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April 3rd, 2018 at 3:11:09 PM permalink
Hi everyone,

My name is Cara McKinstry and I am currently undertaking my Master in Clinical Psychology at the University of New England, NSW, Australia under the supervision of Dr Gavin Clark and Dr Adam Rock. As part of my research, we have decided to do a project on slot-machine gambling behaviour and the underlying mechanism of mental imagery to find out how it promotes problematic poker-machine behaviour. This will help us better understand problematic slot-machine gambling and improve the active targets of psychological treatment.

The online survey requires respondents to answer some questions to do with their gambling behaviour, is completely anonymous and has been approved by the ethics committee at the University of New England. We are looking for people that whose preferred mode of gambling is a slot machine.

We would be really grateful if you could participate, as the study will hopefully lead to increased funding for gambling research as well as increased knowledge surrounding therapies for gamblers. The survey should only take 25 minutes to complete and can be viewed here:

(see link in following post)

Thank you in advance
Kind regards, Cara McKinstry.
Last edited by: unnamed administrator on Apr 3, 2018
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April 3rd, 2018 at 3:45:23 PM permalink
I enthusiastically endorse the request above. Per a new forum rule, which we'll call the "UK kitchen rule," new members can't leave links. Even I couldn't edit her post to have a link so I'm putting it here:

Information Sheet for Participants
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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April 3rd, 2018 at 3:49:30 PM permalink
25 minutes?!
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April 3rd, 2018 at 5:15:25 PM permalink
Why does this ring a bell????? I swear we've seen a post like this before.
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April 3rd, 2018 at 7:27:41 PM permalink
Quote: rsactuary

Why does this ring a bell????? I swear we've seen a post like this before.

Yes you are right. These posts seem to come up a few times a year.
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April 3rd, 2018 at 8:36:04 PM permalink
It appears that you can do part of the survey and return later.
The older I get, the better I recall things that never happened
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April 3rd, 2018 at 8:41:04 PM permalink
Quote: SM777

25 minutes?!

Ya, that seems a bit long.

OP. Do we get any free play incentives for completing it?
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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April 3rd, 2018 at 8:42:40 PM permalink
Quote: vegas

Yes you are right. These posts seem to come up a few times a year.

Someone has to figure out how to better hook gamblers each year.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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April 10th, 2018 at 3:05:40 AM permalink
You guys are right there was another student at my Uni completing similar research a few years ago, however this research has a slightly different focus. Your participation would be greatly appreciated :)
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April 10th, 2018 at 4:50:04 AM permalink
Survey done. That was much different than ones that I’ve done before. In my hometown I’ve been paid to do these surveys a handful of times.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
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May 16th, 2018 at 5:43:21 PM permalink
Hey guys,

Thanks so much to everyone that has already participated. The survey is still open so if you haven't had a chance to participate yet there is still time. Your help will go a long way to further the research into the link between mental imagery and slot machine gambling and would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again guys!
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July 29th, 2018 at 6:52:10 PM permalink
The survey is still open and in need of participants!! Please follow the link in the previous post to be involved in the research. Your participation would be hugely appreciated!!!
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July 30th, 2018 at 12:18:14 AM permalink
How much free play do I get for doing this?
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August 13th, 2018 at 6:32:04 PM permalink
Unfortunately no free play is involved sorry KevinAA
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August 13th, 2018 at 6:32:17 PM permalink
Survey still open guys, but not for much longer so please click on the link for your chance to participate!
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August 13th, 2018 at 6:45:58 PM permalink
I did my best for you. I'm a vulture/hustler, so you'll probably see a few answers that will be

I also didn't understand a few questions, such as:


"When you typically imagine yourself gambling and you hold the image in your mind, what type of emotion is the image?"

How can an image be an emotion? I just went right in the middle with that because that question has no meaning to me.

I also don't tend to imagine myself gambling...I'm either gambling at a given time or I am not.

It also asks this:


Whilst watching the video, when you imagined yourself gambling, from what perspective did you view this image?

How am I supposed to imagine myself gambling while watching the video? I thought I was supposed to be watching the video. If you want me to be imagining myself gambling, then tell me to imagine myself gambling!

The 1-100 scales also need lower options than 1 to indicate something is conceivable, but extremely unlikely. 1 seems like 1%, but in my mind, technically a better answer than 0.
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August 13th, 2018 at 6:57:17 PM permalink
Thanks so much for participating Mission146.

That particular question is asking about emotion attached to the image. Research has indicated that it is rare that we imagined an image in our mind without attaching an emotional state and meaning. It it also interesting that you don't imagine yourself gambling as mental imagery has been show to increase urge to gamble.

Again thanks for taking the time to participate I appreciate it!
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August 13th, 2018 at 7:07:00 PM permalink
Quote: cmckinstry

Thanks so much for participating Mission146.

That particular question is asking about emotion attached to the image. Research has indicated that it is rare that we imagined an image in our mind without attaching an emotional state and meaning. It it also interesting that you don't imagine yourself gambling as mental imagery has been show to increase urge to gamble.

Again thanks for taking the time to participate I appreciate it!

You're welcome, I hope my answers don't mess up the data set.

I don't think I would have imagined myself gambling while watching the video in any set of circumstances, but I was mainly trying to pay attention because I expected to be asked specific questions about the video. (Two women, one man, parlor as opposed to a casino, nobody was smoking, about twelve machines in that room, door opening on the right which was to the right of the women and the left of the man on the opposite side who was as interested in talking on his phone as gambling...four or five of the machines were progressives...cream colored walls) that sort of stuff.

Anyway, I'm sorry, I didn't understand what the video was supposed to make me do so my answers probably suck.
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August 13th, 2018 at 8:10:03 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

You're welcome, I hope my answers don't mess up the data set.

I don't think I would have imagined myself gambling while watching the video in any set of circumstances, but I was mainly trying to pay attention because I expected to be asked specific questions about the video. (Two women, one man, parlor as opposed to a casino, nobody was smoking, about twelve machines in that room, door opening on the right which was to the right of the women and the left of the man on the opposite side who was as interested in talking on his phone as gambling...four or five of the machines were progressives...cream colored walls) that sort of stuff.

Anyway, I'm sorry, I didn't understand what the video was supposed to make me do so my answers probably suck.

Did you see those minors over $700? Must be a exchange rate thing.
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August 15th, 2018 at 7:23:01 PM permalink
hope it went well!
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August 26th, 2018 at 10:48:28 PM permalink
Thanks so much casinoplayer42. The survey is still open but not for much longer, so please follow the link for your chance to participate! We have some great results so far but still need some more participants!
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August 26th, 2018 at 11:15:59 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

You're welcome, I hope my answers don't mess up the data set.

Plenty of testing isn't about what you're told it is about anyway. Not saying this is the case here, but also isn't uncommon either. They don't want the guinea pig to ruin the test by knowing what is actually being looked at.
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August 26th, 2018 at 11:50:49 PM permalink
I started the survey but stopped after several questions because they all seemed to be geared towards someone who is addicted to gambling, which I am not.

I’m interested to know whether or not the creators of this are aware that:

1) There is a subset of gamblers that are playing at a legitimate advantage over the casino

2) A large percentage of this forum falls into that subset


3) Whether the data gathered from those types of players is useful to what they are studying
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August 27th, 2018 at 12:14:05 AM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

I started the survey but stopped after several questions because they all seemed to be geared towards someone who is addicted to gambling, which I am not.

I’m interested to know whether or not the creators of this are aware that:

1) There is a subset of gamblers that are playing at a legitimate advantage over the casino

2) A large percentage of this forum falls into that subset


3) Whether the data gathered from those types of players is useful to what they are studying

Hi gamerfreak, I know it may seem like the questions are geared towards those addicted but the questions are just trying to determine where along the continuum of gambling different participants sit and how their experience of gambling differ. We are aware that not everyone who gambles is addicted. Data from anyone who has ever played slot-machines would be helpful, so feel free to return to the survey and complete your responses as the survey allows you to exit it and return to complete it at a later time. Thanks for the feedback
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August 27th, 2018 at 12:17:15 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Plenty of testing isn't about what you're told it is about anyway. Not saying this is the case here, but also isn't uncommon either. They don't want the guinea pig to ruin the test by knowing what is actually being looked at.

I agree with you rxwine that a number of studies cannot fully inform you about what they are studying as this may influence the results. This is however not the case here, we are in fact looking at mental imagery and gambling behaviour, and all participants are fully informed about the study.
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August 29th, 2018 at 11:04:42 PM permalink
I'm in need of only 6 more participants! If you play slot machines or know someone that does I encourage you to follow the link above for your chance to tell us about your gambling experience!
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August 31st, 2018 at 9:25:14 PM permalink
I don't have the time this moment, but I'll try to get to it this weekend.
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September 3rd, 2018 at 3:59:44 AM permalink
* Final call for participants*
This is the last week the survey will be open guys and I am still in need of participants! If you have the time please follow the link above. I will be hugely appreciative!!

Thank you!
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September 3rd, 2018 at 1:47:47 PM permalink
Quote: cmckinstry

* Final call for participants*
This is the last week the survey will be open guys and I am still in need of participants! If you have the time please follow the link above. I will be hugely appreciative!!

Thank you!

Fortunately (for you), I have absolutely nothing going on today, so I did your study.

My only comment is that the video of people playing slot machines is hard for me to identify with, because I don't like video slot machines in general (there are only two I'll play), and the slot machines people were playing were the ones I hate the most. But I answered the questions following it anyway but imagining myself playing Quit Hit Platinum.
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September 3rd, 2018 at 2:01:12 PM permalink
Quote: KevinAA

My only comment is that the video of people playing slot machines is hard for me to identify with, because I don't like video slot machines in general (there are only two I'll play), and the slot machines people were playing were the ones I hate the most. But I answered the questions following it anyway but imagining myself playing Quit Hit Platinum.

What's the other game?
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September 3rd, 2018 at 2:55:41 PM permalink
Quote: prozema

What's the other game?

lock it link
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September 3rd, 2018 at 3:31:16 PM permalink
I've seen that game everywhere, but have never played.
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