Quote: EdCollinsConsensus:
Vikings 17; 49ers 7
Over 12; Under 12
Titans 11; Ravens 13
Over 7; Under 17
Texans 11; Chiefs 13
Over 11; Under 13
Seahawks 11; Packers 12
Over 6; Under 18
I think this is the first time I've ever been on the consensus side of all 4 spread picks. Hope you guys know what you're talking about! Lol.

I see you did what I did last week (whatever was alphabetically last method). Also what Wizard did for both weeks.Quote: GWAEMy super special method this week was. All dogs and all unders
I think this week required a different strategy. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Quote: Mission146Verified: That selection does not exist.
Ugh !!!
I am really out of it. Oh well!!!

“Darn it, Houston is going to go run heavy in the second half, dominate the clock, and no way this over happens.”
3rd Quarter:
“Well, that problem is solved, the new problem being...”
Quote: beachbumbabsWell, at least I'm in great company!
If I’d remembered to play, I’d be part of that big 7-9 crowd. Must be where all the cool kids hang out!
Gotta love those over bets you can cash at halftime!**Quote: Mission14624-0
“Darn it, Houston is going to go run heavy in the second half, dominate the clock, and no way this over happens.”
3rd Quarter:
“Well, that problem is solved, the new problem being...”
The Conference Championship Week Lines are as follows:
Packers (+7.5) @ 49ers (-7.5) O/U 46.5
Titans (+7) @ Chiefs (-7) O/U 53
49ers -7.5 OVER
Chiefs -7 OVER
The Conference Championship Picks are as follows:
Packers +7.5
Packers UNDER 46.5
Chiefs -7
Chiefs UNDER 53
Packers +7.5
Packers UNDER 46.5
Chiefs -7
Chiefs UNDER 53
Packers +7.5
49ers Over 46.5
Chiefs -7
Titans Under 53
49ers -7.5
49ers O 46.5
Titans +7.0
Titans U 53
49ers -7.5
49ers UNDER 46.5
Chiefs -7
Chiefs OV 53
49ers -7.5
49ers over 46.5
Titans +7
Titans under 53
Chiefs -7.5 / Under 53
49ers -7 / Under 46.5
49ers -7.5
49ers Over 46.5
Titans +7
Titans under 53
49ers (-7.5)
Titans (+7)
Packers O 46.5
Titans U 53
Packers +7.5
Packers Over 46.5
Chiefs -7
Chiefs Under 53
Packers (+7.5) under 46.5
Titans (+7) under 53
Packers +7.5
Packers under 46.5
Chiefs -7
Chiefs over 53
Packers +7.5
49ers O 46.5
Titans +7
Chiefs U 53
49ers -7.5
Titans +7
Over 53
Packers +7.5 over 46.5
Titans +7 over 53
Chiefs (-7)
Chiefs (under 53)
49ers (-7.5)
49ers (under 46.5)
CHIEFS Over 53
Packers +7.5
Packers over 46.5
Packers +7.5
Packers under 46.5
Chiefs -7
Chiefs under 53
Packers +7.5
49ers UNDER 46.5
Titans +7
Chiefs UNDER 53
Packers +7.5
Packers Over
Titans +7
Titans UNDER
Chiefs -7
Chiefs UNDER 53
49ers -7.5
49ers UNDER 46.5
Chiefs -7
Chiefs UNDER 53
Packers +7.5
49ers UNDER 46.5
I suspect they did... that's why he posted them. He just didn't realize they were revised picks.Quote: prozemaHi mission. I'm in there twice. Did my revised picks beat the deadline?
Which picks are the revised picks?
Quote: EdCollinsI suspect they did... that's why he posted them. He just didn't realize they were revised picks.
Which picks are the revised picks?
Chiefs -7
Chiefs UNDER 53
49ers -7.5
49ers UNDER 46.5
The problem is, the way I put thew Picks up, I just look for unopened PM's and then open them all in different tabs...so I'm not always paying a lot of attention, at that point.
Matter of fact, give me two minutes because I have to add a set of picks that I believe I accidentally opened before posting the lines.
His PM subject was, "Conference Championship Picks," but I opened it thinking it was going to ask me when I was posting the lines.

Titans 10 / Chiefs 12
Over 5 / Under 17
Packers 13 / 49ers 9
Over 10 / Under 12
I'm confused. You said yourself you did. Scroll up and see your answer to my question as to what are your revised picks.Quote: prozemaHi Ed. There is an error in the table for the 49ers game. I did not pick under as the winner of the game. :-)
Edit: Oh, I see what you are referring to, and my typo. Thanks.
Quote: EdCollinsI'm confused. You said yourself you did. Scroll up and see your answer to my question as to what are your revised picks.
Edit: Oh, I see what you are referring to, and my typo. Thanks.
Under is the total I picked
49ers is the side (not under)
Sorry for being unclear.
No, you were clear. I was just confused. Thanks.Quote: prozemaUnder is the total I picked
49ers is the side (not under)
Sorry for being unclear.
In the chart headers, the posted line for the Chiefs game is -7.5 . The line we bet on was -7 . Thanks.
Quote: Mission146How do you guys feel about throwing IndyJeffrey in? He just submitted his picks.
I'm not a rules official but I don't care.
Quote: prozemaI'm not a rules official but I don't care.
I'm good with it. I'm adding them unless GWAE overrules.
Ditto. Sometimes LIFE happens.Quote: prozemaI'm not a rules official but I don't care.
Done. Graphic updated.Quote: Mission146How do you guys feel about throwing IndyJeffrey in? He just submitted his picks.
Quote: Mission146I'm good with it. I'm adding them unless GWAE overrules.
Assume you mean late submission?
Friendly game so as long as it doesnt appear to be a plan to get extra info I am good with it.
Quote: GWAEScolist and I are pretty opposite this week. Could be a move for the bottom spot.
That was my plan, but it's not looking too promising right now. 8^(
Quote: scolistThat was my plan, but it's not looking too promising right now. 8^(
I actually took the opposite if what I thought would happen. Hoping I predicted all 4 correctly
Quote: GWAEI actually took the opposite if what I thought would happen. Hoping I predicted all 4 correctly
I tried the exact same scenario as you, but I got the first game all wrong.
Quote: scolistI tried the exact same scenario as you, but I got the first game all wrong.
Looks like I nailed the packers pick. Just need 49ers to stop scoring.
Although, looking at their picks this week . . . . ouch!
Edit: Only Romes is in contention to have a perfect week! The O/U on the 49ers win is still in doubt.
Quote: gordonm888I notice that miplet and Wizard often make the exact same picks. Fueling the theory that they are really the same person.
Although, looking at their picks this week . . . . ouch!
Edit: Only Romes is in contention to have a perfect week! The O/U on the 49ers win is still in doubt.
I think if GB closes to within 7 (one more TD) I have a perfect week. Unlikely but not zero.....

Quote: GenWyzgySince I'm not in the running (and not even part of the contest) I'll just pick what I hope will happen -
49ers -7.5 OVER
Chiefs -7 OVER
I love it when a plan comes together!
Quote: GWAE...
Making Picks:
1.) The Lines for each week will be posted Wednesday/Thursday before the weekend of the games being played. For each game, there shall be a Point Spread and an Over/Under, every player MUST make picks for the Point Spreads and Over/Unders of every game, there are no Confidence Picks.
2.) The winner will be determined by whoever scores the most points, how points are scored is as follows:
Wild Card + Divisional Playoffs: 1 Point for Every Correct Pick (8 Points Per Week)
Conference Championships: 2 Points for Every Correct Pick (8 Possible Points)
Super Bowl: 4 Points for Every Correct Pick (8 Points Possible)
Furthermore, for the Super Bowl, there will be ten questions based on Props that will be worth one point each. Thus, a perfect score will be 42 Points...
When are the Super Bowl props expected to be available?
For the few who are new to the game, here's the ten prop questions (and answers) we used for this contest two years ago. Ayecarumba got nine of the ten correct. The only one he missed was #4.Quote: AyecarumbaWhen are the Super Bowl props expected to be available?
1.) Will an equal or lesser number of points be scored in the third quarter as in the first quarter?
---No. 21 Points were scored in the third quarter and 12 in the first quarter.
2.) Will an equal or lesser number of points be scored in the second quarter as in the fourth quarter?
---No. 22 Points were scored in the second quarter compared to 19 in the fourth quarter.
3.) Will the team that calls the toss be correct?
---Yes. The Patriots called it and won.
4.) Will the Patriots score first by way of Touchdown (either defense, offense or ST) or Field Goal? (Eagles scoring first OR Patriots scoring on a Safety would be a, 'No,' for this question)
---No, the Eagles scored first by FG.
5.) Will Tom Brady throw for at least 50 more yards than Nick Foles?
---Yes, Brady threw for 505 and Foles 373.
6.) Will Tom Brady run a QB sneak at least once this game on 2nd&1, 2nd&2, 3rd&1, 3rd&2, 4th&1 or 4th&2?
---No. Brady had only one rush in the game, and it was for six yards on 1st & 10.
7.) If we multiply the points scored in the fourth quarter by three and then subtract two, will that result be MORE points than was scored in the first three quarters combined?
---No. The question was MORE points. (19*3)-2 = 55 and there were 55 combined points in the first three quarters.
8.) Will at least one two-point conversion be attempted in this game?
---Yes. There were two attempted.
9.) If overtime DOES NOT count, will 24 or more points be scored in the second half?
---Yes. 40 Points were scored in the 2nd half.
10.) Will there be a failed 4th Down Conversion attempt in this game?
---Yes. New England went for it on 4th and failed early in the second quarter.
The order of the standings remain exactly the same but my total percentages were all wrong.
Reason: This is the first year we are having the Mr. Average and You Suck Prizes for this playoff contest. In past years the prize for this playoff contest has always been for 1st Place only, so there was no need to keep track of percentages. In my Excel spreadsheet I was simply listing everyone's total score.
But the with these additional prizes this year, I changed the total points column to list the percentage, so we could see at a glance how close each participant was to Mr. Average.
Alas, I screwed up. I neglected to consider yesterday's picks were worth TWO points each, not one. Yes, two points each was correctly reflected in the Week 3 points column... but I wasn't taking that into consideration in the Percentage column.
Again, it affected everyone so the standings are exactly the same. I revised the graphic.