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December 14th, 2021 at 9:22:08 PM permalink
I Got Chased Out Of A Casino For Counting Cards! - YouTube - StevenBridges
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December 14th, 2021 at 10:42:23 PM permalink
The Main backoff was in a casino that is now closed, well at least the
building, built a new one across the street the dealers called it the
dungeon low ceilings and no ventilation if I get lung cancer I will
know where I got it.
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December 15th, 2021 at 12:46:51 AM permalink
Some thoughts.

First, I don't believe this guy was trying to be a card counter or have a card counting career as he stated early in the video. I believe his goal was to get backed off, get it on video and post it to you tube, just as he did. Why else would he pick an area with low table limit max bets and then spread aggressively right up to the max bet. That screams I am trying to get backed off. And the splitting of ten's screams it even more so.

For a card counter table max bet does NOT mean you can spread to table max. There is an amount that most places will tolerate or be somewhat comfortable with for short sessions but it is below table max, sometimes well below. For a card counter looking for longevity, the job is to figure out just what that level is. And it is different at each casino and even different at different times of the day or days of the week. Anybody that walks in and spreads to table Max and splits tens along the way is trying to get backed off very quickly.

The other kind of false narrative is this idea that there are hundreds, even thousands of casinos to play. That you can just tour the country getting backed off and move along to the next place. It doesn't work that way. Most casinos subscribe to one of more of the databases, OSN being the big one currently. Not all casinos are active contributors, but most subscribe. So if you get backed off 3 or 4 times there is a good chance at least one of those places will create an entry in OSN or other database. And being that the database is electronic, that info is at every nearby casino before you are even out the door of the one that backed you off.

That is why anyone really interested in longevity has to do their homework and part of that homework is knowing which casinos are big contributors and avoiding them. You can't outrun the databases. But at the same time an entry in the database isn't the end of everything. Just another thing a player needs to understand and learn how to deal with.
Last edited by: kewlj on Dec 15, 2021
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December 15th, 2021 at 2:56:06 AM permalink
Quote: kewlj

First, I don't believe this guy was trying to be a card counter or have a card counting career as he stated early in the video. I believe his goal was to get backed off, get it on video and post it to you tube, just as he did. Why else would he pick an area with low table limit max bets and then spread aggressively right up to the max bet. That screams I am trying to get backed off. And the splitting of ten's screams it even more so.

I believe he said in an earlier video that this foray into card counting is for one month. That is how long he is stateside. So he may be trying to hit fast and hard while he can, all while generating good content as you suggested.

Quote: kewlj

Most casinos subscribe to one of more of the databases, OSN being the big one currently. Not all casinos are active contributors, but most subscribe. So if you get backed off 3 or 4 times there is a good chance at least one of those places will create an entry in OSN or other database. And being that the database is electronic, that info is at every nearby casino before you are even out the door of the one that backed you off.

That's probably why he got prematurely taken aside towards the end of that video. He was backed off at a sister property, and a BOLO was put out at all the properties.

Since June 2019, nineteen of the cardrooms in Washington state have been owned by Maverick Gaming. (Maverick was on their way to buying all of them until covid came along.) Getting backed off at one of them severely limits your options.

I was watching these videos thinking this was all happening recently, but as I rewatch I realize that nobody's wearing masks, so this must have been prior to March 2020.
Casinos are not your friends, they want your money. But so does Disneyland. And there is no chance in hell that you will go to Disneyland and come back with more money than you went with. - AxelWolf and Mickeycrimm
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