Quote: TigerWuQuote: gordonm888
OJ Simpson is guilty in the court of public opinion of killing his wife. Even though he was found not guilty in a court of law.
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He was found not guilty in the criminal trial.
He was found guilty in the civil trial.
Both are courts of law.
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I could be wrong, but he was NOT found GUILTY in the civil trial.
The civil trial has a standard of ‘preponderance of evidence’, which basically means if you think there is a 51% chance he killed them you vote for him to be liable for monetary damages.
We have a bunch of lawyers here. Am I right that ‘guilt’ can only be determined in a criminal trial? Not a civil trial?
Now that I think about it, Robbi is innocent, just like OJ is!
FYI.Quote: gordonm888Robbi's confederate in the audience
Rip, who was her backer, partner/friend/Lover was at the table playing with her.
Quote: gordonm888On another thread it was mentioned that you can be banned from the Connecticut online sports book on suspicion of money laundering - no proof needed.
Law enforcement can confiscate money in a gambler's car or on his/her person on suspicion that the gambler might be a drug dealer. No proof of guilt is needed.
OJ Simpson is guilty in the court of public opinion of killing his wife. Even though he was found not guilty in a court of law.
Many people are suspicious that their spouse is cheating on them - even though they lack conclusive evidence.
The standards for taking away your freedom and putting you in jail are very high - proof beyond a reasonable doubt. But to hold an opinion, express an opinion or act on an opinion the standards are much lower. Circumstantial evidence that raises flags is enough for any of us to form an opinion and walk away from a person.
If I were at a poker table and Robbi sat down I would get up and walk away. No proof of her guilt is needed.
If I am at a blackjack table and I lose 13 hands in a row - I would stand up and walk away. Losing 13 hands in a row is not proof that a game is crooked, but I don't need proof. Just a reasonable doubt -reasonable by my own personal standards.
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That's all perfectly fine. If there's a poker room that so strongly suspects that she cheated that they make the incorrect decision to bar her from the poker room, which I say based on the fact that the investigation turned up nothing, then the poker room is within its rights. If you're a player and don't want to share a table with her, then you are within your rights not to do so in any game aside from a tournament setting, one would think.
I'm not even challenging anyone in this thread, in particular. There are people who are saying they are 100% sure she cheated, which is something that those people cannot possibly know.
I'll have an article out about this is the next few days that breaks the hand down (the action on the turn was the only action that was unusual, imo, but you'll have to read to find out why I think that); my article also focuses on Garrett's behavior during and after. For his part, even he amended statements from being absolutely sure she cheated to using verbiage such as, "Very likely," so even Garrett is not 100% sure anymore.
Funny you should mention public opinion; I appreciate the unintentional foreshadowing of my article's title and theme!
Anyway, I think people can hold whatever opinion they want to short of saying they are 100% sure she cheated. That would be like me, or anyone else, saying they are 100% sure she didn't. Based on what is available, I would have to say that only she and any accomplices, if cheating does exist and there are accomplices, would know for sure.
I did like the point that everyone is floating that they consider her stupid being circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact that she could have made the worst best call, or perhaps the best worst call, possibly ever.
One other thing that I neglected to mention in the article, but just now occurs to me, is that Garrett thought the first run of the river went to Robbi, which means he decided that she didn't have a low pair and was playing her for a high card. The hand would be two pair and his kicker (8) against whatever she had, but if she had any pairs lower than jacks, he wins that run of the river.
I think if her high card had been a king or ace, nobody would bat an eye. Maybe even a queen would have passed the smell test for some.
Quote: TigerWuQuote: gordonm888
OJ Simpson is guilty in the court of public opinion of killing his wife. Even though he was found not guilty in a court of law.
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He was found not guilty in the criminal trial.
He was found guilty in the civil trial.
Both are courts of law.
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You don't really find a defendant, "Guilty," in a civil proceeding, as far as I am aware, you find in favor of the Plaintiff.
Quote: Mission146
I think if her high card had been a king or ace, nobody would bat an eye. Maybe even a queen would have passed the smell test for some.
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I generally agree with that. Calling with a Q-4 would have been a very bad call in my opinion, but not as notoriously terrible as with a J-4. Calling with an A-4 would have been hailed as a good hero call. I would not have called on the turn with an A-4 for half of my remaining chips (in this case $110,000), but an Ace was a legitimate bluff catcher in that situation.
Did you actually think their own investigation would turn up anything? Even if she did cheat, it's unlikely any evidence would be found by even an honest thorough investigation. They were never going to out themselves. Remember, Stones didn't turn up any evidence of absolute ongoing cheating over many days and hours.Quote: Mission146Quote: gordonm888On another thread it was mentioned that you can be banned from the Connecticut online sports book on suspicion of money laundering - no proof needed.
Law enforcement can confiscate money in a gambler's car or on his/her person on suspicion that the gambler might be a drug dealer. No proof of guilt is needed.
OJ Simpson is guilty in the court of public opinion of killing his wife. Even though he was found not guilty in a court of law.
Many people are suspicious that their spouse is cheating on them - even though they lack conclusive evidence.
The standards for taking away your freedom and putting you in jail are very high - proof beyond a reasonable doubt. But to hold an opinion, express an opinion or act on an opinion the standards are much lower. Circumstantial evidence that raises flags is enough for any of us to form an opinion and walk away from a person.
If I were at a poker table and Robbi sat down I would get up and walk away. No proof of her guilt is needed.
If I am at a blackjack table and I lose 13 hands in a row - I would stand up and walk away. Losing 13 hands in a row is not proof that a game is crooked, but I don't need proof. Just a reasonable doubt -reasonable by my own personal standards.
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That's all perfectly fine. If there's a poker room that so strongly suspects that she cheated that they make the incorrect decision to bar her from the poker room, which I say based on the fact that the investigation turned up nothing, then the poker room is within its rights. If you're a player and don't want to share a table with her, then you are within your rights not to do so in any game aside from a tournament setting, one would think.
I'm not even challenging anyone in this thread, in particular. There are people who are saying they are 100% sure she cheated, which is something that those people cannot possibly know.
I'll have an article out about this is the next few days that breaks the hand down (the action on the turn was the only action that was unusual, imo, but you'll have to read to find out why I think that); my article also focuses on Garrett's behavior during and after. For his part, even he amended statements from being absolutely sure she cheated to using verbiage such as, "Very likely," so even Garrett is not 100% sure anymore.
Funny you should mention public opinion; I appreciate the unintentional foreshadowing of my article's title and theme!
Anyway, I think people can hold whatever opinion they want to short of saying they are 100% sure she cheated. That would be like me, or anyone else, saying they are 100% sure she didn't. Based on what is available, I would have to say that only she and any accomplices, if cheating does exist and there are accomplices, would know for sure.
I did like the point that everyone is floating that they consider her stupid being circumstantial evidence pointing to the fact that she could have made the worst best call, or perhaps the best worst call, possibly ever.
One other thing that I neglected to mention in the article, but just now occurs to me, is that Garrett thought the first run of the river went to Robbi, which means he decided that she didn't have a low pair and was playing her for a high card. The hand would be two pair and his kicker (8) against whatever she had, but if she had any pairs lower than jacks, he wins that run of the river.
I think if her high card had been a king or ace, nobody would bat an eye. Maybe even a queen would have passed the smell test for some.
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The only reason we know Bryan had recently arranged his work area within view of the hole cards etc. And allegedly blocked the employee's security camera, is that Doug Polk paid them a visit when he noticed the setup and asked questions.
During your write-up/investigation don't forget the stunt she previously pulled not wanting to add owed money to the table, and how she allegedly lied about knowing/playing with someone. If you looked deep enough you will find multiple lies and contradictions.
Turns out Bryan is also wanted for stealing $5K from the casino. Do you think that was also a payoff to keep quiet?
1. There has not been enough evidence made public that would lead to a criminal conviction.
2. There has been enough evidence presented that if you consider her ‘peers’ poker pros, she would be found liable in a civil suit, as around 2/3 to 3/4 of those ‘peers’ believe she cheated. All you vote on is if you think it is more likely to be cheating than not cheating.
3. There are a multitude of crimes committed that there will never be enough evidence to procure a criminal conviction.
4. The number of ridiculous ‘coincidences’ in this case is a lot of circumstantial evidence against her. Not conclusive evidence.
5. Whether she is guilty or innocent, the greatest likelihood was that since the allegation involved cheating using the poker place’s equipment, and an employee of theirs, that no ‘evidence’ would be found and made public.
Do you guys disagree with anything I wrote?
hm.. didnt save alot of the $ he 'won' in those poker shows?Quote: GenoDRPhQuick google search indicates he's wallowing, teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. No indication he's played again since being outed.
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a) Mexico?
b) Alaska?
c) North Dakota?
d) Central or South America?
e) Montana/Idaho/Wyoming?
Where in the world is Bryan Sagbigsal?
Bryan Sagbigsal@BryanSagbigsal
Oct 12 tweet:
I’ll say it again like I’ve said it before: “I’m not playing nice in the sandbox anymore.”
Quote: gordonm888Where would you go, if you had stolen $20,000 in full view of security cameras, and were a fugitive running from a California arrest warrant?
a) Mexico?
b) Alaska?
c) North Dakota?
d) Central or South America?
e) Montana/Idaho/Wyoming?
Where in the world is Bryan Sagbigsal?
Bryan Sagbigsal@BryanSagbigsal
Oct 12 tweet:
I’ll say it again like I’ve said it before: “I’m not playing nice in the sandbox anymore.”
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That "little" amount of money is not even worth trying to evade the law. His best bet is to find a good lawyer and cut a plea deal. The only other option is to lay really low and try to live off that $20k until the statute of limitations runs out.
1. There is no evidence to lead to probable cause of any criminality by Robbi or anyone else, save for Bryan.
2. There is no preponderance of evidence to support a finding of cheating.
3. The only crimes for which we have reasonable suspicion or probable cause are the two alleged incidences of theft by Bryan. There is nothing more than tenuous speculation-at best-of any other criminality by any other person.
4. There are coincidences for which Robbi has not provided an explanation, some she has provided her explanation, as well as ridiculous statements that people think are coincidences, but which are just speculation and nonfactual.
5. Whether she cheated or not, there is no evidence that the casino, HCL or any employee was involved, either wittingly or unwittingly.
Quote: TigerWuThat "little" amount of money is not even worth trying to evade the law. His best bet is to find a good lawyer and cut a plea deal. The only other option is to lay really low and try to live off that $20k until the statute of limitations runs out.
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To some criminal defendants, 20K is a lot of money. Still, I would agree that his best bet is to get a good attorney and cut a deal. Nowadays especially in L.A. the D.A. doesn't even push too often to incarcerate people for nonviolent property crimes.
As far as running until the SOL runs out, once charges have been filed, which in this case there is a warrant out for him too, the SOL does not apply - it is tolled. Scofflaws don't get the benefit of the SOL once a case is filed.
However, realistically, the longer he stays out of the rookers of the millicents the weaker the case becomes, as witnesses, evidence, and the desire to prosecute, fade. On the other hand, at least in terms of plea bargain or sentencing, turning himself in versus being caught on the run may get him a better disposition. Also, he could get additional charges if he is caught outside of California, although typically no one bothers with such enhanced charges.
Quote: GenoDRPhhttps://www.poker.org/hcl-investigative-report-discloses-second-charge-against-bryan-sagbigsal-is-theft-from-hustler-casino/
Turns out Bryan is also wanted for stealing $5K from the casino. Do you think that was also a payoff to keep quiet?
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I don't know or understand how they compartmentalize all this. It might be against the law for the casino not to report a crime like this, and that's the only reason they did. It wasn't something they could ignore without running a foul of the law.
He has probably been contacted by people who are cheating online and he is continuing to fleece players offshore with no possible legal repercussions.Quote: billryanWhat is Postal up to these days? Is he still playing?
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It depends on how much they paied him off.Quote: gordonm888Where would you go, if you had stolen $20,000 in full view of security cameras, and were a fugitive running from a California arrest warrant?
a) Mexico?
b) Alaska?
c) North Dakota?
d) Central or South America?
e) Montana/Idaho/Wyoming?
Where in the world is Bryan Sagbigsal?
Bryan Sagbigsal@BryanSagbigsal
Oct 12 tweet:
I’ll say it again like I’ve said it before: “I’m not playing nice in the sandbox anymore.”
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Who reported this?Quote: GenoDRPhAllow me to restate/rewrite your bullet points to what in my opinion is the correct conclusion:
1. There is no evidence to lead to probable cause of any criminality by Robbi or anyone else, save for Bryan.
2. There is no preponderance of evidence to support a finding of cheating.
3. The only crimes for which we have reasonable suspicion or probable cause are the two alleged incidences of theft by Bryan. There is nothing more than tenuous speculation-at best-of any other criminality by any other person.
4. There are coincidences for which Robbi has not provided an explanation, some she has provided her explanation, as well as ridiculous statements that people think are coincidences, but which are just speculation and nonfactual.
5. Whether she cheated or not, there is no evidence that the casino, HCL or any employee was involved, either wittingly or unwittingly.
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There's some evidence he has a gambling problem.Quote: 100xOddshm.. didnt save alot of the $ he 'won' in those poker shows?Quote: GenoDRPhQuick google search indicates he's wallowing, teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. No indication he's played again since being outed.
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Quote: GenoDRPhThe $15K in chips was Robbi's, which is why she pressed charges. The $5K was the casino's.
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Is she pressing charges?
Early in this thread someone said she was not, and thus that was evidence of her own guilt.
Quote: GenoDRPhShe reconsidered and pressed charges.
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Pressing charges in what sense? A civil lawsuit?
Quote: billryanI'd turn myself in before I did four of those options.
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Don’t you live in buttf*ck nowhere Arizona lol?
Quote: PokerGrinderQuote: billryanI'd turn myself in before I did four of those options.
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Don’t you live in buttf*ck nowhere Arizona lol?
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For now, but as climate change affects the South West, the Sky Islands will become the region's most desirable and expensive real estate.
Bisbee seems like a really unique cool place. I bet you would enjoy visiting.Quote: PokerGrinderQuote: billryanI'd turn myself in before I did four of those options.
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Don’t you live in buttf*ck nowhere Arizona lol?
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Yeah, that makes sense since there isn't enough back alley ground food and ladyboys there.Quote: PokerGrinder
Quote: AxelWolfYeah, that makes sense since there isn't enough back alley ground food and ladyboys there.Quote: PokerGrinder
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But there is:
Quote: AxelWolfYeah, that makes sense since there isn't enough back alley ground food and ladyboys there.Quote: PokerGrinder
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There are two bars right across the border that cater to such things. Or so they say......
Bisbee is truly a town worth visiting. It is magical. I've never lived in a place with better weather, and I can't think of a cheaper area in this country that isn't crime-infested. It does upset some right-wingers that the town welcomes diversity, offers free lunch to everyone six days a week, and it isn't a very handicapped-friendly place as it is carved into the side of a mountain, but no place is perfect.
A few days ago, I awoke to the mountains being covered with snow. By 9AM, all but the tops of the mountains were clear.
Quote: AxelWolfDid you actually think their own investigation would turn up anything? Even if she did cheat, it's unlikely any evidence would be found by even an honest thorough investigation. They were never going to out themselves. Remember, Stones didn't turn up any evidence of absolute ongoing cheating over many days and hours.
The only reason we know Bryan had recently arranged his work area within view of the hole cards etc. And allegedly blocked the employee's security camera, is that Doug Polk paid them a visit when he noticed the setup and asked questions.
During your write-up/investigation don't forget the stunt she previously pulled not wanting to add owed money to the table, and how she allegedly lied about knowing/playing with someone. If you looked deep enough you will find multiple lies and contradictions.
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I didn't really expect it to turn up anything, but that's largely because I lean towards, "Did not cheat." Also, the sample size is much smaller than what we had with the Postle situation, so I don't think Garrett blowing up the way he did led to the opportunity to potentially have more evidence created by way of more strange hands. The fact that one hand, however, could create such immediate suspicion and action is very bad for poker, in general, imo. I don't know that I'd ever play without worrying that some sort of cheating could be going on, or worse, that I could play on the level and be accused of cheating anyway.
I didn't really get into all of that so much as it has already been well-covered, and also, the investigation turned up nothing anyway. I might address all of that if further developments, such as this Brian guy turning up, lead to additional information. For the time being, I see no need to use my article to continue to paint Robbi in a bad light as there are any number of outlets already doing so.
Quote: SOOPOOGeno , Mission…. Let’s see if we can find common ground? Tell me if you agree….
1. There has not been enough evidence made public that would lead to a criminal conviction.
2. There has been enough evidence presented that if you consider her ‘peers’ poker pros, she would be found liable in a civil suit, as around 2/3 to 3/4 of those ‘peers’ believe she cheated. All you vote on is if you think it is more likely to be cheating than not cheating.
3. There are a multitude of crimes committed that there will never be enough evidence to procure a criminal conviction.
4. The number of ridiculous ‘coincidences’ in this case is a lot of circumstantial evidence against her. Not conclusive evidence.
5. Whether she is guilty or innocent, the greatest likelihood was that since the allegation involved cheating using the poker place’s equipment, and an employee of theirs, that no ‘evidence’ would be found and made public.
Do you guys disagree with anything I wrote?
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1.) Obviously agree.
2.) Disagree. Even if I did agree, it would depend on the subset of poker pros that are on the jury as several poker pros don't presently believe she cheated. Yes, if you gather a bunch of poker pros who already believe she cheated, then they would vote that she cheated.
3.) Probably, but I don't really know. (I don't know if you're speaking in general or as to this specific situation)
4.) There's a reasonable amount of circumstantial evidence against her to create suspicion.
5.) That's probably a fair statement.
You don't have to convince me.Quote: billryanQuote: AxelWolfYeah, that makes sense since there isn't enough back alley ground food and ladyboys there.Quote: PokerGrinder
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There are two bars right across the border that cater to such things. Or so they say......
Bisbee is truly a town worth visiting. It is magical. I've never lived in a place with better weather, and I can't think of a cheaper area in this country that isn't crime-infested. It does upset some right-wingers that the town welcomes diversity, offers free lunch to everyone six days a week, and it isn't a very handicapped-friendly place as it is carved into the side of a mountain, but no place is perfect.
A few days ago, I awoke to the mountains being covered with snow. By 9AM, all but the tops of the mountains were clear.
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However, I'm not so sure about the crime rate. I did see at one time in 2012(?) the crime rate was It was higher than in 95.1% U.S. cities.
Quote: AxelWolfYou don't have to convince me.Quote: billryanQuote: AxelWolfYeah, that makes sense since there isn't enough back alley ground food and ladyboys there.Quote: PokerGrinder
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There are two bars right across the border that cater to such things. Or so they say......
Bisbee is truly a town worth visiting. It is magical. I've never lived in a place with better weather, and I can't think of a cheaper area in this country that isn't crime-infested. It does upset some right-wingers that the town welcomes diversity, offers free lunch to everyone six days a week, and it isn't a very handicapped-friendly place as it is carved into the side of a mountain, but no place is perfect.
A few days ago, I awoke to the mountains being covered with snow. By 9AM, all but the tops of the mountains were clear.
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However, I'm not so sure about the crime rate. I did see at one time in 2012(?) the crime rate was It was higher than in 95.1% U.S. cities.
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The crime rate here is often discussed and is supposedly skewed by a few things.
1) We are the county seat so a lot of defendants are arrested at court when they show up for other charges
2) People in accidents elsewhere are often arrested for DWI at our hospital.
3) People taken into custody by INS and Border Patrol crossing the border are charged in Bisbee if they bring in drugs or have been previously deported.
4) The small population tends to skew numbers. We had one murder last year, but with a population of 5,000, it was reported that the murder rate is 20 per 100,000, which puts us as one of the deadliest towns in America, despite only one murder.
The murder itself is questionable. Four longtime friends were camping and doing all sorts of drugs. One guy decided it would be kool to explore an underground river in the middle of the night, and his friends tried to restrain him. He pulled a knife and stabbed one of his friends. In the resulting struggle, another one of the kids got stabbed and bled out before they called for help. Almost everyone says the guy charged with the murder was a sweetheart, salt-of-the-earth type. I think he was 17 when the stabbing occurred.
Bisbee is a magical place.
Then you suck 😁.Quote: Mission146For the time being, I see no need to use my article to continue to paint Robbi in a bad light as there are any number of outlets already doing so.
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But seriously, if you're going to write about it you should get all the information about everything. It's actually kinda interesting
Late-night 7-hour dinners with Robbi and Rip and people associated with the show and then driving people home in their cars.
Why did Hustler Casino Live do its own investigation and hire its own 3rd party to help?
Why is a backer playing the same game as his horse?
Not wanting to press charges against Bryan until all the backlash(probably after a deal was struck and he was safe)
Money loans and borrowing. Money transfers that may or may not have come in.
Rips past and his association with Jake Pual.
Evidence she has an intimate relationship with Rip.
Why all the lies and contradictions?
Strange suspicious posts supposedly from Byran that use the same unique verbiage as Robbi.
possible signaling and soft-playing with Rip.
Why set up your own polygraph at some sketchy location in Las Vegas?
And to add an extra interesting element, she has a twin sister.
Why did she previously attempt a move during a different cash game?
Why was she telling stories about knowing or not knowing certain players?
There's so much more. We don't need a breakdown of the hand or why she gave back the money(It wasn't even really her money, so why not)
Now you only have to convince PokerGrinder it has a significant above-average ladyboy population. Apparently, it's really close to the Mexican border just in case one needs to flee.Quote: billryanQuote: AxelWolfYou don't have to convince me.Quote: billryanQuote: AxelWolfYeah, that makes sense since there isn't enough back alley ground food and ladyboys there.Quote: PokerGrinder
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There are two bars right across the border that cater to such things. Or so they say......
Bisbee is truly a town worth visiting. It is magical. I've never lived in a place with better weather, and I can't think of a cheaper area in this country that isn't crime-infested. It does upset some right-wingers that the town welcomes diversity, offers free lunch to everyone six days a week, and it isn't a very handicapped-friendly place as it is carved into the side of a mountain, but no place is perfect.
A few days ago, I awoke to the mountains being covered with snow. By 9AM, all but the tops of the mountains were clear.
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However, I'm not so sure about the crime rate. I did see at one time in 2012(?) the crime rate was It was higher than in 95.1% U.S. cities.
link to original post
The crime rate here is often discussed and is supposedly skewed by a few things.
1) We are the county seat so a lot of defendants are arrested at court when they show up for other charges
2) People in accidents elsewhere are often arrested for DWI at our hospital.
3) People taken into custody by INS and Border Patrol crossing the border are charged in Bisbee if they bring in drugs or have been previously deported.
4) The small population tends to skew numbers. We had one murder last year, but with a population of 5,000, it was reported that the murder rate is 20 per 100,000, which puts us as one of the deadliest towns in America, despite only one murder.
The murder itself is questionable. Four longtime friends were camping and doing all sorts of drugs. One guy decided it would be kool to explore an underground river in the middle of the night, and his friends tried to restrain him. He pulled a knife and stabbed one of his friends. In the resulting struggle, another one of the kids got stabbed and bled out before they called for help. Almost everyone says the guy charged with the murder was a sweetheart, salt-of-the-earth type. I think he was 17 when the stabbing occurred.
Bisbee is a magical place.
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Quote: AxelWolfNow you only have to convince PokerGrinder it has a significant above-average ladyboy population. Apparently, it's really close to the Mexican border just in case one needs to flee.Quote: billryanQuote: AxelWolfYou don't have to convince me.Quote: billryanQuote: AxelWolfYeah, that makes sense since there isn't enough back alley ground food and ladyboys there.Quote: PokerGrinder
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There are two bars right across the border that cater to such things. Or so they say......
Bisbee is truly a town worth visiting. It is magical. I've never lived in a place with better weather, and I can't think of a cheaper area in this country that isn't crime-infested. It does upset some right-wingers that the town welcomes diversity, offers free lunch to everyone six days a week, and it isn't a very handicapped-friendly place as it is carved into the side of a mountain, but no place is perfect.
A few days ago, I awoke to the mountains being covered with snow. By 9AM, all but the tops of the mountains were clear.
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However, I'm not so sure about the crime rate. I did see at one time in 2012(?) the crime rate was It was higher than in 95.1% U.S. cities.
link to original post
The crime rate here is often discussed and is supposedly skewed by a few things.
1) We are the county seat so a lot of defendants are arrested at court when they show up for other charges
2) People in accidents elsewhere are often arrested for DWI at our hospital.
3) People taken into custody by INS and Border Patrol crossing the border are charged in Bisbee if they bring in drugs or have been previously deported.
4) The small population tends to skew numbers. We had one murder last year, but with a population of 5,000, it was reported that the murder rate is 20 per 100,000, which puts us as one of the deadliest towns in America, despite only one murder.
The murder itself is questionable. Four longtime friends were camping and doing all sorts of drugs. One guy decided it would be kool to explore an underground river in the middle of the night, and his friends tried to restrain him. He pulled a knife and stabbed one of his friends. In the resulting struggle, another one of the kids got stabbed and bled out before they called for help. Almost everyone says the guy charged with the murder was a sweetheart, salt-of-the-earth type. I think he was 17 when the stabbing occurred.
Bisbee is a magical place.
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Having brunch in Mexico ,as we speak. Bisbee Junction is right on the border, but I live 12 miles by road from the closest crossing. Maybe five miles as the crow flies.
The border is open for business, and the walk thru lane has no wait, although it will get busy later. Almost everyone at brunch is American and walked over for the day.
Brunch cost about $4.
some of it is 100% fact, some of it is speculation, some there's logical answers to, some of it there's BS answers to. One needs to look at the bigger picture and make a determination.Quote: GenoDRPhYou've plenty of accusations without any proof for any of them. Much of what you wrote have already been answered or for which there is no proof, especially Bryan being paid off and the affair, And what does her twin sister have to do with it? This is firmly now into the territory of conspiracy theory.
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I can't possibly take any advice from a guy who claims she was bluff calling.
When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do?
Quote: billryanQuote: AxelWolfYeah, that makes sense since there isn't enough back alley ground food and ladyboys there.Quote: PokerGrinder
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There are two bars right across the border that cater to such things. Or so they say......
Bisbee is truly a town worth visiting. It is magical. I've never lived in a place with better weather, and I can't think of a cheaper area in this country that isn't crime-infested. It does upset some right-wingers that the town welcomes diversity, offers free lunch to everyone six days a week, and it isn't a very handicapped-friendly place as it is carved into the side of a mountain, but no place is perfect.
A few days ago, I awoke to the mountains being covered with snow. By 9AM, all but the tops of the mountains were clear.
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um.. heavier object of same size do fall faster due to gravity:Quote: GenoDRPhMeanwhile, based on new facts, I've altered my position of her bluffing long ago. Yet you still want to harp on that.
Willing to bet you think the Sun revolves around the Earth, that heavier objects fall faster due to gravity and that spontaneous generation creates life.
When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do?
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Given two objects of the same size but of different materials, the heavier (denser) object will fall faster.
Although the drag and buoyancy forces will be the same for both, the gravitational force will be greater for the heavier object.
did you mean in a vacuum?
Lies. Please show where I believe she possibly inserted a signaling device in one of her orifices.Quote: GenoDRPh...says the guy who believes without evidence she cheated and that she possibly inserted a signaling device in one of her orifices. Please do read MDawg's takedown of you on another thread. He states how wrong you are better than anyone else.
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Yes, I know MDawg wants my attention in his dying thread, but I'm not engaging with him. I already predicted this would happen.