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July 23rd, 2017 at 6:19:21 AM permalink
Any recommendations for an Android app to improve counting speed? I need something that is totally hands-off for the whole shoe; something that I only need to glance at briefly whilst I'm in the middle of a conversation with a fellow passenger on a flight (or whatever other distractions I can find). No betting, no quizzes after each round, and ideally it should play out all the hands rather than just the initial deal.

So far all the apps I have downloaded and paid for have failed miserably. Most have quizzes after every round or other user interaction required, which is impossible to use for my purpose. Or the hands do not get played out... Catching the count after a 7-card player bust with a quick dealer is half the fun!

CVBJ is perfect for this, but that's not available for Android.
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July 24th, 2017 at 11:43:32 AM permalink
Counting down a single deck of cards as fast as possible and guessing the last/removed card I've found personally helped increase my speed and of others I've taught. If you're bound to do it on your phone I'd say give the forums a search as I 'think' I recall a couple people posting threads about having IOS/Andriod counting apps. They might have been counting apps while playing though =/... No need for all the technology, just get a deck of cards. On a flight (to vegas especially) it's a great conversation starter =).
Playing it correctly means you've already won.
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July 24th, 2017 at 12:15:11 PM permalink
Yes Romes I do count down physical decks of cards all the time. But as stated in the original post, I'm looking for something quite different.

The challenge in a real game is keeping up with splits with a lot of cards, fast-cleared busts, and so on, all while only glancing at the table for a few milliseconds each time. While the rest of the time pretending to ogle the cocktail waitress or whatever. Counting down real decks of cards and playing with a silly app where you have to bet each round does not enhance these skills IMHO.

A few hours of surveillance video would be almost perfect, but that would only last so many views before you memorized what was coming next. But that did give me an idea for a last-resort solution:

I think what I'm going to do is use a screen capture utility to record sessions of CVBJ playing in automated mode. Then when viewing the video clips on my tablet I can just use the media player to speed it up as fast as desired. That's going to take a _long_ time to make those clips (in realtime), but it seems that's all I've got.

P.S. I'm not sure I'd have such conversations on a flight to Vegas. You never know who you're going to run into again when you get there, and ploppies have big mouths. But I suppose it is a big town after all.
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July 24th, 2017 at 7:42:27 PM permalink
IOS/Apple has an App called CardCounting that lets you shuffle various number of decks and then swipe thru the deck(s) of cards as slow or as fast as you want using various counting methods.Not sure if Android offers this App.
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