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January 25th, 2011 at 6:07:29 PM permalink
Anyone know what it was?
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January 25th, 2011 at 6:08:08 PM permalink
The satisfaction of a hand well played?
I have a bewitched egg that I use to play VP with and I have net over 900k with it.
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January 25th, 2011 at 6:09:46 PM permalink
by greatest, I mean the most lucrative. Anyone?
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January 25th, 2011 at 7:19:31 PM permalink
Promo that Mansion had a few years back?

Plus, lots of places have had 100% bonuses over the years.
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January 25th, 2011 at 8:45:10 PM permalink
The best I'm aware of was the monthly Golden Palace promotion where they added an extra 20% to each deposit, up to a bonus of $2,000, and the play requirement was just the bonus amount. There were no game restrictions either. After doing this for about a year they suddenly realized that many players were "abusing" it, and seized their funds, including deposits. It is for that reason they remain on my blacklist to this day.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 26th, 2011 at 2:12:33 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

The best I'm aware of was the monthly Golden Palace promotion where they added an extra 20% to each deposit, up to a bonus of $2,000, and the play requirement was just the bonus amount. There were no game restrictions either. After doing this for about a year they suddenly realized that many players were "abusing" it, and seized their funds, including deposits. It is for that reason they remain on my blacklist to this day.

That was a very good one. They were twice monthly as well. They were my first deals. That is where I got to know you a bit as well. I was an original OPA board member.

Mansion was another great one, but these don't really hold a candle to the biggest. Any more guesses before I give it away?
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January 26th, 2011 at 2:57:02 PM permalink
Not allowing you to sign up? Just kidding but it's not for me.
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January 26th, 2011 at 3:03:12 PM permalink
Quote: kengam77

That was a very good one. They were twice monthly as well. They were my first deals. That is where I got to know you a bit as well. I was an original OPA board member.

Mansion was another great one, but these don't really hold a candle to the biggest. Any more guesses before I give it away?

You go way back then. Those were the good old days.

I did the Golden Palace monthly only, but Casino Depot ran the bonus once in a while too under the same terms. I give up on the best bonus.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 26th, 2011 at 4:09:33 PM permalink
hands down the best casino or book promotion ever in history, online or anywhere else was Casino On Net's 007 roulette promotion in Sept of 2001. Michael, do you know about that one?
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January 26th, 2011 at 4:22:42 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

You go way back then. Those were the good old days.

I did the Golden Palace monthly only, but Casino Depot ran the bonus once in a while too under the same terms. I give up on the best bonus.

Golden Place started that back in 1997-98. That was where I got my start. I was getting the offer twice monthly. I started with a $20 deposit. I wanted to see if it was legit as online gambling was brand new. The rollover was not bonus only from my recollection, but rather 1 x though your deposit. I wagered a bit and cashed out $5 ahead. They credited the $20 back to my credit card and sent me a $5 money order (took about 5 weeks) that I still have to this day. I thought that was great so next time I deposited $100. Then the next time I deposited $1000. Before long I was sending them 5k and 10k twice monthly, always getting 20% bonuses with a 1 x rollover. I wagered about 10-20% over the minimum and rinsed and repeated. I was able to pay off all my debts and build up a nice bankroll pretty quickly. I then discovered gambling forums and made great contacts and shared good info. I volunteered to be a board member of the OPA whcih kept me in tune with the bad eggs and the places to avoid.

Yeah those were some great times. I have some good stories that I will share over time.
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January 26th, 2011 at 5:15:33 PM permalink
It appears as though JustBet is giving a 150% bonus on deposits as a Superbowl promotion.

Nice offer from a reasonably safe offshore shop.
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January 26th, 2011 at 6:24:11 PM permalink

It appears as though JustBet is giving a 150% bonus on deposits as a Superbowl promotion.

Nice offer from a reasonably safe offshore shop.

yeah it is a good offer. It is a freeplay, though, but it is easily converted to 75% cash.

deposit 500 get 750 freeplay
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January 26th, 2011 at 6:35:03 PM permalink
Quote: kengam77

yeah it is a good offer. It is a freeplay, though, but it is easily converted to 75% cash.

deposit 500 get 750 freeplay

Splendid offer mates
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January 26th, 2011 at 6:41:39 PM permalink
Quote: kengam77

hands down the best casino or book promotion ever in history, online or anywhere else was Casino On Net's 007 roulette promotion in Sept of 2001. Michael, do you know about that one?

I forgot about that one. Not only did I know about it, but I was an active Casino on Net player at the time, and didn't play it! The reason? As I recall I was skimming a bunch of casino junk mail, saw that one, and thought to myself "too good to be true, there must be a catch." After it was over a friend of mine, who made thousands off of it, chided me for missing it. To be honest, I was a little angry at him for not reminding me about it.

The lesson to be learned is never overestimate the intelligence of casino management. You just never know what they'll decide to do.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 26th, 2011 at 6:59:31 PM permalink
For those of us not around, can you explain the high points of that offer?
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January 26th, 2011 at 7:16:19 PM permalink
Quote: sunrise089

For those of us not around, can you explain the high points of that offer?

As I recall, if you made just one single-number bet per spin (like 23) and it won then it paid 70-1. I think it lasted for a full day and there was a high max bet. From what I recall, the system was slow, but they went through with it, and honored about a million in winnings.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 26th, 2011 at 7:21:49 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

As I recall, if you made just one single-number bet per spin (like 23) and it won then it paid 70-1. I think it lasted for a full day and there was a high max bet. From what I recall, the system was slow, but they went through with it, and honored about a million in winnings.

Holy bageezus!
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January 26th, 2011 at 7:29:19 PM permalink
Quote: kengam77

yeah it is a good offer. It is a freeplay, though, but it is easily converted to 75% cash.

deposit 500 get 750 freeplay

Ok, just read the small print.

The 150% bonus is a 90% freeplay for sports with a 10x rollover combined with a 60% bonus for the casino with a 25x rollover.
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January 27th, 2011 at 8:07:50 AM permalink
Quote: sunrise089

For those of us not around, can you explain the high points of that offer?

The Wiz was close. Here was the promo in a nutshell. It was called the 007 promotion.

For 2 hours Casino on Net ran a roulette promo where they were doubling the payout (70-1) when you hit on either a zero or a 7. The bonus 35x was not paid out until the next day so you had to work with the bankroll you had.

Word got around the forums about this upcoming promo about 2-3 weeks before. The "It must be too good to be true" was a common thought. I got a group of about a dozen other advantage gamblers together to discuss the best way to attack this promotion. We decided to team play. The plan was to load up our accounts to reduce the chance of going bust. We arranged for a conference call during the promotion so we could all talk and keep track of progress. We decided that we would share the risk and split everything according to the amount wagered.

I loaded up my account with $25,000. Most of this was through credit cards as I felt safer doing that so I had some recourse if they screwed us. Others loaded up their accounts with anywhere from 5k-25k. Our plan was to bet on both "0" and "7" for every spin of the wheel. Those of us with larger bankrolls were playing $100 on "0" and $100 on "7". The smaller bankrolls were betting in $25 and $50 increments. Keep in mind we were all playing on different virtual roulette wheels so some of us were going to do better than others. Either way, all profits (or losses) would be split according to the percent of total wagers.

While playing everytime one of us hit on a zero or 7 we marked it down. We wanted to make sure the wheel wasn't rigged for the promo so with 13-14 people playing at once it wouldn't take long to figure out something was wrong. Interestingly enough my first spin was a zero on a $100 bet so my bankroll immediately started out $3500 ahead. (remember the extra $3500 bonus wasn't going to be added until the next day). After several hundred spins between us all we quickly realized the game seemed to be playing fair. We continued to press thoughout the 2 hour promotion. About half of my team member busted out before the promotion was over, but our numbers were telling us that we were fine. In the end we were right at our expectation of 1 hit for every 18.5 spins. (it was a single zero wheel). I personally had 42 hits out of 567 spins. My bankroll was down to about $15,000 by the end of the 2 hours. (-10k). The next day our bonuses were added to our accounts just as promised.

My team cleared 1.65 million in profits during that 2 hour promotion. Another team that I knew about cleared almost a million. The casino splashed headlines all over their adverts that they gave away 4 million dollars in the promotion which was touted a huge success (LOL, yeah right). My own personal account made 72,000 in profit, but I had interest in a few other accounts so in total I cleared just under 200k.

If everyone knew about the promotion and chased it like we did then there would have been zero chance that we would have been paid. I actually found out that the casino's advertising budget was 2 million per month at the time. Knowing this we figured that they could withstand a good hit of a few million, but if word got out about the promotion then they would have likely given away 10 x that and they would have come up with a reason not to pay. It was because of this fact that we tried to quell the interest in this promotion across all the boards. Politics and rumors were part of our plan to keep the promo semi-private. It took even more politics to actually get paid. We paved the way for them to show the gambling world that they were solid and would pay out at all costs. It worked like a dream.

By the way, the promotions manager of Casino On Net was very helpful in getting us paid. We had him convinced that we were whales willing to spend our money at their casino. We proved this by wagering millions on their blackjack in an attempt to get to "gold vip" status. The house advantage on their blackjack game was .22%. They gave comps back to gold vip members at the rate of .4%. So once we got to gold vip status (2 million in wagers I think) we were actually playing at a .18% player advantage. Couple that with their other lucrative promotions and we continued to make a killing off these guys long past the roulette promotion. 2 months after the promo, the manager that we had been in contact with was let go. We continued to play at an advantage for a while but after about a year they began sending out the dreaded "no more bonuses" emails. It is safe to say they were very slow to catch on.

This one single event was the main catalyst in the demise of lucrative casino bonuses. What it did was created huge bankrolls for ruthless bonus hunters to use to scrape up a bigger chunk of bonus dollars. Myself, along with several others parlayed our roulette wins into much much more. We systematically attacked the bigger bonuses until we were either cut off or the terms changed against us. It was a cat and mouse game for a while with us bonus hunters winning out. The casinos were not very quick to catch on and we put a good hurting on several of them. The mastering of multiple accounts and the spreading of the word about the abililty to make decent money on these promotions put the final nail in the coffin. You can still pick up some dollars chasing bonus money, but nothing like you used to.
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January 27th, 2011 at 8:12:35 AM permalink
Kengam, where do you reside?
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January 27th, 2011 at 8:14:27 AM permalink
South Florida
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January 27th, 2011 at 8:31:13 AM permalink
For me the best ever promotion lasted just one month.

Here in the UK we have a high street bookmakers called William Hill, they have their own on-line casino. They offered a 100% sign up bonus of up to £100, and you only had to wager the bonus once. The downside was once I had used my credit card, I could not use it again for the same promotion.

Then I discovered you buy a 'top up' style voucher from the shop in the high street for £100 and deposit that way, you could even then print out a barcode, take it to the shop and collect your money. All with no need to prove your identity (this was a long time ago).
I think I did about 8 in one day at one point.

They withdrew the promotion at the end of the month, not giving a reason. I wonder why?
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January 27th, 2011 at 8:35:32 AM permalink
Quote: WizardofEngland

For me the best ever promotion lasted just one month.

Here in the UK we have a high street bookmakers called William Hill, they have their own on-line casino. They offered a 100% sign up bonus of up to £100, and you only had to wager the bonus once. The downside was once I had used my credit card, I could not use it again for the same promotion.

Then I discovered you buy a 'top up' style voucher from the shop in the high street for £100 and deposit that way, you could even then print out a barcode, take it to the shop and collect your money. All with no need to prove your identity (this was a long time ago).
I think I did about 8 in one day at one point.

They withdrew the promotion at the end of the month, not giving a reason. I wonder why?

Nice score
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January 27th, 2011 at 8:37:32 AM permalink
Quote: WizardofEngland

For me the best ever promotion lasted just one month.

Here in the UK we have a high street bookmakers called William Hill, they have their own on-line casino. They offered a 100% sign up bonus of up to £100, and you only had to wager the bonus once. The downside was once I had used my credit card, I could not use it again for the same promotion.

Then I discovered you buy a 'top up' style voucher from the shop in the high street for £100 and deposit that way, you could even then print out a barcode, take it to the shop and collect your money. All with no need to prove your identity (this was a long time ago).
I think I did about 8 in one day at one point.

They withdrew the promotion at the end of the month, not giving a reason. I wonder why?

I am familiar with Will Hill. They had a monthly $100 matching bonus that I abused to no end. That lasted a few years. All the E-cash direct sites had them at one time. Not only did they give you a matching $100 every month, but they allowed you to get this with each deposit method. They also allowed you to open up multiple accounts as there CSR people suggested opening up another account when you told them you lost your password. Between Will Hill and Intercasino, I managed more accounts than I care to admit.
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January 27th, 2011 at 8:42:02 AM permalink
Just FYI, I am aware that the good bonus days are long behind us so I don't think there is any harm in me describing my many pursuits of bonus dollars. I was ruthless and abusive to a very high extent. I did follow the rules to a T which was a big part of why I got away with it for so long. You would not have heard a peep out of me while all this was still possible. Loose lips sink ships certainly would apply here but the ship has long sailed away.
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January 27th, 2011 at 8:49:17 AM permalink
Quote: kengam77

I am familiar with Will Hill. They had a monthly $100 matching bonus that I abused to no end. That lasted a few years. All the E-cash direct sites had them at one time. Not only did they give you a matching $100 every month, but they allowed you to get this with each deposit method. They also allowed you to open up multiple accounts as there CSR people suggested opening up another account when you told them you lost your password. Between Will Hill and Intercasino, I managed more accounts than I care to admit.

Me too, but I didn't want to go to the point where I said I abused the bonus, I know the Wiz doesn't like people to abuse the bonuses. I did not break any rules, but what I did was not what they intended.
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January 27th, 2011 at 8:53:29 AM permalink
Quote: WizardofEngland

Me too, but I didn't want to go to the point where I said I abused the bonus, I know the Wiz doesn't like people to abuse the bonuses. I did not break any rules, but what I did was not what they intended.

The Wiz has his business and I had mine. I totally understand his point of view. Since this is all past history, maybe I should re-title this thread "Confessions of a Bonus Whore". There is a Canadian publisher who is interested in my stories. Maybe I should suggest that name for the book.
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January 27th, 2011 at 8:55:45 AM permalink
Quote: kengam77

The Wiz has his business and I had mine. I totally understand his point of view. Since this is all past history, maybe I should re-title this thread "Confessions of a Bonus Whore". There is a Canadian publisher who is interested in my stories. Maybe I should suggest that name for the book.

do you think there will ever be a regular bonus that is of some actual use?
I think wills went to a £25 monthly match bonus, but I havent used them in a long time.
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January 27th, 2011 at 9:06:41 AM permalink
I have been out of the online loop for several years, now. Most of the places either stopped taking US action or have limited the bonuses enough to not make it worth my time. After the casinos I moved on to sportsbooks which I still dabble in today. There may be more opportunities if the US decides to license some shops but we are still a few years away from that happening.

You can still find +EV deals in land based casinos. Last Summer (July) I formed a small team and attacked the triple down blackjack promotion at the Mohegan Sun in Connecticut. My team cleared 76k during this 24 hour promo. They insist it was a huge success (again, yeah right) and plan on running it again.
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January 27th, 2011 at 9:35:59 AM permalink
Keep us informed as to when this promo may occur again at the Mo Sun.
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January 27th, 2011 at 10:04:51 AM permalink
kengam, great story, very interesting stuff. thanks. glad to have you here.
"Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe." -Rig Veda 10.34.4
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January 27th, 2011 at 10:10:07 AM permalink
You were really, really, really gambling when you presumed that the casino would actually pay you when you won. You guys could have just been denied any payouts, and you would have been out a couple million (collectively), with no recourse whatsoever.

I've had the experience twice of having not only my accounts, but the entire site disappear into thin air. I didn't lose all that much money, so it was not too expensive of a lesson.
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw
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January 27th, 2011 at 10:21:23 AM permalink
Great story, kengam77, thank you! Now I'm really kicking myself for missing it. The same guy I know who played that promo also played straight up for the 0.18% edge often. They had multi-player rooms, and I often saw him there. If I could go back in time (where is my time slipper?) I would definitely be more aggressive playing online.

I wonder what happened to Casino on Net anyway. They changed their name to the 888 casino, and dropped their proprietary software in favor of Playtech.

It just goes to show that the best money in advantage play is to take advantage of new opportunities before word spreads and competition from other APs ruins it.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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January 27th, 2011 at 10:24:48 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Great story, kengam77, thank you! Now I'm really kicking myself for missing it. The same guy I know who played that promo also played straight up for the 0.18% edge often. They had multi-player rooms, and I often saw him there. If I could go back in time (where is my time slipper?) I would definitely be more aggressive playing online.

I wonder what happened to Casino on Net anyway. They changed their name to the 888 casino, and dropped their proprietary software in favor of Playtech.

It just goes to show that the best money in advantage play is to take advantage of new opportunities before word spreads and competition from other APs ruins it.

Well said Wiz
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January 27th, 2011 at 10:26:59 AM permalink

Well said Wiz

Congratulations on your 100th post and in less than 72 hours. Very impressive!
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January 27th, 2011 at 10:29:21 AM permalink
Quote: benbakdoff

Congratulations on your 100th post and in less than 72 hours. Very impressive!

Thank you
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January 27th, 2011 at 10:30:50 AM permalink
Quote: benbakdoff


Well said Wiz

Congratulations on your 100th post and in less than 72 hours. Very impressive!

If he sticks around three or four months, he will have out-posted the Wizard. On number of posts, anyway, ignoring content.
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January 27th, 2011 at 10:32:26 AM permalink
Quote: mkl654321

You were really, really, really gambling when you presumed that the casino would actually pay you when you won. You guys could have just been denied any payouts, and you would have been out a couple million (collectively), with no recourse whatsoever.

I've had the experience twice of having not only my accounts, but the entire site disappear into thin air. I didn't lose all that much money, so it was not too expensive of a lesson.

We could not have been out more than our initial deposits. Even then we had some recourse as most of our deposits were in the form of credit cards. I have never done a chargeback, but if I got cheated out of my 25k deposit I would have. I had big trust in Casino On Net. I had already been playing there for a couple years. I was already up mid 5 figures with them before the roulette promotion. I had an established realtionship with some of their staff and I did plenty of research (ie advertising budget) before I dove in. I would say we had our ducks in a row as best as we possibly could.

I was very connected and very aware of who the big players were in the industry. I helped establish the original OPA (online players association) which was instrumental in gathering info and helping in cases of locked accounts and locked funds. I have done 1000's of bonus deals over the years and the amount of dollars that was stolen from me is a drop in the bucket.
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January 27th, 2011 at 10:43:05 AM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Great story, kengam77, thank you! Now I'm really kicking myself for missing it. The same guy I know who played that promo also played straight up for the 0.18% edge often. They had multi-player rooms, and I often saw him there. If I could go back in time (where is my time slipper?) I would definitely be more aggressive playing online.

I wonder what happened to Casino on Net anyway. They changed their name to the 888 casino, and dropped their proprietary software in favor of Playtech.

It just goes to show that the best money in advantage play is to take advantage of new opportunities before word spreads and competition from other APs ruins it.

I had 36 clients playing at Casino On Net at one time or another. 6 of these accounts got to gold VIP. Collectively we wagered over 50 million through that place, though admittedly most of that was with the use of bots. Once they no longer gave out bonuses to our accounts we moved on. Playtech sites at that time were notoriously bad payers so it was probably best we parted when we did.
I like this site, Wiz. I hope I don't get too out of line. I have many stories to tell, some of which toe the line of morality. In the end we are all after the same almighty dollar.
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January 27th, 2011 at 10:53:01 AM permalink
Quote: kengam77

I have many stories to tell, some of which toe the line of morality. In the end we are all after the same almighty dollar.

You're off to a good start here, so feel free to post some more good stories. Don't let the possibility I might disapprove of something you did stop you. Everyone has a right to say what he wants to say, within the forum rules.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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February 5th, 2011 at 5:51:19 PM permalink
I just read about this on the latest ATW and thought I'd contribute.

The greatest promotion I ever came across was an unlimited reload (and by unlimited, I mean unlimited in volume and size). All games counted but the percentages varied, however +EV was there if you knew how to play it. It began at 10%, unlimited claims, unlimited amounts. Five per day, 10, 15, 20, 100. It was up to you depending on your bankroll and risk tolerance.

I thought the offer was good at that point. However, it only got better. Unbeknownst to myself, and two other AP friends that I communicated with (as was stated earlier, the less that knew, the better), was that as you earned more Comps you moved up the VIP ladder and the bonus percentage increased. 20%, 30%, 40%, all the way to 60% unlimited. The offer was supposed to last a month but they then extended it to the next month. I was flabbergasted but excited and grateful. It didn't last the whole second month. They soon twigged that they were giving away too much of an advantage.

This is an example of my day for about a six week period whilst this offer was on, and especially once I got to 60% unlimited reloads:

Woke up (often tired and after as little sleep as possible), quick breakfast.

Computers on and ready to go. Deposit or transfer funds from main account to casino account, ensure bonus was added, play (with autoplay), when completed, transfer funds out of casino. Five seconds later, five minutes later, whatever you felt comfortable with, repeat the process. And keep repeating with short breaks for lunch and dinner and sleep usually with autoplay completing any previously claimed bonuses. The outside world was, literally, a foreign place to me (at the end of this six week period I went for a walk to the beach and texted a friend of mine that my eyes were squinting from the bright, yellow object in the sky).

The potential was huge. I didn't know how huge. Would I get paid? Would they ban me? Confiscate? The establishment was reputable and had paid out on many bonus claims previously but could this turn them rogue? After all, many have turned rogue that once were reliable.

They paid. I had five figure amounts wired to my bank account in a matter of days. I had six figure balances built up in no time. I was withdrawing whilst still playing. I was a robot, just focused on transferring and claiming, effectively re-using the same funds to claim over and over again. New deposits were only required if I busted my balance, near impossible once I got to six figures. With 60% unlimited reloads the only thing holding me back were table limits so I claimed what I thought would be a reasonable return of +EV on the claim. If I busted that deposit/transfer, I reclaimed in a matter of seconds. Unless I busted, like, 40 or 50 bonuses in a row then there was no way I could go broke. And I didn't.

So, how much money changed hands? I don't like to say precisely but I still wonder how much more could've changed hands.

I'm semi-retired now, no debts, brand new home, and a big chunk of money in the bank. And that six week period helped get me there quicker than I otherwise would have.

Apologies for being a bit vague, though some may know of what promotion I am talking about.
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February 6th, 2011 at 3:29:44 AM permalink
What year was this?
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February 7th, 2011 at 3:43:52 PM permalink
Quote: Jufo81

What year was this?

Late 2009.
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February 8th, 2011 at 6:04:17 AM permalink
good story, Retired. That was my way of life for several years. Get up early, fire up the casinos and start pounding away at the bonuses until it was time to go to sleep again.
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March 21st, 2011 at 4:16:03 AM permalink
Hi Wizard
888 changed the name of casino on net but not the software. Take a look, it is still the same stuff as before, just rebranded....

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