Quote: darkozBut thanks for realizing how spot on I am!
Whatever you say can and will be used against you.
Quote: coachbellyHe's reads like he's looking to buy information,
willing to search for whatever information he can't buy,
and threatening to forward posts to a member's employers....
Reads the opposite to me. Looks like another potential challenge with $ on the line, which you are again making posts that have the impact (intentionally or not) of making the challenge less likely to occur.
Quote: MDawgThe other day when I was going up this guy and his girlfriend were already in the elevator, and noticed the floor button I pushed. He told his girlfriend, "He must be a singer for a band or have his own TV show to be on that floor."
When I said nothing, the guy said, "See, he's not denying it."
And when I said, "Have a nice day" as they exited, he repeated what I said and added, "I told you."
And then today as I came up, the elevator opened and a small group stepped in as I stepped out. As I headed to my room I figured, interesting, they didn't look like they belonged on my floor. Turns out they didn't. They must have pushed the up button by mistake and intercepted me. I had to get back in, and go back up a few more floors.
Try not to get downgraded before Wiz checks it out.
Quote: ExpectedvalueIt was zero attempt to buy information from anyone other than the poster himself Marcus.
You are confirming that you attempted to buy information.
You also issued the following veiled threat...
Quote: Expectedvaluea simple google search could find them and their employer and forward the posts of them representing themselves as such to that persons supervisors at said company
Quote: coachbellyYou are confirming that you attempted to buy information.
You also issued the following veiled threat...
It is true he threatened and I just read right over it and took it as a comical stab trying to get attention.
Security officers are threatened every single day all day long, it really means nothing unless there's an action made just walking by saying I wish you were this or I wish you were that or you need to be locked up or you're breaking the law, it really means zip to us in everyday life. As far as someone that actually takes an action to carry something out then it moves to a different level. Quite possibly that is what he has done.
You are still number one and in the Forefront posting your trip reports and as your title says, Adventures. #1 at least compared to everything else I've read on this as well as multiple forums.
I do enjoy your thread in and above everything else I've read out there and I'm sure other people do and that's been confirmed to me in several PM's.
Please get this challenge over and push the gentleman/guy/dude/dudette/whatever it is; by the wayside no matter the result and let's get on with the adventures of the great MDawg!
Quote: Marcusclark66For the record I am an Employee working in the Security Department. And yes I happen to be in the upper management of the security department and I direct certain employees what to do and how to do it, but it does not have anything to do with this forum nor do I post any advantage for any person reading the forum to come into our brand of casinos and take advantage and have some kind of insight into how to get around security countermeasures. Furthermore, I'm not a high-level surveillance employee, there's no such thing. We do have some of our personnel working surveillance, but there is no dedicated surveillance only employees, it's all run under the security department at least at our brand.
And I never claimed to be a high-level surveillance employee, somehow a couple of the members here seem to classify me as such giving mea that title. Whatever it's all good. I am not advertising or marketing or anything of a similar nature on behalf of my employer therefore whatever I post has nothing to do with my employer as I do not do it on their behalf. The same as thousands of other members of this forum do not post on behalf of their employer.
As far as proving who anyone is especially myself, just pure poo poo to the hundredth degree and not one reason stands out in order to do that. By the way did I ask you who you are and why you challenge and where you get your money from and who you represent? Seriously dude get a life.
Yeah, I'd hold out for money, as well. That's fair.
Played first shoe somewhat tentatively, with a couple other players, and was ahead throughout although not much until towards the end hit a chop and played it for black chips pressing a little. Ended that shoe ahead a couple thousand.
The other players left and I relatively quickly hit a long player run, think it was about ten or so, and pressed into it beautifully, followed by a decent length bank run, which I played just right, followed by ANOTHER player run, which was just too easy to play into. Side by side streaks, what more could you ask for. And who cut that shoe? I DID - that's who. Along the way I started stacking red chips for the dealer side by side with my blacks to where dealer was winning a good ninety to a hundred X 2 on many of my bets.
These runs brought my five hundred chips to a good level. It wasn't quite Stacks and towers of checks I can't even see over, but it was still nice.
I fooled around with the change from commission on a few bets, noticed the shoe was getting a little random, and colored up - ahead a CLEAN fifteen thousand, which I believe was my best session for this trip.
That little break must have helped get me on track, as those prior sessions of getting down then playing catch up were not edifying, even though they worked out. This time, as usual, I was patient until I hit the shoe sweet spots and then made my mark. Seriously, if I had been a little agro I could have booked easily triple what I did. Still, it's good and I'm more than happy with today's results.
Nooooo. It was his first consecutive win, Didn't you read? He had a couple of days break.Quote: sabreCongrats on your 52nd consecutive win.

Thanks. Marcus.
(An MDawg Fan!)
I'm asking because it relates to something I am researching with John Scarne. Will detail later.
I would ask MDawg directly but he ignores me a lot!
Quote: ChumpChange$20,000 now would have been $2,500 in 1967.
Okay so $25 would have been $2.50 or $3 thereabouts
I will post my Scarne research tomorrow. I'm on the road
Quote: Marcusclark66MDawg, please confirm if this event is on or stalled or failed to comply.
Thanks. Marcus.
(An MDawg Fan!)
Expected Value said he was traveling so he would comply within a few days with the additional funds.
That was barely two days ago.
Quote: Marcusclark66MDawg, please confirm if this event is on or stalled or failed to comply.
Thanks. Marcus.
(An MDawg Fan!)
Quote: Expectedvaluewizard will be in receipt of the additional 2k by Thursday
Today is Thursday.
Quote: MDawgToday is Thursday.
April 7th, 2021 at 7:39:07 PM
Quote: Expectedvaluethis will be my last post until the challenge is over.
My YouTube channel is @advancedadvantageplay -- I have lots more fun stuff there on baccarat voodoo and other topics.
Quote: teliotI was asked by one of the contributors to this thread to say something.
If you were invited to attend the upcoming challenge event,
as an observer or evaluator to supplement the Wizard's examination,
would you accept?
At the edge of my seat.Quote: coachbellyApril 7th, 2021 at 7:39:07 PM
I am sure if any of the three parties involved in the event approached me with that question privately, I would have a private conversation with them about it.Quote: coachbellyIf you were invited to attend the upcoming challenge event,
as an observer or evaluator to supplement the Wizard's examination,
would you accept?
Quote: unJonAt the edge of my seat.
Better sit back, this could take a while.
Quote: teliotI am sure if any of the three parties involved in the event approached me with that question privately, I would have a private conversation with them about it.
Well you haven't declined outright, so that's a good sign.
Stipulating that you haven't been approached by any of the parties involved,
would you care to speculate publicly on why you wouldn't accept an invitation?
To be clear, I'm trying to get you in involved in this exercise.
I think I can make that happen, but not without your cooperation.
Quote: coachbellyWell you haven't declined outright, so that's a good sign.
Stipulating that you haven't been approached by any of the parties involved,
would you care to speculate publicly on why you wouldn't accept an invitation?
To be clear, I'm trying to get you in involved in this exercise.
I think I can make that happen, but not without your cooperation.
What Teliot clearly said is you are not qualified to negotiate anything in this situation.
He PUBLICLY stated if the parties involved (believe it or not that doesn't include you) approached him PRIVATELY he would discuss whatever without prying eyes.
In other words he's not discussing it here and not with you!
Quote: darkozhe's not discussing it here and not with you!
On behalf of MDawg, thank you for your continued interest,
kindness and encouragement.
However, I'm disregarding your input in this regard.
I'll continue to reach out to Dr Jacobson and try to get him involved,
I believe it's an important endeavor.
Thank you for your participation in the Adventures of MDawg thread.
Please enjoy your stay.
You, I and the Wizard already agreed to a specific one time show per specific terms. At this time, I have no interest in presenting myself to anyone other than the Wizard.
Today is Thursday. Once you fund the Wizard as agreed ("by Thursday") he and I will work out the details of this very private meeting.
Quote: ExpectedvalueI attempted to offer teliot the same 500 as the wizard but his dm seems to be off now
PM me, I'll make sure he gets it....just kidding.
You know, you were pretty nasty to me after I offered to do you a favor,
and wasn't able to perform the task according to your timeline.
I explained that I forgot, and you impugned my character.
So this is where we are...I didn't pick a fight with you, you picked one with me.
But we seem to agree that getting Jacobson involved is a good idea,
others may not be interested...you'll need to get their OK first.
So, since you owe me a favor, please do me that favor and tell darkoz to butt out,
this thread has absolutely nothing to do with him, and his input is not welcome.
Quote: ExpectedvalueAs I told wizard I am traveling currently not in America.
As soon as I land and can get to a secure wallet I will send.
You've been telling a lot of different stories, what are we to believe?
April 7th, 2021 at 7:39:07 PM
Quote: Expectedvaluethis will be my last post until the challenge is over.
Quote: coachbellyYou've been telling a lot of different stories, what are we to believe?
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Quote: sabreWhat is the sound of one hand clapping?
Take the correct posture, and silently extend one hand forward.
Then you will become enlightened, grasshopper.
Quote: ExpectedvalueClearly you like drama.
Your story changes hour-by-hour.
The truth never changes.
Become truthful, and there will be no drama.
Today is Thursday.
Quote: coachbellyTake the correct posture, and silently extend one hand forward.
Then you will become enlightened, grasshopper.
Well that begs the question.
Quote: coachbellyYour story changes hour-by-hour.
The truth never changes.
Become truthful, and there will be no drama.
Today is Thursday.
But I've been wrong before we'll see, lol.
Quote: ExpectedvalueJust a date that I thought I would be back.
Back from where...another planet?
Isn't the whole point of bitcoin is that it transcends borders?
That’s not the point of Bitcoin at all.Quote: coachbellyBack from where...another planet?
Isn't the whole point of bitcoin is that it transcends borders?
Quote: coachbellyBack from where...another planet?
Isn't the whole point of bitcoin is that it transcends borders?
If something transcends borders, were they actually there to begin with?
Quote: ExpectedvalueI am not in America, Yes I have my phone but not my cold storage wallet, I assume most people do not travel with it
Anyone who imposed a deadline upon themselves to transfer bitcoin
would be prepared to do so.
So the travel excuse doesn't fly, but there's still time
to make good on what you promised.
Quote: unJonThat’s not the point of Bitcoin at all.
Then what does this mean?
Bitcoin is not issued by a central bank or backed by a government; therefore, the monetary policy, inflation rates, and economic growth measurements that typically influence the value of currency do not apply to bitcoin.
Quote: sabreIf something transcends borders, were they actually there to begin with?