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February 21st, 2011 at 10:03:13 PM permalink
Yes, especially when I talk to my drivers.

Now time for my nightly cigar.
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February 27th, 2011 at 3:14:24 PM permalink
I would also add those players who blame an inexperienced player who makes a mistake and and causes them to lose.
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February 27th, 2011 at 6:22:23 PM permalink
Yes, "causes" them to lose.
There's emptiness behind their eyes There's dust in all their hearts They just want to steal us all and take us all apart
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February 27th, 2011 at 9:34:47 PM permalink
Just had my first ever trip to a casino and now feel qualified to chime in.

Goofballs aka people without basic strategy knowledge are kind of funny. I kept my mouth shut most of the time, with the exception of when people outright asked what the correct play was i.e. 12 vs dealer 3. I say the book says hit, he hits and busts. Ah well. The dealer then ribbed me a little about 'the great book', but it was all in fun. It was at a mellow, pleasurable table.

As a smoker, I found the other smokers kind of idiotic. Personally, I have....I dunno....manners? I know most people hate it, so I'd time my smoking and leave at the tail end of the shoe. I'd walk away from the table to enjoy my death in peace. About the time I'd finish the smoke the shuffle would be complete and back to business we go. The dealer kept thanking me for that little number. This other guy tho...he asks the little Asian man next to him if it would bother him, to which he replies "Yah, it bother me. It bother you too, it no good fo you!" So the doof says "oh, I'll hold it back here and blow it right there" where 'here' means behind his head and 'there' means above the table. Why bother asking if it aint gonna affect your actions? For those very against being bombarded with carcinogens, I dont know how you handle it. Even I wanted to bonk the guy.

But, as for the number one most annoying thing ever in the game of Blackjack, the award has to go to my boss, who, as I am more than doubling my bankroll in the last deck of a shoe with an astronomical +9 true count, decides to call me and invite me to dinner, complete with addresses, room numbers and times for arrival. I felt like those old cartoons where the characters eyes would spin in their head and come to a stop reading "TILT"! I managed to keep the count, and even made it to dinner, but it cost me a stroke in the process ;)
The opinions of this moderator are for entertainment purposes only.
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February 28th, 2011 at 4:09:20 AM permalink
Quote: Face

The dealer then ribbed me a little about 'the great book', but it was all in fun.

My stock answer to such ribbing, even in fun, has become, "When he got done writing the book the same guy invented the hedge fund and is now a billionare so I don't argue with him."
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others
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March 1st, 2011 at 6:58:28 AM permalink
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