted are even different individual people, VegasBrent will be the final entrant that is permitted with a join date AFTER 12/12/2021 and fewer than five posts. All new participants will need to have a join date prior to that date and at least five posts all made prior to today.
The March Madness contest will likely have a similar stipulation, so if any readers who have not previously created accounts (or who have and have not yet posted) would do well to post a little bit.
I actually usually have a stipulation along these lines and just forgot to do it. That said, those to already throw their hat in are welcome to participate and will receive the reminder to make Picks whenever I send that.
Native Baltimoron, like Wiz, and never welshed on a bet. need info on how I can paypal winner.
PM if I am still here email buzzpaff gmail or I can paypal miplet $30 and he can forward $25 to the winner
Worse yet my HUMAN system would have won this year, CURSES FOILED AGAIN
Native Baltimoron, like Wiz, and never welshed on a bet. need info on how I can paypal winner.
PM if I am still here email buzzpaff gmail or I can paypal miplet $30 and he can forward $25 to the winner
Worse yet my HUMAN system would have won this year, CURSES FOILED AGAIN
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I believe you only wanted this sock to persist to enable you to honour a wager.
And now, you have given a means for whoever you owe, to get in contact with you. Very honourable.
Having done that, I see no reason to let this user ID persist, but I WILL allow the post to persist.
I'll also repeat your info, as a courtesy...
Creditors of this member should email him at " buzzpaff dot gmail dot com"
Quote: mwlancaCan I be in please?
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Sure, you only had three posts before this, but you've been a Member for several years.
I have sent a PM to Buzz and gave him my Paypal to send the $25 Entry Fee to. I will make sure that gets forwarded along with other funds I am taking care of when I do everything next week.
The Playoff Lines are as follows for the Wildcard Round:
Raiders (+5.5) @ Bengals (-5.5) O/U 49
Patriots (+4) @ Bills (-4) O/U 44
Eagles (+8.5) @ Buccaneers (-8.5) O/U 46
49ers (+3) @ Cowboys (-3) O/U 51
Steelers (+12.5) @ Chiefs (-12.5) O/U 46.5
Cardinals (+4) @ Rams (-4) O/U 49.5
I know EdCollins already said this, but I would like to remind all participants that you MUST pick every point spread and you MUST pick every game total.
That failing, you will not be disqualified, but you will take a loss for each line that you don't pick. In total, you should be making twelve Picks this week and it would be VERY MUCH PREFERRED if each individual pick appears on a separate line. An example set of picks (Taking Away Team and Over Just for Example) might appear:
Raiders +5.5
Raiders OVER 49
Patriots +4
Patriots OVER 44
Eagles + 8.5
Eagles OVER 46
49ers +3
49ers OVER 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers OVER 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals OVER 49.5
There are no confidence picks in the playoff game.
If you decide to play and are not listed, then you may simply PM me Picks before any games kick off as long as you have a Joined Date on or before 12/12/2021 AND have at least five lifetime posts all made before today.
ADDED: If there are any procedural questions or questions needed for rule clarification, this would be an excellent time to ask.
The Playoff Lines are as follows for the Wildcard Round:
Raiders (+5.5) @ Bengals (-5.5) O/U 49
Patriots (+4) @ Bills (-4) O/U 44
Eagles (+8.5) @ Buccaneers (-8.5) O/U 46
49ers (+3) @ Cowboys (-3) O/U 51
Steelers (+12.5) @ Chiefs (-12.5) O/U 46.5
Cardinals (+4) @ Rams (-4) O/U 49.5
I know EdCollins already said this, but I would like to remind all participants that you MUST pick every point spread and you MUST pick every game total.
That failing, you will not be disqualified, but you will take a loss for each line that you don't pick. In total, you should be making twelve Picks this week and it would be VERY MUCH PREFERRED if each individual pick appears on a separate line. An example set of picks (Taking Away Team and Over Just for Example) might appear:
Raiders +5.5
Raiders OVER 49
Patriots +4
Patriots OVER 44
Eagles + 8.5
Eagles OVER 46
49ers +3
49ers OVER 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers OVER 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals OVER 49.5
There are no confidence picks in the playoff game.
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Quote: EricGarthwaiteAdd me to the contest!
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I'm afraid you do not qualify in either posts or joined date. Make a few more posts and you will be able to play the March Madness contest when it comes around.
Quote: EricGarthwaiteAdd me to the contest!
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Quote: Mission146I'm afraid you do not qualify in either posts or joined date. Make a few more posts and you will be able to play the March Madness contest when it comes around.
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Welcome to the forum, Eric! I apologize, but I was not aware about these rules. Please stick around while I try to plead your case.
Quote: Mission146Quote: EricGarthwaiteAdd me to the contest!
link to original post
I'm afraid you do not qualify in either posts or joined date. Make a few more posts and you will be able to play the March Madness contest when it comes around.
link to original post
EricGarthwaite is in as he is known to the Wizard. Anyone else who is known to the Wizard (or any longtime participant) will be permitted to enter regardless of Join Date or number of posts if I can verify them to my satisfaction. People who qualify as longtime participants is a judgment that will be made in my sole discretion on a case-by-case basis.
The main reason for the Join Date and # of Posts requirements (which I usually do have and just forgot to put this time) is that I don't want any of the Trolls from other sites creating a bunch of BS accounts with BS IP's and stacking up entries that are all actually the same individual person.
I also apologize to Eric for any inconvenience.
Makes Sense to Me !Quote: Mission146The main reason for the Join Date and # of Posts requirements (which I usually do have and just forgot to put this time) is that I don't want any of the Trolls from other sites creating a bunch of BS accounts with BS IP's and stacking up entries that are all actually the same individual person.
Quote: jml24I am looking at the rules and I don’t see mention of the pick deadline. Did I miss it? Is it just before the first game kickoff for that weekend?
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That's correct. It might not be ideal, but with Saturday games, there's already a small enough window to make picks.
Reminders to go out within the next hour or two.
Added: I should be available to get the Picks up within minutes of the first game kicking off. I'm making mine this evening and will not change them, so I will be able to open and compile picks thereafter as they come in.
Picks will be posted within minutes of kickoff, or perhaps even before, if everyone on the, 'Wants to play,' list makes them.
Quote: Mission146Quote: jml24I am looking at the rules and I don’t see mention of the pick deadline. Did I miss it? Is it just before the first game kickoff for that weekend?
link to original post
That's correct. It might not be ideal, but with Saturday games, there's already a small enough window to make picks.
Reminders to go out within the next hour or two.
Added: I should be available to get the Picks up within minutes of the first game kicking off. I'm making mine this evening and will not change them, so I will be able to open and compile picks thereafter as they come in.
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Confirmed I received a PM of Mission’s picks.
Quote: Gaming711Where do I post picks?
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PM them to Mission146
Quote: Marcusclark66KC Chiefs
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First thing is that you would want to PM me your picks if you want to play the game. If you want to do that, however, you definitely qualify (posts & tenure) to play the game!
The second thing is that, even if I interpret that as KC to beat the spread, you will want to make 11 other picks, otherwise, can only score a maximum of one point this week which would not be a good start.
Quote: Marcusclark66KC Chiefs
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Them’s fighting words.
How many times do you need the messiah to point to the door before you finally leave the temple?
I bet you he can play a mean game of pinball.
I think that we have picks for everyone now, unless someone who wasn't on the list sent me Picks.
It's no matter as, if someone wanted to break all the picks down and do some kind of general fade strategy, it wouldn't provide any great advantage in the first week. With that, our Wildcard Round Picks (assuming no others come in) are as follows:
Raiders +5.5
Raiders UNDER 49
Patriots +4
Patriots UNDER 44
Buccaneers -8.5
Buccaneers OVER 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys UNDER 51
Chiefs -12.5
Chiefs OVER 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals UNDER 49.5
AZDuffman (I will fix the formatting later):
Raiders (+5.5)
Bills (-4)
Buccaneers (-8.5)
Buccaneers OVER 46
49ers (+3)
Steelers (+12.5)
Cardinals (+4)
Bengals over 49
Patriots +4
Patriots under 44
Eagles +8.5
Eagles over 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys over 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers under 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals over 49.5
Bengals (-5.5)
Bills (-4)
Buccaneers (-8.5)
Cowboys (-3)
Steelers (+12.5)
Cardinals (+4)
Raiders Under 49
Patriots Over 44
Eagles Over 46
49ers Over 51
Steelers Over 46.5
Cardinals Under 49.5
Raiders (+5.5)
Raiders under 49
Patriots (+4)
Patriots under 44
Eagles (+8.5)
Eagles under 46
49ers (+3)
49ers under 51
Steelers (+12.5)
Steelers under 46.5
Cardinals (+4)
Cardinals under 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raider over 49
Bills -4
Bills under 44
Eagles +8.5
Eagles over 46
49ers +3
49ers over 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers under 46.5
Cards +4
Cards over 49.5
Bengals -5.5
Bengals Over 49
Patriots +4
Patriots Under 44
Buccaneers -8.5
Buccaneers Under 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys Over 51
Chiefs -12.5
Chiefs Over 46.5
Cardinals +4
Rams Under 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raiders Over 49
Patriots +4
Patriots Under 44
Eagles +8.5
Eagles Under 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys Over 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers Under 46.5
Rams -4
Rams Over 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raiders UNDER 49
Patriots +4
Patriots UNDER 44
Eagles +8.5
Eagles UNDER 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys OVER 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers UNDER 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals Under 49.5
Bengals -5.5
Bengals OVER 49
Bills 4
Bills OVER 44
Eagles +8.5
Eagles UNDER 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys UNDER 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers UNDER 46.5
Rams -4
Rams UNDER 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raiders UNDER 49
Bills -4
Bills UNDER 44
Eagles +8.5
Eagles UNDER 46
49ers +3
49ers UNDER 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers UNDER 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals UNDER 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raiders/Bengals under 49
Bills -4
Bills/Patriots under 44
Buccaneers -8.5
Buccaneers/Eagles over 46
49ers +3
49ers/Cowboys over 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers/Chiefs under 46.5
Rams -4
Rams/Cardinals over 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raiders Under 49
Bills -4
Bills Over 44
Buccaneers -8.5
Buccaneers Over 46
49ers +3
49ers over 51
Chiefs -12.5
Chiefs over 46.5
Rams -4
Rams Under 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raiders Over 49
Bills -4
Bills Under 44
Buccaneers -8.5
Buccaneers Over 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys Over 51
Cardinals +4
Cardinals Under 49.5
Chiefs -12.5
Chiefs Over 46.5
Bengals -5.5
Bengals under 49
Bills -4
Bills under 44
Buccaneers -8.5
Buccaneers over 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys under 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers under 46.5
Rams -4
Rams under 49.5
Bengals -5.5
Bengals Under 49
Patriots +4
Patriots Over 44
Buccaneers -8.5
Buccaneers Under 46
49ers +3
49ers Under 51
Chiefs -12.5
Chiefs Under 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals Over 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raiders UNDER 49
Bills -4
Bills UNDER 44
Buccaneers -8.5
Buccaneers OVER 46
49ers +3
49ers UNDER 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers UNDER 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals UNDER 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raiders UNDER 49
Bills -4
Bills UNDER 44
Eagles +8.5
Eagles UNDER 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys UNDER 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers OVER 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals OVER 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raiders over 49
Patriots +4
Patriots under 44
Eagles +8.5
Eagles under 46
49ers +3
49ers under 51
Chiefs -12.5
Chiefs under 46.5
Rams -4
Rams under 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raiders OVER 49
Bills -4
Bills UNDER 44
Eagles +8.5
Eagles OVER 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys OVER 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers OVER 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals OVER 49.5
Bengals - 5.5
Bengals UNDER 49
Patriots +4
Patriots UNDER 44
Buccaneers - 8.5
Buccaneers OVER 46
49ers +3
49ers UNDER 51
Chiefs -12.5
Chiefs OVER 46.5
Rams -4
Bengals -5.5
Bengals OVER 49
Patriots +4
Patriots UNDER 44
Buccaneers -8.5
Buccaneers UNDER 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys OVER 51
Steelers +12.5
Steelers OVER 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals OVER 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Raiders UNDER 49
Bills -4
Bills UNDER 44
Buccaneers -8.5
Buccaneers UNDER 46
Cowboys -3
Cowboys UNDER 51
Chiefs -12.5
Chiefs UNDER 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals OVER 49.5
Raiders +5.5
Patriots +4
Eagles +8.5
Cowboys -3
Chiefs -12.5
Cardinals (+4) @ Rams (-4) O/U 49.5
Bengals UNDER 49
Bills UNDER 44
Buccaneers UNDER 46
Cowboys UNDER 51
Chiefs UNDER 46.5
Rams UNDER 49.5
Bengals -5.5
Bengals Over 49
Patriots +4
Patriots Under 44
Buccaneers -8.5
Buccaneers Under 46
49ers +3
49ers Over 51
Chiefs -12.5
Chiefs Under 46.5
Cardinals +4
Cardinals Under 49.5
1.) We had 24 players indicate an interest in playing and have 24 sets of Picks submitted---which is why I thought that was all of them---but FCBLCommish is playing and wasn't on the list of people who were playing (which wasn't required---his PICKS DO play) and EricGarthwaite was sent a reminder, but thought he was not eligible.
I sent EricGarthwaite a PM stating that he is eligible and can play as long as he can submit his Picks before the first game kicks off.
2.) BillRyan only picked five games (10/12 picks made) so, in the interest of full disclosure, I want to let everyone know I sent him a PM making him aware of that so it can be remedied as long as he sends the missing two picks prior to the first game kicking off.
3.) I will fix any formatting errors at some later time.
4.) EdCollins' automatic scoring system should work for this game as long as he will be kind enough to use it. I will just have to fix the formatting errors and then, after his grader does its work, all I will have to do is convert wins to points.
The only thing his grader might not be able to do is grade the questions in the Super Bowl round, so I can just grade all of those Picks by hand.
5.) In terms of our consensus bet with unclaimed prizes from previous games, unless I made a mistake, the most ATS consensus is both Raiders and Cardinals with fifteen ATS Picks. With that, I personally like the Raiders ATS better, so that's where it's going. I'm sorry if it loses, but this wouldn't even be an issue had all of the prizes from previous contests be think of it as, "House Money," anyway. Hopefully that wins and we can run the table and substantially increase the prizes for this game!***
***ADDED---Originally, I would have split the unclaimed funds to match the consensus picks that I counted, but that doesn't seem to make much sense to me. Because we are trying to run the table to the Super Bowl, we actually want the variance. If one split pick were to win and the other were to lose, then we would be going into Divisional Round (where Divisions usually don't play teams within their division---just call it the CONFERENCE SEMI-FINALS!!!)---with less than the $30 that we are starting with this week.

(Revised to include the two missing picks.)
I'll update this at the end of each day, rather than just once on Monday night.
Once I enter the spread winner and the over/under winner in the designated sport for each game, formulas will take of the grading and color formatting.

Quote: EdCollinsThis is what I have for the consensus:
(Revised to include the two missing picks.)
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Three way consensus tie ATS, but 19-5 for Pats/Bills to go under?
The people have spoken and the people say we are officially betting $30 Pats/Bills UNDER.
The line moved from UNDER 44 to UNDER 43 since the lines were posted, so I sold a half point and took UNDER 43.5 at -121. The $30 wager has been placed and we are looking at a potential return of:
(30 * 100/121) + 30 = $54.79 (Which includes the original $30) if this bet is a win.
Quote: Mission146Greetings!
1.) We had 24 players indicate an interest in playing and have 24 sets of Picks submitted---which is why I thought that was all of them---but FCBLCommish is playing and wasn't on the list of people who were playing (which wasn't required---his PICKS DO play) and EricGarthwaite was sent a reminder, but thought he was not eligible.
I sent EricGarthwaite a PM stating that he is eligible and can play as long as he can submit his Picks before the first game kicks off.
2.) BillRyan only picked five games (10/12 picks made) so, in the interest of full disclosure, I want to let everyone know I sent him a PM making him aware of that so it can be remedied as long as he sends the missing two picks prior to the first game kicking off.
3.) I will fix any formatting errors at some later time.
4.) EdCollins' automatic scoring system should work for this game as long as he will be kind enough to use it. I will just have to fix the formatting errors and then, after his grader does its work, all I will have to do is convert wins to points.
The only thing his grader might not be able to do is grade the questions in the Super Bowl round, so I can just grade all of those Picks by hand.
5.) In terms of our consensus bet with unclaimed prizes from previous games, unless I made a mistake, the most ATS consensus is both Raiders and Cardinals with fifteen ATS Picks. With that, I personally like the Raiders ATS better, so that's where it's going. I'm sorry if it loses, but this wouldn't even be an issue had all of the prizes from previous contests be think of it as, "House Money," anyway. Hopefully that wins and we can run the table and substantially increase the prizes for this game!***
***ADDED---Originally, I would have split the unclaimed funds to match the consensus picks that I counted, but that doesn't seem to make much sense to me. Because we are trying to run the table to the Super Bowl, we actually want the variance. If one split pick were to win and the other were to lose, then we would be going into Divisional Round (where Divisions usually don't play teams within their division---just call it the CONFERENCE SEMI-FINALS!!!)---with less than the $30 that we are starting with this week.
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In the same order:
1.) EricGarthwaite submitted a set of Picks in a timely fashion and this is resolved.
2.) BillRyan added a pick in a timely fashion and this is resolved.
3.) Formatting errors have been fixed.
4.) I believe this is still the case.
5.) Pursuant to the last post, the closest I could get to our consensus was Bills/Pats UNDER...the consensus was 44, but the current line was UNDER 43, so I sold a half point and took UNDER 43.5 at -121.
NEW: 6.) In formatting the Picks, I noticed IndyJeffrey forgot to actually take one side or the other on one of the lines. As long as this is remedied before first kickoff, then it will play...or I might even let him just pick it before the start of that game if no objections. The most it could cost him is one point, so it could be worse.
Quote: Mission146
In the same order:
1.) EricGarthwaite submitted a set of Picks in a timely fashion and this is resolved.
2.) BillRyan added a pick in a timely fashion and this is resolved.
3.) Formatting errors have been fixed.
4.) I believe this is still the case.
5.) Pursuant to the last post, the closest I could get to our consensus was Bills/Pats UNDER...the consensus was 44, but the current line was UNDER 43, so I sold a half point and took UNDER 43.5 at -121.
NEW: 6.) In formatting the Picks, I noticed IndyJeffrey forgot to actually take one side or the other on one of the lines. As long as this is remedied before first kickoff, then it will play...or I might even let him just pick it before the start of that game if no objections. The most it could cost him is one point, so it could be worse.
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Thinks for running this with an inclusive frame of mind. Its more fun when everyone plays.
Having Mission run a contest and Ed Collins tracking and summarizing what is going on is like having Patrick Mahomes and Tyreek Hill on the same team - or Aaron Rodgers and Devante Adams on the same team. Thanks guys!