Quote: TwoFeathersATLDeleted
I found that humorous.
That was funny! But it wasn't nice ;-(
Quote: beachbumbabsBuzzard,
Not funny. See ya.
Oh come on, it was funny!
But you might not be an AP if you can't figure out how to stay out of trouble with pit bosses or moderators
IF you think "EV" is the night before a holiday, and SD is something you get from a hooker inside a casino..... Youuuuuuuuuuuu might not be an AP.
Quote: Romeslol Babs, I'm glad someone appreciated my response to Tarzan saying Hi/Low was overly complicated. Apparently not a lot of people have seen Jeff Foxworthy... I'll try to form the response correctly:
IF you think "EV" is the night before a holiday, and SD is something you get from a hooker inside a casino..... Youuuuuuuuuuuu might not be an AP.
Do you know who Tarzan is? He's not a newbie to blackjack.
Yes, I've seen him on here and other sites which is why my first response to him was "I hope this is satire?"Quote: 1BBQuote: Romeslol Babs, I'm glad someone appreciated my response to Tarzan saying Hi/Low was overly complicated. Apparently not a lot of people have seen Jeff Foxworthy... I'll try to form the response correctly:
IF you think "EV" is the night before a holiday, and SD is something you get from a hooker inside a casino..... Youuuuuuuuuuuu might not be an AP.
Do you know who Tarzan is? He's not a newbie to blackjack.
I'm gonna count that as another person responding =P.
IF you think the dice going out of the tub and the shooter not requesting 'SAME DICE' is a curse to 7 out... Youuuuuuuuuu might not be an AP.
IF you think "Beat The Dealer" is what you do out back of the casino after losing, youuuuuuu might not be an AP.
Quote: Ibeatyouraces...If you reply to this thread more than four times...
That one needs to be in the semi finals, at least.
Quote: jjjooogggSorry,
I didn't read the rules.
You might not be an AP if you didn't read the rules before you put your chips on the felt. ;-)
IF your name is PAIGOWDAN, youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu might not be an AP.
Quote: beachbumbabs
4. Judges will be Mission, Face, and me. We will each award from 1 to 8 points (total) for humor, originality, and pertinence.
Every one that has made me laugh out loud is one that I shouldn't be promoting with this color name XD Please keep in mind Bab's Rule #6 and take caution when referencing active members of the site.
If you've never dragged yourself off your deathbed to take advantage of a Sic-Bo SNAFU, you ain't no AP.
Quote: charliepatrickYou couldn't be an AP if you played a three-dice game.
This version...

But, but I'm really good at rock paper scissors...Quote: odiousgambityou might not be an AP if you resort to playing 'casino war', 'guess the number I'm thinking', and 'rock, paper, scissors' but then get killed at all those games too
If you don't know how to take advantage of Ultimate X... youuuuuuuuu might not be an AP.
Casino Rock Paper ScissorsQuote: Romes...good at rock paper scissors...
Game is played with 48 cards, 16 of each symbol. Player has three chances to win, but loses on any loss.
1st Game : Both Player and Dealer draw cards. Win pays 1-1; Lose loses. Tie - go to 2nd game.
2nd Game: Player sticks and Dealer redraws. Payouts as above. Tie - go to 3rd game.
3rd Game: As above except Win pays 1-1, Tie or Lose loses.
House Edge = 2.81%.
Now I guess an AP might not play it!
Edit - let's add a side bet for fun
1 tie : 1/1
2 ties: 2/1
3 ties: 10/1 House Edge 4.01%
Dam you, you took mine.Quote: TwoFeathersATLYou might not be an AP if you didn't read the rules before you put your chips on the felt. ;-)
OUCH!!Quote: MidwestAPYouuuuuuuu might not be an AP if ....... eating 100 mcnuggets in an hour for the Wiz's cash is your best play!
Quote: Wizard... you hedge when all your half-point parlay cards ride on Monday Night Football.
... you hedge when only one of your parlay cards is riding on the Monday night game.
edit: AND your mom kicked you ass because of it.
Quote: AxelWolfYou might not be an AP if you had to give yourself a hair cut.
I buzz my own. Huge AP move!