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Quote: NathanOh my God! They were promoting something called Mobile Wallet at Scientific Games Expo or whatever they call it. You point your phone at a slot machine and your funds go into the slot you pointed at. This seems like a good idea on PAPER, but in actuality, would be a criminal hacker's /identity thief's paradise=bad idea in real life. :/
"Enhancing the customer experience"..... Erm. thanks for that.
Wouldn't need hackers or thieves. It provides a direct funnel for the funds of slots addicts straight to the casino.
Similarly, there's an online casino that will take funds from your PHONE account, by massively expensive premium rate billing.
We really shouldn't want this service
We can't really blame the corporations for finding slick ways to take money from us fools.
Quote: OnceDearQuote: NathanOh my God! They were promoting something called Mobile Wallet at Scientific Games Expo or whatever they call it. You point your phone at a slot machine and your funds go into the slot you pointed at. This seems like a good idea on PAPER, but in actuality, would be a criminal hacker's /identity thief's paradise=bad idea in real life. :/
"Enhancing the customer experience"..... Erm. thanks for that.
Wouldn't need hackers or thieves. It provides a direct funnel for the funds of slots addicts straight to the casino.
Similarly, there's an online casino that will take funds from your PHONE account, by massively expensive premium rate billing.
We really shouldn't want this service
We can't really blame the corporations for finding slick ways to take money from us fools.
I just think it seems like a good idea on paper but a horrible idea in the real world like I mentioned before. And I agree with you on the online Casino taking funds from phone account by massive phone billing being a horrible idea.
I saw it as linked to a current account or debit card, not a credit card ( might be wrong). Linking to a credit card would be pretty evil. Bad enough to a debit card.Quote: RogerKintAs long as it's coded as a purchase, not a cash advance, I think it's a good idea.
On that point, I had used a credit card on one of my online casino accounts and was getting a 2% 'cash handling fee' by my bank for each deposit. Switched to using a debit card and that cost was eliminated.
If as Roger said, if this is coded as a purchase and there is no play through requirements. Well, I probably said too much.
Quote: BozNathan, how does your Apple Pay work? With mine you have to use your fingerprint ID to purchase anything. I have cards that pay me up to 3% cash back for using Apple Pay. And 1 (Wells Fargo) pays more if you use AP instead of chipping it the 1st year. So the safety is there from a technology standpoint and your fear is probably unfounded.
If as Roger said, if this is coded as a purchase and there is no play through requirements. Well, I probably said too much.
I don't use Apple Pay. I use my card manually. :)
Hook that mobile geek-money insta-sucker 'point here' gizmo up to a little kiosk in the book & we could both be scarfing up something like > 1.5% cash back on all our soon to be worthless Dodger World Series future book wagers! I could still be eating solid food for days after they're croaked & turning out the lights down in Chavez Ravine! Or you & yours could snap up some matching snazzy blue surplus t-shirts for "free" to panhandle bus fare in! But then, how the hell do you get a "free" drink ticket? Some people I know might die of scurvy without occasional complementary cocktail condiments.Quote: RogerKintAs long as it's coded as a purchase, not a cash advance, I think it's a good idea.

p.s. Nathan, this may have been one of the times where a NEW thread would have been appropriate. However, if I were you, I would have asked a Mod first just to be on the safe side.
Quote: OnceDearWe can't really blame the corporations for finding slick ways to take money from us fools.
It's not just casinos that have mastered this art: churches, new car/truck manufacturers, Apple and many others have played us masterfully.
Quote: AxelWolfI don't think most people are ready to embrace this stuff just yet. I don't think the normal slot cards are going away anytime soon. What do you do when your phone goes dead or you forget to bring it?
p.s. Nathan, this may have been one of the times where a NEW thread would have been appropriate. However, if I were you, I would have asked a Mod first just to be on the safe side.
Good point about asking a Mod before starting a new thread. The last new thread I started was closed within a couple of hours and I was suspended for three days. :/
Don't say I never give you anything $:o)Quote: AxelWolfp.s. Nathan, this may have been one of the times where a NEW thread would have been appropriate. However, if I were you, I would have asked a Mod first just to be on the safe side.
Quote: OnceDearDon't say I never give you anything $:o)
Thank you for this new thread, Axel Wolf by inspiration and Once Dear for carrying it out. :)
Since my wasted youth is now a distant hazy memory I'm not in the habit of smoking or snorting anything available from informal streetcorner pharmacists or entertaining guests on my lap seeking tuition & diaper donations for their performance art in the Champagne Room. For something like a few decades now just about the only reasons I ever have for needing to mess around with the care and feeding of portraits of Benjamin Franklin or any of that other awkward & vulnerable physical folding stuff nowadays is maintaining the bankroll for my preferred forms of brick & mortar gaming.
I don't know exactly how widespread my habits along these lines are, but besides a little stash of some small bills for tips, cash is for nothing else to me. That's the only thing left where I have no choice because I'm still finding that antique representation of "money" remains necessary and required in some moderately significant amounts for my buy-in and cash-out transactions in casinos and poker rooms. To me, that's not really a good thing, nostalgia aside.
An advantage of becoming an old goat is acquiring a wide range of life experiences teaching that some negative reverse jackpot type "stuff" in life really can eventually get around to happening, and some low probability calamities eventually become near certainties when the risk keeps getting repeated enough. So I think I'm usually a lot more conscientious about paying attention and taking effective precautions than the average Joe or Josephine whooping it up in a casino. But still, I don't particularly like giving some Tweaker Leroy dude lurking and tweaking in the slot machine forest the opportunity to notice me cashing out & heading for the casino garage.Quote:...but don't like losing it by accident or forgetfulness. I also don't like people standing over me to know how much is inside my wallet.
And in the last several years I've had good reason demonstrated right in my face by the side of the road to become at least equally concerned about some Sheriff Doufus of Sheepdung County Oklahoma who's out trolling for "civil forfeiture" opportunities from passing travellers. In case of being pulled over and profiled for that again, I'd like the serenity of always automatically responding confidently without hesitation to any attempted intrusive roadside interrogation (again) about "how much moolah might you be moving today & exactly from who & where & why" with an immediate & sincerely placid "well nossir I'm just transporting pretty much nuttin' but my own poor ugly self & my socks & underwear & suchlike in yonder suitcase & about half a roll of quarters in the ashtray right there & my phone in case of some emergency need for help out here from some fine upstanding uniformed government official like yourself. But thanks a whole bunch for asking; now I feel very protected & served."
tldr. In other words... Not a bad facility for us worldly wise, non-degenerates who embrace technology. I tend to agree. But for less tech savvy degenerates, maybe a different matter.Quote: DrawingDead^ Hmmm.
Loved the Champagne room reference. Thanks for that.
I understand (from what I've been told by people who've been in a position to know about such things) that over the last several years, instant mobile credit card payment processing with an inexpensive little card-swipe device that attaches to a cell phone has become well established among many of the most high-end of the ladies providing outcall personal "relaxation" services on the LV Strip resort corridor. A bunch of them are set up for taking credit cards on their cell phones whether they're dispatched through "escort" services, or even including some of the gals working completely independently with no "storefront" anywhere but just with an account to get immediate credit card payment verification simply as an individual. If I understand correctly what I've been told about it.Quote: OnceDear...the Champagne room...
But of course there are some subscription & extra transaction costs to the merchant for the service that's needed for using those handy little portable devices to get reliably paid on credit. So I don't know if they'd be as practical for some things with a lot lower price tag that have to get repeated frequently through many separate small transactions. Like sweet hard working little "Tawni" who is busy hustling guys to buy five minute lap dances from her, one at a time, all night long.
Really??!!??Quote: NathanThere is also the huge problem of having your phone stolen by thieves! O.O And all your personal information is put physically in the hands of criminals just like that! O.O
Is anyone stupid enough to have a smartphone that is not at least protected by a STRONG password or *fingerprint/faceprint and automatic lockout?
If so, they deserve everything they get.
* Faceprint/fingerprint isn't actually very secure.
Quote: OnceDearReally??!!??
Is anyone stupid enough to have a smartphone that is not at least protected by a STRONG password or *fingerprint/faceprint and automatic lockout?
If so, they deserve everything they get.
* Faceprint/fingerprint isn't actually very secure.
I am hoping MY smartphone password is strong enough to not be cracked easily, but face print is reported to be very safe as the thief would have to look basically exactly like you for it to be opened by someone other than you. Fingerprints, ehhh. I find the fingerprint thing wonky because similar looking fingerprints might work if a thief has fingerprints similar to the victim. It COULD be said that people with similar looking faces could be at risk of a thief looks similar to his victim(A victim of identity theft sadly happened to look very similar to a thief and the thief looked so much like the victim in the ID she presented at Credit Card Purchases she was able to steal like $10,000 from the victim before the victim found out. Sad), but I'd trust Face print over Fingerprint any time.
Yes I am.Quote: OnceDearReally??!!??
Is anyone stupid enough to have a smartphone that is not at least protected by a STRONG password or *fingerprint/faceprint and automatic lockout?
If so, they deserve everything they get.
* Faceprint/fingerprint isn't actually very secure.
Quote: GWAEMy phone isnt locked at all but I think Inam going to change that right now.
Good thinking. The sooner the better. :)