I just said something about, "I managed to win a little," which was true, and tossed the chips on the cage counter with the tone of a man long accustomed to quick service. 😁 The cashier manual and machine verified the 2000, counted it out in front of me, collected the fiver I tossed her in way of a tip, and I was on my way.
Quote: MDawgand the dealer came back with, "I know you _____, you ALWAYS win." I actually didn't like playing with that dealer today because it interrupted the flow of my thinking to have that subtle pressure on me to win every hand.
LOLOL! This stuff is hilarious! This isn't real life, it's a movie script.
Beautiful Asian girl, they 'reason' through the shoe together.
The dealer makes Mdawg the star by saying 'aw shucks, Mr Bond,
you know you always win. I sure wish I was you, Mr 007..'
From the lost James Bond book, ' License To Kill It In Vegas, Baby'.. lol
What are you talking about Leverage? How does he have any leverage on whether or not MDog meets up with him? I'm pretty sure Mike and all the other moderators have said that meeting up is not a requirement order to be posting on this forum.Quote: coachbellyI disagree, Mike has all the leverage here. He should call the shots.
Mike did say, put up or shut up, but it seems he has backtracked on that. I can only assume the M dog whined, cried and bitched in a multitude of private messages that made Mike's head spin. To be honest, I think Mike was confused and had no idea what was actually going on since he doesn't read all the posts it seems like he's basically getting his information from whatever PM'S comes in. It certainly seems as if M dog has been silent on the meet-up matter and he has you a running point for him, meanwhile he doesn't address any of this.
I think it's very obvious to everybody what's going on here. It's all just a bunch of smoke and mirrors and it's obvious that no claims being made by anyone should be believed.
I was thinking about the Asian girl – no, not in that way! but about how she mentioned that she plays primarily blackjack, but at the 6:5 tables. I tried to say to her that she should be playing only 3:2, but anyway, the whole thing sounds like a recipe for disaster – living in Vegas, flat betting Baccarat and playing 6:5 BJ.
I actually considered getting her information because at times her hand choices were not bad for the game, during harder to pick hands, but I’ve never done well playing with anyone and she’d just be a distraction. The other girl I met in Vegas over a year ago ended up losing badly at Baccarat, getting separated from her husband and becoming a real burden constantly asking to meet her in Vegas. She was hot too, but so what, I’m not single anymore, and she brought nothing to the table – in Baccarat.
At the Vegas tables, MDawg flies alone. About the only thing interesting about other players at the table is the show of high end watches we all wear.
Anyway, gotta get to the gym today, eat and resume play. Actually currently set to depart this resort and on to the next one soon, but might extend. If we do leave tomorrow, today would be the most important day of this segment of the trip as it will finalize the tally from this casino.
" If we do leave tomorrow, today would be the most important day of this segment of the trip as it will finalize the tally from this casino."
Don't forget to pack up all the little ketchup bottles.
Quote: MDawg
I actually considered getting her information because at times her HAND CHOICES were not bad for the game, during harder to pick hands, but I’ve never done well playing with anyone and she’d just be a distraction.
I highlighted hand choices.
They weren't bad? What choices? Whether to bet banker vs player?
Quote: kewljI don't think it will come as any great surprise, that I too, disagree with the above, BoSox. I am where I am today, 18 years into advantage blackjack play because other professional and knowledgeable players didn't keep their mouth shut. They opened up and shared very valuable lessons along the way. Lessons that you don't learn in the many books.
Yes without a doubt professional and knowledgeable players shared their knowledge which I am also very grateful for. I give plenty of that knowledge back that I previously learned. However, there is one part of KewlJ"s story that you will not find in the archives other than a very brief infrequent mention seldomly said. And that is giving annual reports of previous years' win/loss statements on the internet. Don't believe me check for yourself it is not there and for damn good self-explanatory reasons. Now in the present era name some other professional player who does report this information year in and year out? Not MDawg .
Quote: kewlj
I vowed to share my journey, as much as possible so that others might benefit. in that same way. To see just what a professional blackjack player really is, not what the movies show, just what kind of money is possible, WHILE STILL BEING WELCOME TO PLAY and the wild rollercoaster ride of variance to get there. I don't think any other player has shared that more than I, and I KNOW players have benefited from it, because I hear from them, both privately and publicly. I mean you show me one other player that has been more honest about some of the down years (like 2020), than I have been.
Sir all due respect you do not set the standards for anybody. Serious point now the short session hit and run style of play that you use how does that help out our east coast brethren whose casino's locations are spread out miles apart? Now let's talk about the people that do play blackjack in the Los Vegas area. How can it possibly help them when your early January report shows yet another positive year, WHILE STILL BEING WELCOME TO PLAY, continuing to outwit many of the dumb casino operations in the area? I am sorry that this next part needs to be spelled out to you but, the modest amount of money winning that you report annually has absolutely nothing to do with the overall picture. This has everything to do with someone who can get away with it. Proffesional Player subjective.
If you feel the need to challenge me, which you obviously do of late, you are going to have to play by the rules and start a new thread or something.
Quote: darkozI highlighted hand choices.
They weren't bad? What choices? Whether to bet banker vs player?
You're missing the most important choice. Whether to bet at all. You just wait until the pattern becomes clear then bet on the choice that's going win.
Quote: kewljI know you are getting older and forgetful BoSox, so let me say again for about the 5th time, I am not going to discuss my blackjack play, career and anything you don't appreciate about me or the way I post in THIS thread. This is Mdawg's thread for telling his "adventures", and as much as I don't believe any of it, I am not going to participate in hijacking of his wonderful "stories".
If you feel the need to challenge me, which you obviously do of late, you are going to have to play by the rules and start a new thread or something.
KJ, I am writing here in this thread for a reason I want to make sure that people see it. Love it or hate it this thread is where the action is. I do not care if you respond or not. The only actual blackjack board where you can legally post those annual trip reports of yours is blackjack info that has only 4 members who just so happens to be all smarter than you.
why would it be illegal for KJ to post an annual trip report?Quote: BoSoxKJ, I am writing here in this thread for a reason I want to make sure that people see it. Love it or hate it this thread is where the action is. I do not care if you respond or not. The only actual blackjack board where you can legally post those annual trip reports is blackjack info that has only 4 members who just so happens to be all smarter than you.
Quote: unJonwhy would it be illegal for KJ to post an annual trip report?
Barring of a 2-lifetime sentence in the only other blackjack board.
Quote: BoSoxBarring of a 2-lifetime sentence in the only other blackjack board.
Thanks for clearing that up. /sarcasm
Quote: MDawgSomeone asked me what the coronavirus risk might be in Vegas....
Well, both my wife and I are vaccinated now, but we both still wear masks. Everyone must wear a mask and there are also plexiglass barriers at the tables, but I suppose if someone right next to me had it, it could be a potential issue. We do not dine in restaurants and eat all takeout to minimize the risk.
There is definitely a risk - greater than say staying at home - but we were here a month and a half Oct/Nov 2020, and didn't catch it....
Last night one of the dealers told me that the dealer contracted coronavirus at some point, I assume last year? Said that it was like the worst flu ever experienced, didn't go to the hospital, lasted at least two weeks. Said assumed caught it at the casino. The dealer still looked not so good, a bit of a pasty, sweaty pallor over forehead still, but I have to presume is no longer contagious. Still, I tried to keep my distance.
Today at the gym two guys were not wearing their masks. I asked the attendant to deal with it, both pulled their masks up instantly. Later I noticed one of them had pulled his mask back down again. (The other had left the gym entirely.) This mask-skirter was in another room of the gym so I didn't worry about it, but when I had to complete my workout in that room next to him I said to him, "Would you PLEASE wear your mask when I am in the room next to you." I was actually thundering practically.
"What, do you work here?"
Okay that was enough. I was already agro, so I exploded, "If you think you're better than the rest of us GET THE _____ OUT!"
He said nothing for a bit, then, "You're making an assumption, that I think that," which was actually, a rather good response, but still, I wasn't in the mood.
"Look, none of us wants to wear a mask, it's stupid, just do it, okay?"
Not a word after that, his mask stayed up, and I completed my workout.
I was still a little agro as I left the gym, so I went out by the pool to catch a moment of sun and relax. There's a windstorm in progress out there.
Calmed down now, eating, will go down to play again soon.
I view anyone skirting the mask law as disrespecting the rest of us. I generally deal with the situation politely or with some kind of joke but this guy just somehow got my goad up.
Quote: MDawgLast night one of the dealers told me that the dealer contracted coronavirus at some point, I assume last year? Said that it was like the worst flu ever experienced, didn't go to the hospital, lasted at least two weeks. Said assumed caught it at the casino. The dealer still looked not so good, a bit of a pasty, sweaty pallor over his forehead still, but I have to presume that he is no longer contagious. Still, I tried to keep my distance.
Today at the gym two guys were not wearing their masks. I asked the attendant to deal with it, both pulled their masks up instantly. Later I noticed one of them had pulled his mask back down again. (The other had left the gym entirely.) This mask-skirter was in another room of the gym so I didn't worry about it, but when I had to complete my workout in that room next to him I said to him, "Would you PLEASE wear your mask when I am in the room next to you." I was actually thundering practically.
"What, do you work here?"
Okay that was enough. I was already agro, so I exploded, "If you think you're better than the rest of us GET THE _____ OUT!"
He said nothing for a bit, then, "You're making an assumption, that I think that," which was actually, a rather good response, but still, I wasn't in the mood.
"Look, none of us wants to wear a mask, it's stupid, just do it, okay?"
Not a word after that, his mask stayed up, and I completed my workout.
I was still a little agro as I left the gym, so I went out by the pool to catch a moment of sun and relax. There's a windstorm in progress out there.
Calmed down now, eating, will go down to play again soon.
I view anyone skirting the mask law as disrespecting the rest of us. I generally deal with the situation politely or with some kind of joke but this guy just somehow got my goad up.
I vote we have a WOV meetup between MDawg and AZDuffman!
I would pay to see that one!
I told my wife about it and she laughed and later said, "Well you have to do what you have to do."
I'm a master at turning potential foes into friends. But only when I think the detractors are worth the effort. If not, let them stew in their hate and let the status quo reign!
I also asked another one what it was like, and dealer said that the next day woke up with a funny feeling in the throat - still went to work for a few days and then - was wiped out for six weeks (but no hospitalization). I asked, well - how do you know you're not still infectious? and there was a nervous laugh. This dealer said had now been vaccinated.
Things got a little turbulent today. I started at the 100 limit table, and then before I could play or have the no smoking sign erected at my table, before the first hand some Indian guy plopped himself next to me with a full pack of cigarettes - Marlboro menthols (that's the way to die!) no less. He was polite enough to ask if I minded if he smoked, but - what could I say really, other than, "I suppose you're going to anyway" - and the guy turned out to be a chain smoker.
The plexiglass barriers actually seemed to help, but - now 12 hours later my throat feels it a tad.
Three others including a guy with his girlfriend eventually arrived at the table, and bets were all over the place. Finally, I found a sequence where I won something like 11 hands in a row at 500 a pop to rally back from a couple grand negative, and people started to follow me. When the shoe ended I was up two grand. The Indian guy left the table but said that he would return. I didn't want any more of that cancer stick fuming next door, so I colored up and left to a higher limit table with 10000 even - 2000 plus the 8000 marker I pulled.
At the higher limit table I played alone all evening, which was good. What was not good was that within something like the first fifteen hands I had dumped the whole ten grand including one five thousand dollar bet I lost handily. I admit I was playing harder because I kept thinking I was ahead thirty grand and could afford to take some risks. Then I started doing call bets - 2000, 1000, etc. and I won each of them, but just couldn't take those wins anywhere, until I lost a 2000 call bet on bank and had them print it to 20K. So, I was now in for 28K in markers.
The bets kept going back and forth until - somehow - I must've been down -18K for the day because I put 10K on Player, all I had in front of me (CASE BET), and it wasn't an easy hand either - six card draw, and I WON! From that point on there was some back and forth and more than a few large bets I barely won (a couple 6000, an 8000 - and by barely won I mean six card draws where I ended maybe one point ahead), but eventually a few shoes later I made it back to having 9165 in front of me which represented +1165 for the day, and I called it quits. I was constantly getting stuck at -4000 for the day but eventually made it past that bump. (Not much before I stopped at +1165 I was -300 for the day and seriously considering stopping as this was almost even but I decided to play a bit longer to get to the point of being ahead something for all my effort). Pit boss told me my average for that session was 1750. I actually tried to make a case for a 2000 average, and mentioned the 10K bet, but this pit boss hadn't seen that bet, so I left it alone. 1750 is pretty strong anyway.
And so - winner's envelope has a clean 10K in cash now, plus the 23K in chips. +33K for the trip.

Ran into my host in person. Host told me that "all the host's players" were winning. In office, host also said that as of the moment while all of the room and food would be picked up easily, that couldn't get more than 200 from the spa, "because I was winning" and also because my Theo loss was only -8500. Decided to extend so will be here a bit longer at least.
While eating a sumptuous take out meal (decided to charge about two and half to the room, as long as RFB was so solidly in play) I mentioned what the host had said - about all the host's players winning - to my wife. She said, "Do you believe that?" - I said, "Well maybe they are now, but will give it back later." She thought it was just a line, that the host was just trying to make it seem like "everyone's a winner at this casino!"
Hey I was thinking after reading all of your stuff on a couple long nights I had this week.
You need to be very careful not to play at those slow, slow, s-l-o-o-o-o-w tables or with people that you find extremely boring in playing the game and most of all do not win too much money because after reading other people's comments and postings about Baccarat (I'm not mentioning who's or how many of them) you might grow bored of the game and reduce yourself to $5 a hand and just plain quit baccarat because you've made too much money and found the game too boring.
So my advice is just be careful.
1. Go with a beautiful sexy young girl.*
2. Stay at a beautiful sexy young place.
3. Dine sumptuously.
4. Serious gym workout every other day.
5. Serious sex workout at least 2X daily, including definitely before each gambling session.
6. RFB comp.
7. Win.
*Preferably one who doesn't gamble.
*Let the girl go to the spa for treatments whenever she wants. (Happy wife, happy life.)
Quote: MDawgMDawg's formula for a good Vegas trip:
1. Go with a beautiful sexy young girl.*
2. Stay at a beautiful sexy young place.
3. Dine sumptuously.
4. Serious gym workout every other day.
5. Serious sex workout at least 2X daily, including definitely before each gambling session.
6. RFB comp.
7. Win.
*Preferably one who doesn't gamble.
*Let the girl go to the spa for treatments whenever she wants. (Happy wife, happy life.)
And this is what WoV has become. LOL.
Since I'm no great fan of this forum, I think it's apropos.
A site that purports to aide gamblers by mathematical education now features somebody who wins all of the time with no regard to anything mathematical, therefore rendering the site and forum's original purpose moot. Decrepit and outdated, one might say. Irrelevant.
The highest profile dude on the site is making a mockery of the site's stated profile by abiding by the site's rules and making others do the same. I think, if that doesn't say attorney, nothing does.
I don't see why any posters would get their knickers in a twist over MDawg's entries when the site itself is being completely poked fun at with the MDawg content. It's hilarious, if you think about it.
WoV don't need no education. WoV don't need no thought control.
After all, the site has, "Here he comes, to save the day!" And the day ain't being saved by math. For those who get the Mighty Mouse reference, it does all remind me of something Andy Kaufman would have dreamed up.
Quote: MDawgMDawg's formula for a good Vegas trip:
1. Go with a beautiful sexy young girl.*
2. Stay at a beautiful sexy young place.
5. Serious sex workout at least 2X daily, including definitely before each gambling session.
*Preferably one who doesn't gamble.
*Let the girl go to the spa for treatments whenever she wants. (Happy wife, happy life.)
1. If it's not the wife, don't let the wife find out.
If you've watched the movie Goodfellas closely, that is exactly the way the maitre d' at the Copa greets Karen when he first meets her. Henry is the VIP, he gets the table up front, and his date - whom they've never seen before - gets the "Hi, How are YOU" warm greeting that makes her feel welcome but not letting on in any way that Henry probably shows up with a different girl every week.
To give an analogy - I've done some crim law, and clients who were locked up have described to me how when their mothers visit them, no matter how old, the guards never make that assumption and simply refer to them as "your visitor" i.e. the guards don't know whether that older lady coming to visit isn't some sugar mamma the studly convict somehow got hold of. (Not every guard in visiting knows the full name of each visitor, most are just there to oversee, is the way the system works.)
Back in the day I'd show up with a different girlfriend most every trip, and while in private some of my hosts would be slapping me on the back and asking to the effect of "where do you find these girls?" in front of them it was all cooly detached and acting like MDawg always flew single.
I found this extremely appropriate and I emphasize extremely.
Last night I thought about this thread after an event happened where there was an event concerning a rail thief who grabbed some high rollers few thousand in chips and ran from the casino's main floor towards the main exit. We caught him and there was a struggle on the floor and during that struggle one of my officers got violently kicked in the face by the rail thief. You know everyone thinks everyone's job is so easy and so worthless and so unprofessional, it's easy to talk about but in reality things are quite different.
I have told countless people, if you didn't see it you don't know about it.
So hundreds if not thousands of people seen maybe 15 security officers attempting to subdue a subject that just stole someone's thousands of dollars of chips but the majority of those people did not see the officer get kicked in the face as well as that person stealing the chips. All that will get talked about is how some poor innocent casino patron got surrounded and handcuffed for something like getting tresspassed or being drunk.
Quote: Marcusclark66May I please interject here?
I found this extremely appropriate and I emphasize extremely.
Last night I thought about this thread after an event happened where there was an event concerning a rail thief who grabbed some high rollers few thousand in chips and ran from the casino's main floor towards the main exit. We caught him and there was a struggle on the floor and during that struggle one of my officers got violently kicked in the face by the rail thief. You know everyone thinks everyone's job is so easy and so worthless and so unprofessional, it's easy to talk about but in reality things are quite different.
I have told countless people, if you didn't see it you don't know about it.
So hundreds if not thousands of people seen maybe 15 security officers attempting to subdue a subject that just stole someone's thousands of dollars of chips but the majority of those people did not see the officer get kicked in the face as well as that person stealing the chips. All that will get talked about is how some poor innocent casino patron got surrounded and handcuffed for something like getting tresspassed or being drunk.
Maybe I am dense but what's the connection?
MDawg secret to winning is railing other players when no one is looking?
That's why they always lose while he wins?
Quote: kewlj
For me one of those other claims that really calls into question his credibility is the statement I asked for a clarification about concerning first being banned and then unbanned for blackjack at numerous properties. I believe MDawg has in the past mentioned this ban was for card counting. I wanted to see him say that again, because once banned for card counting, players do not get "unbanned". That just doesn't happen. Yes, Occasionally, especially years ago, at the time of a backoff or ban, a player might be able to talk his way out of it.... very temporarily. But all that ever did was buy the player and extra session or two.
Now in today's world bannings are not something done lightly (well maybe at a few rinky dink places like El Cortez or South Point), but most legitimate casinos banning a player involves a computerized evaluation of play before banning a player, and you can bet that Is the case at the high end locations Mdawg is speaking of and at the level of play he is talking about. Once that decision is made, there Is no talking one's way out of a ban or getting a ban reversed.
The only way a top high end casino would consider revering a ban on a card counter, is if the player in question has a long track record of losing play at other games (like baccarat) that far exceeds any advantage he may have at blackjack. In such a scenario, they may be willing to look the other way as per the blackjack "ban". But again, that considerable losing record at baccarat play is not what MDawg is claiming, although it is what some of us suspect.
Quote: kewljI am going to bump my post from 20 pages ago, because it was conveniently ignored by Mdawg. He claims to have been "unbanned" at several locations after being banned for card counting. As anyone with experience of card counting knows, casinos do not "unban" players once they are banned.
James Swain writes some excellent fiction regarding gambling and Vegas
I'd recommend him over Mdawg any day
Doesn't make the amateur mistakes you catch on Mdawg's posts
Quote: kewljI am going to bump my post from 20 pages ago, because it was conveniently ignored by Mdawg. He claims to have been "unbanned" at several locations after being banned for card counting. As anyone with experience of card counting knows, casinos do not "unban" players once they are banned.
Way too many assumptions all the time with things. I'm unbanned from a casino at which I was banned (by the casino) for five years. Every so often, I'd call and ask...and the guy that they said I needed to talk to would never answer my calls or Emails.
After that, Covid happened and places were closed, so I figured he doesn't have much better to do than talk to me. Answered the phone on the second ring. With that, he looked into it and conditionally unbanned me...the condition being that I don't do anything along the lines of the play that we were there doing again.
Quote: Mission146Way too many assumptions all the time with things. I'm unbanned from a casino at which I was banned (by the casino) for five years. Every so often, I'd call and ask...and the guy that they said I needed to talk to would never answer my calls or Emails.
After that, Covid happened and places were closed, so I figured he doesn't have much better to do than talk to me. Answered the phone on the second ring. With that, he looked into it and conditionally unbanned me...the condition being that I don't do anything along the lines of the play that we were there doing again.
Well I don't know what kind of "play" you are referring to concerning the circumstances of your ban, but with blackjack and card counting a reversal is very rare from my understanding. And I am speaking more from speaking with many other serious and professional players than my own experiences on this one, because I don't have many permanent bans. I think 1, unless I am forgetting one. I have many, many, "no more blackjack", but I just ignore them, stay away for a little bit and then go on about my business (literally) LOL.
Quote: darkozMaybe I am dense but what's the connection?
MDawg secret to winning is railing other players when no one is looking?
That's why they always lose while he wins?
Seriously man! If you didn't see the way he plays and all the results, then you cannot say he did not because of your experiences or theory or statistical odds or anything else. That is the connection.
Quote: terapinedJames Swain writes some excellent fiction regarding gambling and Vegas
I'd recommend him over Mdawg any day
Doesn't make the amateur mistakes you catch on Mdawg's posts
I have also read all of Swain's books and appreciate some of the Las Vegas detail he includes. I don't know if he lived in Las Vegas or just spent a bunch of time here.
Smoooooothhh Billll today as I played just 1 3/4 shoes. Beginning of the first (pit boss cut) had some zigging and zagging but from the point where I put fifteen hunny on bank and won that, the story of the scene was simply winning most of the hands, and in fact towards the very end at the dealer switch I won EVERY SINGLE HAND to the end.
Second shoe (I cut) until towards the end where the pattern shifted and I stopped and cashed out NEVER WENT PAST TWO I mean I could have murdered the rack but I was having such a good time that I forget to bet. Still, +10950 to the good, which brings me to just a hair under +44K total (who says the number 4 is bad luck?).
I showed a picture I snapped of the second shoe to another pit boss I know and pit boss remarked, you won only ten thousand on that shoe? I'm telling' yah, I frequently have the magic touch when it comes to the cut.
Quote: DRichI have also read all of Swain's books and appreciate some of the Las Vegas detail he includes. I don't know if he lived in Las Vegas or just spent a bunch of time here.
I love his stories
Much more entertaining then Mdawg
I actually learn a lot about scammers and Vegas liars from his books
I read all his books up to 2015
I see he has several more books since 2015
Time to read some good fiction instead of this thread
Quote: Marcusclark66Seriously man! If you didn't see the way he plays and all the results, then you cannot say he did not because of your experiences or theory or statistical odds or anything else. That is the connection.
So if I tell you I can fly through the air as high as the clouds by flapping my arms as long as you didn't see how I do it and all the results, then you cannot say because of your experience or thermodynamics I didn't flap my arms and fly through the air?
Quote: Marcusclark66May I please interject here?
I found this extremely appropriate and I emphasize extremely.
Last night I thought about this thread after an event happened where there was an event concerning a rail thief who grabbed some high rollers few thousand in chips and ran from the casino's main floor towards the main exit. We caught him and there was a struggle on the floor and during that struggle one of my officers got violently kicked in the face by the rail thief. You know everyone thinks everyone's job is so easy and so worthless and so unprofessional, it's easy to talk about but in reality things are quite different.
I have told countless people, if you didn't see it you don't know about it.
So hundreds if not thousands of people seen maybe 15 security officers attempting to subdue a subject that just stole someone's thousands of dollars of chips but the majority of those people did not see the officer get kicked in the face as well as that person stealing the chips. All that will get talked about is how some poor innocent casino patron got surrounded and handcuffed for something like getting tresspassed or being drunk.
Congratulations, this one-sided whopper "sorry unproven true claim beyond a reasonable doubt" of yours just beats any one of MDawg's Bacarrat stories in his current trip. At least that you put it in the right thread where the gullible like to mingle.
Quote: BoSoxCongratulations, this one-sided whopper "sorry unproven true claim beyond a reasonable doubt" of yours just beats any one of MDawg's Bacarrat stories in his current trip. At least that you put it in the right thread where the gullible like to mingle.
Well Bosox just think Marcus works in casino surveillance.
I feel a little less stress as an AP now
Quote: darkozWell Bosox just think Marcus works in casino surveillance.
I feel a little less stress as an AP now
MDawg is making a mockery of this forum...which is cool in its own way. More power to him.
If WoV is going to be a vehicle for promoting tall tales, then everyone should jump on board.
Even in Amsterdam they don't actually smoke hash on the streets!
Quote: darkozWell Bosox just think Marcus works in casino surveillance.
I feel a little less stress as an AP now
MDawg, if you are reading this post you should consider hiring highly qualified security personnel to keep a watch
on the four watches that you wear "two on each wrist" when you walk the victory stroll up and down the strip.
Quote: MDawg
Whew, good thing you included a pic
of the money. Without that I would
not have taken a word of your
'story' seriously.. snicker..
Quote: MDawg
I showed a picture I snapped of the second shoe to another pit boss I know and pit boss remarked, you won only ten thousand on that shoe? I'm telling' yah, I frequently have the magic touch when it comes to the cut.
Does anybody else read these claims
and guffaw out loud? I mean c'mon,
does anybody here actually think
this stuff happens? Anybody who
plays for real knows it's fiction.
Quote: darkozSo if I tell you I can fly through the air as high as the clouds by flapping my arms
Makes as much sense as any of Mdawg's 'stories'..
Quote: BoSoxMDawg, if you are reading this post you should consider hiring highly qualified security personnel to keep a watch
on the four watches that you wear "two on each wrist" when you walk the victory stroll up and down the strip.
Quote: Marcusclark66What about security? I think you should have at least 2 private security guards behind you at all times.
Quote: MDawgTrue - but it still leads to high profile and high energy pomp and circumstance, who wants that when trying to concentrate on winning?
I've seen Drake recently and many other celebrities in the past in the high limit pit or at the tables alone, even without their Entourage.
I actually feel quite safe inside the casino. Before I step outside I won't have anything valuable on me.
Before stepping outside the casino I'm not wearing anything expensive including anything other than my AW 6 Titanium, I even dress down.
I actually do have someone with us on this trip, but not a professional bodyguard or anything like that. Just a big scary dude who happens to be a friend (or is it a friend who happens to be a big scary dude?) for whom I got a free room. He does look like a bodyguard though because he's about as big as a mountain and almost always wears a black suit, but that's just the way he dresses.