June 5th, 2017 at 12:54:16 AM
You talking Derek Jetter right?
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.
June 5th, 2017 at 6:09:26 AM
Quote: genenjjAs for myself, I just hope all shooters do whatever they need to do to have a successful roll, ... and sometimes the table needs the few extra seconds because dealers try to push the dice out quick when people have not completed their bets, especially when the table is hot or a shooter is on a roll.
Amen to that! Nice post. And, welcome to this crazy place called the WoV forum. (Now, brace yourself for the dozen or so posts screaming how setting dice never affects the random outcome of the throw and only wastes time when all the other players instead could be losing money, largely ignoring what was actually written in your post.)