Why do you care about what I care about so much?Quote: Marcusclark66The thread is about Mdawg, it's not about each person's quest or their experiences
As well, why do you care about what I do or others so much? At least a heck of a lot more than the average member that is!
Again, you should go back and read a few of your first few posts. I noticed you didn't really have much to say after I made this post.
Perhaps you changed your stance once Mdawg PMed you and started buttering you up, making you feel all special in hopes of gaining your support, and it worked? From what I have been told he is constantly reaching out to various members. I can only assume in hopes of gaining some allies. I had to ask him to stop PM'ing me all the time.Quote: AxelWolfYou know what they say about people who live in glass houses? You might want to look back at your first 4 or 5 posts on WOV. Let me help you with that... https://wizardofvegas.com/forum/gambling/trip-reports/33908-the-adventures-of-mdawg/134/#post762198 and read MD's follow up then continue on reading your very own comments. Nonetheless, if one wants their own adventure thread and we are talking about the person claiming certain adventures, I don't see how that is hijacking. I guess you would have a situation where he talks, we just believe some eyebrow-raising statements, and then we all praise and bow to him? He is lucky to have the skeptics because without them no one would be reading all the nonsense written here.
I would agree, if someone came on the thread talking about how cute their cat is, that would be hijacking, obviously more interesting, but hijacking nonetheless.
If he wanted this thread to be about himself, then he shouldn't have made me the costar so long ago.

Original winner's envelope. Actually...I couldn't find it. I may I left it somewhere and the domestic threw it out. I didn't have time to scour or ask questions, as it may have been tossed a while ago. It also might be in one of my home safes, empty, I just realized. I don't keep a lot in that safe mostly I keep stuff at a couple of oversized bank's safety dep. boxes.
Anyway, here is the NEW winner's envelope, and pouch. In the side zipper there are 23000 in chips, plus the cash you see. I can't post those chip pics because then the unwanted and meddlesome will know where I am. I will say that the casino continues to play that game of not allowing me to cash much each day, under threat of temp. closing my credit line. Yesterday I didn't bother, I just cashed the loose four blacks and left the other two chips alone.

The lack of the "original" winner's envelope didn't harm me. I am superstitious but just for fun. If whatever superstition I tend to follow is omitted I just shrug it off I have no genuine fear that any harm will result. For example the manufacturer’s tag just came off that new pouch. My first thought superstition wise might be, well that’s not good, but my second thought is, time to cut off the nylon zip tie that was holding the tag and go all the way with it. I.E. “Just for fun” these superstitious thoughts. I am a man of science. However, I do believe that certain acquaintances of mine are bad luck and I do avoid any contact with them during Vegas trips.
I was thinking about it and I believe I tipped out far more than a grand yesterday. I won two tie bets that were indicated, one for 150, one for 200, and on those two bets I had 25 maybe even fifty on the second one on the side for the dealer. Then I recall the dealer coloring up the tokes, all from me - I was playing alone - at one point to a five hundred dollar chip and dropping it, and that didn't even include all the twenty fives, fifties, one hundreds and one time two hundred that dealer won times two by way of side bets. Which sounds crazy to have tipped that much when I won only ten grand but - so what. I wouldn't have left with twelve grand due to not tipping, I still most likely would have just realized, Oh, I'm up ten, maybe time to quit - i.e. just would have quit a little sooner. I almost never just hand the dealer money, I always put it in action alongside my bets.
By the way, although I stand by my assessment that the general riffraff milling about on the Strip remains a lower end, not so good looking crowd, some genuine well dressed talent is starting to appear here and there in the casino. Vegas may indeed be headed for a comeback. We continue to do take out and I bring it up to the suite but at the very high end restaurants last night you'd never even think there was still a Pandemic going on from the way people were carrying on.
Noooo. LOL. I'm sure MDawg will correct me if I'm wrong but it was K for Karat as in 18 karat gold.Quote: darkozAn $18,000 paper clip?
Such an item can be had for just a few hundred dollars.
Seems out of character for MDawg to photograph such a low value item. Maybe it has sentimental value to him, or to his 'props' department.
YES there is FAR MORE than sentimental value to this clip. There is a very intense story behind it, which is a lot much (versus a little much) to share.
Quote: AxelWolfWhy do you care about what I care about so much?
Again, you should go back and read a few of your first few posts. I noticed you didn't really have much to say after I made this post. Perhaps you changed your stance once Mdawg PMed you and started buttering you up, making you feel all special in hopes of gaining your support, and it worked? From what I have been told he is constantly reaching out to various members. I can only assume in hopes of gaining some allies. I had to ask him to stop PM'ing me all the time.
If he wanted this thread to be about himself, then he shouldn't have made me the costar so long ago.
You do know what they say when you do "assume"? Don't you? Really dude.
Quote: AxelWolfI made a post on this forum explaining how one could be getting kickbacks for referring large depositors and or get that person's personal information.
Why would those things be of concern to someone who wants to watch MDawg play?
If MDawg gets a referral fee...so what?
Which interested party is worried about a casino having their information?
Is anyone with a players card in their own name worried about that?
Quote: rainmanThe last sentence of the post contains a clue.
If you are concerned or even suspicious about MDawg having sock puppets, then there's no need to beat around the bush about it...you can make the accusation clear on the forum, or take your suspicions to the Mods.
I suspect they've already investigated it.
Quote: OnceDearNoooo. LOL. I'm sure MDawg will correct me if I'm wrong but it was K for Karat as in 18 karat gold.
Such an item can be had for just a few hundred dollars.
Seems out of character for MDawg to photograph such a low value item. Maybe it has sentimental value to him, or to his 'props' department.
Oh, I wasn't joking that time. It seemed excessive.
Still a few hundred bucks for a paper clip is beyond anything I would be willing to pay.
I'm still picking up abandoned rubber bands my postal worker leaves every morning!
(How else can I afford Cytodyn stock?). ((that WAS a joke btw)
Quote: coachbellyIf you are concerned or even suspicious about MDawg having sock puppets, then there's no need to beat around the bush about it...you can make the accusation clear on the forum, or take your suspicions to the Mods.
I suspect they've already investigated it.
I'm not concerned or suspicious Coach great, timing by the way.
By way of comparison, take out orders at this same resort from high end restaurants have come to about that, including salad and appetizer.
It pains me that I'm unable to post pics as the happenings are chronicled but so many busybodies with nothing better to do perhaps not at this forum but at others that I've been advised by many that it's not worth disclosing.
But the other voice says - MDawg has won consistently, why would it stop now?
Quote: MDawgI'll spend a thousand dollars on a money clip and two hundred and fifty thousand on a watch but a buck and half for breakfast is ridiculous
There's probably little to no re-sale value for the eaten breakfast.
Not 100% sure...maybe you can get a sight-unseen offer like I've read here for watches.
Losing should hold no fear for you. The money lost would barely matter compared to your great wealth... and you could just avoid posting about any losses if your rep for invincibility is so important to you.Quote: MDawgGetting this far ahead without even betting that much - there's that voice that says - get the h. out, things could turn.
But the other voice says - MDawg has won consistently, why would it stop now?
With those drunken kids yesterday they won their first case bet, lost the second, got pretty much wiped out. That is the way it usually goes for whatever reason, but then it also depends on how "desperate"

the bets were. Mine weren't particularly reaching.
Still, it doesn't elude me that yesterday's win, while larger than the wins of the other two days, reflected a little bit of stress in the hull.
Quote: MDawg
But the other voice says - MDawg has won consistently, why would it stop now?
Now that I'm actually reading his posts, statements
like the above don't ring true for somebody who has
actually beaten the game. I would never make a
statement like that because it shows that I don't
understand the game I'm playing. It shows me he
doesn't understand the game he's playing, and the
only way to beat is to understand it. No inner voice
ever tells me to quit or play, that's ridiculous. I look
at what's going on and that tells me what to do. It's
like sitting at a stop sign, you don't listen to some
inner voice telling you to go or not. That's a good way
to get killed. You look at your surroundings and decide
if it's safe to go. Mdawg is trying too hard to sound like
a winner, too many holes in his 'story'.
with many of the others. When you make that list you're not necessarily told, you just figure out eventually that you're talking only to yourself.
2) Evenbob vs MDawg as to who actually beats -ev games. Both claim to do it and the other is telling a fiction.
Hmmm, who to believe?
Quote: darkoz1) What's a "Case Bet?"
2) Evenbob vs MDawg as to who actually beats -ev games. Both claim to do it and the other is telling a fiction.
Hmmm, who to believe?
1. A 5h1t or bust, all in bet.
2. Was that a question? Both claim the ability. One shows Zero evidence. One shows some evidence. Believe either, nether or both. Funny having EvenBob amongst the doubters.
I wish I were better at Venn diagrams $:o)
Quote: darkoz1) What's a "Case Bet?"
2) Evenbob vs MDawg as to who actually beats -ev games. Both claim to do it and the other is telling a fiction.
Hmmm, who to believe?
"Case bet," is the same as, "All in." It just means betting whatever you have left in front of you. At least, anytime I've heard the term used. In the context of table games, it might even be called, "Taking a shot," though, "Taking a shot," can just refer to a bet much larger than those you have been making and does not necessarily mean going all in.
I think it's been well established that he usually uses a VPN. With a VPN and a separate device, their investigation will only get them so far. It's not hard to make a sockpuppet here. Look how many Nathan has made, she only gets caught because she has the same habits. If she can do it, I'm sure MDwag can.Quote: coachbellyIf you are concerned or even suspicious about MDawg having sock puppets, then there's no need to beat around the bush about it...you can make the accusation clear on the forum, or take your suspicions to the Mods.
I suspect they've already investigated it.
Quote: MDawgTo do exactly what I do you'd need high credit lines and, more importantly, the ability to pay them off without incurring any sort of financial hardship. In other words - playing with money you may afford to lose. I can't imagine playing confidently if I couldn't afford to lose.
However, I could have pulled another marker and I had at that time about twenty grand in winnings I could have accessed too so it was by no means desperate, especially considering how far ahead I was at the time and am now. None of it was desperation time by any means, but both were case bets.
My host and I were talking a bit about how much the dealers love me. I guess he has heard. On for example that 12 bank run yesterday after each win I'd pay off the commission with a black chip and put the balance on the side for the dealer. If the change was too meager I'd ask for quarters and add a couple of those, or just put an entire black chip on the side for the dealer. Boom! boom! boom! dealer and I were raking it in All Down the Line.
I don't know what all people are worried about. Getting a player's card is a necessary evil that's supposed to be between you and the casino, not some random person on the internet. MDawg has been suspended here for attempted Doxing and some other things come to mind. He claims to have an old friend who was/is a host. Hosts are notorious for giving out information they shouldn't. I spelled it out in one of my posts. People may not want him getting their personal information(that may include your SS number) and most people don't like it when someone is getting kickbacks off them without their knowledge.Quote: coachbellyWhy would those things be of concern to someone who wants to watch MDawg play?
If MDawg gets a referral fee...so what?
Which interested party is worried about a casino having their information?
Is anyone with a player's card in their own name worried about that?
Quote: OnceDear
I wish I were better at Venn diagrams $:o)

Quote: AxelWolfIt's not hard to make a sockpuppet here.
Apparently not, but it's very hard to get away with it for very long.
rainman implied that Marcus, BoSox and myself could be MDawg sock puppets.
Do you suspect that as well?
If another member is willing to meet MDawg in person, and to watch him play,
then both MDawg's and the member's identities shall be known to each other, and the casino.
Why is that a problem?
If they are willing to deposit front-money at the cage, then why should they assume that MDawg is getting a referral fee, and why should they care if he does?...the depositor would not pay the referral fee, correct?
Quote: AxelWolfmost people don't like it when someone is getting kickbacks off them without their knowledge.
How did you come to know what most people like or don't like in this regard?
should rethink your position.
The bet he offered Axel was an absolute joke, shady as hell it went like this.
I'll bet you 250-500k I am who I say I am and I do what I say I do
and you have to accept the proof I provide and only the proof
I wish to provide and if we could do this in bitcoin that would
be great. "shell game hustle kids" I can't believe he put so much
time and effort Axel was never going for this he should have tried
the old banana in the tail pipe.
MDawg, anyway we could see your BAR card :)
Quote: coachbellyApparently not, but it's very hard to get away with it for very long.
rainman implied that Marcus, BoSox and myself could be MDawg sock puppets.
Do you suspect that as well?
Although my old friend BoSox and I seem to disagree more than we agree these days, I can not let this go without saying that Bosox is NOT a sockpuppet of Mdawg. BoSox is a pretty well known lonterm Blackjack AP, known on a number of forums. And while I have considered that this BoSox, that recently signed up here, could be an imposter, pretending to be the better known BoSox, I think the real BoSox would have spoken up by now, if that were the case.
I also know coach belly is not a sock of Mdawg. Supporter...YES, as he usually is of people making claims that are unrealistic. But coach belly has been doing that for a long time on numerous forums.
If this guy and his claims were real, he would have serious narcistic problems, seeking approval and admiration from strangers on numerous different forums. And if he is phony as most of us believe, you can multiply that by 10. Either way this guy has issues. :/
(if I should happen to not be around for a few days, I hope everyone is enjoying march madness that was taken from us last year and those in Vegas, the beautiful weather).
Quote: kewljBut I will say this and if this warrants a suspension, so be it. This guy Mdawg grows more and more unbelievable every day. 3 more days in Vegas, 3 more days of 5 figure wins. The guys never losses. And more pictures of cash all the phony crap. Talk of an extra big security box at the bank. Just ridiculous!
If this guy and his claims were real, he would have serious narcistic problems, seeking approval and admiration from strangers on numerous different forums. And if he is phony as most of us believe, you can multiply that by 10. Either way this guy has issues. :/
(if I should happen to not be around for a few days, I hope everyone is enjoying march madness that was taken from us last year and those in Vegas, the beautiful weather).
Case (bet) in point
Quote: kewljBut I will say this and if this warrants a suspension, so be it. This guy Mdawg grows more and more unbelievable every day. 3 more days in Vegas, 3 more days of 5 figure wins. The guys never losses. And more pictures of cash all the phony crap. Talk of an extra big security box at the bank. Just ridiculous!
If this guy and his claims were real, he would have serious narcistic problems, seeking approval and admiration from strangers on numerous different forums. And if he is phony as most of us believe, you can multiply that by 10. Either way this guy has issues. :/
No suspension by me for this expression of disbelief. Maybe I'll get suspended.
I'm not qualified to diagnose 'narcistic problems'. I think KewlJ might have unintentionally proffered an insult, so a warning for that.
I wrote a seriously long adjunct to this post, but I need to run it by management for editorial permission.
Stay Safe, y'all.
Quote: kewljAnd more pictures of cash all the phony crap. .
And who does that. It would never even occur to
me to post a pic of money I've won because it's so
easy to fake. And just so, I don't know, 9th
grade show off'y.. Like this guy in the first job I had.
He would go to the bank and cash his check and
get all $1 bills and make a huge bankroll with
a $20 bill on top and flash it around at all of us. Childish.
Quote: kewljseeking approval and admiration from strangers on numerous different forums.
I never got the impression that MDawg was seeking approval and admiration on the forums, he posts trip reports and I can't recall him seeking anything in return.
I've supported his expectation for the kindness of strangers, I don't find that expectation to be narcissistic.
I would expect kindness to be extended to any community member who generously shares their vacation experiences online, and I'm willing to defend anyone who is being bullied or otherwise treated poorly, regardless of whether some consider their experiences to be "unrealistic".
Quote: EvenBobAnd who does that. It would never even occur to me to post a pic of money
And it would never occur to me to post pictures of what I ate today...and not just because it's so easy to fake.
But I wouldn't dump on the member who chose to because they wanted to share their experiences with others.
It's a trip report brother, it's for your reading pleasure.
Neither the content nor the reporter deserve your criticism, if you are so bothered by it as to become negative and insulting, then why not just scroll on by?
Quote: coachbellyAnd it would never occur to me to post pictures of what I ate today...and not just because it's so easy to fake.
But I wouldn't dump on the person who chose to because they wanted to share their experiences with others.
It's a trip report brother, it's for your reading pleasure.
Neither the content nor the reporter deserve criticism, if you are so bothered by it as to become negative and insulting, then why not just scroll on by?
You forgot to mention his winning ways that defy math and logic and that crap stain of a bet he tried
to pull off, or not. People here believe they are being lied to sir, His threads are not only about trip reports.
Even if MDawg were to outline his entire system, I could mathematically prove that it doesn't change the house edge in any way if I so desired...and I want to say MDawg has even acknowledged that a system would not change the house edge.
Any system that MDawg could possibly detail for the negative expectation game of Baccarat would be proven to be a losing one, in the long run, by simulation or otherwise.
Could MDawg be playing Baccarat with a positive expectation? Sure. Ivey did it. Besides that, it could be something as simple as what he is able to negotiate with his hosts or kickbacks (or whatever) from bringing in other players to the property being sufficient to overcome his expected loss on the game itself.
In any case, the claims of winning or losing have nothing to do with whether or not a betting system is expected to succeed...they are all expected to fail.
Whether MDawg wins or loses makes me no richer or poorer.
In general, I see a lot of time spent on various forums (not naming any specifically) forming factions of posters who argue with, try to disprove the claims of or have, "Gotcha," moments with other factions of posters. It's pretty pervasive, really.
When it comes to these forum vendettas, it surprises me that anyone finds them entertaining or worth the time, but I suppose they must.
Quote: rainmanHis thread just isn't about trip reports.
His winning claims have been mathematically proven to be possible.
His claims of comps while winning have been confirmed as an industry standard.
The bet was a no-risk proposition to anyone who is certain that MDawg is lying.
The thread was originally a trip-report thread, that devolved due to the unkind reaction of some of the members.
Who cares so much to be so negative?...just ignore those who you believe are lying to you, it's not difficult.
If he bothers you, then ignore him...just scroll on by, people do it all the time.
Quote: coachbellyHis winning claims have been mathematically proven to be possible.
His claims of comps while winning have been confirmed as an industry standard.
The bet was a no-risk proposition to anyone who is certain that MDawg is lying.
The thread was originally a trip-report thread, that devolved due to the unkind reaction of some of the members.
Who cares so much to be so negative?...just ignore those who you believe are lying to you, it's not difficult.
If he bothers you, then ignore him...just scroll on by, people do it all the time.
Awesome I will take the 500k bet he offered because I have no risk .
For clarification no risk means I don't pay anything if I lose right?
Quote: Mission146Any system that MDawg could possibly detail for the negative expectation game of Baccarat would be proven to be a losing one, in the long run, by simulation or otherwise.
How does that apply to MDawg's trip reports?
Jacobson wrote about a Bac player who won 10s of million$ over a period of 3 years.
No system detail, session records, trip reports, photos, or any explanation of any kind was provided, except to say that the guy got lucky.
Yet Jacobson's big player's math-defying winning ways was accepted with open arms by the same group of members who insist that it's not possible.
Can you explain that?
Quote: coachbellyHow does that apply to MDawg's trip reports?
Jacobson wrote about a Bac player who won 10s of million$ over a period of 3 years.
No system detail, session records, trip reports, photos, or any explanation of any kind was provided, except to say that the guy got lucky.
Yet Jacobson's big player's math-defying winning ways was accepted with open arms by the same group of members who insist that it's not possible.
Can you explain that?
My point is that unless he is trying to sell a system, which he isn't, I don't really care what he posts.
Anyway, I have nothing to explain. It must not be evident enough that I agree with what you have said (in the post prior to the above), so I will directly state that I agree with what you said. If you don't like the reports, just don't read them.
Quote: coachbellyHis winning claims have been mathematically proven to be possible.
Since no one has seen how he plays and he refused to say how, then how can his claims be mathematically proven.
Has any mathematician categorically stated that negative EV games without administration of some type of advantage CAN be beat day in and day out?
Evenbob, You are on the line, comparing to Mdawg the guy who you describe as 'Childish'.Quote: EvenBobAnd who does that. It would never even occur to
me to post a pic of money I've won because it's so
easy to fake. And just so, I don't know, 9th
grade show off'y.. Like this guy in the first job I had.
He would go to the bank and cash his check and
get all $1 bills and make a huge bankroll with
a $20 bill on top and flash it around at all of us. Childish.
It's my opinion that Wizard might/probably would suspend you for personal insult there. Please accept this rebuke as your penalty and be mindful in future posts.
Bragging is generally not a good optic. I believe that, though maybe that's just a cultural difference. I hope others can be mindful of that too.
Quote: rainmanAwesome I will take the 500k bet he offered because I have no risk .
For clarification no risk means I don't pay anything if I lose right?
Correct - I will cover your action if you lose.
All you need to do is comply with MDawg's conditions found here
PM me so we can work out the logistics.
Quote: darkozSince no one has seen how he plays and he refused to say how, then how can his claims be mathematically proven.
Has any mathematician categorically stated that negative EV games without administration of some type of advantage CAN be beat day in and day out?
That it's mathematically possible to have several consecutive winning sessions? Of course it's possible.
Of course a negative expectation game can be beaten day in and day out, it's just not expected to be.
I'll make a comparison to the Martingale system; the Martingale system fails (by expectation) because (barring unlimited bankroll) you eventually hit that extremely low probability (in any individual attempt) run of results.
The same principle applies to having winning, 'Sessions,' at a negative expectation game. Suppose Person A goes to the Golden Goose Casino with no goal other than to show a profit of a particular amount and intends to do a fixed betting style to accomplish this---we could simulate (or do long math) and perhaps determine that Person A's probability of hitting his win goal before busting out is 40%.
Imagine that Person A went to the casino on Tuesday and was successful in reaching his win goal. If Person A were to go to the casino on Thursday, then what would the probability of reaching his win goal that day before busting out be?
Still 40%.
You have to have a REALLY, REALLY huge sample size before someone can make a claim that you can say is absolutely untrue...or, the claim has to be a complete and total absurdity in and of itself.
Has MDawg made an absurd claim or are the body of his claims absurd? I don't know as I have not read every post he has ever written.
By, "Absurd," I mean mathematically absurd. Like, rolling 54 7's in a row at a Craps Table absurd. Even that's still technically possible, though. It won't happen, but strictly speaking, it's not impossible.
Quote: Mission146In general, I see a lot of time spent on various forums (not naming any specifically) forming factions of posters who argue with, try to disprove the claims of or have, "Gotcha," moments with other factions of posters. It's pretty pervasive, really.
When it comes to these forum vendettas, it surprises me that anyone finds them entertaining or worth the time, but I suppose they must.
Pretty pervasive indeed. Entertaining for brief periods, but tiresome after a while. 'Pathetic' would be another p-word that occasionally pops into my head as I watch certain sub-themes evolve.
Quote: Mission146It must not be evident enough that I agree with what you have said
It was evident to me, I just wanted confirmation should others have doubts about what you meant.
Of course I stipulate that you have nothing to explain, I was seeking any explanation that you would offer.
Quote: coachbellyCorrect - I will cover your action if you lose.
All you need to do is comply with MDawg's conditions found here
PM me so we can work out the logistics.
Well that's mighty friendly of you stranger, but why why on earth would I need
to provide anything you said there is no risk too me.
Are you and MDawg working this shell game together?
Quote: coachbellyIt was evident to me, I just wanted confirmation should others have doubts about what you meant.
Of course I stipulate that you have nothing to explain, I was seeking any explanation that you would offer.
My explanation is that neither set of claims is, "Math-defying," (as far as I have read) because the mere act of winning usually does not defy math.
Imagine that you had a very specific system that you simulate. You set up the simulation to have 10,000 trials. 9,999 people bust out in the simulation and 1 person is a huge winner at the end of however many trials you specified. Well, saying one person's particular claim is absolutely untrue is like saying that 1 simulation out of 10,000 attempts cannot possibly exist, but if you're saying that, then the whole simulation becomes invalid.
Or, more simply put, **** happens.