Quote: MDawgWe're number 1! We're number 1!
You can interpret that many ways. I shall refrain from explaining due to not wanting to have my comments misunderstood as an insult to leadership.
Edit to add:
Nathan's Corner was #1 longer. You have a long way to go filling in those shoes. Or should I say bus seat😃🤣
Whenever the baccarat guys are confronted with the math they admit it's a negative game over a lifetime IF you were sitting there flat betting continually for a longtime. They want us to believe they can outplay the math with some cockamamie betting system that usually consists of pretending it's not all just one big long session especially if you vary your bets. They think they just need lots of winning sessions to generate a profit long term and somehow everything will be ok as long as you don't play too long in one session.Quote: michael99000And by beaten I mean consistent lifetime winning over many sessions.
Quote: michael99000When you say “his view”, are you referring to the claim that baccarat can be beaten with strategies like hit and run , and varying your bet size ? And by beaten I mean consistent lifetime winning over many sessions.
MDawg's claims that baccarat can be beaten are only like 20% of what he posts. The rest is legitimate trip reporting. In fact, I don't think he's even mentioned his "system" at all in this thread.
Quote: TigerWuMDawg's claims that baccarat can be beaten are only like 20% of what he posts. The rest is legitimate trip reporting. In fact, I don't think he's even mentioned his "system" at all in this thread.
He has stated several times in other threads that his method for avoiding the baccarat house edge involves “hit and run sessions, quitting while ahead”.. and varying bet size.
Quote: michael99000He has stated several times in other threads that his method for avoiding the baccarat house edge involves “hit and run sessions, quitting while ahead”.. and varying bet size.
I know. And that's only part of what he talks about. The rest is legitimate trip reporting.
That's what some people thought about B79's BS. Someone even lost a few hundred bucks over it(As it turns out... that was the best day of their life. 😄)Quote: TigerWuThe rest is legitimate trip reporting.
Legitimate to you and I might mean different things.
Quote: TigerWuI know. And that's only part of what he talks about. The rest is legitimate trip reporting.
When the entire basis for the trip reports and what’s included in them , is winnings that are from a mathematically unsound method, then how much “legitimacy” can be assumed from anything that person says ?
But that's exactly what you said..."two grand in comps earned just like that...", which is 100% of the theoretical loss on $200,000 in bacc play.Quote: MdawgI didn't mean that you'll get all of the theoretical loss in comps,
No that's not the case. The comp rate for most play in the casino is 30ish% of the player's theo. For VP and bacc it's notoriously LESS than that. A 15% comp rate on bacc theo is about right, even for $500 a hand play.Quote: Mdawgbut the % is much higher than 15%. 15% against actual loss, against theoretical is much higher %.
Your trip report is quite enjoyable, but again, the numbers don't really add up.
Quote: UP84
Your trip report is quite enjoyable, but again, the numbers don't really add up.
Really? Say it isn't so.😂
Quote: UP84Your trip report is quite enjoyable, but again, the numbers don't really add up.
Quote: AxelWolfNot sure why he blocked Tom, was there some insults I missed? I guess MD blocked Tom cuz he made a reasonable logical post that made sense, thus making MD's claims seem fictitious or he doesn't know how to take advantage of a multimillion dollar situation.
I definitely question a lot of his claims. But that is my own failure to understand, not doubting his results at all. For me to understand something, I often need both data and theory. With only data, I might think playing basketball makes people taller. And with only theory, I might think the sun orbits the earth. MDawg has a lot of great data about winning a lot of money at casino games. We know this must be true, because he told us about it. I just struggle to understand why his strategy wins him so much money. When it comes to casino games, I am usually good at understanding this part, like why certain strategies win at blackjack, poker, sports betting, or video poker. It usually doesn't even require deep insight for me to pick up on it, even if I can't replicate it. Something as simple as 'comps are greater than expected loss', or 'only betting when the player has the edge' (that was a ZenKing strategy), or 'making optimal decisions on the very best video poker machines'. If MD provided any insight or theory like that on his winning, I did not have the capacity to understand it. That must be why he blocked me.
That's where you may have failed, and I had to BLOCK you 😄Quote: TomGnot doubting his results at all.
There are different areas of political correctness and Mdawg is on the wrong side of the math-tites. Enough semi insults and he may go away or be suspended all without repercussions.Quote: speedycrapShould the mod jump in to say something?
Quote: TomGFor me to understand something, I often need both data and theory. With only data, I might think playing basketball makes people taller. And with only theory, I might think the sun orbits the earth. .
This is great!
Quote: UP84But that's exactly what you said..."two grand in comps earned just like that...", which is 100% of the theoretical loss on $200,000 in bacc play.
No that's not the case. The comp rate for most play in the casino is 30ish% of the player's theo. For VP and bacc it's notoriously LESS than that. A 15% comp rate on bacc theo is about right, even for $500 a hand play.
Your trip report is quite enjoyable, but again, the numbers don't really add up.
I was a kid when I was trying to close an international deal and I was talking to the bank about booking a letter of credit. Finally the banker stepped in and said, "____ how many letters of credit have you opened in your life?" and suggested that I use a broker for my first one. Similarly, UP84 how many comps have you earned in your life? I'd say that I've earned around a million in comps, maybe even a lot more than that if I sat down and itemized all of it, based on what I've collected in first class airfare reimbursements from multiple casinos for the same air travel, suites, food, drink, shopping sprees - I don't even drink but my friends have enjoyed 5000 - 15000 bottles of wine on me regularly in the past. I play only table games and pretty much only BJ and Bacc.
Now keep in mind that when my friends or family in the past enjoyed a $5000. comp'ed meal at a casino restaurant on me I was under no delusion that the meal was really worth that - I do believe that Vegas prices are inflated to make the players feel like they are really getting something. But with more and more non casino players in the younger generation who seem willing to spend thousands a night on suites and bottle service at the clubs, the intrinsic value of that free stuff seems more real these days.
Even these days with my not even playing that hard if I'm not getting at least $50K a year in free suites food drink and whatever out of each resort I play at, something's wrong. I know how to work the comp system to get the maximum and there is a lot more to it than just the numbers. I could write a book on the subject, you'd have to buy my book or pay me to get even a portion of how much I know about working the system.
Quote: sabreIs this just a creative writing fiction corner now?
Mdawg is just writing erotica that only satisfies him for his late night “grinding sessions”.
Quote: sabreIs this just a creative writing fiction corner now?
WoV is the new VegasMessageBoards
None of them could take a $250K hit and not have it affect his lifestyle whatsoever either. I wouldn't want to, but could. Scared money can't win!
In any case, for the most part the bets I make these days ($16K bet notwithstanding) are pretty small relative to what I would be willing to lose.
Quote: darkozwith all those compa he is handing out shouldnt we be asking him to pay for the next spring fling with his comps
If the spring fling was an imaginary dinner, then maybe so.
Quote: MDawgWe're number 1! We're number 1!
Something is screwy, this morning when the stock market opened MDawg was still number 1# at WOV, then for a while it showed only two posts as top ranking with that free hundred dollar scam listed among them lol.
Now it's back to MDawg #1 again....
Quote: darkozwith all those compa he is handing out shouldnt we be asking him to pay for the next spring fling with his comps
I seem to recall your saying you could pay for many Spring Fling dinners just from all the "Benjis" you have stored up in your pocket.

Hands off! those are my Benjis.
What goes AP must come down
Applied for aArP
Quote: MDawgI seem to recall your saying you could pay for many Spring Fling dinners just from all the "Benjis" you have stored up in your pocket.
Hands off! those are my Benjis.
That looks like what some people here have forgot about in their car glove box.😂😂😂
Maybe post up some pics of more 2 bit watches.
The fact that it is laid out on a bed tells the story that it is somehow a significant experience for you. The only thing you accomplished is confirming what all in the know already knew.
Quote: darkozwhat did the AP do when he reached 65?
Applied for aArP
I joined AARP this year.🙄😒
Quote: MaxPenI joined AARP this year.🙄😒
Youngster, I am in year 3.
Thank You!
Quote: MaxPenI joined AARP this year.🙄😒
I sent their prepaid envelopes back empty for years after I turned 50 until they finally gave up. The benefits they offer are not worth it to me after their support for a certain bill in 2009.
Hopefully that isn’t a violation of policy or I am the new record holder!
Quote: BozI sent their prepaid envelopes back empty for years after I turned 50 until they finally gave up. The benefits they offer are not worth it to me after their support for a certain bill in 2009.
Hopefully that isn’t a violation of policy or I am the new record holder!
Naw. You're fine.
This looks like the same few thousand Vamenti had on his bed(perhaps double). At least he had the courtesy to include cats rollin in it in his pic.Quote: MDawgI seem to recall your saying you could pay for many Spring Fling dinners just from all the "Benjis" you have stored up in your pocket.
Hands off! those are my Benjis.
On the next trip the first offer that is in the bag is a fifteen hunny gift card. We have to be on property and check in, but then what's interesting is that then we must use the gift card online on some website that is somehow associated with the casino. You login to your player account and then there is a link to login to some online shopping store. But when I look today, I have no cash loaded, apparently once we check in and I show my face they will load the $1500. onto the site. So whatever we choose, which comes from various categories, whether it be an iPad iPhone or a couple of Tumi pieces of luggage, I assume will be then shipped to the maison, we won't get it right then and there. Hmm, that's okay got a domestic works for us at the house full time will sign for the package if we end up staying too long in Vegas again. There doesn't appear to be any way to add cash on top of what they give you, so I dunno what happens to any unused funds that aren't applied to whatever you buy. That's one offer, the stay is already set for that one.
The second gift offer, from the same casino, involves a fifteen hunny gift card that may be used at any shop in the casino, which this casino has many high end shops where $1500. will barely buy a pair of sunglasses, but still, $1500. is $1500., no strings attached no need to spend any cash. In the past, I've received casino comp deals like this for Neiman Marcus at the mall across the street. When I got the one for N-M, the gift cards equaled $3000., but those were in my higher rolling days. Three grand doesn't even go that far at N-M, as I recall I got a pair of cufflinks and a shirt, and the $3000. was spent. Anyway, for this second offer we must have two separate trips, so as I posted above, we were thinking of checking out, spending the night in my friend's "apartment" (3500 square foot suite in the same hotel), and then check back in the next day like, Voila! here we are, a new stay. Should work.
I've done stuff like that to maximize comps - checked out while behind, the casino comps me a huge amount against an actual loss, come back a few days later won back more than I lost. But actually, when I did that before the casino would often later view it all as one long trip and question the host on why I got comped so much when I ended up winning. In this case, I am hoping it will work with just one day between trips, to have them considered separate trips. If not, I guess we could just go on to the next casino on schedule and come back to this one after a week, but I am not planning to turn this next trip into a five weeker or anything like that. This second offer must be redeemed before Christmas, and we won't be returning until after XMas, so it's now or never for this second $1500.
She doesn't gamble at all tho, not a penny, which is why sometimes as these trips drag on she starts bemoaning how tired of Vegas she is. It's an energy thing...as much as she enjoys Vegas for the spas, the pool, the gym at the hotel, the suites, the restaurants, etc., she views the city over all as "negative energy" which one must remain very grounded to overcome.
This is a bit strong. I am skeptical of what I hear and see.Quote: sabreIs this just a creative writing fiction corner now?
That;s the best advice/suggestion I have heard in a long while. It solves 2 problems. 1-Who will pay for the next fling. 2- Resolve the doubts about MD own claim. Perfect.Quote: darkozwith all those compa he is handing out shouldnt we be asking him to pay for the next spring fling with his comps
Quote: speedycrapThat;s the best advice/suggestion I have heard in a long while. It solves 2 problems. 1-Who will pay for the next fling. 2- Resolve the doubts about MD own claim. Perfect.
So, paying for a dinner resolves doubts about someone’s claims to be a long term baccarat winner using strategies like hit n run and varying bet size ..
It makes sense that DarkOv would have mentioned off handedly that he has enough Benjis in his pocket to pay for many Spring Fling dinners in that the guy was down and out homeless and now has a few bucks in his pocket. I am not putting the guy down I like him, but this is a typical nouveau riche type gesture, which anyway in this thread yesterday he seems to imply that his AP scam is in the doldrums lately and that he couldn't afford to do that right now.
But, paying for a dinner wouldn't prove anything, and from what little I read of these naysayer posts before I banned them I am sure that there is absolutely nothing anyone could do on this forum to prove anything to them. Also, someone like me has nothing to prove, you may "believe it or don't" to quote Alfred E. Neuman's Ripup's. I'm just reporting it like it is. I could meet Soopoo and pull fifty K out in chips in front of him at the table and show him my suite and let him see a tourbillon off my wrist as we walk into Belluso and have them tell him yes, we have that watch, it'll cost you $175,000. to buy another one like it, and so what? What would be the point? To impress a bunch of naysayers I have never met? Which anyway when I go to Vegs I try to keep a SLIGHTLY lower profile, so I guess Soopoo would have to be content with seeing a mere $80,000. watch on my wrist 😎which after that I suppose the naysayers would be saying, oooo see he said he had a tourbillon, where is it? Sorry pal, but I don't have A tourbillon. I have three.
I doubt any one of these guys would know an expensive watch if it slapped them up side the head. I recall one post that I viewed by accident when logged out where Axel or maybe it was MaxPen (same difference) couldn't recognize a pic of my $75,000. platinum Day Date 40. In that thread where people were asked what watches they own I recall that if you added up the sum value of every single watch each one of them - Axel, Michael, MaxPen, BillRyan, EvenBob owned it would add up to maybe five hundred bucks, if that. I recall one or more saying they don't even have a watch. So this is the audience I am trying to prove something to? Give me a break.
I'm posting here because I want to post. Believe it or don't!
Quote: MDawgWhat is this "Spring Fling" dinner? Does one person typically pay for it, or is it more like a gathering of people who pay for their own dinners. I'm scheduled for a golf tournament in Spring 2020, in Vegas.
It makes sense that DarkOv would have mentioned off handedly that he has enough Benjis in his pocket to pay for many Spring Fling dinners in that the guy was down and out homeless and now has a few bucks in his pocket. I am not putting the guy down I like him, but this is a typical nouveau riche type gesture, which anyway in this thread yesterday he seems to imply that his AP scam is in the doldrums lately and that he couldn't afford to do that right now.
But, paying for a dinner wouldn't prove anything, and from what little I read of these naysayer posts before I banned them I am sure that there is absolutely nothing anyone could do on this forum to prove anything to them. Also, someone like me has nothing to prove, you may "believe it or don't" to quote Alfred E. Neuman's Ripup's. I'm just reporting it like it is. I could meet Soopoo and pull fifty K out in chips in front of him at the table and show him my suite and let him see a tourbillon off my wrist as we walk into Belluso and have them tell him yes, we have that watch, it'll cost you $175,000. to buy another one like it, and so what? What would be the point? To impress a bunch of naysayers I have never met? Which anyway when I go to Vegs I try to keep a SLIGHTLY lower profile, so I guess Soopoo would have to be content with seeing a mere $80,000. watch on my wrist 😎which after that I suppose the naysayers would be saying, oooo see he said he had a tourbillon, where is it? Sorry pal, but I don't have A tourbillon. I have three.
I doubt any one of these guys would know an expensive watch if it slapped them up side the head. I recall one post that I viewed by accident when Axel or maybe it was MaxPen (same difference) couldn't recognize a pic of my $75,000. platinum Day Date 40. In that thread I recall that if you added up the sum value of every single watch each one of them - Axel, Michael, MaxPen, BillRyan, EvenBob owned it would add up to maybe five hundred bucks, if that. I recall one or more saying they don't even have a watch. So this is the audience I am trying to prove something to? Give me a break.
I'm posting here because I want to post. Believe it or don't!
No, not for a while you won't be. No question your intent is to insult and belittle every person you named in this post.
2 week suspension (Martingale).
Quote: DeMangoWho says bullying doesn’t work? It just did. Maybe if the bully’s would share the two week suspension, the bullying on this site might lessen.
I call 'em as I see 'em. And I don't think it's bullying to call out belittling trash talk against other members. His previous insults were directed at posts people had made, but these are directed at people he doesn't like, themselves. That's where I've drawn the line many times. And I'm drawing it there this time, too.