floor open? Anybody check the hoods of the cars in
the back parking lot?
Quote: EvenBobNo report in 5 hours. Does Ace's window on the top
floor open? Anybody check the hoods of the cars in
the back parking lot?
I have been playing and playing up and down, down and up, then got utterly destroyed!!!
5 double downs with $200 up (total $400 for doubles) with 11's versus dealer upcards of 4, 4, 4, 7, 5 where I ended up with 17, 19, 20, 20, 19 and was beaten by 1 each time
with $250 up I split 4's against a dealer deuce 1st hand being 4,7 double down draw a 3...second hand being 4, K ... you can all figure out where that went
the one highlight of each shoe was the END of the shoe!
Ace is now down $2k for the trip (and $5k total counting last week)
Buzz: bankroll is fluid anywhere from 15-30
for the fluctuation to go in your favor again.
If you're counting correctly the edge is in
your favor.
Quote: EvenBobThis is only Friday, you have plenty of time
for the fluctuation to go in your favor again.
If you're counting correctly the edge is in
your favor.
Agreed Bob agreed! Deep breaths, dinner with family, and away we go!
Quote: 1BBThere's a nice casino in the Marina District that starts with the letter B and it has the same game you're playing now. Take a break and check them out.
I've been boycotting them for an incident before I even began attempting to "count" - not going back!
I shall fill myself up with glorious pasta at dinner and begin with a renewed spirit this evening.
in other casino news:
big wig from the Mickey Mouse company been here over a week - gets a $50k credit line each time he sits at a table...each time he switches tables means he has lost the $50k...in just the one hour I was in the high limit room last night he lost $150k (betting 3 hands at a time $2k per hand)
...this afternoon the same thing occurred
I wonder if he is up or down for the week...but his antic upon losing (i.e. kicking water bottles across the room and screaming at himself) are a sight to behold...
on the other end of the anger spectrum, guy sat down with his entourage (everyone 60years+), asked for a $100k marker, and regaled anyone within earshot with great stories and would laugh any losses away
Quote: IbeatyouracesWhat? In fifteen plus years, I have never reached a count high enough for this play.
Count was slightly positive so I took a chance.
Quote: aceofspadesCount was slightly positive so I took a chance.
That would have been the perfect time for them to run a skills check on you.
Quote: 1BBThat would have been the perfect time for them to run a skills check on you.
...waiting for EvenBob to chime in with a "What skills?!?" comment about me lol
Quote: aceofspades...waiting for EvenBob to chime in with a "What skills?!?" comment about me lol
That's cold even for Bob.
Bankroll is never fluid by definition. I have skipped a meal or slept in car so as to have my bankroll to hustle pool.
Sat down after dinner to play
up and down then lost a few hands to be down $500 BUT, the count went high based on those 5 hands lost in a row...
I put up $300 and was dealt 8,8 versus dealer upcard 5
split the 8's and dealt another 8
three 8's on the table at $300 each
dealt a 3 on the first hand double down got a K for a 20
dealt a 2 on the second hand double down go a 10 for a 20
dealt a 10 on the last hand for an 18
Dealer flips over a 6 for a dealer 11
dealer dealt a 3 for 14
dealer dealt an A for 15
dealer dealt an A for 16
dealer dealt YUP, you guessed it, a 5 for a 21
If I read this right base unit is $100 and with a high count your spread is 3 to 1 ?
Something don't seem right !
Quote: buzzpaffBuzz: bankroll is fluid anywhere from 15-30
Bankroll is never fluid by definition. I have skipped a meal or slept in car so as to have my bankroll to hustle pool.
Sat down after dinner to play
up and down then lost a few hands to be down $500 BUT, the count went high based on those 5 hands lost in a row...
I put up $300 and was dealt 8,8 versus dealer upcard 5
split the 8's and dealt another 8
three 8's on the table at $300 each
dealt a 3 on the first hand double down got a K for a 20
dealt a 2 on the second hand double down go a 10 for a 20
dealt a 10 on the last hand for an 18
Dealer flips over a 6 for a dealer 11
dealer dealt a 3 for 14
dealer dealt an A for 15
dealer dealt an A for 16
dealer dealt YUP, you guessed it, a 5 for a 21
If I read this right base unit is $100 and with a high count your spread is 3 to 1 ?
Something don't seem right !
What do you mean?
But i have a more important question.
Describe the game you are playing, just the rules and # of decks.
At what count do you buy insurance ?
What percentage of your profits come from insurance bets ?
Quote: buzzpaffThere is no such thing as a fluid bankroll.
But i have a more important question.
Describe the game you are playing, just the rules and # of decks.
At what count do you buy insurance ?
What percentage of your profits come from insurance bets ?
Of course there is a fluid bankroll depending on how much I decide to bring...
I NEVER buy insurance so insurance profits are ZERO
Quote: aceofspadesI NEVER buy insurance so insurance profits are ZERO
Never take insurance?
The "Speed Count" sounds great......if you hate money.
So lets talk about insurance. 30 % of a counters profits should come from insurance. You can have a 6-8% edge on average.
And if the count is high, your bets are 4 to 8 to 1 above your minimum. So even though you place insurance bets at only have
your actual bets, it can be very profitable. Especially if you have spread to multiple hands also.
I am math limited to say the least. But Insurance bets also help protect your bankroll. Deck is rich in 10's, dealer gets an ACE,
you buy insurance. Deck is rich in 10's, you get an Ace= BJ at 3 to 2.
Flip side, you lose insurance bet, deck still rich in tens. Under Ace dealer has 2, 3, 4, 5 and 2 successive Tens will now break him. underneath and you win 3 out of 4 and push the other with any total of 20, 2 cards and others.
Seems like NEVER buying insurance is just plain DUMB !!!!
They are never good unless you're betting a lot
of money on just a few spins. Then you bet the
zeros as insurance.
Quote: aceofspadesI still ask those that criticize me to post their total winnings or the past three years (when I started playing)
That is not relevant. Either taking insurance is a positive EV move or it is not. When it is positive EV it seems like you should take it. Someone once wrote here (I think) that they do not take insurance when it is positive EV because it makes it clear that they are counting, and thus blows their cover. So unless you do not take insurance as a 'not getting backed off move', please explain why you would turn down a positive EV bet?
My total blackjack winning for the past 3 years are about $200.
Nobody is denying that you may indeed be ahead. But giving up 30% because you are too lazy or dumb to learn when to take insurance ? Did you expect us to applaud that ? REALLY !!!
Quote: buzzpaffChuck Pistorio aka the Pistol had a phenomenal meet one year at Pimlico, back when the meet was 100+ days. Only exotic bet at that time the Daily Double. Everybody was asking Chuck who he liked. He murdered the track. But by the end of the Laurel meet, he was back to working double shifts at the tire factory.
Nobody is denying that you may indeed be ahead. But giving up 30% because you are too lazy or dumb to learn when to take insurance ? Did you expect us to applaud that ? REALLY !!!
WOW Buzz - I never thought you would think of me as lazy and/or dumb :-(
And yes, I was winning - back to even for the trip.
Buzz is flabbergasted because you have occasionally bemoaned your ill-fortunes whilst not playing perfect AP. The insurance bets should be a significant portion of your profits, but on the other hand, your failure to take insurance might have saved you from getting barred due to a skills check on more than one occasion. You make many plays exactly right, so you may well still play AP Blackjack. It's hard to say. At worst, you're still a very good Blackjack player.
Time to get to +$100 for the last two weeks!
Quote: aceofspadesI still ask those that criticize me to post their total winnings or the past three years (when I started playing)
I can give you that figure right down to the dollar but without any other information it is completely meaningless.
I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we are rooting for you and enjoying your posts. From them I can imagine myself standing during the shuffle looking past the dealer and seeing the ocean.
You are starting to show some chinks in your armor so some criticism is to be expected. I hope it will be done constructively and respectfully and that you'll give it some thought.
I never thought you would give the house such an advantage. If you have a better reason, I would be glad to hear it.
Quote: buzzpaff" WOW Buzz - I never thought you would think of me as lazy and/or dumb :-( "
I never thought you would give the house such an advantage. If you have a better reason, I would be glad to hear it.
As you know I use Speed Count which gives me just a minute advantage - insurance is only taken with Speed Count if a certain count is reached. I think in the years I have been using it, I have only reached that count three times - as such, per the rules of the count I use, I never take insurance
Does that repair any chinks in my armor?
On a side note, the goal we all seek is to take money home in our pockets. If I deviate from certain things based on what I see happening at the table, then I am adjusting the rules to suit my immediate needs. If this is a deviation and affects my one billion hands played EV by a thousandth of a percentage point, then I can certainly live with that
I have such a good time on these boards and enjoy telling my stories, but criticism on such minutia is a tad overboard - at least from my perspective and based on what I just stated about insurance and adjustments I make on the fly based on the actual content of my hands and other hands on the table at the time.
Hugs for everyone!
off to play the tournament
Kill 'em in the tournament !
Anyone want a concert review?
Quote: aceofspades
Anyone want a concert review?
The Eagles? Are they all in wheelchairs and using walkers?
They were big 40 years ago.
Quote: EvenBobThe Eagles? Are they all in wheelchairs and using walkers?
They were big 40 years ago.
Plastic surgery is an amazing thing LOL
Although let's not turn this into another HB thread
and Walsh are both 65.
Quote: EvenBobThe Eagles? Are they all in wheelchairs and using walkers?
They were big 40 years ago.
I've seen them twice in the last 5 years or so. Usually I'm not big on nostalgia acts, but they still can bring it! Joe Walsh is a hoot. He's the highlight when he breaks out the old James Gang stuff.
Don't care for Hotel California once the opening guitar stuff ends so I can't remember where it is in the set list, assuming nothing's changed in the last few years.
Hit the bathroom during the Sunset Grill song. Snoozer.

Played last night - got back to even, started betting into a great count and dealer got 5 blackjack's in a row.
Got some back this morning - still have til tomorrow :)
I am staying positive.
I hate live concerts for that reason. Saw Sinatra
once and never went again. So many people
in the audience singing along with him at the
top of their lungs I couldn't hear a word he was
singing. People are embarrassing at these things,
it ain't worth it..
Quote: EvenBobSo you're still down the $3000 from last week?
I hate live concerts for that reason. Saw Sinatra
once and never went again. So many people
in the audience singing along with him at the
top of their lungs I couldn't hear a word he was
singing. People are embarrassing at these things,
it ain't worth it..
It truly tires my patience when people believe they are not a part of society - they feel they are the stars of their own show. Including the woman behind me with an "I <3 Joe Walsh" t-shirt on who, instead of listening to Joe when he sang his hits, decided a loud, primal scream would serve the audience better than to hear the band.
As for the BJ - I am down $2k this trip and $3k from last week. I think I should just forget about trying to add these other weeks into my ± totals for separate trips.
blues concert and she's a hot dancer and a big fat woman
who was jealous hip-bumped her and sent her
flying and she broke two bones in her wrist. Has a metal
plate now. Its just not worth it.
Quote: EvenBobTwo weeks ago a woman friend was at an outdoor
blues concert and she's a hot dancer and a big fat woman
who was jealous hip-bumped her and sent her
flying and she broke two bones in her wrist. Has a metal
plate now. Its just not worth it.
Exactly why I do not attend live sporting events...too much drinking + false bravado + thinking you are ON the team!!!