Recently I had a ten bank run straight out the gate and won 9/10 hands of those, pressing all the way.
I do use the word extraordinary, but, given that I seem to get such a shoe almost every session lately, the fact that the odds are against getting such nice shoes so often just makes me realize that the odds aren't everything. What I mean is that if one assumes that one will almost never get such shoes, one might play differently from the way I play.
Thanks to you and please continue writing, I’m sure others have learned something and got some positive inspiration even if they won’t admit it.
Two monster sessions. One losing big. One winning big. Heavy heavy action.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Would you do us all the favour of the big reveal? I don't imagine, for one second, that you haven't written on the side of the winners envelope (suitcase) how many hundreds of thousands this trip has cost Vegas. Maybe one last photo of the cash pile or of the treasure you also blagged?Quote: MDawgWe returned to the main maison for a few weeks so this Vegas trip - at 7 1/2 months - is concluded. Successfully!
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Or have you done the boring thing of paying it into a bank at Vegas, rather than driving home with a briefcase full of Benjamins?
Quote: OnceDearWould you do us all the favour of the big reveal? I don't imagine, for one second, that you haven't written on the side of the winners envelope (suitcase) how many hundreds of thousands this trip has cost Vegas. Maybe one last photo of the cash pile or of the treasure you also blagged?Quote: MDawgWe returned to the main maison for a few weeks so this Vegas trip - at 7 1/2 months - is concluded. Successfully!
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Or have you done the boring thing of paying it into a bank at Vegas, rather than driving home with a briefcase full of Benjamins?
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Probably a briefcase full of Washington's and Lincoln's.
Quote: OnceDearOr have you done the boring thing of paying it into a bank at Vegas, rather than driving home with a briefcase full of Benjamins?Quote: MDawgWe returned to the main maison for a few weeks so this Vegas trip - at 7 1/2 months - is concluded. Successfully!
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Can you imagine if they had some sort of Civil Forfeiture process on the roads out from Vegas.
Quote: bent cop"So Mr Dawg, do you seriously expect us to believe that you won all this at the casino. And our dog reacted to this particular pile of currency which probably indicates it's been used to snort cocaine. We are taking it into custody, but you are free to go!"
Sometimes too though when I just won too much I'd just stockpile chips and at the end of each stay at a particular casino I’d have them cut me a winner’s check for all those chips, and not worry about that the line would be closed for a few days.
Not here but elsewhere there’s at least one banned WOV member trying hard to track me down so I won’t be posting publicly the exact win figures. Happy to share more images of winning checks (or year end WIN statements when available) confidentially with the Wizard if he’s willing to corroborate without revealing exact amounts.
In sum also considering some $200K if not more in comps received - a very successful trip. I still have tons of visa gift cards to process into cash and more online crap to order with comp dollars than we know what to do with, mostly because we already picked clean what we wanted from those online casino boutiques. When the casinos are throwing free stuff at you it's great at first then becomes repetitive to where you just want to give it all away to friends and family or sell it, if you have the time. Same thing with casino food - there were days when I'd drive into town to pay for take-out food at different restaurants we discovered versus whatever we wanted free from casino restaurants.
On a recent visit with the Wizard he commented that "this is the longest Vegas trip I've ever heard of" and, I'd have to agree!
But actually if we want to take advantage of $15K (potentially $30K) in Visa gift cards in yet another promo, need to return as in with an actual check in to that casino, before Christmas! It's hard to leave freebies alone....
High five and as always, thanks for allowing me to develop my fantastic and very much real-deal side line that has allowed me to accumulate large amounts of extra cash and possess 2 bankrolls made up of pure win money!
You are great in so many ways.
Sincerely with Respect,
Marcus Clark, AKA Marcusclark66
Quote: Marcusclark66Absolute greatness posted by a non selfish and real-deal individual that has been verified by The Wizard himself as to his Real Vegas Play and not being a fictional couch potato running fake simulator gaming.
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All I have verified is Mdawg won whatever he was supposed to in the darkoz challenge. I could easily show a session win if I had a credit line 10x-100x my winning goal too. Your statement is untruthful and misleading. You are not going to come on my site and put words in my mouth. Punishment TBD.
Quote: WizardI could easily show a session win if I had a credit line 10x-100x my winning goal too.
That's an interesting claim.
If it's easy under those conditions, then how many consecutive sessions can a sufficiently-bankrolled player win?
Also I believe MarcusClark66 is saying that MDawg "has been verified by The Wizard himself as to his Real Vegas Play" which, all that that sentence says as far as I read it, is that I did play, actually, really, in Vegas? so what's the problem with saying that.
Quote: MDawgMy goal that session and every session is to win as much as possible
What kind of credit line equates to 10x -100X of as much as possible?
I think in this situation between the Wizard and MarcusClark66 there was perhaps merely a misunderstanding of what was being said or implied.
Quote: MDawga misunderstanding of what was being said or implied.
The only implication that I read came from the Wizard...he implied that he could easily achieve results similar to yours for the darkoz challenge.
Am I misunderstanding what he wrote?
FWIW, the “wizard verified” tag here and on other sites has been prone to “implied” (to use MDawg’s phrase) abuse.
Quote: unJonAlways good to see what brings coachbelly out of lurker mode.
I'm interested in mathematicians' predictions of easily won money at baccarat.
Would that qualify as a system?
Quote: unJon
FWIW, the “wizard verified” tag here and on other sites has been prone to “implied” (to use MDawg’s phrase) abuse.
link to original post
I checked and could not find a single actual example of such abuse on any website, other than by people claiming, as you just did, that the tag had been abused. The only context in which I have seen it used was as to the "Wizard witnessed session" which is a correct use of the term, wouldn't you say?
Quote: MDawgQuote: unJon
FWIW, the “wizard verified” tag here and on other sites has been prone to “implied” (to use MDawg’s phrase) abuse.
link to original post
I checked and could not find a single actual example of such abuse on any website, other than by people claiming, as you just did, that the tag had been abused.
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Ok well I guess that’s that.
You know I like you, MDawg. I just call it like I see it.
Quote: MDawgI understand, just that - as you also know, these sorts of things sometimes need to be addressed before they become assumed facts.
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Fair. And I don’t have a dog in the fight. The use of a man’s name as if they were Consumer Reports is a deeply sensitive topic, so will let the Wiz do what he feels.
Quote: MDawgI checked and could not find a single actual example of such abuse on any website, other than by people claiming, as you just did, that the tag had been abused.
So what does that indicate about the worth of the comment below?
Quote: unJonFWIW, the “wizard verified” tag here and on other sites has been prone to “implied” (to use MDawg’s phrase) abuse.
I'll take a try at some math....FWIW=0
How'd I do?
Quote: coachbellyQuote: MDawgI checked and could not find a single actual example of such abuse on any website, other than by people claiming, as you just did, that the tag had been abused.
So what does that indicate about the worth of the comment below?Quote: unJonFWIW, the “wizard verified” tag here and on other sites has been prone to “implied” (to use MDawg’s phrase) abuse.
I'll take a try at some math....FWIW=0
How'd I do?
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For the record, I’m insulted by this post.
Quote: unJonFor the record, I’m insulted by this post. commentary was about what you wrote, not about you.
On the other hand...
Quote: unJonAlways good to see what brings coachbelly out of lurker mode.
Quote: unJonJust saying if you make me take an interest in this, your boy MDawg won’t like the outcome.
Are you one of those secret mods?
['individual that has been verified by The Wizard himself as to his Real Vegas Play']
I read that as Wizard verified his play in vegas, I certainly do not view it as worthy of a punishment - but, it's your site ..
I also agree that if you do have a large credit line, and a reasonable target, you would more often than not, achieve it - and genuinely believe that's the Mdawg story.
He posted a few losses some pages ago - I guess he just got greedy.
For this reason, all these challenges are generally meaningless. Sure, it could happen that someone is in the 5% category and suffers a huge loss…but the likelihood is rare for that particular session.
A better indication of having some “magic” at a particular game…would be more winning hands than losing hands over an extended time frame.
Quote: Wizard bolding mineI could easily show a session win if I had a credit line 10x-100x my winning goal to original post
Explained here. With available Bankroll of 100 units and session win goal of one unit, P<=100/101=99% Call it 97% with house edge. And one would seldom need to draw down those lines of credit entirely. Indeed, about half the time, one would hit win goal after drawing down 100th of that line of credit.
Quote: mwalz9Im the furthest thing from a MarcusClark fanboy on this forum, but I don't think he was putting words in The Wiz's mouth. Honestly just think he was saying The Wiz verfied MDawg does exist and does play in Vegas.
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I think it's the tenor of the claim.
He is clearly linking the Wiz verification that MDawg did the meetup and challenge with his attaining some strategy that allows him to brag about having two bankrolls won from casinos using dubious methods.
(why two bankrolls I don't understand. If I have two tens and put them in different pockets do I have two different bankrolls?)
Quote: mwalz9Im the furthest thing from a MarcusClark fanboy on this forum, but I don't think he was putting words in The Wiz's mouth. Honestly just think he was saying The Wiz verfied MDawg does exist and does play in Vegas.
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I will admit it is vague what Marcus is saying I verified. His exact words were, "Absolute greatness posted by a non selfish and real-deal individual that has been verified by The Wizard himself as to his Real Vegas Play and not being a fictional couch potato running fake simulator gaming."
My interpretation of the comment is I have verified that the entirety of Mdawg's winning claims are true. I absolutely have not verified that.
All I have verified is that Mdawg met the terms of the challenge. I've also said I have seen pictures of chips, checks, and cash, which says little if not compared to the losing sessions.
I would like to remind the forum that in this post I calculated that Mdawg had a 91.9% chance of winning the challenge with only $8,000 and using a Martingale-based strategy.
Here are a couple other posts I would like to link to, in case I write about this topic further:
Original challenge rules
Challenge outcome
I am still furious about the Marcus statement. However, I don't like to make decisions when on an emotional high or low. Plus, it involves me, so there would clearly be bias. Thus, I will leave sentencing, including none at all, up to the other admins. Let the record show I am absolutely pressing charges for, at the least, false quoting.
I haven't followed this thread in a few weeks - I decided to take a look - because I wondered why anybody cared anymore
has everybody forgotten that on October 24 MDawg posted this:
𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙢𝙮 𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙥 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙄'𝙙 𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣, 𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙪𝙥 𝙤𝙧 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙖𝙩 𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙘
here's the link - 6 posts down on this page:_________
this a guy who stated or implied for a very long time in his original thread that he won every or almost every session
do I need to go look for and post 𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣 his quote where he claimed not to have had a losing session in over 2 years?
it looks like he is a mini-whale who bets pretty big and gets a lot of valuable comps - and if that impresses people - then this is a great thread
Quote: Wizard
I would like to remind the forum that in this post I calculated that Mdawg had a 91.9% chance of winning the challenge with only $8,000 and using a Martingale-based strategy.
Here are a couple other posts I would like to link to, in case I write about this topic further:
Original challenge rules
Challenge outcome
link to original post
As I pointed out, I didn't just play to win "a dollar," I played the way I always play, and with an $8000. bankroll I won $6915. I also bet between 200 - 3500. I did not flat bet for a long period of time as the Wizard suggested would lead to the highest probability of winning the Challenge. In other words, I played for real the way I always do, not just to satisfy/win the Challenge. I believe that it is because of this that AxelWolf and DarkOz commented afterwards as below.
So what are the chances of winning $6915. with $8000.? Certainly less than 91.9%.

Quote: lilredrooster
do I need to go look for and post 𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣 his quote where he claimed not to have had a losing session in over 2 years?
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That is a misquote and I throw down a challenge over that. Let him be suspended if he cannot find this quote. He cannot because it does not exist.
I did say that I didn't have a losing TRIP in over two years, never session. I have posted about the occasional losing sessions since day one. I am sure CoachBelly can find them.
He may be referring to a period in the past when I had not had a losing STOCK trade in about two years, and even that is misleading because I pointed out that after that approximately two year winning streak there came a period where I did lose on two shorts where if I had held just a few more hours or one more day I would have made money.
it seems like it's pretty obvious his method, if not exactly a system, is some version of or closely related to the martingale
trying for many smaller wins and hoping to avoid a very large loss
and that's supposed to be great stuff?_____________oh please
Quote: lilredrooster__________
it seems like it's pretty obvious his method, if not exactly a system, is some version of or closely related to the martingale
trying for many smaller wins and hoping to avoid a very large loss
and that's supposed to be great stuff?_____________oh please
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Again, he is putting words in my mouth. I do not use a martingale or any such system whatsoever. Indeed, as noted in the session report that Wizard witnessed,

In any case, let him be suspended if he cannot back up that misquote he just made above. Then we won't have to hear from him with further mischaracterizations for a while. 😆
I won't ask you to go into your count strategy.
Yes, I may play more than one hand at the double deck at which I play, more than two hands even.
the guy goes on and on about one session
he never or very, very rarely talked about losing sessions - or at least not in his original Adventures thread
and then his play was gone over by the Wizard and he characterized MDawg's acknowledgement of losses as a 𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙁𝙀𝙎𝙎𝙄𝙊𝙉
I don't feel like looking for this - that is what I clearly remember - I've done enough looking - I'm done with this thread
if what I have posted is inaccurate I will accept my punishment

MDawg,Quote: MDawgWhy is he still using the word IF what I have posted is inaccurate? Yes it was a misquote I never said that. Either produce it or accept a suspension.
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I note your complaint.
I accept that Lilredrooster has apparently misquoted you. However, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt in conflating sessions with trips.
It is for moderators to decide who gets suspended. I'll consult other moderators, but I'm tending towards leniancy on this occasion.
LilRedRooster is invited to acknowledge that he conflated sessions with trips or made some similar error. If he does so in the next 24 hours, I'll let it go with a warning. If not, penalty TBC.
So, about not just a retraction but an apology?
You can ask him for an apology. I did not mandate one as a condition of my leniency.Quote: MDawgHow about an apology too, because he not only misquoted me (not "apparently," he did misquote me) about the two years with no losing sessions, but also went on to put words in my mouth and claim that I must be using some kind of martingale system, when I have gone on record many times stating that I do not use any kind of system, and have stated that I am especially averse to the martingale system. In other words, he couldn't just leave the misquote alone and went further, on and on (as is his wont 😁).
So, about not just a retraction but an apology?
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This is a misquote...
"Oncedear said that MDawg was his hero"
This is a misquote...
This is NOT a misquote... It's potentially a mischaracterization.Quote: oncedearMDawg is my hero
"Do I need to go back and look for the post where OnceDear said that MDawg is his hero?"
And as to your Martingaling..... I seem to recall you had sessions where you used and lost an $8,000 marker, then chased your losses with a $20,000 marker and having lost that, chased losses with a third higher value marker. Whereupon, you generally seem to recover.
If that is something you do, it's what I have previously characterized as Martying at the buy-in level (Something I do myself). That could be called 'Some sort of Martingale'
That's from memory. If you challenge that characterization, I'll waste some time trying to qualify it and might or might not retract it.
Quote: MDawgQuote: Wizard
I would like to remind the forum that in this post I calculated that Mdawg had a 91.9% chance of winning the challenge with only $8,000 and using a Martingale-based strategy.
Here are a couple other posts I would like to link to, in case I write about this topic further:
Original challenge rules
Challenge outcome
link to original post
As I pointed out, I didn't just play to win "a dollar," I played the way I always play, and with an $8000. bankroll I won $6915.
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I accept that you did not take the soft option of trivial martingaling to win that session and that you do appear to have played your usual style. Kudos for that.
I don't really know why Wizard has repeatedly commented on the FACT that trivial martingaling would easily have seen you win the challenge. You won the session your way. I figure you were always likely to win and that DarkOz's bounty made it +EV for you. I also accept that you had a serious credit line available to you at that session.
I DO NOT accept that you won that session with a $8,000 bankroll. You won it with your first $8,000 buy in. A different thing altogether. Had that not promptly worked out, I speculate that you would have done another bigger draw down on your credit line and proceeded to chase the win with that fire power. We'll never know, but it does seem to be your style to draw down ever bigger chunks of your credit line. E.g. Buy in 8,000. If lose that, Buy in 20,000 If lose that, buy in ??,000
Whatever. That is history. Wizard has said that he witnessed the session, that he is sworn to secrecy about your play style, and that your own session report was a fair representation. (I'm paraphrasing not quoting). He also confirmed that you seemed to have the high roller profile that you represent here. I don't recall him ever saying that you had any sort of advantage play or that your winning is anything unusual.
Your #1 Fan interprets a collection of Wizard's posts as some sort of verification or validation of your entirety. He is allowed that belief / interpretation. We have been here before with Marcus expressing his opinion that you are in some way verified by wizard
And he's been pulled up for what I and wizard interpret as a mischaracterization of Wizard.
The wording of Marcus's posts imply, but don't assert that wizard verifies your 'greatness'. It's unusual for Wizard to express his anger at being misquoted or mischaracterized, but this time he has. Wizard values his reputation very highly. If he endorses or verifies anything, that verification is done deliberately, thoughtfully, and not trivially. That Marcus appears to characterise Wizard as having verified 'the Great mDawg' was, at best unwise. His current suspension serves as a reminder that Wizard's integrity should not be trivialised or abused, whether Marcus meant it or not.
Quote: lilredrooster__________
the guy goes on and on about one session
he never or very, very rarely talked about losing sessions - or at least not in his original Adventures thread
and then his play was gone over by the Wizard and he characterized MDawg's acknowledgement of losses as a 𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙁𝙀𝙎𝙎𝙄𝙊𝙉
I don't feel like looking for this - that is what I clearly remember - I've done enough looking - I'm done with this thread
if what I have posted is inaccurate I will accept my punishment
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Actually, we don’t care. Let it go.