Quote: MDawgActually on the Daytonas, the bezel does not rotate. Fixed.
The bezel does rotate on the Rolex Yachtmasters and Submariners. Here are a few of mine.
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That's interesting. Thanks.
I admit that my experience with Rolex is limited to looking at a few system clocks sticking out of airport walls in years past, and that I'm more intrigued by how they implement various features than in actually owning one.
Any insight on why the Daytona is different? Does the "stopwatch" function (not sure if it's called chronometer or chronograph) behave differently?
The Daytona models have a stopwatch, with both hours, minutes and second capability. The fixed bezel allows the stopwatch to calculate speed over a measured mile.
Stand by for session reports (Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played).
Quote: MDawg
The Daytona models have a stopwatch, with both hours, minutes and second capability. The fixed bezel allows the stopwatch to calculate speed over a measured mile.
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... or any other unit of distance, or frequency/hour in range.
I have a feeling that if the sink was dripping and you timed the drips at "every 20 seconds", the bezel scale would indicate 180 drips/hour.
Or if you timed a measured inch, or kilometer....
Quote: MDawgArrived in time to pick up 15K in gift cards. I won't be shopping - the wife will. These are good in the casino's high end stores.
Stand by for session reports (Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played).
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I want to ask you a question and preface it by saying that it should not be interpreted as an attack, but rather a question out of genuine curiosity.
When you are looking at your win/loss totals over a given period, how would you count gift cards? Obviously, I think one must concede that they should be considered as having a greater value than nothing (unlike hotel rooms, imo, or food), but what percentage of face value would you value a gift card at?
Personally, I think I would go with the greater of 50% or whatever percentage of face value the gift card can be sold to someone else for. I definitely would not go with the face value of the gift card.
I guess that I also wouldn't technically consider rooms and food worthless, but would give them a monetary value no greater than the cheapest possible alternative for which cash would have to be paid. Generally, I would value a meal at under $10 and a room at under $20...at least, that value on rooms in the Vegas market.
I was disappointed but then I heard my friend forgot he'd given them to me so he was very happy just getting them back and didn't care that I hadn't sold them.
Quote: billryanA friend had a bunch of $500 Tiffany gift cards and I took some, thinking I could flip them but I was surprised how few places wanted them and have heard horror stories about selling them on ebay.
I was disappointed but then I heard my friend forgot he'd given them to me so he was very happy just getting them back and didn't care that I hadn't sold them.
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Yeah, that's definitely the reason for my modifier of 50% or whatever percentage of resale value. I think you could always find someone willing to give you more than 50%, but for high-end specialty shops, it might be difficult just to find a buyer.
It seems that the gift cards for specialty retailers are the most difficult to flip at a decent percentage, while gift cards for grocery stores and gas stations tend to be somewhat easier to flip at a reasonable percentage of face value.
Below grocery stores and gas stations, I would put restaurant gift cards and gift cards for other major retailers that sell a variety of goods, such as major department stores. I guess Amazon gift cards would probably get something pretty close to face value, as well.
Of course, the best kind of gift cards to receive would be at places where you can actually use them and have a need to be there. I'd obviously want to buy such gift cards at some sort of a discount, if buying them from someone else, but if I were to receive something like a Giant Eagle, Trader Joe's or gift card for a gas station that is not at all out of my way as a prize---I would consider it almost as good as cash.
I'm starting to run up movie bills on Amazon Prime already. I should check out Red Box online for more recent offerings.
I still have $500 - 1k in Tiffany gift cards lying around somewhere from a few years ago. You can get up to 80% if you really try.Quote: billryanA friend had a bunch of $500 Tiffany gift cards and I took some, thinking I could flip them but I was surprised how few places wanted them and have heard horror stories about selling them on ebay.
I was disappointed but then I heard my friend forgot he'd given them to me so he was very happy just getting them back and didn't care that I hadn't sold them.
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Quote: AxelWolfI still have $500 - 1k in Tiffany gift cards lying around somewhere from a few years ago. You can get up to 80% if you really try.Quote: billryanA friend had a bunch of $500 Tiffany gift cards and I took some, thinking I could flip them but I was surprised how few places wanted them and have heard horror stories about selling them on ebay.
I was disappointed but then I heard my friend forgot he'd given them to me so he was very happy just getting them back and didn't care that I hadn't sold them.
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The problem is a $500 gift card for Tiffany is as useful as a $100 gift card at Macy's. Tiffanys seems to mark everything up 500% just because they are Tiffanys.
If we stay a week or two in a casino in the lap of luxury and I end up losing, I would still view that as a losing proposition. The RFB would not be much of band aid to me. (However, I suppose playing in a casino for a couple of weeks, losing and getting no comps at all, would feel even worse.)
Spa comps I suppose I would rate a little higher than RFB, because she does go to spas whether we are traveling or not, so given that I have to pay for that, I view spa comps as equivalent on some level to cash, although of course typically hotel spas are more expensive than standalone ones for roughly the same sort of treatments.
Gift cards - I have received two types this year. Quite a large sum of them were Visa gift cards. I simply ran these through one of my own merchant accounts and turned them into cash less about 2% (card not present rate). I'd have to say that Visa gift cards, for me, rate just like receiving cash from the casinos.
Then there have been two other forms of gift "cards" received. There are "those" that are redeemable only on a website belonging to the casino. On those websites there are actually some things that we want, and would have bought for cash ourselves, such as very high end Apple products. (We just got a couple of iPhone 13 Pro Max 1Tb via that website, plus stacks of the new 16" M1 Mac Book Pros that I ended up selling - as far as what I sold off, I'd say that I accepted a 20% discount off full retail when liquidating the brand new Apple items we didn't want.)
And then these most recent gift cards, such as the $15K just received, are redeemable only in on site boutiques in the casino itself. These would be mostly very high end stores, yes like Tiffany, Chanel, Cartier, Louboutin, etc. She's going to use those. The value of those depends on if she would be buying items from those stores anyway. She already has so much high end stuff from places like that that the answer would probably be - No, she wouldn't be buying anything more from those outfits, at least not right now, but she's not complaining.
As far as Visa/MC/AMEX gift cards and store gift cards. My experience has been that if you hold on to the Visa/MC/AMEX gift cards too long, the banks start charging monthly admin fees. Recent changes in law at least in our state make it so that the value of all gift cards must remain, but somehow at least with Visa/MC/AMEX gift cards the banks are getting away with "dormant non use" monthly fees after non-use for about a year or so. And if you leave them dormant for too long - they will simply escheat to the state! and you'll have a h. of a time trying to recover the funds, especially if your name wasn't attached to the gift cards. Also sometimes the Visa/MC/AMEX gift cards you receive from merchants such as say - tire retailers who give you a free Visa gift card for buying a set of tires, have a set expiration only six months or so away, after which you will have a very hard time getting a replacement if you forget to use up the card.
And then also, with store or restaurant gift cards, even though these typically have no expiration date - still you shouldn't just keep them forever. Sometimes, not for any legitimate reason, but it just happens, they suddenly show zero value. This has happened to me with more than one of these store or restaurant gift cards, and I had to complain to the merchant and go through a process to get them replaced. One of them was for a restaurant chain, and the restaurant was claiming that someone had used the card in some city back East I hadn't visited in years, and it took some time to get it replaced. I got it replaced a couple years ago and still haven't used the card. 😄 I should though before it happens again. Every now and then I sit down and go through all our store or restaurant gift cards to make sure they are still valid. Really, I should just use them up or give them away, but at least I am monitoring them about once every six months or so to make sure they remain valid.
Quote: Ace2What value would you place on a $100 gift card for the Pottery Barn?
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$50 or whatever I could easily get for it, whichever higher. It's not out of business, is it?
I was down as much as -10K at one point but rallied up pretty quickly back to even and then ahead. A 5000 natural 9 win didn't hurt. After a few week break from casino play I was trying to take it easy, but won nonetheless.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Wasn't down much, maybe four or five thousand at the worst. Gradually got back towards even and then I cut a shoe where Bank was over 5:1 in the first hands - I mean out of the first 33 hands, 28 were Bank and Player never ran more than one.
The pit boss was saying, "____, the way you play you should clear over a hundred thousand here." Still, I did fine. After that initial period the Bank still stayed ahead ending at a ratio of almost 3:1, but the real money portion of the shoe was the first half. Anyone could have cleaned up on a shoe like that.
I have a specific goal in mind to buy something, to make the casino winnings seem more real, and I'm half way there.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: MDawg
I have a specific goal in mind to buy something, to make the casino winnings seem more real, and I'm half way there.
$36700 x 2 (cause you are half way there) is a good $73400.
What on earth are you looking to buy to make those wins 'real' at $73,400?
I don't know how I'd be with $30000 in win money, but.. I don't really believe I would be chasing $70000.
Diamond earrings?Quote: MDawgShe got loads of designer stuff with the gift cards but she also bought a couple items for me. I started protesting saying I already have everything but when I saw what she got - wow, what insight, what taste. I'll be wearing these in Vegas.
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But of course nothing is guaranteed. The way I play, thirty forty K could be lost in one session just as easily as won.
Anyway, I agree with the Napoleon Hill concept of transmuting a burning desire into a tangible result. The more real and precise the exact intended end result of the $73K win, the easier I think it will be to achieve. More simply put, just tossing more cash into the winner's pouch or depositing another winner's check doesn't have much, if any, tangible result. It's more money where there was already money. But ending up with this tangible and precise end object, ah, now that will be something.
I did this exact same thing over a decade or so ago where I needed about $150K to buy something specific. I actually ended up winning even more than $150K, over triple that, on that trip. But the interesting thing was, after I ordered the object that I wanted, and it arrived, I didn't even want it anymore and let it go. Somehow, in that case anyway, the burning desire to get it exceeded by far the satisfaction of obtaining it.
As Spock put it, "After a time, you may find that 'having' is not so pleasing a thing after all as 'wanting.' It is not logical, but it is often true."
Quote: MDawgShe got loads of designer stuff with the gift cards but she also bought a couple items for me. I started protesting saying I already have everything but when I saw what she got - wow, what insight, what taste. I'll be wearing these in Vegas.
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Thanks, and I genuinely appreciate your detailed response. It didn't answer the question that I thought I was asking, at least, not in the way that I thought I was asking it, but was clearly very well-considered and well detailed. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Boxing Day or just best wishes leading into the New Year, whichever of those may be of the most meaning to you.
Heavy action. Lost a grip one session. Rather quickly. Resumed play later, took hours including a dining break, and won it all back. Wasn’t easy and there were some very big bets along the way. Once I passed just over even at the end of the second session I called it a day.
I just couldn’t bear the thought of moving backwards today. Losing in the first session was definitely easier than winning in the second!
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Similarly you also have scaredy type players who are afraid to spread to a high level when the going's good.
There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

I'm not sure I recall Vegas being this busy on Xmas in years past?
Wasn't easy, played just a couple of shoes - one or two large bets, lots of smaller ones, fair amount in between, but I managed it.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
It was up and down for a bit, with a couple of big bets, but where the gravy started flowing was on a pattern sequence where I pressed into it and benefitted mightily. Just - seriously - anyone who keeps bleating nonstop about how Baccarat is all about nothing other than random arbitrary hand choices should avoid the game and stay home. Which is about what most all of them, I imagine, do.

What is their point anyway? We get it, you don't think the game is winnable, fine, leave us alone to rake our chips. Saying your peace once twice even thrice, fine, but eventually if repeated ad nauseam it becomes akin to bleating. And it's not just about Baccarat either. I win at Blackjack, some other stay at home Senator comes with a line about "that's not the way Vegas works." Well, kiss my sharries! (and my piles of winning chips). I'm the Pope of Las Vegas.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: MDawgI have a specific goal in mind to buy something, to make the casino winnings seem more real, and I'm half way there.
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I'm now about there. Just shy.
I should just pull the trigger and buy the thing now. HOWEVER (as they say in Baccarat after the opposing side opens a Natural 8),
Quote: MDawgAs Spock put it, "After a time, you may find that 'having' is not so pleasing a thing after all as 'wanting.' It is not logical, but it is often true."
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At the same time, it's often the shoes after I have observed, _______ and cut 😉 that garner the best results for me.
Got a longg Bank run! after a not so bad period in the shoe to begin with, and pressed some, not mightily, but easy pickings, then left. Played maybe - half an hour.
But here's what is interesting. I let a friend play at my table, and this player chose to bet exotics alongside the Bank, and ate up everything was winning (and then some) to the tune of ended up losing something like sixty K! (This one was betting much bigger than I was - but, who ended up ahead? I did, the friend did not. )
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Im trying to learn baccarat and MarcusClark who has learned from you plays the side bets.
Im confused.
This baccarat stuff is hard!
Quote: mwalz9So are you saying the side bets aren't a good idea?
Im trying to learn baccarat and MarcusClark who has learned from you plays the side bets.
Im confused.
This baccarat stuff is hard!
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I play some of them, some of the time.
There are different versions one is the Panda 8 with the Fortune 7 and the tie, possibly with or without the dragon bonuses. Then there is the Five Treasures Baccarat game which has all those plus additional ones.
Quote: mwalz9I imagine itd be as profitable as the CD sellers, club promoters and 3 card Monte/shell guys.
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The Three card monte guys is a great example of team work the poker newbie falls prey to most of the time. Whom do you think comes from the gathering of on lookers at the three card monte show and gets his guesses correct?
Imagine laying 5000 on Bank and say, 7000, on side bets and hitting the Bank and still losing -2000, or putting 10000 on Bank and 14000 on side bets and losing -4000 even when the Bank hits. That sort of thing is what that player was doing.
Pretty much the only side bet I do, and I do it rarely, is the Tie and I'll put maybe 1/5, if that, of what I have on the primary bet (Bank or Player) on the tie.
Consisted of about seven hours of play up and down up and down finally just stopped rather tired. I was down as much as -30000 and up as much as +24000. Didn’t end well. I was just trying to win too much all at once, could've walked with twenty K at least three times I was up that much after being even or down.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Hi Marcus,Quote: Marcusclark66Quote: mwalz9I imagine itd be as profitable as the CD sellers, club promoters and 3 card Monte/shell guys.
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The Three card monte guys is a great example of team work the poker newbie falls prey to most of the time. Whom do you think comes from the gathering of on lookers at the three card monte show and gets his guesses correct?
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Good question. I was not familiar with three card monte as a legit poker game, but rather as a confidence trick played out on the street by criminals and con artists.
I had to google it to get the right word for the guy that guesses correctly. My first thought was 'stooge' but apparently the guy is called a 'shill'
shill: ...
"... leading the mark to observe that easy money may be had."
I've had $150. per ounce Japanese Wagyu beef before, but this Hokkaidu Prefecture with white truffles on top took the prize. It was in fact the best steak ever had in our lives.
Why Hokkaido Wagyu is the Ultimate Beef to Consume
And it was all you can eat of that level of steak too, along with unlimited caviar seafood and anything else you wanted to order off a special menu, can you believe that? This was a private event limited to a few dozen of their highest rollers.

We were at the VIP section of this other casino's party, with a sit down dinner, but besides the special food for the VIPs there was great buffet food (not Wagyu though! but still excellent).

What's the deal with PitBull? He seems quite ordinary to where you'd walk past him on the street without giving him a second glance. How did he get to be so famous?

Most impressive towers of seafood I've ever seen, and this was a few hours after the event start - and still fully stocked!

Those are all bottles of Dom!

And finally, fireworks and unicorns!

Snuck a picture, here it is.

Another recent hand for $15,000 I started with 4 on Player side drew a 7 reduced to 1 Bank started with 2 drew an 8 to give me that win.
Another I started with 1 on Player side, drew a 9 to reduce to 0, Banker started with a 2 and reduced to zero to give a tie and preserve a different $15,000 bet.
Also had a $22,000 mandatory six card draw where my Player side bet was reduced to 3 from a starting 5 and the Bank’s starting zero increase by only an ace.
I had a forty thousand dollar Bank win last trip with Bank two card 7 Player starts with zero drew a 6.
However I also recall a recent bad beat of over thirty thousand dollars losing natural 8 over 9.
Yes Matt Damon said
In Confessions of a Winning Poker Player, Jack King said,
"Few players recall big pots they have won, strange as it seems,
but every player can remember with remarkable accuracy....
the outstanding tough beats of his career."
Seems true to me. 'Cause walking in here,
I can hardly remember how I built my bankroll,
but I can't stop thinking of how I lost it.
but I definitely recall all my big wins along with my big losses. I have a near photographic memory and recall most everything from my past.
By the way, one of those New Year's Eve parties we attended. How much did it cost the casino to put it on? Six million. That makes any party I have ever thrown and I have thrown some very big ones, pale in comparison.
Seems like fair justice for someone who refuses to pay their markersQuote: MDawgAs far as unpaid markers, while it is only since about 2000, that the casinos have gotten away with prosecuting them as bad checks, there are unsubstantiated rumors of people being offed for casino debt from the before that time. According to my family, a doctor we knew refused to pay a large sum of markers to the Vegas casinos in the early 1980s and he was mugged and murdered near where we lived, which was to this day a rather uncharacteristic crime for that very affluent area. They eventually caught the person who did it but he had no connections to the area and it made no sense that he would have come there for a mugging, it seemed clear that he had been hired. He wasn't mob or mob connected but rather some low level criminal who, the rumor was, had been paid to do the job.
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