Quote: WellbushI can relate to this. You may have read my references to my initial foray into gambling. I'm not into losing. I either win or give it up. Addiction is not something I'll accept.Quote: MDawgAnother interesting thing I have observed in Vegas this year, is how quickly people who lose are back at the tables. I see people I know dump 100 200 even 300 thousand one night, and they are back in action bright and early the next morning chasing big time. And I haven't seen any of them win much of anything back, all of them seem to end up dumping even more.
With me, that loss last session left such a bad taste that I don't even want to go back to the tables again for a while. You'd think that with as many wins as I have had versus losses that I'd not care about a losing session, but given that I not only lost but lost more than I had won in more than a few prior sessions combined, it does turn me off from further play, at least right now.
Plus, the weather has finally cooled in Vegas and there are some outdoor activities in which the wife wants to engage that I've been putting off. Work beckons too - both in Vegas and elsewhere.
All is well! Life is good. Did it take seven months for MDawg to get sick of casinos? NO, not by any means. Burned out a little, maybe!
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Actually, whether you're addicted has little to do with whether you've recently won or lost. It's about engaging in behavior and being unable to stop the behavior. The behavior itself is a separate thing from how many chips leave the table or stay at it.
agreed.Quote: redietzActually, whether you're addicted has little to do with whether you've recently won or lost. It's about engaging in behavior and being unable to stop the behavior. The behavior itself is a separate thing from how many chips leave the table or stay at it.
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Quote: Wellbushnow, those pics are makin' me think about life MD!
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Vegas is full of temptations. Whenever I leave the tables already on Cloud 9 with a nice cache of just won chips in my pocket and some beauty is eyeing me levelly as I'm just minding my business walking back to the elevators, I sometimes pause for just a moment to smile, but I already have the best and most beautiful waiting for me in our suite.
I'll tell you one thing though - you never can know about some of these girls. I mean, many of them are obviously just civilians, and some of them are more clearly working girls but one of my friends who visited me during part of this trip said that he ran into a really sexy girl walking around one of the nightclubs in one of the major Strip casinos and just stopped her and asked what she was doing. After almost no chit chat, the girl confided that, "Actually - I'm trying to make some money."
This gave my friend pause, but the girl asked him to give her his number and that she would hook up with him later. He made it clear that he wasn't into any of that "paying for anything" but she insisted that, "You seem really cool, and I would just hang out with you for nothing."
She did actually try to contact him later, but he decided to just ignore her.
As far as dating dealers or cocktail waitresses or VIP girls or female hosts, in my single days, when I'd come to Vegas constantly - that was just the norm, I mean they would hand me their numbers right and left, or I would run into them off property and we'd start seeing each other. I know of at least two female hosts who married players. Nowadays - not so certain that that sort of thing is considered okay? Not that I would pursue it, in that I'm married, but I've gotten to know more than a few quite well, but the atmosphere these days just seems more like "hands off the staff" than back then.
i don't think it works the other way very well. a guy may be hard pressed to find loaded women because the women want companionship and are prepared to part with their cash for the privilege. wouldn't happen much, i'd say.
1. Couples / Families.
2. Groups of guys.
3. Groups of girls.
Rarely will you see a group of guys and girls come together to Vegas.
Obviously the couples or families more or less keep to themselves.
The groups - well, the guys are looking for something to do, as are the girls. So it's not that outlandish to expect that with the right approach a guy in Vegas can't convince a girl he meets to hang out with him. You'd assume that all of these guys and girls are single, but - not necessarily. In the past I've had an out of town girl spend a night or two with me only to tell me eventually that she has a boyfriend back home, and that it was a just a Vegas fling. Other times, it has turned into a real relationship, long distance or otherwise, that lasted at least for a while.
But as long you understand that those hot girls in Vegas are looking for something to do, you will have a better understanding of how Vegas works. It is really the local Las Vegas girlfriends I have had that have been more conservative than the out of towners I've hooked up with, for the most part. With some exceptions. I've run into heiresses and professional women in Vegas too.
Quote: MDawgCIRCA
Not in the high limit room, unfortunately, but well stocked on the main floor!
I'm a dancing card dealer at a Vegas casino. I love my job - here's what it's like.
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Too bad it's double zero roulette. Would play otherwise.
Quote: MDawgAs far as the civilians, not referring to people here for business or conventions, but pleasure seeking visitors, there are three types in Vegas:
1. Couples / Families.
2. Groups of guys.
3. Groups of girls.
Rarely will you see a group of guys and girls come together to Vegas.
Obviously the couples or families more or less keep to themselves.
The groups - well, the guys are looking for something to do, as are the girls. So it's not that outlandish to expect that with the right approach a guy in Vegas can't convince a girl he meets to hang out with him. You'd assume that all of these guys and girls are single, but - not necessarily. In the past I've had an out of town girl spend a night or two with me only to tell me eventually that she has a boyfriend back home, and that it was a just a Vegas fling. Other times, it has turned into a real relationship, long distance or otherwise, that lasted at least for a while.
But as long you understand that those hot girls in Vegas are looking for something to do, you will have a better understanding of how Vegas works. It is really the local Las Vegas girlfriends I have had that have been more conservative than the out of towners I've hooked up with, for the most part. With some exceptions. I've run into heiresses and professional women in Vegas too.
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And 4) Working Girls.
DD blackjack. 200 - 15000
Played two sessions actually. First one I was winning even hands I didn’t expect to but was betting somewhat smaller than other hands that were within periods when I expected to win. Won 5500 on that session.
Did another short session too.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: TwelveOr21Quote: MDawgCIRCA
Not in the high limit room, unfortunately, but well stocked on the main floor!
I'm a dancing card dealer at a Vegas casino. I love my job - here's what it's like.
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Too bad it's double zero roulette. Would play otherwise.
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Yes for some reason all they offer in the way of "entertainment" in the Circa high limit salon, where you might find the European roulette, is a girl who will give you a massage table side. I have always declined because I move around too much when I play, I rarely sit still I get too excited winning.
The dancing dealers are all on the main floor.
now that's a point, what other games do you play besides bacc and bj?Quote: MDawg
Yes for some reason all they offer in the way of "entertainment" in the Circa high limit salon, where you might find the European roulette, is a girl who will give you a massage table side. I have always declined because I move around too much when I play, I rarely sit still I get too excited winning.
The dancing dealers are all on the main floor.
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Years ago I used to play craps too, no longer.
Quote: MDawgThose are the only two, Wellbush.
Years ago I used to play craps too, no longer.
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Did you enjoy Craps?
Why no more ?
DD Blackjack. 200 - 10000.
Somewhat consistent although I was down about 5000 at one point. Seem to be having difficulty winning more than about five grand a session, but there are worse stumbling blocks.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
DD blackjack. 200 - 20000
Rather tumultuous. Playing something like 10 hours at my private table with a two hour break for dinner. Got as far down as -30000 eventually broke far ahead. During this session when I left a 20,000 bet out there twice after pushing with it the first time (I won the second time), a pit boss commented, “You’re very aggressive.”
When I was cashing out (just cashed out this time - no check) there was someone else cashing out over 100,000 who told me had won it at blackjack too.
Here's my portion, with one of my jackets spread out under it so that you can't tell what casino I was in. I took the pic while still on the casino floor just seemed like the thing to do.

Of course the casino played that game of, Sir, if you cash out that much we'll have to close your line temporarily, but I said, "Just give me the cash." My host always reopens it promptly anyway.
When I was cashing out someone else had won over 100,000, and said had won it also at Blackjack. They just gave that one a cellophane wrapped brick of 100K. Sure looked pretty, but then so did my half brick. 😎 Well done.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
DD blackjack. 200 - 20000
Rather monstrous session. I was on quite a roll winning hands I thought I would win, and hands I didn't think I would win.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: MDawgDay 139 play
When I was cashing out (just cashed out this time - no check) there was someone else cashing out over 100,000 who told me had won it at blackjack too.
Here's my portion, with one of my jackets spread out under it so that you can't tell what casino I was in. I took the pic while still on the casino floor just seemed like the thing to do.
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Don't you find that all that money in your pockets spoils the way your suit hangs? Do you distribute it evenly with maybe one of the wads just peeping out of your breast pocket? Or do you shove it all in your trouser pants front pocket. Such a prominent 'wad' might be what's attracting the ladies.
For today's $100k I reckon you'd need a carrier bag for that. And I'd have had to take the wrapping bands and elastic off to just fluff out the carrier bag like a pillow.
Nothing would be worse than having all that money and nobody noticing. $;o)
The Day 140 play I cashed out half, $50K, and took a check for the rest. I deposited that $50K cash at another casino.
I might have been wearing a suit. I might not have. I'd rather not get into specifics of how I dress.
In general when I get cash, if I'm going to be in the same casino and just go upstairs, I don't worry about it much. I don't even take the cash upstairs anyway I just put it in the hotel safety deposit box. If I am going to travel from one casino to another carrying cash or valuables, I generally take steps to make sure I am not being followed, have someone accompany or drive me from point to point, or all of the above.
The player who cashed out the full cellophane wrapped brick, over $100K of Blackjack winnings, had some kind of satin bag into which put all the cash. Does that mean that the player assumed that would win very big and came prepared to carry? I'd like to think so - I love to see people beat the h out of the casinos!
I actually, generally, do not cash out more than about 5K of my winnings (at a time). Just, lately, I've been wanting to make the winnings seem more REAL versus just a blip of a check into a bank account. A little irresponsible as in unnecessary, but, I have cashed out big versus just checks at least for those two sessions 139 and 140.
I haven't seen the swarms of scantily clad girls yet, but the complaints are already being logged about $1800. camping sites with no A/C.
EDC Campers Complain About No AC & Festival Shares Snarky Response
It's not very hot in Vegas this weekend though anyway...and aren't the girls all supposed to be bikini clad and hence well ventilated?
Went back to Baccarat, special very high limits!
There was quite a bit of up and down but ended up down, way down! How down? don't even want to post because with that level of loss you might be able to track MDawg down! Being up so much over all, I went for it!
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Unlucky, sir. And thank you for your honesty. Kudos for that, tempered by you not indicating how much of your recent wins was lost.Quote: MDawgDays 141 - 143 play
Went back to Baccarat, special very high limits!
There was quite a bit of up and down but ended up down, way down! How down? don't even want to post because with that level of loss you might be able to track MDawg down! Being up so much over all, I went for it!link to original post
If anything is going to identify you, wouldn't "special very high limits!" do so, anyway?
So, apart from the outcome, what else was different? Wrong state of mind? Bad mojo from the dealer? Unlucky person distracted you? Casino sneaky countermeasures? Didn't bring enough (markers) to the table for the session win goal?
What possessed you to not leave the table after a modest loss?
What possessed you to leave and take the hit for a big loss, or even more than one?
I note that you have grouped as 3 days play. Never noticed you do that before. May I ask, relatively speaking, how bad were the three sessions. (Or did you split days into even more table visits?)
E.g Lost xx,xxx: Lost >xx,xxx : Lost <xx,xxx
If 3 days lost on the run, that has to be something of a personal record?
So..... What's next? Try to catch up? Or just shrug and go back to your regular stakes?
Stay safe?
DD Blackjack. 200 - 12000.
Pretty much up all the way, although the largest bet came at a partial catch up time.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: MDawgDays 141 - 143 play
Went back to Baccarat, special very high limits!
There was quite a bit of up and down but ended up down, way down! How down? don't even want to post because with that level of loss you might be able to track MDawg down! Being up so much over all, I went for it!
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
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While I was playing the other night at the table I thought of two things that really pulled me through and allowed me to overcome obstacles that I encountered at the table.
1. Was you.
2. Was my 1970 Boss 302 Mustang in my garage that I almost have rebuilt that I’ve been working on for years.
Thanks, Marcus Clark
Mdawg,Quote: MDawgJust wasn’t good at all! What’s the solution? Maybe - to resume blackjack play?
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You disappoint me, sir. I can only imagine it's a consequence of your significant loss.
I sympathise. No really.
623 pages here and some 141 session reports, mostly extolling the merits of your playing style.
But when you have 1, 2, or is it 3 significant losing sessions, you treat us to "Just wasn’t good at all! "
I remember an early session where you clawerd back from -$8000 to leave the table $100 up, pleased to end on a win.
You've previously reported winning days of >$100k and back on session 76 you reported $115k lost. I seem to recall another big losing day of $8x,000.
So when you say that this time you lost an amount that might make you identifiable, I conclude you lost significantly more that $100k
Am I close?
And over 3 sessions? What's that all about?
These must have collectively been one monster of a loss, and I'm guessing that when you say you 'Went for it' that you really did 'Go for it'? What was 'it'? $1m? Was that your session goal? How close did you get? By what were you ahead before the wheels fell off? How long were these sessions. So much you never told us?
C'mon MDawg, don't make us wait for the book to come out?
Just think of the admiration you would get if you'd been able to come here and over on TP and tell us about your Million Dollar trip?
C'mon sir, we all know that $100k is not a life changing or trip changing event to you. Even if you'd made, or indeed lost, that million, that would probably be insignificant.
I have to speculate what happened. Speculate that you lost a good chunk of the trip profits so far? All of it?
Your one liner above barely does justice to the magnitude of these 'not good' sessions.
How great is Mdawg? Great enough to help us non-whales understand what it's like to win and lose a significant amount. And how it will (not?) affect the rest of your trip.
Please, when you've regrouped, consider coming back and tell us, tell your fans Marcus and ChallengeMilley, where, if anywhere, things went wrong. It has to be a great story, even if you are maybe a bit deflated at the moment.
I'm sorry CC. Are you not familiar with MDawg's posts? Your post made no sense to me.Quote: ChumpChangeIf he had $150K, I'd break that down into 60 sessions of 25 bet buy-ins, or 1500 bets total. That could barely make the $100 minimum table.
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You realise he is wagering many thousands per hand and supposedly winning some of them?
Quote: OnceDearYour one liner above barely does justice to the magnitude of these 'not good' sessions.
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... Better luck, MDawg. My fallible psychic powers say that Tuesday will be OK (unclear which Tuesday), and maybe play the restaurant tables until then.
If he had $750K, I'd break that down into 300 sessions of 25 bet buy-ins, or 7500 bets total. That could barely make the $100 minimum table. He can still do progressions from $100 on a series of wins. Last I heard from him, that could mean a $100, $200, $400 3-bet strategy or $100, $150, $200, and onward.
CC,Quote: ChumpChangeHe's been on a longer winning streak than I know.
If he had $750K, I'd break that down into 300 sessions of 25 bet buy-ins, or 7500 bets total. That could barely make the $100 minimum table. He can still do progressions from $100 on a series of wins. Last I heard from him, that could mean a $100, $200, $400 3-bet strategy or $100, $150, $200, and onward.
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You really haven't been paying attention $:o)
MDawg doesn't divide up his $xxx,xxx trip bankroll into daily or wager levels. He has markers and lines of credit 'behind the counter' ready to draw on at any session.
He certainly doesn't mess about with $100 bets. He also says he doesn't use progressive betting strategies like that, though he does seem to vary his buy-ins and bets significantly as his instincts require.
Yes, the inner wizard was definitely unleashed.

Additionally we went over my Baccarat wins and losses this trip and I’d say that I might be about even, or slightly up or down at Bacc.
After the latter 3 losing sessions?Quote: MDawgWizard and I got together recently and had a grand old time as he showed me a number of magic tricks he’s been working on. I was impressed.
Yes, the inner wizard was definitely unleashed.
Additionally we went over my Baccarat wins and losses this trip and I’d say that I might be about even, or slightly up or down at Bacc.
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I would have thought that assessing your overall profit / loss would be as easy as looking in the envelope and the numbers you recorded there?
Or is the issue that you don't know which profits were from BJ and which from Baccarat?

Quote: MDawgWizard and I got together recently and had a grand old time as he showed me a number of magic tricks he’s been working on. I was impressed.
Yes, the inner wizard was definitely unleashed.
Additionally we went over my Baccarat wins and losses this trip and I’d say that I might be about even, or slightly up or down at Bacc.
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I wonder if I have an inner wizard?
DD Blackjack. 500 - 20000.
Got up 10K, lost it, was minus -5K for a bit, then gradually to +15K, then "home."
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.

At this point, let me make a disclaimer that not only do I think betting systems can't beat the house edge in baccarat, they can't even dent it. This includes whatever Mdawg is doing, without knowing much about it. So, I am not endorsing anything he says. In fact, if he is implying a way to beat baccarat straight up, I would strongly disagree.
However, my respect for free speech is stronger than that. For that reason, I am unhiding this thread. I know this will be met with some controversy. That is fine. I don't expect everybody to agree with me about everything. I do expect everybody here to behave themselves and not make personal attacks.
In conclusion, as I have said many times, let me offer a radical idea to those who don't like Mdawg -- Block him and move on. I would also recommend watching the movie The People vs. Larry Flynt.
So, yeah, if you are into the BeeGees and enjoy playing to it - go to Resorts World, definitely 😇😎
It seems that the volume is suddenly turned up on the music at many of the casinos come swing shift. Trying to wake people up and make them thing that the next hand is going to be a sudden winner?
Still, over all, even the Cosmo can't compare to the awesome mix the old Hard Rock used to have going for it. At the time, it was the best place in town to go to groove to tunes on the casino floor, with the best sound system of its time too.
Didn't you make a deal/agreement with KJ regarding this thread?Quote: WizardI have noticed the temperature of this thread has gone down lately and those who participate are better behaved. Mdawg's confession about his baccarat play over the entirety of his trip I found to be very honest and commendable.
At this point, let me make a disclaimer that not only do I think betting systems can't beat the house edge in baccarat, they can't even dent it. This includes whatever Mdawg is doing, without knowing much about it. So, I am not endorsing anything he says. In fact, if he is implying a way to beat baccarat straight up, I would strongly disagree.
However, my respect for free speech is stronger than that. For that reason, I am unhiding this thread. I know this will be met with some controversy. That is fine. I don't expect everybody to agree with me about everything. I do expect everybody here to behave themselves and not make personal attacks.
In conclusion, as I have said many times, let me offer a radical idea to those who don't like Mdawg -- Block him and move on. I would also recommend watching the movie The People vs. Larry Flynt.
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And for those of you who don’t know anything about Larry Flynt, his Corporation and himself were the owners of the Hustler Casino in the Los Angeles area.
Quote: AxelWolfDidn't you make a deal/agreement with KJ regarding this thread?
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The deal was that I would move it to the "betting systems" category, which I did and haven't changed.